Showing posts with label CON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CON. Show all posts


Mars Face Conspiracy

Mars Face Conspiracy
Mars Face Conspiracy
The Mars Face Conspiracy

In 1976, Viking Orbiter, a probe NASA launched years earlier reached it's destination of Mars, the Red Planet. The orbiter was programmed to enter a low orbit around Mars and photograph the surface of the planet. The orbiter executed almost flawlessly and soon after orbit was achieved photo's started to be transmitted back to the home planet of Earth. Spectacular photo's came pouring in as the mapping of the planet commenced.

The photo's showed a Martian landscape decimated with huge craters, dormant volcano's, dried up ocean beds, wind eroded rocks and mountains, and a picture of a face carved into a mountain range in the Cydonia area of Mars. The proportions of the monument were huge, much larger than that of Mount Rushmore. NASA tried to debunk the face stating it was merely a natural formation but many did not and still do not believe it for if one looks closely at the face, the rounded edges and acute right angles are a billion to one to form naturally.

The life on Mars debate spread like wildfire. NASA had no real explanation and as good Government agencies do, a code of silence and denial was implemented.

NASA again launched another probe to the red Planet and in 1998 the Global Surveyor achieved orbit and with it's more advanced technology the picture transmitted back to Earth were much more sharp and clearer. NASA made sure that the same exact area where the face was was first photographed by orbiter. This time though the rock formation showed no semblance of a face but rather more like a flat ameba. Again the debate was sparked by the new photo's and the angle at which they were taken from.

Of course the photo was processed through not one but two camera filters designed to flatten and elongate thus producing an image without depth or perception. The Grassy Knoll Institute feels that NASA felt the pressure from the Government and were instructed to debunk and falsify the new photographic evidence. NASA goes one further releasing their scientific data stating that Mars is a barren dead planet that cannot sustain life as we know it.

The Grassy Knoll Institute however disagree's with NASA's assumption of Mars never having the capability to sustain an advanced civilization such as ours here on Earth. Perhaps Mars millions of years ago had the ability to support life. But how? Mars due to the location of it's orbit around the sun would be far to cold for us earthly humans. True, but there are other ways to radiate heat. Let's look at the planet for a moment.

There are huge volcano's the size of Mount Everest on Mars. They generate immense heat and with an atmosphere to hold the heat close to the planet's surface along with the natural rays and warmth of the sun, Mars could have been quite a nice planet to call home. We already know water exists on Mars. The photo's prove this. Vast dried up ocean beds litter Mars surface. Ice still exists at Mars North and South poles.

With water, air, heat, thermal energy and elements from the core of the planet, the basic building blocks of life existed on Mars just like it did on Earth. The natural process of evolution would occur. Amino acids combining to form microscopic life building more complex multi celled plant and animal life. Basic plants would form turning into jungles, forests, meadows, marshes and deserts. The oceans would come alive with plankton that would evolve into higher forms of sea life.

Soon, just like on Earth, a higher order of species would take control and dominate the planet. At one time, dinosaurs roamed the Earth and were the dominant species until a catastrophic impact of an asteroid occurred and the climate was changed and the dinosaurs became extinct giving way to the natural selection of the next dominant species, the mammal.

More than likely Mars took another path millions of years ago and instead of the dinosaur, mammals took control of the world and evolved into humanoid form.

Unlike Earth, Mars didn't suffer a climate changing disaster that almost destroyed the planet and made nature start from scratch with a new species. Maybe Mars enjoyed millions of years with the same dominant species who logically would be millions of years ahead of us on the evolutionary scale. Martians would learn basic tools of communication, building, and form simple societies. From there, complex language and technology.

Of course the Martians would build structures to worship their god and create idols so all the world could see. Maybe even a large face on a grand scale of it's most loved leader much like Earthlings did with Mount Rushmore. Temples of worship would be erected, pyramids to the gods to show their love, devotion, and loyalty.

A thousand or so years later, space travel and exploration. The little blue planet third from the sun would be the most likely target to dream about and explore. They would build great space ships and travel to Earth. They would find a simple people with the most basic of skills. The people of Earth would consider the Martians gods from the heavens and would worship them as such.

In exchange for their worship, perhaps the Martians accelerated the natural evolution of Earth giving the Egyptians technology to erect pyramids and great buildings. Along with the technology, also bestowed the knowledge of warfare and structured society. After the Martians left, the Egyptians implemented their new found knowledge and with their now great army, controlled the world for centuries. Of course the Egyptians would pay homage to their gods by building great structures to worship and honor them with Pyramids pointing and reaching to the heavens.

Then disaster struck. Mars would be bombarded with planet killing asteroids with some measuring 100 miles wide impacting on every corner of Mars. Within months the atmosphere would be almost gone letting the heat escape, oceans would be altered, the life force drained. The planet would begin to die. With the dust that the asteroids would have put into the atmosphere, sunlight would not be able to penetrate thus eliminating plant reproduction. Perhaps even the planet had it's orbit altered ripping the planet and destroying it's magnetic field. Mars does have several bulges where it looks like a huge portion of the surface was almost pulled apart from the planet. The beginning of the end.

The surviving Martian people would have to act quicky to save what little of their civilization was left. Perhaps several space ships survived and they would venture out into the cosmo's searching for a new planet to call home. Perhaps one such ship landed here on Earth. Perhaps in Rome during the reign of Ceasar. Perhaps this Martian walked among the humans. Perhaps he tried to help the people of his new world and home. He would be so much more advanced than humans that he would appear to be a god.

It would only be logical that if a man from 2002 traveled back to ancient Rome, he would be perceived as a god. Maybe he would save a drowning man by performing CPR and people would say he breathed life back into the dead man. Perhaps healing the sick with a simple antibiotic. Perhaps rubbing an ointment on the skin to heal the lepers. Maybe he would use his fishing skills and sonar devices to know where to throw the nets so as to catch all the fish that a boat could carry. Perhaps he would preach his wisdom to anyone who would listen. Perhaps he would gather a great following.

Maybe Caesar would feel threatened by this new man launching a new religion speaking of his Father in Heaven and that everyone that followed his teachings would also walk in the Kingdom of heaven. Perhaps this man would be betrayed and captured by the Romans and crucified. Strung up on a cross and left to die.

Perhaps during the three hours of darkness that befell the Earth during the Martians death his fellow Martians, in the blackness and chaos took the man down from the cross and replaced him with an impostor. A near death human cleverly disguised through cosmetic and plastic surgery to resemble the Martian.

Perhaps three days later he walked into his most loyal followers meeting room to show them that he was alive and that he was leaving them in body to go and live with his father in heaven but that he would always be with them in mind and spirit. A little light show, some pyrotechnics, a magician's trap door, and the Martian would disappear and a new religion would be born.

