Showing posts with label digital implants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital implants. Show all posts


Human Digital Implants

Big brother Is Already Watching
Digital Human Implants.
This is not a futuristic fantasy but a reality already in progress.

Implants are not just for the military but for every American citizen. Implants are being touted as the newest "must have" technical gizmo. The implants are so microscopic that they are virtually undetectable in the human body. Until that is, the government needs to do a little update maintenance.

Why are implants becoming the buzz word lately? The reason is the many benefits provided with digital implants.

Imagine a noninvasive procedure where the chip is implanted in your thumb freeing you from carrying your wallet or purse with you anymore. No drivers license, no form of ID, or money for that matter. Your digital implant chip would have all that information and much much more.

The fear of robbery would cease for consumers would no longer carry money. No more lost credit cards or identity theft off the Internet.

Business transactions such as grocery store shopping, gas station fill ups, banking, and even Internet sells will be controlled by the tiny little chip implanted in your thumb. A mere wave of your hand over the UPC scanner and your bank account will be debited.

But wait, there's more good news. What happens if your child gets lost? Or worse, kidnapped? A quick call to the police department and with satellite tracking much like the GPS systems in cars, your child will be located in minutes and the nearest law enforcement officer will be immediately dispatched to your child's location. Also, all people in the immediate vicinity of your child will be identified in case the kidnapper decides to run and evade justice.

Sounds to good to be true doesn't it? Well, with new technology, there are some down sides. There are certain disadvantages that the government won't be advertising, much like tobacco companies with their warning labels on cigarette packs. The warning is there, but not really noticed or paid attention to.

The most disturbing disadvantage is the loss of our personal privacy. Yes, George Orwell's Big Brother government will be watching you at all times. The digital implant will record your every move, transaction, conversation. Any establishment you visit, time spent, and goods or services rendered there will be archived. A personal portfolio will slowly be compiled on you to help and aid the government in future endeavors for you or against you.

Your personal privacy will go the way of the 8-Track tape player that will be reasoned away that a small sacrifice must be made to keep all of us safe. More like rounded up and corralled like sheep. The government will speak of crime being eliminated for every door we pass through will scan the chip in our bodies and keep tabs on us. If anyone decides to say, rob a bank, the implant will notify the police right away and the GPS tracking systems will kick in and the robber will be arrested.

We will be a more kinder, gentler society. Afraid to deviate from the norm for fear of being singled out and persecuted and then prosecuted for a crime we did not commit.....Yet!

Indeed, the future looks so bright, I better buy some shades. And some gloves.