Doing Sexy Halloween Since 1998 |
Haunted Hotel Conneaut |
Grassy Knoll Institute has been following the increased paranormal activity at Hotel Conneaut ever since February of this year, when an arson fire destroyed the amusement park that houses the hotel. On Friday, October 3rd, Patrick
(Lead Paranormal Scientist) and myself headed out to the hotel to investigate.
A Little Background On The Site:
Hotel Conneaut, located inside Conneaut Lake Amusement Park,
(Conneaut lake, Pennsylvania, 16316) opened its doors in 1903 to park vacationers and has changed very little since then. The hotel has no air conditioner or heater, no TV, no high speed Internet, and no electronic door keys. It was as if when you walked into the lobby, you were transported back in time 50 years.
However, It did boast a full service restaurant named Elizabeth's and also had the Spirit lounge right off the lobby that served breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A green chalk board would alert the patrons of the menu of the day.
Hotel Conneaut also has a local legend tied to its rich history. As the urban legend goes, in 1943, during World War II, a soldier on leave married Elizabeth, the love of his life and chose Hotel Conneaut to consummate their marriage. His unit was shipping out in three days and he and Elizabeth wanted a peaceful several days before the horrors or war came back into their lives.
But tragedy would strike. On the evening of their marriage, during a heavy thunder storm, a lightning strike ignited the hotels wood roof and a massive fire broke out in the hotel.
Legend has it that the groom
(Soldier on leave) survived the fire mistakenly thinking his bride,
(Elizabeth) had already exited the hotel and was safe and fled the hotel to join her. However, Elizabeth was still inside the hotel desperately searching for her husband and quickly became trapped by the flames and perished.
After the Hotel reopened, patrons started reporting strange events occurring in the hotel, especially on the third floor, where the bride Elizabeth and her groom stayed.
(Room 321 is the room said to be the number letted out to them) People claimed they saw the ghost of Elizabeth dressed in her wedding gown walking the halls searching evermore for her husband. Other people claimed that the water spigots turned on and off on their own and that windows would open and close in their rooms all evening.
Staff members reported that they felt a presence while in the halls and some actually had an entity touch them as they walked the halls. Strange orbs of light that would seem to appear and then float through the hallway walls have also been reported by staff members while making their rounds through the hotel at night. Lights turning on and off seemed the norm for staff members.
Whispers have been heard by many, staff and patrons alike. Most believe it is the last conversation Elizabeth and her husband had just before the fire. The whispers can be heard all over the hotel, in the rooms, halls, restaurant, lounge, and out on the grounds.
The Investigation:
Since the arson fire, paranormal activity has spiked not only in the hotel, but throughout the entire park. There were hundreds of reports of the ghost Elizabeth manifesting itself and strange sounds and occurrences happening in the amusement park section as well. Patrick and I loaded the Jeep with camera's and video equipment and headed out on Route 11 for the 70 minute ride to Hotel Conneaut.
Make Sure To Click The Thumbnails For Much Larger Pictures For Full Inspection
Hotel Conneaut Entrance |
We Arrived approximately at 8pm and and I snapped this photo right before entering the hotel through the grand entrance. You can tell that the hotel is in disrepair and with limited funds from the park being closed, it may be shuttered for good.
Hotel Conneaut Lobby |
Upon entering, to the left is a sitting room and library book shelf. Straight on is Elizabeth's restaurant including the green chalk board with the daily menu written on it. A little to the right is the front desk and further right is the stairway to the hotel rooms.
Hotel Conneaut Stairway |
The stairwell that leads to the hotel rooms and especially, to the third floor, where Elizabeth's ghost reportedly roams. So far, we have not encountered any living or dead spirits. No one was in the lobby, or at the front desk. Being that the hotel was closed, it did not seem strange.
Hotel Conneaut Concierge |
As we made our way to the stairway, we encountered Lilly, the hotel concierge. She seemed to be guarding the stairway. She was wearing some sort of mask, or fancy old fashioned hat I presumed on her head. Lilly was nice enough though and after an explanation on why we were there, she let us pass.
Hotel Conneaut Haunted 3rd Floor |
This is the first picture taken in the hallway on the third floor of Hotel Conneaut. Since the hotel was closed, no lights were on so we switched our equipment to night vision and continued slowly down the hall recording as we went. As you can see, the hotel is old and dilapidated but for our needs, it was perfect conditions.
Hotel Conneaut Halloween Prop |
At the first hotel room door we encountered, we spied this Halloween prop. Apparently, some prankster hung it there to spook patrons. We found it humorous and continued on. As we walked down the hall, we felt as if we were being watched, and the air was a little heavy.