Perhaps they would move on to other regions on Earth looking for a quiet place to settle down. To quietly mingle with the humans. To start relatons with them. They may still be here, waiting.....
Mars Face Panoranic View
Mars Face Panoranic View 
Please note the Mars Face in a panaramic view showing the other rock formations surrounding it. Mars face is in the upper right corner.
Egyptian Myths And Mars Face
Egyptian Myths And Mars Face
Notice the rock formation that resembles an Egyptian Pyramid much like the one in Egypt in the Valley of the kings.
Note the cluster of rock formations. These formations resemble the Valley of the Pharohs of ancient Egypt where several pyramids were erected close to one another to honor their dead and to show their superiority to the world.
When you look at this photo taken of Mars surface you can see the striking resemblance of the Great Sphinx and the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Notice the arrangement of the Mars Face photo to the Egyptian layout. Could they be of the same builders?

Notice the striking resemblance of the Mars face and this Egyptian burial mask.
Egyptian Sphinx is The Mars Face
Egyptian Sphinx is The Mars Face
Again, notice the face of the Egyptian Sphinx and the Mars Face. The eyes, nose, open mouth, the ceremonial head dress covering the head piece are almost exactly like the Mars Face formation. Could it be that thousands of years and devastating erosion and a photo transmitted millions of miles has blurred or washed away some of the features of the Mars Face.

Remember, the sands of Egypt once covered the great Sphinx and it had to be uncovered by man. Could it be that the Mars Face is just the tip of the ice berg and a vast structure lies beneath the Martian soil waiting patiently like the Great Sphinx to be uncovered and worshiped once again?


Moses And The Burning Bush

The Grassy Knoll Institute takes a hard look at the bible story "Moses and the Burning Bush."

The burning bush story in the Old Testament. Everyone knows it. Moses leads his people out of Egypt after his God sent plagues and death to all the first born males without the mark of God on their doors......
Well, taking into consideration that this was written thousands of years ago, one would have a tough time explaining things that you never saw before.
With that intro, I noticed several UFO connections. Lets begin with Moses going to the summit of Mount Sinai to speak to the Lord and receive his laws and Commandments.

Let's set the scene here. Moses and his people are wandering in the desert after escaping the Egyptians and their years of slavery. Moses, through the power of God sent plague after plague onto the Pharoah of Egypt trying to convince him to let his people go. The Pharoah finally relented and Moses and his people marched out of Egypt. But soon the Pharoah had a change of heart and ordered his soldiers to mount their chariots and bring the slaves back to Egypt.

God sent a giant pillar of fire to slow the Egyptian army from advancing on Moses who was pinned at the mouth of the Red Sea. Then God parted the Red Sea and Moses and his followers crossed the sea while the Egyptian soldiers drowned when the wall of water collapsed around them. After years of wandering in the desert to cleanse the sin of Gods people, the Lord called Moses to the Mountain to receive his Commandments. The Lord spoke to Moses through a burning bush and instructed Moses to take the tablets of the 10 Commandments written by the Hand of God and give his people the new law of the land and Lord.

Here's where the UFO connection comes into play. What if,... An alien race played god. The aliens use their technology to unleash plague after plague until they send an airborne bacteria that kills all the first born while protecting Moses and the other believers for they were all inoculated and were immune to the bacteria. Perhaps those bitter herbs and spices were actually a vaccine to protect them from the plague.

The pillar of fire? A mere thrust of the aliens spacecraft engines hovering above would provide plenty of fire so as not to pass. The parting of the Red Sea? A simple pontoon bridge where the people could walk across the sea to safety all the while retracting it so the Egyptians could not follow.

The burning bush? A little light show, some pyrotechnics, a sound system, welding and cutting torches and a few slabs of granite. To primitive man, all these things could only be explained as godlike.

What if Moses was being spoken to through telepathy? Of course Moses would assume it was God who was speaking to him, for God was inside his head, his very thoughts and mind.

The mountain was covered in clouds and dense smoke not letting the people from the ground view the peak of the mountain. Perhaps an alien spacecraft was hovering just above the peak, leaving in it's exhaust thick smoke and the strange fire and lights the people spoke of.

Moses comes down from the mountain with the new laws of God, the 10 commandments and a new religion was born....


Easter Island Moai Conspiracy

Easter Island Moai Statues conspiracy
Easter Island Moai Statues Pay Tribute
Easter Island. A small island where almost 900 Moai statues stand. Moai is the name the local inhabitants gave the great statues more than 500 years ago. The Grassy Knoll Institute asks why were they built?They were crafted from a rock quarry and then carted over land for miles and then erected on their pedestals facing away from the sea in a silent tribute......

But a tribute to what?

The inhabitants exhausted all of their natural resources to construct and move these great stone statues. The plentiful forest of trees were cut down to make crude rollers to move the great stones. More and more trees were needed to reach a greater distance and to erect the Moai's.

Easter Island inhabitants began to wage war with one another to compete for what little resources were left on the island all for the sake of the Moai's.

What drove them to kill and slaughter their own neighbors so as to erect more Moai's? After many years, the island was left depleted of tree's and food and other building and survival resources. The inhabitants died off leaving no written record of the purpose of the great Moai statues that stood guard around the island.

The only logical answer is that the island inhabitants had come under the influence of another culture. An Alien culture. An alien culture so powerful and terrifying that the island inhabitants would do anything to appease the intruders. Even carve and erect giant statues in a tribute to the intruders. Their only hope being that the aliens would be appeased enough to not destroy and eliminate the villagers. What they failed to realize though, was that they were destroying themselves.

This may be just one of many examples of experimentations on the human race from aliens. Perhaps this test was to see how far man could be driven to the brink of extinction and when he would rebel, if at all in the face of a superior force.

Even today, the island lays barren of trees and enough food sustaining vegetation to let a colony settle on the little island.


Beatles Hoax - Paul Is Dead

Beatles Hoax Paul Is Dead
Beatles Hoax Paul Is Dead
Paul is not dead. And the Grassy Knoll Institute says so.
The Beatles Abbey Road Album has been shrouded in rumor and conspiracy from the day it went on sale in 1969. The rumor was / is that Paul McCartney died in a horrific car accident and to keep the most popular and profitable rock and roll band intact the remaining Beatles sought out and found a look alike replacement to carry on. The Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album offered clues of his demise with Paul facing backwards and the cover depicted a funeral scene for the Beatles. There are over 20 clues on the front and back album cover.

The album songs also gave audio clues that Paul was dead. Many people played their old vinyl records backwards to listen to special secret messages. The song, "Strawberry Fields Forever" at the very end has an audio track that said "I'm buried" hinting Paul was dead and in the ground.

Many other songs eluded to the hoax that Paul was dead.

The Walrus was Paul.

"A Day In The Life" depicted the events that led up to Paul's death.

"Come Together" over me as if Paul was in a casket.

Now, to the Abbey Road Album. Many clues are present with this album as well.

First, John is in white depicting an angel leading the dead to heaven. Ringo is dressed in black representing the minister and Paul's mourners. George is last and dressed in blue jeans representing the grave digger. Paul is third, and bare foot and out of step with the other three. Paul is left handed yet he holds a cigarette with his right hand. He has his best suit on, or his burial suit on. Paul is clean shaven.

The Volkswagen on the left, it's license plate says ( 28 IF ) meaning Paul would be 28 years old if he were still alive.

The gates on the left encircle the church from which the funeral service was held.

They are crossing the street on their way to the grave yard off to the right flanked by the black funeral car waiting for the immediate family.

