Showing posts with label Conspiracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conspiracy. Show all posts


Ruby Guns Down Oswald - Silence The Assassin

Ruby Guns Down Oswald
November 24th, 1963. Dallas, Texas. This is where it all began. Lee Harvey Oswald, already arrested, beaten, and interrogated in connection to the assassination of president John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was being held at police headquarters waiting to be transferred to a more secure location. Enter Jack Ruby.
Ruby stopped at his dry cleaners and then decided to walk over to the jail where the police were holding Oswald. Ruby walked right in, no one noticed him as the reporters and other security agents concentrated on the door Oswald was going to come through.
Ruby mingled in the crowd positioning himself closer waiting for Oswald to enter and seconds later, the Kennedy Assassination conspiracy began. Ruby shot and killed Oswald at point blank range and his aim was true. Oswald slumped to the ground, still handcuffed to the Texas Marshal assigned to escort him to the county jail.
An hour later, Oswald was pronounced dead and Ruby quickly surrendered and was arrested. Ruby shouted out that he shot Oswald to avenge the death of President Kennedy. Ruby died in prison several years later from cancer.
The seeds of a terrible conspiracy were planted that day. Before Ruby shot Oswald, there was only one gunman, and it was Oswald who acted alone. The next day, people seemed to remember the events at Dealy Plaza a little differently. Perhaps there were shots that came from the little grassy knoll before the underpass. Perhaps there were four shots fired. Perhaps some from the front.
Today, 40 plus years later, after countless books, papers, reports, documentaries, and movies on the assassination each adding or subtracting elements of the actual days events to suit their thesis, many of the younger generation really don’t know what happened that day. Oliver Stone’s movie, JFK, 1991, distorted the facts of the assassination even more adding evidence and events that never occurred. Now it all seems like an old movie.
Fact is, Oswald did shoot Kennedy, hitting him at least once in the back of the head which was the fatal shot. Oswald did assassinate president Kennedy but thanks to Jack Ruby, there will always remain doubt that he acted alone and that a possible second shooter was lurking on the grassy knoll assisting in the assassination to guarantee their objective.
A carefully orchestrated conspiracy plan or simply a dejected lone gunman wanting to make a name for himself. Forty plus years later, hard to tell.
Welcome to the 101 of a conspiracy theory.


8 Responses to “Ruby Guns Down Oswald”

  1. George Senda said

    For those of you who want a piece of gen-u-ine con-spir-acy his-to-ry, the gun that Ruby used to kill Oswald is up for auction.
    The owner paid $200,000 for it a few years ago.
    The gun was bought by Ruby for $62.50.
    It’s expected to go for more than a million bucks.
    If I had won the lotto for big bucks, just think what a conversation piece that would make framed on the wall.
    Maybe put it in your bathroom above the toilet as a conversation starter when your buddies come over for poker…
    ” Hey Harry. I was just in Al’s bathroom and guess what he’s got hanging over the toilet… ”

  2. Hilarleo said

    You suggest Oswald “wanted to make a name for himself”?
    This is the same speculation you accuse others of.
    Among his very few clear statements about the execution of JFK is this straightforward answer to a reporter’s question
    “Why did you shoot the president?”
    “I didnt kill anybody” he said; “I’m just a patsy …”
    That’s not the way I ‘d try to go about ensuring a macho infamy.
    Whatever state of mind he was in, what Oswald said was not the boast of fame-seeking thrill-killers that you suggest.
    I’d love to know your explanation for the evidence seen on the Zapruder film… Backward physics? Magic bullets?

  3. Gumby said

    And yet dickwads like yourself bring up his name and continue the conspiracy. Oswald’s name will live on in history more than most serial killers.

  4. Melanie said

    God told me that the man that killed JFK was a policeman. The killer and shooters name is JD Tippit. One of his co-conspirators is Gayle Marshall Tippit. Both worked in the Dallas Police Department in 1963. These two were paid.

  5. Jim Porter said

    Ruby didn’t stop at his dry cleaners, he was at the western Union wiring money to one of his stripers. The fact is Oswald was the alleged shooter and always will be alleged.


In God We Trust

The Grassy Knoll Institute, as many of you know, has thrown our collective hats into the political arena and announced that we are running for president of the united States in 2008 and by God, we will try our hardest to tackle the issues honestly and clearly. (Wait a minute, in today's age, using God in a speech is political suicide.) And that is what todays rant is about. God in American culture.

We at the Grassy Knoll institute believe that we, as a nation, nay, strike that, the entire human race is on the verge of a major event in time. End of the world perhaps, fire and brimstone, good VS evil, cats and dogs. And what about the twinkie? Sit back in your chairs folks, sip your tea, drink your coffee, chug your Coke or Pepsi. I'm digging in.......

