To mark the 45th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination on November 22nd, 1963, I offer these photos taken back in June of this year. The photos are of the Texas School Book Depository, the infamous grassy knoll, Dealey Plaza, and the spot marked on the highway where president Kennedy was first shot. Make sure to click the thumb nail for a larger version.

Dallas, Texas, June of 2008. The view from the infamous grassy knoll. Conspiracy theories begin here, where eye witnesses heard and saw smoke and gun shots coming from. If shots were fired here, then indeed it is a conspiracy. The School Book Depository is on the left.

Again, a view from the grassy knoll where eye witnesses claim they heard and saw smoke and gun shots. If shots were fired here, then indeed it is a conspiracy. You can see the white “X” marked on the street where President John Kennedy was shot.

A wider angle view from the grassy knoll. You can see from this photograph that the grassy knoll was a perfect location for a second shooter. If Oswald had missed or just wounded Kennedy, the second shooter would complete the job.

Dealey Plaza, a view from the grassy knoll, close up view of the white painted “X” on the highway. I zoomed in on this spot to show the positive angle from the grassy knoll for a clear clean shot from the fence on the grassy knoll. Not much of a monument.

Dealey Plaza, right side of the highway. The infamous grassy knoll is off to the right. Route 30 triple underpass is off in the distance. This is approximately the spot where Abraham Zapruder stood while filming the Kennedy Assassination.

Dealey Plaza, a slightly different angle from where Abraham Zapruder was standing filming President Kennedy’s motorcade as it came by. Moments later president Kennedy was shot and the limo wenti speeding away under the triple underpass road.

Another photograph of the grassy knoll and the pergola. (The white monument type structure lining the perimeter) The Route 30 and 35E highway sign is in the foreground and the triple underpass that the motorcade sped under after President John Kennedy was shot.

The picket fence on the grassy knoll where according to conspiracy theorists a second assassin was hiding waiting for the Kennedy motorcade to come into view. When the correct angle was in view, he fired hitting Kennedy forcing his head to snap back.

The fence on the grassy knoll, the triple underpass, and the street sign for Route 35 and 35E. Eye witnesses claim to have heard at least one shot coming from the grassy knoll and the picket fence. White smoke and a figure of a man was also reported to be lurking behind it.

Another view of the picket fence located in the back ground of the grassy knoll. The man standing behind the fence in this picture had a perfect view of the white painted “X” on the street. A perfect location for a sniper to hide, fire his shots at the president, and flee the area.

Photo of the grassy knoll and pergola from across the street. This is where hundreds of people came out to greet President Kennedy’s motorcade and then ran for cover as shots rang out from the School Book Depository and the grassy knoll as witnesses would attest to.

A close up view and reverse angle of the grassy knoll. As you can see by the white “X” on the street, the angle is perfect for a second shooter by the picket fence. As we know by now, the “X” was the spot where Kennedy’s motorcade was. A perfect shot from the grassy knoll.

This is a reverse angle zoomed in photograph of the grassy knoll and the picket fence where the alleged second shooter was hiding waiting for the motorcade to come into angle. By looking right, you can see that Oswald had to wait as well until both shooters were in harmony.

This photograph was taken from the same spot as the previous, but with wide angle. We see the infamous grassy knoll, the picket fence where the alleged second assassin was hiding, and the underpass where the Kennedy motorcade sped off to after he was shot.

This photograph is of the Texas School Book Depository where Oswald was perched on the sixth floor waiting for Kennedy to come into angle. Notice the white “X” on the left side of the photograph and the grassy knoll. The perfect spot for both shooters to hit their mark.