The three lads in the distance represent the three remaining Beatles looking on in disbelief that Paul is dead.

The Grassy Knoll Institute believes this was merely an elaborate hoax intended to sell more records and to generate more press and hype on the Beatles. Some ask why they needed more press than usual. After all, they were the Beatles. Well, remember, back in the 60's and 70's, there was no MTV or cable TV for that matter. And since the Beatles stopped touring doing live shows, their only media blitz was their records and any press they could muster up.

What better way than to invent a hoax to keep the public tuned in to the every move that the Beatles made. Now, they didn't need to tour. The public sought them out. The hoax had worked.


Princess Diana Is Still Alive

Empirical Evidence That Princess Diana Is Still Alive
The above photo is empirical evidence that Diana, the Princess of Wales, faked her death to get out of her marriage to Prince Charles and to cut ties with the Queen Mother. Diana was rumored to be pregnant and the father certainly wasn't Charles.

This photo was taken eight months after Diana tragically died in a brutal car crash. Apparently, she is healing quite nicely and will soon be able to pursue her life in peace. Away from the media hounds, away from Charles, and away from the Queen.

You be the judge...


A Genesis Story - With A Twist

And God saw that it was good. And on the seventh day, God rested. And on the eighth day Adam and Eve set up house in the Garden of Eden.

We all know the story of Adam and Eve. The first two humans to set foot upon the Earth. God put them there, in the Garden of Eden, after he created the earth, oceans, land, sky, heavens, animals, birds, and the fish in the sea. God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. The rest is history. Or is it..

The Grassy Knoll Institute has another version of this biblical event. Perhaps Aliens in search of fuel, food, and natural resources landed on this third planet from the sun. Upon investigation, they found a very primitive mammal life. Humans in their utmost infancy. Almost indistinguishable from the apes that they fought for dominance. Perhaps the aliens took a liking to the humans. Sort of on the line as pets. Adhering to standard protocol, several experiments would have been conducted on the wildlife. Enhancements discussed. These enhancements would give humans an edge on the evolutionary chain. They would choose a male and female of the species.

The aliens, after surveying the landscape of the earth, decided an increase in brain capacity to raise the intellect for their two subjects would be the best enhancement. The surgery was performed, brain capacity increased that triggered the human male and female nervous systems to quicken responses from the brain to the body. A sense of awareness and cognitive reasoning was expanded. Add a little alien DNA to develop vocal cords for speech and the transformation was complete. As the humans awoke, they were studied and evaluated to make sure the enhancements had taken hold, and then released back into the wild to be fruitful and multiply.

This scenario explains the fabled missing link of the human species. One day, humans were just another species struggling to survive. The next day, the dominant species of the planet with domain over the fish in the sea, the animals on the land, and the birds in the sky. These two humans, we'll call them Adam and Eve for the sake of not having better names, immediately knew that they had been altered. They were aware of each other on a very personal and intimate level unlike ever before. They could communicate with hand and eye gestures, and soon by voice and finally a crude spoken language.

Adam and Eve became mates and had offspring. Many offspring. These children maintained the genetic enhancements from their parents and carried on the new seed to the existing herd. The alien seed had been planted, the human race would advance in leaps and bounds with every generation and would soon create social order and a written language. Tools would become more elaborate and with every generation, improvements made. The aliens changed the course of Earths evolution and Mankind's destiny forever.

And on the seventh Millennium, the aliens rested.



Radio Signals From Space Recorded

The Arizona science observatory admitted to receiving an unexplained radio signal from deep space that could be taken as contact from an alien civilization.

The signal is originating from the Pisces and Aries constellations and has been confirmed that the it is not a repeating signal but emitting a sequence of binary equations. NASA and SETI already have a team of scientists pouring over the data in an attempt to decipher what the signal actually is.

The most popular theory is that it is simply a welcome beacon searching the galaxies for other intelligent life. The United States launched Voyager decades ago with the same hopes and aspirations. It seems that someone has actually phoned home.

Of course, other scientists are explaining away the signal as an unknown anomaly, astronomical phenomenon, or even feedback from the telescope itself.

This explanation is what the government is sticking with, feedback from an out of focus multi- million dollar telescope. The government understands that if word reached the public that a signal from another world was received it would cause panic and religious ramifications. So for now it is a malfunction. Until the secondary contact is received.

The Grassy Knoll Institute was lucky enough to obtain a copy of the signal. It was incoherent, but our cunning linguists were able to determine that the signal, or message was a reference to the Garden Of Eden. So far, this is what we have.

The first signal string was IN
The second signal string was AGODDA
The third signal string was DAVIDDA
The Grassy Knoll Institute scientists are very excited about this astonishing information. And it only took them 17 minutes and 31 seconds to decipher the message.



Nostradamus And 9-11

With the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the failed attempt on the White House, The President, George W. Bush has declared war on the Terrorists responsible for these brutal acts.

To all our brave military service men and women who have and are pledging their lives to keep America free of Tyranny, Oppression, Terrorism, and to keep our rights that have been fought for throughout our history of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We salute you. God Bless You, and all of America.

With all that is happening in today's world culminating with the United States declaring war on Terrorism, the prophet known as Nostradamus and his futuristic Quatrains is resurfacing.

Nostradamus was a 16th century prophet and astrologer who supposedly foresaw the future of the world. His technique used was a form of meditation where at night, he would sit alone peering into his brass tripod that was centered with a flame.

From there, he would look into the future. He wrote his quatrains of the centuries but realizing what powerful knowledge these quatrains were, he mixed the centuries and quatrains up with only him knowing what was to become. He had hoped that man and woman would take heed and heart of the quatrains and change the world for the better.

A so called Nostradamus quatrain is circulating throughout the Internet like wildfire. It looks and feels like a real quatrain, but in fact it is fake. This prediction has lines from actual quatrains that make it believable. The fake quatrain is as follows.......

In the year of the new century and nine months,
From the sky will come a great king of terror.
The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city.
In the city of york there will be a great collapse,
Two twin brothers torn apart by chaos.
While the fortress falls the greatest leader will succumb,
The third big was will begin when the big city is burning.

To begin with, Nostradamus died in the year 1566, not in 1654 as was signed at the end of this quatrain.

Second, Nostradamus always recorded what century and what number quatrain he was writing. This fake one does not have that.

Third, Nostradamus has never referred to New York as (york) but as the new city.

Fourth, Nostradamus in such a quatrain as important and powerful as this one, would not have said "in the year of the new century or specify nine months". Instead, he would have begun referring to the third millennium and either the harvest moon which happens in the fall, or the alignment of the planets.

Fifth, the last line is by far bogus. Nostradamus knew that New York City, or the new city was big and wondrous. He also knew that the world wars were big. He would take it for granted and leave the word BIG out of his quatrains.

And last, Nostradamus' quatrains had a semblance of poetry and connection. All the lines were linked to one another and fed off of each other. Change one word or line, or omit or rearrange the lines and they would no longer have meaning. You can see that these lines were inserted to serve a purpose and falsify a prediction.

Below are actual Nostradamus Quatrains that may or may not pertain to the recent attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Nostradamus wrote the quatrains as more of a warning to us and with the hope we could and would change the outcome of his quatrains.

Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth
will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great immovable powers will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river.

Although the New City is mentioned here, I do not feel it is about the World Trade Center. The fire came from the sky, two jets hitting the towers. Nostradamus has the fire coming from the center of the earth. A volcano perhaps. It would explain the new river of red. The lava flow burning a new groove into the land would look like a river of red. This may be a political race, (two powers) at war. A shift in power from Republican to Democrat in the state of New York. Or perhaps, even the NYSE and the NASDAQ looking for control.

Suddenly appeared, the terror will be great,
Hidden by the ringleaders of the situation.
The women on the charcoal will no longer be seen.
Thus, little by little,
The great ones will be angered.

Yes, the attacks were great and by surprise. Absolutely no warning. Even after the first plane crashed into the towers, no one expected a second one to do the same let alone a third hit the Pentagon and a fourth crashing before hitting Washington.

The ringleaders, or terrorists, are hidden or unknown. We are hunting and collecting information on the terorists who are still hidden.

The second line, the charcoal women, could be the women that perished in the attacks and will never be found, or found alive. Charcoal meaning burned from the blast.

The last two lines are happening now. The great ones, (The US GOVT.) are very angered. President Bush is not holding back any words. Either you are on our side or you are not. He will hunt down those responsible and justice will be served.
Yes, this could be about today.

Those at ease will suddenly be cast down.
The world put into trouble by three brothers.
Their enemies will seize the marine city.
Hunger, fire, blood, plague, all evils doubled.

Those living and working in the World Trade Center and Pentagon were at ease and then suddenly cast down, brutally murdered by terrorists.

The second line has been linked to the three Kennedy brothers, but maybe, it means former President George Bush, The current President George W. Bush, and his brother, Governor Jeb Bush. Perhaps Nostradamus took for granted that one was a father, and not a brother. Former president Bush attacked Iraq in Desert Storm and stirred up tensions in the middle East. Was this the start of what is happening today?

The third line, seize the marine city is interesting. Manhattan is an island. A marine city. The terrorists seized the city with it's bombs closing the cities bridges and tunnels permitting no one to enter or leave.

Of course, the fourth line of hunger fire and blood is explained as the great death that occurred. All evils doubled. two attacks on the twin towers. Two attacks on Washington. All evils doubled.

Twice put up and twice cast down,
The East will also weaken the West.
It's adversary, after several battles,
Chased by sea will fail at time of need.

Twice is the key in the first line. Two attacks on the towers, two on Washington.

The East, or middle east, surely weakened the West, United States.

The third line suggests several battles will occur and as the last line describes, the East will be defeated by a sea battle with no relief or aid to come.

President Bush has already said anyone harboring these terrorist criminals will also be considered terrorists and we will not distinguish between them. The terrorists will have no one to hide. Even now, Pakistan is offering assistance in lieu of attacking them. They will fail in their time of need.

The garden of the world near the New City,
In the road of the hollow mountains.
It will be seized and plunged in the tank,
Forced to drink water poisoned with sulphur.

Garden of the world? Maybe, Nostradamus coined the phrase concrete jungle of New York centuries ago. It was very near Central Park, a garden of the world.

The second line, hollow mountains. How else would a man from the 16th century describe the World Trade Center? Huge mountains that are hollow inside where people worked.

The third line speaks of the attack on the towers. The tank I cannot decipher it's meaning. Poisoned water? Maybe it's yet to happen. Or maybe a water tower has somehow become tainted with the fall out of the World Trade Center.

In the year 1999, and seven months from the sky,
Will come the great king of terror.
He will bring to life the great king of the Mongols.
Before and after war reigns happily.

1999 has come and gone. Millennium madness is all but over. Several lines of this quatrain were used to create the fake one on the Internet right now.

Still, 1998, terrorism ran unchecked. The Lockerbie aircrash killing hundreds is linked to Terrorists in the Middle East. The same one's as of September 11th, 2001.

That could have been the start of his reign of terror to end well into the third Millennium.

With the knives will come cries, tears and weeping
Seeming to flee, they will make a final assault around the parks.
They will set up high platforms,
The living pushed back and murdered instantly.

Again, high speculation, but the terrorists used knives to hi-jack the planes to start their reign of terror. Many people lost family members and will grieve for many years. Instead of the hi-jackers taking the planes and fleeing the country, they turned and attacked New York and Washington. Could the parks be Battery Park which was created from the excavation of the site preparing to erect the Twin Towers. Maybe Central Park!

High platforms. They are 110 stories tall and many people were killed instantly when the planes collided with the buildings. To Nostradamus, the Twin Towers could be described as high platforms, or hollow mountains.



Human Digital Implants

Big brother Is Already Watching
Digital Human Implants.
This is not a futuristic fantasy but a reality already in progress.

Implants are not just for the military but for every American citizen. Implants are being touted as the newest "must have" technical gizmo. The implants are so microscopic that they are virtually undetectable in the human body. Until that is, the government needs to do a little update maintenance.

Why are implants becoming the buzz word lately? The reason is the many benefits provided with digital implants.

Imagine a noninvasive procedure where the chip is implanted in your thumb freeing you from carrying your wallet or purse with you anymore. No drivers license, no form of ID, or money for that matter. Your digital implant chip would have all that information and much much more.

The fear of robbery would cease for consumers would no longer carry money. No more lost credit cards or identity theft off the Internet.

Business transactions such as grocery store shopping, gas station fill ups, banking, and even Internet sells will be controlled by the tiny little chip implanted in your thumb. A mere wave of your hand over the UPC scanner and your bank account will be debited.

But wait, there's more good news. What happens if your child gets lost? Or worse, kidnapped? A quick call to the police department and with satellite tracking much like the GPS systems in cars, your child will be located in minutes and the nearest law enforcement officer will be immediately dispatched to your child's location. Also, all people in the immediate vicinity of your child will be identified in case the kidnapper decides to run and evade justice.

Sounds to good to be true doesn't it? Well, with new technology, there are some down sides. There are certain disadvantages that the government won't be advertising, much like tobacco companies with their warning labels on cigarette packs. The warning is there, but not really noticed or paid attention to.

The most disturbing disadvantage is the loss of our personal privacy. Yes, George Orwell's Big Brother government will be watching you at all times. The digital implant will record your every move, transaction, conversation. Any establishment you visit, time spent, and goods or services rendered there will be archived. A personal portfolio will slowly be compiled on you to help and aid the government in future endeavors for you or against you.

Your personal privacy will go the way of the 8-Track tape player that will be reasoned away that a small sacrifice must be made to keep all of us safe. More like rounded up and corralled like sheep. The government will speak of crime being eliminated for every door we pass through will scan the chip in our bodies and keep tabs on us. If anyone decides to say, rob a bank, the implant will notify the police right away and the GPS tracking systems will kick in and the robber will be arrested.

We will be a more kinder, gentler society. Afraid to deviate from the norm for fear of being singled out and persecuted and then prosecuted for a crime we did not commit.....Yet!

Indeed, the future looks so bright, I better buy some shades. And some gloves.