If you look at our Declaration of Independence, the second paragraph clearly states and I quote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Ain't that grand. We, all of us, have these rights, with the guidance of the creator, to seek happiness. *Cue the happy ending music* (Wait, that ain't In A Godda Da Vida Baby)

If we look at what society is doing right now, here, today, yesterday, and surely tomorrow, is taking God, the Creator out of the equation all together. Every American reading this, quickly, right now, open your wallet or purse, grab a dollar bill, or a fiver, or any denomination. Do you see the "In God We Trust" engraved on that bill? Good, its there for a reason. It’s a warning sign. Our forefathers were very smart men, and oh yea, devout Christians.

(Still with me? Good. It'll be worth it....)
Today in any public school, we are not permitted, nay, it is ILLEGAL, unconstitutional, to speak the Lords name. Yet, every child that buys lunch in that school pays with money stamped with IN GOD WE TRUST on it. If we cannot speak the name of God, why is it permitted to be written on our currency?

It’s a warning!!! Remember?

Our very own Declaration of Independence, one of the most precious and revered documents, is, according to today’s norms, ILLEGAL, for it speaks of trusting in God and the Creator. Our current government has deemed these words unconstitutional. It has effectively removed God from our Constitution, our laws, our rules, our way of life.

Lets go back to that second paragraph of the declaration of Independence. "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles"

Our forefathers gave us the power, nay, the responsibility to abolish any government that swayed from our Constitution. By taking God out of the equation, the Constitution has been altered to in such a way that this governing body cannot repair it.

Look at your money. Look at the schools we send our children to. Look at the corrupt politicians voting themselves pay raises and making deals to allow jobs to leave the states so as to make a couple more bucks to line their retirement pockets.

Our forefathers are reminding us each and every day we buy any commodity with our hard earned dollar bills. It’s time to say NO! No more. Time to draw the line in the sand. Time to throw the goddamn tea back into the harbor.

Otherwise, as I alluded to at the very beginning of this rant, religion will be extinguished from this nation giving rise to that world event I spoke of. Yes, the dawn of the anti-christ.


Credit Card Gift Card

A Grassy Knoll Institute Holiday Shopping Tip

Thanksgiving is no longer a holiday to remember the Pilgrims sitting down with the Indians for a meal. It is now the kickoff day for the holiday shopping season feeding frenzy. Shoppers will flock in droves to the stores for those early bargains, deep discounted items, and door buster one-day only specials. But buyers beware. There is a new gift out there this year. The CREDIT CARD Gift Card. Yes, this gift just recently surfaced the past several years but is deemed to be one the most popular gifts given this holiday season. And the retailers love it.

Lets say you decide to get a $100.00 gift card for the family member on your list that is tough to buy for. After Christmas, said family member happily embarks to the local mall to buy, say, a pair of shoes. He pays $85.40 including tax. He then buys a pack of sports socks, his favorite team for $13.49 including tax. He has spent $98.89 and is happy that he got what he wanted. And, the credit card company is happy for said family member now has $1.11 left on his account and it is very difficult to purchase anything at the mall for that amount.

The credit card company will keep that balance available for approximately 6 months and then clear the account reaping in that $1.11 as profit. Multiply this amount by several million cards and it turns out to be a pretty sweet business venture.

I found this out last winter while shopping. My son had one of those gift cards good at any store in the Southern park Mall in Youngstown, Ohio. He used a good portion of it up and wanted to buy a calendar with the remaining balance. The clerk was unable to see the balance on the card and tried to complete the transaction. The computer beeped back that there wasn't enough on the card. My son tried a lower number and would pay the difference in cash.

He had to try 5 times before the computer would accept the amount entered. And still, my son didn't know how much was left on the card. Now wait a minute for everyone that is going to tell me that there is a website you can visit and enter the card number to see the balance, but when you are already at the mall, its a tough call.

So, what have we learned at the Grassy Knoll Institute today? When giving a monetary gift for Christmas, make it cash, not the gift credit card.



And Jupiter Aligns With Mars

And Jupiter Aligns With Mars
The recent bizarre weather patterns, or lack there of have not gone unnoticed at the Grassy Knoll Institute. Since the onset of winter in December of 2002, the seasons seem to be blurring together. This winter in the states, the weather was much more severe than in many years past. It seemed to snow almost every day and the temperature was constantly below freezing. As spring began to blossom, the same strange pattern occurred. Precipitation.

Yes, it usually rains in spring, but the rainfall was far above the average and the temperature remained unseasonably cooler than normal. The same pattern as spring gave way to summer. It rained constantly. More precipitation than in years past and the temperature was at least 10 degrees cooler than normal.

Many cities and towns were deluged with what is referred to as “The hundred year rain cycle" flooding streets, rivers cresting, and destruction of property in the hundreds of millions of dollars. This not only happened once, but twice in less than three weeks time. Two ferocious storm patterns with the intensity of the hundred-year rain wreaked havoc causing F.E.M.A. to take action declaring many states disaster area’s after the second storm hit.

