Showing posts with label April Fools Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April Fools Day. Show all posts


Introducing Dr. Bitzky Seymour Bush

Doctor Bitzky, the astute multiLingual gynecologist has opened his practice abroad. Lines are forming as we speak. You may make an appointment here to see the doctor.


Dooohead Finally Meets Benny

Dooohhead, while on a business trip to Halifax to scope out the harbor filled with tugboats finally realizes his wildest fantasy as he meets the legendary Benthere. Shocked, all Dooohhead could do was stare at her breasts as he fondly remembered her nipple post several months earlier. In an instant, a man in the distance aptly named Fred called out Doooh's name snapping him back to reality. In another instant, she was gone.


Modblogs Hottest Bloggers

In a show of solidarity, Smash, Neen, Chica, Kelly dyed their hair blond to kick off the new Grassy Knoll Institute secret laboratory. They want to prove that blondes really have plenty to say and are a force to be reckoned with. The chat airs today at 4pm at the Grassy Knoll Institute secret laboratory. I'm listening! And sneaking a peak as well.


Dinner At Hooters Las Vegas

Dave and I decided that after a hard day of work in Las Vegas we would have a relaxing dinner at a quaint restaurant. We chose Hooters instead. Our waitress was Sandy, and she was casually sitting waiting to serve us.

After we were seated, Sandy got up, fixed her uniform and came over to our table and took our order. I started with the chicken strips with BBQ sauce and for the main entree, a bacon cheeseburger with fries.

As we waited for our meals to be cooked and prepared, Sandy stayed close leaning on the bar counter smiling seductively at us every now and again and made sure our drinks were always full.

Finally, Dave and I finished our dinner. We thanked Sandy for the wonderful service and meals. Sandy smiled and said it was her pleasure and turned around to assist another customer who arrived for dinner. 

The Grassy Knoll Institute rates Hooters of Las Vegas a definite 5 out of 5 shots. Sorry, I FN forgot to take any pictures of the food.


Lost Update - In A Godda-Da-Vida

Season II
Lost Update 04/01/2006
In-a-gadda-da-vida, honey,
Don't you know that I love you?
In-a-gadda-da-vida, baby,
Don't you know that Ill always be true?
Oh, wont you come with me
And take my hand?
Oh, wont you come with me
And walk this land?
Please take my hand!

What would have happened if Jack decided to wait one more day and not board the Oceanic flight back to the states? As well the other passengers. If you are interested, here is what happened in the alternate reality.

Tonight’s episode opens with a flashback of Jack sleeping in his hotel room the night before he boarded the fateful flight on Oceanic. The sun is peaking in through the closed blinds and Jack rustles in his sleep and slowly awakens.

Jack hears the shower running and fumbles to slowly get out of bed in the dimly lit room. He makes his way to the bathroom scratching his behind displaying a smirk on his face as if he just remembered something amazing from the night before.

When Jack reaches the shower curtain, he pauses as if contemplating his next move. In a heartbeat, the curtain is pulled open to show a very wet Ana Lucia rinsing herself off. Ana sexily whispers "Good Morning Doctor," and smiles seductively at him.

As Jack steps into the shower, another pair of hands comes into the scene. The camera pans back a little and reveals Libby behind Ana soaping her back. Jack and Ana embrace and kiss and repeat the same sequence with Libby. Ana and Libby then embrace and kiss. All three stop to laugh...

After the shower, the three are dressing and the conversation turns to their flight that day. Jack is ready to get his father back to the states but Ana suggests they all stay for just another day until she and Libby get their affairs in order as well.

Reluctantly, Jack agrees and he walks to the phone and orders room service breakfast. Jack states that he will not be checking out today after all and orders three continental breakfasts.

The rest of the casts, survivors, are having similar occurrences. Hurley misses the plane just arriving minutes after the plane rolls out to the tarmac.

Locke through his pleading convinces the walk about tours agent that he is capable to join the group and boards the bus instead of the plane.

Claire at the last moment decides that she wants to keep her baby and drops her ticket into the trash receptacle and turns and walks away. She bumps into Charlie, who almost knocks her down and they strike up a conversation. Charlie loses track of time and misses his flight but decides to take Claire up on her offer for dinner.

Sayid gets detained by security and is held until after the plane takes off.

Sun musters up enough nerve to run from Jin, and walks out of the terminal and meets her friends. Jin sees this and starts after her. Both never get on the plane.

Shannon and Boone arrive at the airport but so does her former boyfriend. Boone and him struggle and security is called to subdue both of them. Boone and the boyfriend are taken into custody and Shannon follows behind crying. Both miss the plane.

Michael and Walt are not getting along to well as Walt is having a hard time adjusting to Michael being his father. Michael decides to postpone his trip back to the states and stay in a familiar environment with Walt to get him more accustomed to his new life.

Kate attempts an escape before boarding the plane with the excuse of needing to use the restroom. The police agent foils her plan catching her as she attempts to escape from the window. This escape attempt was just enough time for them to miss the plane. Kate gets another chance for the next flight isn't until the next day.

Sawyer’s money scam goes terribly awry and he gets caught in a gun battle getting shot in the shoulder. He survives but misses the plane.

Everyone else has the same type of experience and as the episode comes to a close, the Hotel sign where Jack, Ana, and Libby were staying shows the Dharma Hotel and Casino resort...