Big Foot Revisited

Legend Of Boggy Creek Big Foot Photo
Legend Of Boggy Creek Big Foot Photo
As the third Millennium unfolds, past mysteries continue to resurface that science cannot yet explain away. Such is the mystery of Big Foot, also known as Yeti, Abominable snowman, Sasquatch, Aliens, and the missing link. There have been countless sightings over the years much like U.F.O. phenomenon eye witness accounts. Most eyewitnesses are alone, in a deserted area, with no recording devices such a camera or videotape recorder to capture the event. All they have is their story.

Until that is, two events changed the face of Big Foot lore. These two events are the documentary movie made in 1973 titled, The Legend of Boggy Creek that showed actual footage of big foot in it's natural habitat and Oliver, the Hybrid half human, half ape primate that was so refined that he would mix a round of drinks for everyone at night including himself and sit down and watch TV.

The Grassy Knoll Institute in it's continuing investigations, offer the following insight on the legend or the reality of Big Foot.

It was used to advertise the 1973 movie, The Legend Of Boggy Creek, a documentary film about Big Foot and how it had eluded capture all these years. The film was not a box office success but it did give credence that a creature such as Big Foot may indeed exist.

The footage of the elusive creature was touted to be clear evidence that Big foot existed. Yet when I saw the film, and yes, I saw the film at the theater way back in 1973, it was a mere several seconds of a fuzzy ape like animal walking in the distant. The animal seemed to sense the camera's rolling, stopped a moment and looked directly at the cameraman, and then quickly walked behind a tree and into folklore history as one of the most about mysteries today. Irrefutable proof? Hardly! The film was so grainy and the footage so fleeting, it was impossible to make an accurate scientific analysis.

This is where Oliver comes in. The supposedly missing link. Oliver is a very famous chimp with some very strange qualities and characteristics. Upon first glimpse, one can see that his head is smaller than other chimpanzee's and has more human attributes than that of a chimp. Oliver also is a bipedal primate, as he walks on two feet as humans do. No other chimp recorded has ever mastered this feat for more than a few steps. Oliver strolled around in his large cave always on two feet without the aid of his arms. He also liked to sit in chairs and watch television.

His intelligence was extraordinary. Oliver was able to perform chores such as taking out the trash, loading and emptying a wheel barrel, and even feeding the dogs. Although he couldn't speak or write, Oliver was a creature of habit and knew when it was bedtime and when his favorite TV shows were on.

With all the fanfare surrounding this chimp called Oliver, it was no wonder that medical tests were performed to determine it's genetic makeup. A rumor had it that Oliver had 47 chromosomes which is one more than a human and one less than a chimp who normally has 48. A missing link indeed. Some even speculated that Oliver was some sort of hybrid animal genetically engineered between a human and chimp. Afterall, chimp and human DNA is 99% the same. it's only that small 1% that makes us human.

The results however, showed that Oliver was a mere chimp. Not a genetically engineered new species, not human, but just a mutant chimp. A chimp capable of walking on two feet. The anticipation that actual proof was found slowly dissipated and Oliver is now living out his retirement at a secluded animal habitat content to live out the remainder of his life as a regular chimp.

In conclusion, the Grassy Knoll Institute still asks the question. If Big Foot does really exist, why haven't we found a dead carcass of one in the woods? Surely these creatures die. When they do, where are the dead bodies?

Until we see concrete evidence, and we don't mean the plaster cast versions, the Grassy Knoll Institute is still not convinced that Big Foot exists and will continue it's ongoing investigations until hard evidence does become available.


Heron Of Alexandria

Time Traveler Heron Of Alexandria

The Grassy Knoll Institute research team dug up some ancient history and came across this tidbit. Heron of Alexandria, born on or around 10 AD in Egypt, was an important geometer and worker in mechanics. The actual date is clouded in history with Heron merely just arriving on the scene.

So what's the big deal about this man? Perhaps Heron was an early time traveler that somehow got trapped in the past. Pretty far-fetched you ask? Yea, probably so, but it's my blog, so listen up anyway and read why.

Heron was a man before his time. He was a brilliant mathematician and scientist. His theorems are still in use today. He was also a great inventor.

Some of his inventions are as follows:

A working steam engine more than 2000 years old.

An automatic opening doors using ingenious pulleys and levies. This device was used to create the illusion that the Pharaoh could open the huge heavy stone doors by merely speaking his will.

The first vending machine was also his invention as the device dispensed blessed holy water for a small cost.

The drinking fountain. Many perceived this as magic as no one has ever seen such marvels before.

He even invented the first automated theater complete with sound, scene changes, and animated action backgrounds. Thousands were astounded when they viewed such gifts from the gods.

Heron was also called on to help on the battlefield. He invented the first "Gatling Gun" that shot wooden arrows with deadly accuracy one after another in rapid fire.

All these feats created with the tools and raw materials of the day. And, after Heron died, the clerics of the time could not duplicate Herons genius and the inventions created slowly broke down and were forgotten for many hundreds of years.

Perhaps Heron, being the inquisitive scientist, somehow traveled back in time from a date yet unknown, to study the Egyptian culture at the dawn of the new millennium. Egyptian hieroglyphics refer to Heron as "Traveler From The Sun", and speak of him as a great teacher. His means of time travel were not look mechanical, such as folklore H.G. Wells and his time machine.

Speculation has it that Heron used several of his theorems on the space time continuum to navigate and control time and space itself. By plotting a course on a simple number line, he could easily go from point "A" to point "B" by inputting his theorems solutions.

Heron either changed the course of history leaving no future for him to return to or miscalculated the power necessary to return to his era by not taking into account the tools and raw materials at his disposal in the year 10 AD. In any event, Heron was trapped and made modern wonders that date 2000 years old.



Nostradamus And The War In Iraq

Continuing with the Grassy Knoll Institutes ongoing deciphering of the famous Nostradamus Quatrains, I present to you perhaps a quatrain pertaining to Saddam Hussein.
Century IX, Quatrain 76

With the repacious and bloody king,
sprung from the pallet of the inhuman Nero.
Between two rivers, the military on the left,
He will be murdered by a bald young man.
Line one refers to the bloody king, or Saddam Hussein. Hussein ruled with an iron fist for almost 30 years and slaughtered anyone who defied him.

Line two mentions the inhuman Nero. Could this mean the bombs dropped on Iraq erupting the city in an immense fireball.

Line three zero's in on the location, between two rivers. Two well known rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates run through Iraq. The coalition forces crossed both rivers and secured strategic cities and ports in their push towards Hussein defeat.

Line four says Saddam will be murdered by a bald young man. Could Nostradamus be describing a coalition soldier in full gear including helmet. A man would look like he was bald wearing a helmet and most of the force are young men.

Or, the executioner wearing a black hood concealing himself could also be the reference here when Hussein was hanged.


Is Bill Gates The Anti-Christ

The Grassy Knoll Institute perhaps sheds some light on the anti-Christ.Throughout history, many men and several women, (Hilary Clinton) have been linked to being the Anti-Christ.

The Book of Revelations clearly details how to recognize the Anti-Christ. Let's see if Bill stacks up.....

The anti-Christ will be known and marked with the number of the beast, 666.