Heavy rainstorm systems are not the only peculiar events this season. These storm systems have produced more tornadoes and hurricanes so far this year than ever before recorded in history.

Earthquakes have also increased during the same time period with many dormant fault zones becoming alive again with tremors registering sizable movement and damage.

As strange as it sounds, volcano eruptions have increased in the same time frame and the famed Yellowstone National Park also showed a huge jump in seismic activity leading scientists to believe that this hot bed area will soon erupt and change the landscape of Yellowstone. The last large eruption in Yellowstone was approximately 60,000 years ago and it is due for another gigantic eruption.

The Grassy Knoll Institute has been analyzing all these strange patterns and has come to the realization that there is no conspiracy coverup involved even as some rumors abound about the Government conducting weather altering experiments actually being able to control the weather as they see fit. To this theory, the Grassy Knoll Institute simply says...BULL.

There is a much simpler yet deadlier explanation to the strange weather patterns. One simply needs to look into the night sky for the answer. Search for the moon in the sky. Now, look to the right of the moon. Do you see that bright red shining object? The object that wasn’t visible to the naked eye a mere month ago. That object is the planet Mars. The fourth planet from the sun, our celestial neighbor, and it has come to pay us a visit.

On the 27th of August in 2003, Mars was the closest to Earth than it ever has been in the past 60,000 years. The planet Mars for the next 10 years will become "Close" neighbors with Earth. Approximately every 60,000 years Mars orbit moves in a much nearer approach towards Earth and will continue to be visible in the night sky until late October 2013. Coincidentally, the last time Yellowstone Park had a gigantic eruption was 60,000 years ago. Coincidence, the Grassy Knoll Institute thinks not.

The Grassy Knoll Institute believes Mars is the cause for the strange weather patterns we are having all around the globe? Mars is changing our seasons as it comes closer to the Earth? Mars is cooling the oceans creating weather changes turning dry areas into wetlands?

Does Mars have this power? When we look at the moon and the power it has over our oceans causing high and low tides with it’s gravitational pull, one would tend to believe that a planet the size of Mars would also have an effect on our oceans that determine out weather conditions. Mars, like the moon, has tremendous gravitational pull and with the combined pull of both the moon and Mars on our tectonic plates near earthquake fault lines, certainly the increase of earthquakes and tremors throughout the world can be attributed to this.

Beginning on the 28th, August 2003, Mars slowly began to start to move away distancing itself back to its regular orbit of more than 30 million miles away. This move will take up to ten years. The speed in which Mars returns to its orbit will be gradual ensuring an early fall season and a harsh, wet and cold winter. This pattern will continue for 10 years.


Perhaps 50 million years ago, the dinosaurs looked up and gazed upon a strange light in the sky. Perhaps Mars inched even closer to Earth that time. Perhaps close enough to change the entire globes climate, sending the Earth into an ice age sealing the fate of the dinosaur. The Grassy Knoll Institute will keep its eyes focused skyward.



Beatles - Abbey Road 1969

Beatles Abbey Road Conspiracy Record Album
Beatles Abbey Road Conspiracy Record Album
Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowly
He got joo-joo eyeball he one holy roller
He got hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker he just do what he please

The Beatles, the most popular rock band in the world, created their biggest selling album, Abbey Road, as their last album ever recorded. In 1969, the Beatles fab four were nothing of the sort. Bickering and infighting over Yoko and where the band was heading had Paul and John constantly fighting. However, the music did not suffer as Abbey Road produced classic hits such as Come Together, Something, Here Comes The sun, Octopus's Garden, and The End.

This album also is shrouded with conspiracy as the Paul is dead hoax was at its pinnacle of popularity. Supposedly the album cover, showing the Beatles crossing Abbey Road, depicted an English burial scene. John, dressed in white was the angel leading the way. Ringo, dressed in black as the minister. Paul, dressed in a blue suit, the dead corpse, and George, dressed in jeans, as the grave digger. Also, Paul was left handed but was holding his cigarette in his right hand. Paul is also out of step with the other Beatles. And the license plate on the Volkswagon on the left, it says 28IF, as in Paul would 28 if he were still alive. In the background, three lads look on, depicting the surviving Beatles, and the four are walking to the graveyard. You can see the grave yard fence in the background.

The back of Abbey Road had several clues as well. The letter S in the Beatles has a crack through it signifying the Beatles are broken up with Paul being dead. And if you count up all the bricks on the wall, it is the number of songs released by Lennon and McCartney. (Not really, I just made that up.)
The back cover also has the song titles and the famous Apple logo.

The actual vinyl record, with the famous green Apple logo. The front side had the entire label in green while side B had the Apple slice, as in the Apple cut in half. The Album is numbered, mine is SO-383 and the album is produced by George Martin.