End of show...
It never happened.
The Booby Ewing syndrome...


Explosion At Nellis Air Force Base

The Grassy Knoll Institute has learned a top secret military experiment backfired at Nellis Air Force base in Nevada today causing an immense explosion and blinding light knocking out all electrical systems. The experiment was rumored to be an extension of the 1940's Philadelphia experiment but this time an attempt to rip open a time portal to the past was the desired result. As the fire crews brought the fire and explosion under control, a head count was performed to verify any missing.

Luckily, no one was missing or hurt, but there were two extra people onsite with no credentials. An intense interrogation of the people, a man and a woman claiming to be husband and wife added very little to the mystery. The man kept saying his name was Lincoln. Abe Lincoln.


Real Reason Modblog Server is Down

And oh yes, deliver that sandwich, fresh of course, to the secret laboratory of the Grassy Knoll Institute.


Grassy Knoll Institute Secret Laboratory

The Grassy Knoll Institutes secret laboratory photographed for the first time. A rival faction known only as "Chaos" has hunted down and posted onto the Internet the huge modern laboratory of the Grassy knoll for all the world to see. Scientists are scrambling at this very instant to secure all the precious objects obtained and sensitive top secret government documents merely lying around on their desks.


I Think I Met Jay Leno

Taking a break from the Tonight Show, Jay Leno stopped by the Grassy knoll Institutes secret laboratory to do a quick comedy stand up set. Of course he was funny as hell and knocked the crowd dead.



Take Your Best Shot

Had My Cake - Eating It Too

OK Modbloggers, I had my fun this April Fools day. Now its your turn. The photo on top is me. *GASP* Yes, its me way back in 1978 when I was 18 years old. Its from my college student ID card. Its time for "Give me your best caption" time. Don't hold back. I'll start off as usual...... He's A Rebel Without A Clue.



Modblog Sold To MSN For $1.5 Million

Modblog Sold To MSN for $1.5 Million

David Gorman, founder and owner of Modblog, accepted the tendered offer of $1.5 million dollars to an agreed upon merger with Microsft and MSN Spaces blog network. @Imike is on suicide watch......


Modblog Princess Pooram

Modblog Princess Pooarm
This just in. The Grassy Knoll Institute just developed this rare exclusive photo of Princess Pooarm riding her bicycle in the UK. She just got new glasses.


Patuca Gold Pens Book

Patuca Gold
Patuca Gold Pens Book, A Pirate Looks At Forty Patuca Gold has some very interesting reads on his blog. Methinks he is a closet parrot head.


Crystal Pegasus Spreads Wings

Crystal Pegasus
Crystal Pegasus Spreads Her Wings This just in.....Crystal Pegasus Modblog admin, after hearing the MSN- Modblog merger news, dons her fairy costume in hopes of becoming the MSN butterfly mascot.


Originaisml And Elisla All Dressed Up

Originalism And Elisla Modblog
Graphic Photo The Grassy Knoll Institute cannot confirm or deny the following photo as being the notorious Originalism and Elisla dressed to the nines ready for a night out on the town. You be the judge.


Deep Blue Dives

Deep Blue Muff Diving
Deep Blue has brilliant artwork on her blog. Her photos are awe inspiring. Her wit dry and pointed. Just the way I like it. And sometimes she goes over the deep end, (Just ask her about her recent bus trip) or when she paints her entire body blue to make a statement.


Its Clobbering Time

Its Clobbering Time
Doooh Head, defender of Canada and all that is good has his work cut out for him now that the United States has snubbed Canada concerning the Star Wars Missile Defense Shield. Of course, as he and his counterpart say, "Its clobbering time"


Real Reason Modblog Is Offline

Real Reason Modblog Service Is Offline So Often
Just as the Grassy Knoll Institute suspected, Modblog's downtime woes can be easily rectified. Apparetly the extension cord leading from Gormans house connecting Modblog to the Internet kept coming unplugged. Several feet of duct tape and a deskmod upgrade and all is well again in modblog land.


Burger King Enormous Sandwich Kills 72

BK Breakfast Sandwich
Burger King Unveils New Breakfast Sandwich That Immediately Kills 72 People.

Tragedy struck at Burger King restaurants around the nation today as 72 people who lined up and waited to try the sandwich, died from massive heart failure immediately after consuming the sandwich.

Burger Kings new sandwich has 730 calories and 47 grams of fat. It consists of two scrambled eggs, two pieces of bacon, a six inch sausage patty, two pieces of cheese, and white enriched bun.


Iceberg That Sank Titanic Located

Titanic Iceberg Located
Iceberg That Sank Luxury Liner Titanic In 1912 Found
While on a routine patrol in the atlantic ocean, the USS Grassy Knoll navy explorer located the iceberg that sank the Titanic.

The Navy ship was mapping icebergs as they made their slow migration into shipping lanes making them dangerous to older ships not equipped with modern sonar and technology. One of the Ensigns on watch spotted a rusty looking object jutting out from one of the icebergs. The ship moved in as close as it could and then Navy Seals were sent in recovery rafts to inspect and retrieve the metal object.

It was flown to Patterson Air Force base and Navy forensics experts determined it was a sheered off piece of the outer hull plating of the ill fated maiden voyage of the Titanic.

Ebay is asking for a cool one million dollars. Bidding ends at 4pm today......