Bill Gates full name is William Henry Gates III. If you take the letters in Bill Gates III and then convert them into ASCII computer code, (the American standard code) and add up all the numbers, the sum equals six hundred and sixty six, or...666. Now I believe everyone knows what that number signifies. It is the number of the beast.

Bill has passed the first test. He is known by the mark of the beast, 666.

Adding more evidence: If you convert Microsoft Windows 95 with the same code you wind up with the same number, 666. Want more..... Also MS-DOS 6.31 operating system also adds up to 666. See the pattern here?

The Bible clearly states in the Book of Revelations that the anti-Christ would be someone very powerful that would rise up, add followers by the droves, and lead us all into the beginning to the end of the world.

Let's break this down. First, who has this kind of power? Bill Gates does. More than 85% of all computers in the world today run on either windows or DOS software programs owned by Microsoft and Gates. Even the military and Pentagon computers are running windows.

For argument sake let's say a virus was embedded into every computer program created by Microsoft. Say this virus with the stroke of a single key, can activate itself and cause the military computers of the world to initiate a first strike nuclear event triggering a nuclear world war.

Or a command prompt causing mathematical errors in the banking, stock markets, and financial centers of the world. Panic and riots would erupt. What if Gates could do all this right from his home deep in the secluded and well protected hills of Montana.

Certainly, if this were true, than Gates would possess great power as the Book Of Revelations warned us about. Sound incredulous? Impossible? Well, just remember, by using your Internet explorer browser, owned by Microsoft, which more than likely you are viewing this very page on IE, or are running a Microsoft program, you are allowing it to copy and learn little bits and pieces of information about you and it is put in a vast database. This happens every time you log on.

The second part says that the anti-Christ would rise up and add followers by the droves. Looking at Microsoft, Bill started his company with just a few employees and rose up in a very short time to become the leader in computer software. He is one of the richest men in the world right now. And with money, comes power, and corruption soon to follow. Millions of applications of Microsoft software are being sold every day. An average of 68,000 brand new users log onto the Internet each and every day with most of them running Microsoft software. I would call that adding followers by the droves.

Let's move on. The Bible says that the damned one will force everyone, young and old, small and large, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his hand or on his forehead so that no one can buy, sell, and trade in the temple unless he has the mark, which is the mark of the beast or the number of his name.

So, what does this mean? Let's begin with the Internet. Isn't the Internet becoming the preferred practice of doing business? Just about every major business is now connected to the world wide web. Big deal right? So, how do we get the sign of the beast from the net? Notice that the Internet is referred to as the world wide web, or WWW. We begin our search on the Internet by typing in our explorer browser WWW. Before the English translation, the letter W was written as VI. So, WWW in the past was written VIVIVI. Isn't VI the Roman numeral for 6? VIVIVI is 666 for it is spaced where other numeral symbols would not be added.

The world economy is using the Internet as a linkup to combine and join all businesses world wide. In just a few years, it will become impossible for large corporations to conduct business without a linkup to the Internet. Small businesses will be soon to follow. Again, Microsoft owns most of the operating software and technology for today's business almost to the point of being a monopoly. In fact, Microsoft has been in court for months defending it's strong hold on it's software sales.

OK, OK, you say, yes these things can be all true, but how in the world do you explain the mark of the beast on your hand or forehead? Good question. Ready for the answer? Let's refresh shall we. The Bible says that the mark of the beast will be on one's hand or forehead and will be needed to conduct business.

Aren't we all starting to carry around cell phones? Hold the phone up to your ear to speak. Using it to cancel or add a meeting. Set up an appointment? Schedule an interview? Aren't we all starting to carry laptop computers because all our info is stored on them and it would be impossible to conduct business without it.

Here's the kicker. The mouse and the monitor. Couldn't the mouse be the mark on the hand? After all, without the mouse, the computer is just an expensive paper weight. The monitor, which is forehead high, could be the mark on the forehead. When this was written, man at the time would not have been able to comprehend computers and technology. It would have to be described in a simpler form, like a mark on the hand and forehead.

Are all the pieces of the puzzle starting to fall into place?

We are just now entering the dawn of a new millennium, the third millennium, the number of man.

With all these warnings, the Grassy Knoll Institute wonders why we don't heed the warnings of the Book Of Revelations. It's a very good Book. You should read it sometime. It may just save your soul.



Flu Shot Conspiracy

Flu Shot Conspiracy

You can call the Grassy Knoll Institute paranoid but our staff will not be getting the Government flu shot this season.

This conspiracy theory begins with the well known phrase "Big brother is watching you and me." What better way to implement mind control than by a free nationwide distribution flu shot to the mass population. Incredulous? Not really. Medicine and technology have been advancing in leaps and bounds and has outgrown our own morals. Surgery is now being performed with minute incisions, micro accurate lasers, and mini camera's that are being used as the surgeon's eyes to perform intricate procedures.

Since the Government likes to keep tabs on all us citizens with it's census counters, it would make it a whole lot easier if we all had an identity chip implanted into our bodies. But would any of us willingly go along with this and allow the Government to inject us with a foreign substance that was designed to keep tabs on us and where we go, and for how long? Not likely.

So, a plan was needed to be implemented to appeal to the masses. After several scenario's were discussed, the consensus was a nation wide flu shot every October. This way, millions of citizens would gladly line up and get the shot not knowing that they were actually getting their very own unique tracking chip that would stay forever in their body. You would have your very own UPC code implant.

The Grassy Knoll Institute has to ask, did the flu shot really help prevent you from getting sick? Many people that the Grassy Knoll Institute interviewed have said that even with the flu shot, they got sick with the same frequency as they did in the past without the flu shot. So, is the shot effective preventing the flu, or is it really just another Government ploy designed to tag and track the population?

This brings us to the ultimate guarded borders. Like metal detectors in airports or anti theft tags in department stores, any American citizen coming into our country would be secretly scanned and noted while illegal aliens who do not have the implant would be easily singled out and rejected at the border and sent back.

Part two of the conspiracy is a mind control agent also injected into your body through the guise of a flu shot. Again, the Government would like us to be all good little citizens and with the implant and the help of the media, could control our moods, desires, wants, and needs. That program on TV that you watched an hour ago, did it have a message for you?

Of course, there is a triple threat to the flu shot conspiracy. This one is not Government endorsed, but far more deadly. This is purely a public awareness announcement. The Grassy Knoll Institute in it's paranoid state ponders this scenario. What type of terrorist attack would be most effective to inflict as much harm to the population of the United States? How about a deadly virus disguised as a flu shot? Who's to say that the fluid being injected into your body is not tainted with a deadly bio-virus designed to lay dormant in your body for a 90 day period so symptoms would not appear until millions have been infected.

Call the Grassy Knoll Institute paranoid but our staff will not be getting the Government flu shot this season.



Jack The Ripper Case Solved

Grassy Knoll Institute Re-opens Old London's Jack The Ripper Case

When I think of London, England of the late 1880's it evokes a surreal picturesque life of people walking down wet cobblestone roads. Of romantic horse and carriage transports adorned with the warm ember glow of gas lanterns. Of thick, cool, damp fog enveloping the entire city rolling down every street and blind alley. Of prostitutes dressed in frilly colorful gowns walking the streets flirting with every man who would happen to fancy them.