It is such a pity that the Beatles never got back together again. They finally found their groove and Yoko split up the band.

Beatles Abbey Road Paul Is Dead Hoax
Beatles Abbey Road Paul Is Dead Hoax

Beatles Abbey Road Vinyl Album Apple
Beatles Abbey Road Vinyl Album Apple



Ghost Hunters Jumped The Shark

Last Night, Halloween evening, Sci-Fi channels Ghost Hunters, the widely popular reality television program, conducted a "Live" investigation at the Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky. The camera's went live at 9pm EST and continued to glow until 3am Thursday morning. A full six hours of ghost busting. Captured on camera.

The Atlantic Paranormal Society, (TAPS) headed up by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, (Lead investigators) chose the Waverly Hills location for its high concentration of paranormal activity and noted as one of the scariest haunted places on earth. A perfect selection indeed.

Sidenote: Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson are ghost busters at night and hold down full time day jobs as plumbers for a national chain, Roto Rooter.

The sanatorium opened in the early 1900's and in that time over 60,000 people died within the walls of the sanatorium and some believe many of these lost souls haunt the hallways still today.

The stage was set to catch some ghosts, or at least some empirical evidence that spirits do exist. TAPS even incorporated the help of their viewers via a Live Internet feed where thousands can watch multiple camera's and if any activity is spotted, click a "Panic" button alerting the TAPS team so they could send a team pronto.

Josh Gates was host to the live airing and made sure to mention his own show, 'Destination Truth' numerous times. They even invited guests to the haunts, ECW wrestler, Elijah Burke to help assist in the investigation.

The catch phrase, "Lights Out" was said and the haunt was on. For six hours straight. Each crew of two selected a floor of the sanatorium walking slowly down the hallways calling out to the dearly departed in hopes of proof that ghosts exist.

A children's bouncing ball was used in an attempt to bait one of the spirits, suspected to be a little boy, to kick the ball on camera. At least half a dozen times, camera's were trained on the bouncing ball sitting still in the hallway, with the investigators egging the spirit to kick the ball, push the ball, move the ball, anything with the ball. The ball still hasn't moved.

Other times, the crews chased shadows that could not be seen on the TV, and heard sounds, a woman crying, a child singing, spirits shuffling along, moans, groans, and wails. All of which could not be detected on television.

Elijah Burke freaked out as he supposedly saw something, a shadow, or a spirit, and felt it touch him. He bolted down the hall way running away in terror. Sadly, that was the high point of the show.

Josh Gates would break in from time to time updating the incredible amount of evidence that was being gathered, (I think he was watching another program) and then cut to commercial.

Six hours later, it was all over but the shouting. But one more thing was left undone.

An obligatory phone call to Geraldo Rivera letting him know that he is now off the hook for his "Live" television program, 'Al Capone's Secret Vault' (And the three hours of wasted film and time) as being the worst reality TV show ever broadcast.

Meanwhile, Fonzie, the hip beatnick from the popular sitcom 'Happy Days' was out in the Waverly Hills parking lot jumping a shark....

Happy Halloween



Internet Virus Conspiracy

The Grassy Knoll Institute Reveals An Internet Virus Conspiracy

Another wave of Internet virus strains are infecting millions of computers. The previous headline is becoming common place in the computer age in which we live. Billions of dollars and valuable resources are being spent to combat and deter these virus outbreaks. Yet, after one strain is brought under control, another more powerful and destructive one erupts in the electrons of cyberspace forcing an unending vicious cycle of perpetual doom and gloom to consumers and manufacturers alike.

The MYDOOM virus is an excellent example. MYDOOM attacked the vulnerability of Microsoft powered computers through back doors and cracks in the firewalls. The virus sent a denial of service to a specific website effectively shutting down the site. The computers infected with MYDOOM virus were turned into slave drones and forced them to send that website millions of emails that overloaded the server effectively shutting down the site. And this happened to Microsoft, one of the most powerful software companies in the world.

What is my point you ask?
Many think that these virus strains are merely prototypes, tests if you will, on the Internet backbone and are a prelude to a much broader scale of terrorism via the Internet. MYDOOM virus infected millions of computers in just 48 hours. Could it be that each new strain has an added feature to test certain area's of the Internet structure, learning and building a better virus vehicle on the way. Perhaps the next strain will be more powerful and affect more than just one website and deny service to critical business agencies.

Some also believe it is a prelude to the coming of the antichrist. It fits all the criteria set.

The Grassy Knoll Institute will be watching.


Nostradamus And Pope John Paul First

Grassy Knoll Institute delves into the Quatrains of Nostradamus. This time, we look at religious connections with a recent pope.