This is a close up photograph of the School Book Depository. Oswald climbed the 6 floors, took out his rifle that was hidden the day before and waited for his prey to come into sight. Oswald was on the 6th floor, and you can see from that position he selected a very good kill zone area that aligned itself with the grassy knoll.
We can conclude from these photographs that perhaps there was a conspiracy to assassinate the president. Case in point, if Oswald was the only shooter, he would have lined up his shot on the motorcade before the limo turned left. This way, the limo and his target would be coming toward him. But if he had missed, Kennedy would have escaped. Enter a second shooter on the grassy knoll. With two expert marksmen, the probability of a successful kill more than doubled.
David Gardner said
Robert De Vries(Netherlands) said
This was a overall planned action, by the government/FBI/CIA/
Sectret Service.
There must been at least two teams, mayby three. Two at the back, one at the front(head shot). If you look in this matter and see all the people who has there interest in this killing and spoke about it, there were about 10-12 shots. You have to ask yourself what happened afterwards. With his car(directly repaired and cleaned?), body(no good autopsy), the place where the shots rang out(within hours it was clear and open for the puplic), the investigation(wellknown about the magic bullet theory?), the many people who were there at the scene, the book depository(three bullits in line with the rifle gun Mauser-the wrong one at first, see testimony of sherrif of Dallas-Roger Craig).
It’s one big blur, created by the government/FBI/CIA/Secret Service. The truth will and can’t come out, everybody knows that JFK is killed, not by Oswald. The official files, or whats left of it, will not be open till 2032, thanks to G.W.Bush. WHY? Thats mine real concern. They continue it and I realy hope that Obama, can do his job and build a country that is proud of itself. Not make war, but put that money in their own country, because a lot of people need that, see what happened with Katrina. But when he is stopping war in Irak/Afganistan, I hope the people of the warindustry will let him live, if not he ends up like JFK.
To Big For Conspiracy?? said
When is the last time you have seen films or documentation
about the 10 million Humans purged from Stalins regime?
We’ve seen thousands of Hitlers Death camps..
How many Stalin death camp and mass execution pictures
have you seen ..??? Im betting none..
The 60′s are full of “lone nut gunman” Gandhi, MLK ,RFK, JFK to name a few… All men of peace and threatened corrupt powerful “leaders”
Im not a conspiracy Theory Nut…..Im a Common Sence and truth Nut..
Max Jackl said
Packer said
Anti-Christ said
Billy Boy said
LOTGK said
A Hidel said
LOTGK said
Perhaps you didn’t notice that this is the home of the 99 cent conspiracy theory. It’s a humorous blog. You have been fooled. Read a few more updates and you will realize you were taken hook, line, and sinker.
Ben said
Oswald was set up and I have no doubt that there was another shooter (or shooters) on the grassy knoll. Wait a sec, LOTGK… lurking on the grassy knoll… it was you!!!
LOTGK said
Orson said
LOTGK said
A Hidel said
LOTGK said
Robyne said
A Hidel said
A Hidel said
LOTGK said
LOTGK said
David said
LOTGK said
Robyne said
A Hidel said
Robyne said
LOTGK said
LOTGK said
Robyne said
LOTGK said
Polly said
LOTGK said
TrustNo1 said
Gumby said
LOTGK said
A Hidel said
LOTGK said
Jimbob said
i have watched some videos of that day and looking at it, it seems his wife had something to do with it, she acts so weird when he gets shot and looks as if the second bullit comes from underneath the president so tell me who else could shoot him from tht angle????????
A Hidel said
LOTGK said
In The Hole said
A Hidel said
LOTGK said
I. M. Wise said
LOTGK said
Craig Of The Avenue said
George Senda said
LOTGK said
Robyne said
LOTGK said
Robyne said
A Hidel said
Robyne said
LOTGK said
Robyne said
LOTGK said
John said
LOTGK said
Robyne said
LOTGK said
Robyne said
LOTGK said
Nancy said
(PS I love this site – just found it today thru twitter. I’ll be bock. spoken like Arnie, not to be confused by ari – ari wasnt the Gov of Cali – or was he and I missed that day in class too).
LOTGK said
Serendopeity said
Look at the pluses – you get a piece of Canada in a beautiful tourism area. you get a kooky tenant – but one who pays the rent full and on time every month (never missed in all my years) and when I am rich writing a book of conspiracy theories that I have made up over the years you have the honour of saying “I knew her when…” Its a win win for everyone!
Its a short drive from OH – well maybe not as short a drives as it is to say, Cleveland, but if you stay on the US side for the most part gas is cheaper.
I left you the eviction story at serendopeity.
LOTGK said
Anonymous said
LOTGK said
Uvij8 said
LOTGK said
Uvij8 said
LOTGK said
Dan Sveaver said
LOTGK said