And of course, I think of Jack The Ripper. The most gruesome and infamous serial killer London has ever known. A gruesome killer who would seek out the comfort and companionship of the ladies of the evening and then brutally murder them by meticulously carving the victims into pieces with surgical precision. In just several short months, Jack The Rippers reign of terror killing spree elicited more press in London than ever before. Scotland Yard was utilizing every available man and resource to solve this case before another murder occurred that would assuredly incite more panic from the townspeople of London.

Then one day, the murders stopped abruptly. No one was ever brought to justice. Every lead was a dead end. The town of London started to return to normalcy.
Scotland Yard closed the book on the Ripper and one the world's most talked about and read about conspiracies was born.

The Grassy Knoll Institute researchers has uncovered several startling files that may finally bring this 100 plus year investigation to a conclusion.
To begin, the Grassy Knoll Institute dismisses the theory that a member of the Royal family was actually the Ripper and the Queen squelched the media and to avoid a scandal, locked the family member in the tower of London never to be heard from again.

Another theory claimed that the Ripper was a constable and that enabled him to move around the city at will and blend into the night after the murders. The Grassy Knoll Institute dismisses this theory as well for the targets of the Ripper were prostitutes. One would think that if these ladies of the evening saw a constable coming toward them, they would quickly disperse and leave the area so as not to get arrested.

The Grassy Knoll Institute quickly dismisses the American doctor theory. At the time, there were no registered American doctors practicing in that district of London.

Yet another theory claims that the murders were committed by multiple men. Since the murders left a standard trademark cut, which gave to the name, "The Ripper," it could only be one person performing the heinous crimes.

And one theory had a man almost confessing to the crimes as he was hoisted up on the gallows pole. Just a split second before the floor was pulled from under him, he began to speak one last sentence. He spoke three words and no more as the rope tightened around his neck extinguishing the life from this man. The unfinished sentence he spoke was, "I am Jack".....

The Grassy Knoll Institute as usual takes a different approach in presenting our theory. We offer a different spin on the events that took place. We here at the Grassy Knoll Institute like to call this theory.....Jackie The Ripper.

In the year 1888, a little thing called ego was the cause of Scotland Yard not solving the serial killer case as this person stalked the streets carving up prostitutes and leaving them for dead. You see, the law enforcement didn't even dare to think that a woman was capable of committing such heinous crimes. The detectives concentrated all their energy towards several male leads and pretty much left all other eye witness accounts alone. If only one of the detectives could have paused just a moment to consider the alternatives the case might have been solved. Now, it will forever be a non solved murder case.

As the Grassy Knoll Institute was pouring over all the evidence on the ripper case, a single police report struck one of our reporters right on the nose. The report in question was from an eye witness where moments after the third murder, the witness, who was a prostitute, saw another lady of the evening scurrying away into the shadows and fog of the evening. The detectives dismissed this as just a prostitute running for safety. If this lead would have been investigated these facts would have been revealed.

A woman by the name of Carolyn Ethelburough was that woman fleeing the scene that night. Carolyn was the wife of a very prominent doctor named Edward Ethelburough. Carolyn was Edward's nurse and assisted him in many house calls as well as surgeries.

All seemed well for this couple until one evening Edward was late coming home and Carolyn, concerned that something happened to him, decided to look for her husband. Much to her surprise, she caught sight of her loving husband Edward in the arms of a prostitute. Carolyn was crushed as hatred and thoughts of betrayal crept into her mind. Not being able to tolerate the scene before her anymore, Carolyn left and slowly walked home.

As she was walking home, she heard the cobblestone road under her feet and she felt an overload of emotion flood her senses. She became calm, focused, and invigorated all at once as her subconscious began formulating a plan to extract revenge for her husbands infidelity.

For the next several months Carolyn secretly charted Edwards nocturnal movements. He would frequent the same haunts and the same prostitutes. She counted five prostitutes in all that entertained Edward regularly. The voice in her mind was telling her that Edward must pay for this despicable act of infidelity. Edward must pay for his sins.

Just as Carolyn was ready to formulate a plan for Edward to pay for his sins, Edward fell ill. It would be an illness he would not recover from. Edward was rewarded with the gift of syphilis contracted from one of the five prostitutes he frequented. Several months later, Edward was dead as he succumbed to the disease.

Upon her husbands death, Carolyn assumed all his possessions including his surgical instruments. For a time, she tried to lead a normal life but the visions of Edwards infidelity kept creeping into her mind until one day she decided to exercise the demons from her mind the only way she thought was possible. She must murder the prostitutes that killed Edward.
The next evening Carolyn pulled a frilly bright colored gaudy dress from her wardrobe and safely tucked a razor sharp scalpel under her petticoat and set out to the lower west end of London to search for her first victim. From her previous missions spying on her husband, she knew the lay of the land and honed in easily on one of the five prostitutes that contributed to the death of Edward.

As she approached the prostitute, she appeared to be just one of the new girls working the street trying to make ends meet. Carolyn struck up a conversation to put the woman at ease. Maybe she asked her advice on where and when the most action occurs. Maybe who to stay away from, and who paid well. As soon as Carolyn procured the prostitutes confidence, she implemented her plan.

Swiftly she stabbed the prostitute and slowly lowered her to the ground in the alley. She then performed her ritual of cutting out the demons from the prostitute in hopes of freeing the woman's and her husbands soul.

Satisfied that the demons were exercised from the prostitute, Carolyn quickly made her getaway. Since she was dressed as a street walker, she quickly blended into the scene and made her way home.

Over the next several months Carolyn would perform the same ritual four more times until all the woman that her Edward was with were dead. Since she was a woman and dressed like a prostitute, the other victims never became alarmed when she approached them. They knew there was a killer on the prowl, but they all thought the ripper was a man.

Finally, with her mission completed, Carolyn could rest in peace and several months later she quietly moved away from London. Court records tracked her movements for several more years and they indicated that she became a drifter moving from city to city. Her records stop at Londonderry, Ireland in 1912. The last entry in her residence registry revealed she had purchased a ticket on a massive luxury steamship bound for America. No one really knows if she ever boarded that White Star steam ship. If she did, it would be a befitting and Titanic ending to the mystery of Jackie The Ripper.


Is The NFL Risking Players Lives

Is the NFL risking players health and even lives for the almighty dollar? Does the NFL believe that players are assets only and completely interchangeable geared to maximize profits and ratings at any cost?Before we make assumptions, let's analyze some facts.

Several years ago, the Green Bay Packers were moving into scoring position during the third period of play. Bret Favre, quarterback for the Packers was sacked hard and suffered a concussion. He lay on the ground for several minutes while the trainers and coaches administered help. The broadcast cut away for a round of commercials and when the game came back on, Favre was being helped to the bench. The camera's stayed on him and he looked woozy and incoherent.

The backup, Pederson went in for Favre. A play was run and the camera's cut back to Favre on the sidelines standing by the coach talking to him. Another play went by and now it was 4th down and 5 yards from the 30 yard line. The packers went into their huddle and then Favre came running onto the field waiving Pederson to the bench. The crowd cheered. Favre went under center, barked the signals and then proceeded to throw a TD pass. The crowd cheered. Players including Favre celebrated. All was good in packerland.....