Pope John Paul I was elected in August of 1978 and help the Papacy for a mere 33 days. He followed 3 other popes who ruled for a short periods of time as well. 5 Popes in 20 years.
Nostradamus was very interested in the time of man, especially the 3rd Millennium, as three is the number of man. He wrote in his Quatrains back in the 1500's about a plot to kill the pope concocted by the Vatican council. I will post his Quatrains at the end but first the actual facts of the death of Pope John Paul I.

Pope John Paul I ruled for 33 days. In his very short reign, he ordered an investigation of the Freemasons, a powerful religious group, and the Mafia concerning a rumored murder committed involving several clergy in the church.

On the night of his death, Pope John Paul I gave a list to Cardinal Villot of people he wanted removed from power.

The pope died mysteriously the next day. The list given to Cardinal Villot singling out several was never seen again.

No post mortem was done on the pope. He was deemed dead from natural causes. The Pope was cremated, which went against the Catholic religion, especially for the Pope.

Pope John Paul II was elected on his third try, (There’s that number three again) and reigned until his death earlier this year. The new Pope, Joe Radzinger, Pope Benedict the XVI was quickly elected and is the first Pope elected in the new Millennium.

There are two Quatrains that validate my Grassy Knoll theory. The first one is from:
Century IV Quatrain XI

He who will have government of the great cape will be led to execute them in some cases.
The twelve red ones will come to spoil the cover, under murder, murder will be perpetrated.
Nostradamus always referred to the Popes as the great cape. The twelve red ones are of course the 12 Cardinals, college of Cardinals who elect the pope.
Did the new pope uncover evidence that several Cardinals were involved in some sort of cover up? Did he move quickly to remove these men from power but keep them from prosecution? Did the Cardinals fear for their prestige and new found knowledge of the new pope so much that he was murdered?

Here is the next Quatrain:
Century V Quatrain XCIII

After the seat has been held for seventeen years,
five will change within the same period of time.
Then one will be elected at the same time who will not be to agreeable to the Romans.
OK, lets look at the last several popes beginning with Pope John XXIII, 1958-63. Then Pope Paul VI, 1963-78. John Paul I, 1978. And John Paul II, 1978-2005. Did Nostradamus misinterpret Pope John Paul I as two popes? After all, Pope John Paul I was the first Pope in history to select two first names as Pope. So Nostradamus sees John, Paul, John Paul, John Paul. An easy mistake, especially being 400 years looking into the future.

Getting to the first pope elected in the 3rd Millennium, Pope Benedict XVI, who Nostradamus says will not be agreeable with the Romans. Benedict served before Pope as the guardian of the Catholic law. He believes in the Catholic religion to the letter. He is not open to change, or flexible on the interpretation of the Catholic faith. He will not be too agreeable with the ROMAN Catholics.


Vanguard Of An Invading Army

Strange and unexpected happenings are occurring on Pluto, our most distant planet in the solar system. Pluto is the focal point of many scientific studies and conjecture as of late. Vast amount of equipment and resources are being expended on Pluto and the Grassy Knoll Institute wants to know why.

The Grassy Knoll Institute has obtained these facts so far on our distant planet. Like Mars, Pluto is closer to Earth than it has been in many years. Pluto is just now beginning to move away from the sun and the Earth returning back to its regular orbit. Pluto's atmosphere is also getting thicker even though it is moving away from the sun. In fact, the atmosphere is now so thick it completely obscures the surface of the planet.

Adding to the mystery, NASA has had the Hubble telescope trained on Pluto for over a year now snapping pictures as fast as it can focus. Many of the images show small disc like objects entering and exiting the planets atmosphere. These discs are coming from outside our solar system and do not have an orbit pattern. NASA has claimed that these so-called objects are merely dust particles that have been magnified by the suns closer proximity to the planet. NASA then immediately classified all the data incoming from Hubble and the radio telescopes that monitor sound wave and transmissions.

The Grassy Knoll Institute believes that these discs prove that life exists outside our solar system and these discs are actually alien ships using the planet Pluto as a space warehouse. If this is true, then the question begging to be asked is what are the aliens on Pluto doing and why are they amassing supplies and more and more ships there?

NASA plans on launching a probe to the planet in late 2006 to study the new thick expanding atmosphere and to discover the true identity of the discs surrounding Pluto. The only problem is that the probe won’t reach Pluto for more than 13 years from now.

Does NASA know more than they are telling?

Does NASA possess another Mars face type photo?

Is the government already covering up this monumental discovery of potential proof of life outside our own Earth's boundary?

Or, like War of the Worlds, is this the vanguard of an invading army?



War Of The Worlds Conspiracy

War of the Worlds Conspiracy
War of the Worlds Conspiracy
War of the Worlds Conspiracy

No, no, no. Not the Tom Cruise Katie Holmes baby announcement. I'm talking real Halloween legend conspiracy.

Halloween setup or real conspiracy cover-up? We all know the story of H.G. Wells War Of The Worlds. What many don't know is that his novel was used as a clever Government cover-up of an Alien race making first contact to retrieve a crashed ship.

The Grassy Knoll Institute knew if news of an alien ship landing reached the mass populace, wide spread hysteria would ensue and military secrets that have been obtained from the alien crash would now be brought out into the open. What the Government needed was a ploy to confuse and diffuse the situation. What better way than to use a radio broadcast hosted by Orson Wells, a respected actor and radio personality. They contracted Wells and used national security as the guise to convince Wells to spread misinformation and then have Wells at the end of his broadcast proclaim that it was all a hoax, a joke before Halloween.

Orson Wells used a news broadcast format interrupting the regularly scheduled show to leak out small amounts of information to peak the interest of his listeners. Then all hell broke loose. Wells announced that a huge flaming object had been spotted descending from the sky over New Jersey. Reports started coming in from Grovers Mill, New Jersey that a shiny cylindrical object had landed there, in a farmers field.

Mass panic erupted when it was reported that Martians had landed and that they were in a terrible battle with the military. Talk of hideous aliens emerging from the ships with V shaped mouths using laser type weapons to destroy tanks and military equipment kept the audience close to the radio. Even the media itself was fooled into believing these events were occurring as they picked up on the story and broadcast it to many other radio stations. The rest is history as this became the greatest Halloween prank of all time.

Now that the elaborate hoax was implemented, it was very easy to cover-up the real invasion, or attempted recovery by the alien race. The United States now had their plausible deniability in place claiming it was just a radio broadcast and that anyone that really saw something was paranoid and should just try to calm down.

The United States now had the time to understand the alien technology and to adapt it to their own machines and technology. It was excellent timing for it was 1938 and the world was on the verge of the second world war with Germany invading Poland. The United States would use the alien craft technology to help them win the war. By studying the power plant of the alien craft, Albert Einstein would realize his mathematical equations were correct and help perfect the ultimate weapon of destruction, the atomic bomb.

Space flight, the shuttle, and stealth bombers would later be developed using the alien knowledge to help keep America strong and the most powerful nation the world has ever, or will ever see.



Mars Moon Phobos Is Hollow

Mars Moon Phobos Is Hollow
Mars Moon Phobos Not Made Of Cheese
With the arrival of two more rovers transmitting data from the planet Mars, it's moon Phobo's has sparked interest once again. Hopes are high that today's technology will finally be able to put to rest a 40 plus year debate on whether the moon is a natural satellite or a hollow manufactured moon. Conjecture has it that Phobos is a Martian military base abandoned long ago after Mars atmosphere escaped dooming the Martian race unless an evacuation plan was in place.

Tantalizing photographs have shown perfectly round docking ports hidden inside the moons craters which would allow Martian ships to dock and supply the base and provide transport to and from Mars.

Other photographs show an intricate mining operation on Phobos. Apparently, the moon is being concealed from prying eyes attached to powerful telescopes to keep the moon base a well guarded secret.

All of the spacecraft so far sent to Mars have focused only on landing on the red planet utterly ignoring it's moons orbiting the planet. Some speculated that the failed missions actually were targeted to land or orbit Phobos to photograph and to survey the surface. These 25 or so missions failed with the space craft going silent never to be heard or seen from again with not a single bit of data gathered. Were these spacecrafts shot down by a Phobos weapons system that is still active today even with the Martian race long since gone? Is the system some sort of automated array designed to keep it's secrets well hidden, even going as far as destroying each and every probe that dared cross it's path?

Imagine the wondrous technology just waiting to be discovered on Phobos. Perhaps on NASA's next mission, it will be announced that it is targeting Phobos to better understand it's orbit and design. That will be the official announcement while the actual mission will be to attempt to land or achieve orbit on Phobos to hopefully unlock it's technological alien wonders.

George Bush is willing to spend trillions on this project. It better be more fruitful than bringing back a couple of rocks to put into a museum.

President Bush also wants to establish a manned mission to Phobos within the next twenty years as well.



New Generation Stealth Jet

New Generation Stealth Technology
New Generation Stealth Tech
New Generation Stealth Jet

The Stealth Bomber made its debut in 1981 after years of denial that it existed by the United States Government. The Stealth project was such a closely guarded secret that only a handful of people knew of it’s entire capabilities.

As flight tests of the Stealth began at Area 51, the supposedly secret base hidden in the Nevada desert, UFO sightings began to increase in not only that region, but in others as well. Until the Stealth debuted, the popular explanation was UFO’s. Now that the Stealth is common knowledge, many of the UFO sightings were explained away as people actually spotting the Stealth on one of its many secret flights. Or, maybe that’s what the Government wants the public to believe. But that’s another conspiracy theory that the Grassy Knoll Institute won’t get into right now.