Until, the next series when the Packer offense took the field, Favre was absent. Apparently, and this is the story, head coach Sherman said he wasn't informed that Favre suffered a concussion and did not realize he was not cleared to return to the game by the medical staff. So, he sent Favre back in to run the team.

What's the big deal, no harm no foul, Favre added to his mystique and everything is all well. Except that someone, meaning Sherman or the medical staff made a huge blunder and let Favre return putting not only his career in danger, but his very life. Favre returned to the game less than two minutes after suffering a concussion.

If Favre during that one last play would have been sacked again, or even knocked down, he could have sustained another concussion and ended his career or life. And for what?

This is where things get cloudy, the for what reason.....
One may speculate that Favre had a current streak going with a TD pass in consecutive games and was only several games behind legend Dan Marino, the former Miami Dolphin. Up until that point, Favre did not have a TD pass and after he threw one, he did not return to the game again.

Another reason may be that the Packers are 1-3 and are playing the Titans on Monday night, another 1-3 club. This game is national TV, big revenue, big money, ratings, when a large audience tunes in. With two teams going South and last in their divisions, who's going to tune in except Packer and Titan fans plus the standard general crowd who loves all football.

Unless, however, there was some sort of intrigue, some hook to lure the crowd to the game. What better way to attract a crowd than playing the controversy of Favre returning to the game in spite of not being cleared by the medical staff? People would tune in for that for sure. Many game day analysts will be making their pay on this subject Sunday.

Does this smell like a conspiracy? You betcha it does.
Favre gets hurt, returns to the game despite not being cleared by the medical staff and throws a TD pass keeping his streak alive for Monday night. Favre is listed as questionable as of today but the backup QB, Pederson has been put on injured reserve and is gone for the season.
Now who's going to start for the Packers? The untested third string QB, or the newly required QB who came via the trade of corner Mckenzie?

Or will Favre keep yet another streak alive and trot out Monday night and play and keep that streak, most consecutive starts, alive as well?
Fans would have to tune in Monday to find out. Just what the NFL wants us to do......


Rockers Elvis And Morrison Are Alive

Elvis Presley And Jim Morrison Are Alive
Elvis Presley And Jim Morrison Are Alive
Grassy Knoll Institute Breaking News

The original king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley and the original bad boy of rock, Jim Morrison have been spotted and identified living on a farm in a remote area in Nebraska.

Elvis Is The One Wearing The Hat.
An elaborate plan and hoax helped Elvis stage his own death so he could live out the rest of his life doing what he always wanted. Being a farmer in Nebraska and eating all the chili fries he wanted.

I Need An L.A. Woman!
After years of living the rock star life, Jim Morrison has been reduced to a brittle old man needing canes to get around with.


Crop Circles Exposed

Crop Circles Real Or Hoax
Crop Circles Real Or Hoax
Many people believe that we have been visited by Extraterrestrials since the dawn of man. Some even say aliens are our ancestors. (That is another Grassy Knoll Institute theory that we won't get into at this time)

Anyway, several years ago, roughly 15-20 years, crop circles like the one above began to be spotted from the sky on a regular basis. Pilots saw them and gave testimony stating that they flew the same exact flight path the day before and the circles were not there. Twenty four hours later, to the pilots amazement, huge crop circles, some of them covering over a half mile in radius mysteriously appeared.

The farm owners where the circles appeared were questioned and investigators went to the fields where the circles were. The farmers knew nothing and were shocked something like this could happen without them knowing about it on their own land. At the site, rows of corn were smashed down with the stalks all going the same way.

Intense studies were conducted including radiation detection, soil contamination analysis, electrostatic magnetic field tests, crop samples taken, chemical analysis on the soil, water samples, measurements of the radius of the circles with true right angles, and photos taken to ensure that no human or animal prints were evident leading towards or away from the fields.

After months of analyzing the data collected, scientists still did not have an explanation as to how the crop circles appeared or for what purpose they served. Speculation and wild rumors were rampant as more and more circles were discovered and the news media descended and took off running with the story.

Some speculated that the circles were landing imprints from huge alien ships where specimens of plant, animal and even human were collected and taken aboard for study. Some said it was the sign of the beast and that the end of the world was near and to repent your sins and prepare for the coming of the anti-Christ. Others thought they were secret military planes or ships practicing covert landings preparing for first strike capability attacks.

People were in a panic. Were the aliens really among us? Maybe they looked and talked just like us? How could we tell if our neighbors were alien or human?

Well, the Grassy Knoll Institute has uncovered the real secret to the crop circles. They are not alien landing gear, nor military planes, nor a religious symbol, but simple man made circles created in an elaborate hoax. All one needed was a long rope that was tied to a four foot by four foot board and a pole. It was a two man operation.

Both men would set out to a private field at dusk careful to walk in the corn rows and not on the corn itself and then would pick a desolate spot. Then, one man would stand in the field holding the pole and the rope while the other stretched out the rope as far as it would go and then would begin to step onto the board smashing down the corn in a circular pattern. All he had to do was keep the rope taut and walk and the path would be a perfect circle. When he completed one revolution, the man holding the rope would wind up four feet and then the process would be duplicated until both men met at the center.

From there, they would use the board and walk out four feet at a time and then start another circle connecting it to the first one. An elaborate set like the pictures at the right would take up to 8 hours to complete but if started at dusk, by morning, it would look like another circle had just appeared to low flying planes.

Sorry if this wasn't the answer you were looking for, but it's the Grassy Knoll Institute truth.


Nostradamus And The Modern World

Nostradamus was a 16th century prophet and astrologer who supposedly foresaw the future of the world. His technique used was a form of meditation where at night, he would sit alone peering into his brass tripod that was centered with a flame.

From there, he would look into the future. He wrote his quatrains of the centuries but realizing what powerful knowledge these quatrains were, he mixed the centuries and quatrains up with only him knowing what was to become. He had hoped that man and woman would take heed and heart of the quatrains and change the world for the better.

To begin, to get a feel for Nostradamus' writing skill and technique, the following are his first two quatrains that begins his Prophecies of the Centuries.

Sitting alone at night in secret study,
It rests solitary on the brass tripod.
A slight flame comes out of the emptiness,
Making successful that which would have been in vain.

The wand in the hand is placed in the middle of the legs of the tripod.
He sprinkles with water both the hem of the garment and it's foot.
Fear, a voice runs trembling through the sleeves .
Divine splendor, the god sits nearby.

In these quatrains, Nostradamus explains how he is able to see into the future. All elements of ancient magic is present. It's night, he is alone, the flame of the tripod and his wand are his clairvoyant devices. Remember, this was in the 1500' s when Nostradamus recorded his prophecies and magic not science was believed in most. He would stare into the flame until it became cloudy and the images of the future would then appear.

He was also able to not only see the future, but hear the future, as when he said a voice runs trembling. He is also afraid of his new found ability but becomes settled and at ease when the god sits next to him. (see the last two lines)

The first Quatrain I will decipher will be one associated with the United States and the World Trade Center. Mind you, these are merely interpretations of mine.

Stay Tuned.