With the extremely successful Stealth bomber and fighter jets at the ripe old age of 24 years, the Grassy Knoll Institute has uncovered the next generation of the Stealth Jet. The past 20 plus years of new design and technology has been outfitted to the new stealth and is now close to it's immediate parent of the space ship that crashed at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

There are two types of new generation Stealth planes being tested at Area 51. One is the logical next step to the original stealth with vast improvements to engine design and output, with increased payload capacity, longer mission range, more nimble manueverability, and speeds upwards to Mach 10. This is the stealth plane that will eventually be debuted in an upcoming war or border skirmish. It will have the look and feel of the atypical stealth, (single wing, charcoal in color, hidden engines) but with the added bonus features and additions of light refracting prisms that will make the stealth undetectable to the human eye as well as the most sophisicated radar detection devices. Rumor has it that the new Stealth jet will be flown by remote control eliminating any possible harm to the pilot in combat missions.

The second type is a radical new design plane that has the appearance of a flying black triangle. The new stealth is rumored to be able to escape the boundaries of Earths atmosphere and operate in space better than our current space shuttle. The design is attracting many UFO sightings as eyewitnesses describe giant black triangles appearing in the night sky, hovering quietly, and then speeding out of sight in the blink of an eye. Many feel that most of the so-called alien triangle ship sightings can be attributed to the new generation USAF Stealth plane. The power plant of this stealth is the first of it's kind using nuclear power as it's fuel giving the plane unlimited range inside earths atmosphere or in the cold vastness of space. The need to stop and refuel is now nonexistent and only the limitations of the pilot will ground the plane.

The speed of the new stealth is almost unlimited in space. By utilizing it's sleek triangle plane design the stealth has zero drag enabling the plane to resist heat and friction as it accelerates past speeds we could only once imagine. With it's unlimited power supply, the new stealth will pioneer the beginning of the next step of space exploration. The new stealth will be able to rocket to the moon and back in just under a day. A manned Mars exploration will now be possible with the new stealth reaching the red planet in mere weeks.

A new dawn in mankind exploration has begun with the new millennium and by the end of the zero decade, manned flights to Mars and beyond will be a common occurrence.


St. George And The Dragon

St George And Saddam’s Secret Treasure

A little lesson is mythology. The story of St. George and the Dragon is our Grassy Knoll Institute conspiracy this week. In modern daytime, we can call this story President George and the Saddam. Of course, President Bush is St. George and Saddam Hueissen is the dragon. To familiarize ourselves about the story, the fire-breathing dragon was a cunning beast that possessed the gift of flight and the ability to project immense fire from its mouth. More often than not, the dragon was depicted as guarding a priceless treasure in an isolated area.

The dragon ruthlessly guarded the treasure from all seekers and defended its treasure to its last breath. The dragon doesn't actually know or how to use the treasure but simply guards it waiting for the next hero to attempt. The myth goes that one day St. George rescues a princess held captive by a dragon and in doing so, slays the dragon in a desperate vicious battle.

So, how does all this refer to a UFO downed in Iraq? Don’t worry; the Grassy Knoll Institute is getting to that part. Jump to modern time. Bush, (St. George) and Saddam, (Dragon) were locked in a key deadly showdown on weapons of mass destruction. Bush knew Saddam would not surrender his treasure, the so-called 93-mile plus missiles and chemical warfare plants without a fight. One does not have to be an FBI profiler to predict the outcome of this scenario. All one has to do is look back at mythology and the dragon story. St. George will rescue the fair young maiden and rid the world of the evil dragon once and for all. And they lived happily ever after.

End of story right? Not on the Grassy Knoll Institute its not. The Grassy Knoll Institute has uncovered evidence that a UFO crash landed hundreds of years ago in the desert, which is now Iraq. Saddam has recovered the wreckage and his team of scientists has been studying the ship and its technology but to no avail. The United States government knows this and wants to lay claim to the alien technology much like they have done since 1947 when an alien craft crash-landed in Roswell, New Mexico.

Since then, clandestine government organizations have been reverse engineering alien technology unlocking more and more secrets that the alien craft had long held secret.

The United States government is hoping that by studying the Iraqi craft they can better understand the damaged portions of their own craft and by piecing together both crafts, build an actual working model and possibly pilot a new prototype plane or space exploration vehicle. Not to mention the weapons capacity that are surely on board both crafts.

Let us not forget the inventions harvested so far from the Roswell crash in 1947. Fiber optics, the ability to transmit billions of bits of information in nanoseconds over thousands of miles. Fiber optic cables are hundreds of times more efficient than standard copper cable, many times thinner, and delivers a superior quality picture and sound when decoded.

Stealth technology now makes our jet fighters invisible to radar so they can safely hone in on their target and strike and return safely to base without the enemy knowing where the planes were. Another major by-product from the Roswell crash was the microprocessor.

Once computers were as big as office rooms, needing massive amounts of power for computing. Along came the microprocessor and computers have shrunk in size to an almost unbelievable small size and while they shrank in appearance, the power of the computer had increased several thousand percent and is ever increasing in leaps and bounds each and every year.

1948 began the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Just two years before, they were allies winning World War II bringing peace to the planet. The question to be asked here is why so sudden that both governments became unfriendly? Was it because the Soviets knew of the Roswell crash?

Did they also track via radar this vehicle streaking across the sky at a speed faster than any American or Russian plane? Were the Russians asking the tough questions that the Americans did not want to answer? This brings us to the brink of cold war once again. Will George the Dragon Slayer Bush continue to press Iraq under the guise of war in his search for alien technology? Or, will the Dragon Saddam keep his treasure cleverly hidden in hopes of some day acquiring the knowledge to reverse engineer his own alien crashed vehicle and unlock his own technological inventions.

One only need look at history to see the outcome of this scenario. St. George always rescues the damsel in distress and slays the dragon.



Who Stole President Kennedys Brain

Was JFK First Recipient Of Alien Cloning
Whatever happened To JFK’s brain and body?
Forty one years ago JFK was assassinated by who some believe was a lone gunman by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald. Patrons of the Grassy Knoll know otherwise. The Grassy Knoll Institute will now offer up and expose yet another startling conspiracy theory about Camelot and our 35th President of the United States.
As the Limo whisked away on that fateful November day in Texas with Jackie trying to hold her husbands brain in his head as best she could, an elaborate conspiracy and cover up was underway. The military took possession of JFK’s body immediately after arriving at the hospital and his body was not seen again. The autopsy photo’s showed extension damage to his throat and head that clearly shot holes in the lone gunman theory for there were several wound entry points from the back and from the front. Oswald could only hit the target from the rear.
Jackie boarded Air Force One and watched and witnessed then Vice President LBJ sworn in as the 36th President. Several days later a Nation wept as they watched the funeral procession of our fallen President. Oswald would also be forever silenced by Jack Ruby.
Camelot was dead never to rise again……Or was it?
The military had to act quickly. Kennedy’s brain would soon be inoperable and time was of the essence if they were to pull this cover up off.
Does this sound to far fetched, even for the Grassy Knoll Institute? Are we talking about a modern day Frankenstein? We could be. Technology is available today for cloning, not just wheat grain or corn, or even animals like Dolly the sheep, but also humans. Wait a minute though, we’re talking about 1963 when cloning was a mere figment of the imagination. No way did the Government have the scientific capability to perform such a procedure of creating a complete human clone including one’s essence.
That’s where a little town of Roswell comes in. An alien aircraft crashed landed back in 1947. Everyone knows that story of aliens crashing in the desert and the military covering up and squelching all data and information before to much could be leaked out. But of course there is more to the story. Scientists discovered how these aliens were able to span the great distances of space and the years of travel needed just to get from one galaxy to another. Scientists unlocked that secret by studying the crafts flight logs, journals and computer system. They found that the aliens used cloning to replicate themselves while on their extended journeys. Their technique was so complete it was impossible to tell the difference between clones in appearance and intellect.
The cloning technique not only cloned the body, but mind and spirit as well. The true essence of the person. When the aliens aged in space flight, they simply cloned themselves instead of breeding.
With this knowledge and technology, even in 1963, scientists could have sampled DNA from JFK’s brain and body and actually cloned JFK. Now, 41 years later and maybe, just maybe, a new Democratic contender with a striking resemblance to a former President may come into the limelight…….


9 Responses to “Who Stole Kennedy’s Brain”

  1. Ham said

    what a load of bullshit

  2. LOTGK said

    When did you figure this revelation out Ham?

  3. Danny said

    somebody has too much time on their hands…I agree with Ham,sad thing is,a lot of people will buy this crap.
    Mr Kennedy was definately murdered by a”self-serving coalition”,we may never know who for sure so lets leave it at that…

  4. LOTGK said

    Oh Danny Boy, the pipes the pipes are calling….
    Perhaps you didn’t read the title of this blog either.
    It is the home of the 99 cent conspiracy.
    I’ll leave it at that for you.

  5. TPS said

    Actually Kennedy’s brain is probably in the Skull and Bones Tomb at Yale.

  6. LOTGK said

    Certainly no where near Bush or Congress…..

  7. Gladys Vazquez said

    Is President John F. Kennedy really alive? Please don’t the secret.

  8. Robyne said

    After LBJ’s death, his mistress publicly admitted he was behind JFK’s murder

  9. Zac said

    JFK’s brain was sent somewhere after the reported him dead his body im not sure what happen to it but i no his brain was frozen and stored somewhere in a goverment facility now a recent is spreading around that the goverment is telling us his brain has gone “missing” who the hell just looses a presidents frozen brain a goverment facility something is going on and we the public probably will neverknow because are goverent is a bunch of assholes.