Hotel Conneaut Shadow Figure |
As we turned on the hallway I snapped another photo as I thought I saw a shadow moving towards me. Upon inspection, there is a large dark floating mass on the left side of the hallway. It stopped momentarily and then started slowly toward me. As the distance decreased, it vanished into the wall.
Hotel Conneaut 3rd Floor Barricade |
We were getting close to Elizabeth's room,
(Room 323) as we turned left on the hall. There was a barricade preventing us from continuing down the right side of the hallway. So far, all the hotel room doors have been locked. I didn't expect any to be open however.
Ghost Elizabeth Floating In Hallway |
Just as soon as we turned down the hallway, we heard whispering coming from behind us. We snapped photos hoping to capture on film the elusive ghost of Elizabeth. We saw nothing but when processing the data, a blurry image of a female in white was levitating in the hall. Clearly, hard evidence the hotel is haunted.
Ghost Elizabeths Room |
Excitedly, we arrived at Elizabeth's room. We had already witnessed several paranormal episodes and were anxious to enter. The room number was removed, probably by a souvenir seeker. Luck was with us as the door was left unlocked. We entered with camera's ready.
Ghost Elizabeth Honeymoon Bed |
The room was standard fare. A bed, desk, lamp, a bathroom, closet, and a window. Of course, the lights were out except for a strange faint red glow coming from the ceiling of the room. We concentrated on the bed, Elizabeth's honeymoon bed. Notice the round white orb on the paneling above the bed to the right. It was flying all over the room.
Ghost Elizabeth Appears In Bed |
Concentrating on the orb, we didn't notice that the bed was levitating ever so slightly. When we looked at the bed, I snapped this photo in hopes of capturing Elizabeth. Peering out from under the covers, I could make out a figure of a young woman
(Apparently Elizabeth's ghost) with red eyes looking upwards.
Hotel Conneaut Black Mass |
The ghost instantly disappeared leaving the bed empty but we had captured her on film. Little did we know that moments later, we would make physical contact with Elizabeth. We left through the door back to the hallway and headed further down into the dark. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something.
Hotel Conneaut White Orbs |
In this picture, notice the orbs at the end of the hallway. They seemed to be dancing back and forth. A moment later, they oozed through the wall. Also notice the white foot prints on the carpeting just outside the door on the right side. They appeared as I was filming the orbs.
Hotel Conneaut White Orbs |
We followed the orb down the hallway snapping pictures wildly as we raced to the swinging doors. Once there, we took this close up of the white orb floating stationery. It seemed to be observing us. Then, it made several intricate spins and whisked away down the hall.
Unlocked Door Conneaut Hotel |
We were back where we started. Room 321. Elizabeth's room. Some sort of energy force guided me to the room opposite Elizabeth's. I tried the handle on the door, and it was unlocked. We went inside. The room was almost the same as the other but there was something on the bed that startled me.
Ghost Elizabeth Wedding Gown |
Upon inspecting the room, there was a white wedding gown delicately laid out over the bed. The gown had intricate embroidery sewn into the neckline and appeared to be old fashioned in design. Could this be Elizabeth's wedding gown? We would get our answer in mere minutes.
Ghost Elizabeth In Wedding Gown |
As we walked out of the adjacent room, there before us was Elizabeth. A full floating full bodied apparition. Starring straight at us. Elizabeth didn't speak, nor made any sudden moves, but merely swirled her wedding gown and turned away from us.
Hotel Conneaut Bride Elizabeth |
We checked on the wedding dress in the other room and it was gone. Elizabeth was now wearing it. We raced into the hallway once again and just caught a glimpse of Elizabeth moving toward her hotel room door. My God, you could even make out her hands. In an instant, she vanished into the doorway.
Hotel Conneaut Basement |
Satisfied with the incredible empirical proof that the ghost of Elizabeth still rooms the hotel halls, we set out for the basement of the hotel to see if we could dig up some more buried skeletons. Lead investigator Patrick took the lead as we walked in the silent darkness.
Hotel Conneaut Restaurant Closed |
We noticed that the kitchen and ballroom doors had signs posted that they were closed and to keep out. The signs on the doors did not deter us. We pressed on hoping to uncover more evidence. Luck was with us that night as the door was unlocked and we entered the kitchen area.
Hotel Conneaut Kitchen |
Clearly we had missed dinner as the pots and pans were already rinsed and sitting in the sink on the back left. On the prep table, it appeared that a maintenance man was rooting through some old Christmas and Halloween decorations. There were light strings and a purple skull.
Misty Apperition in hallway |
One of the hotel employee's or guests,
(We never determined which) was startled by our presence in the kitchen. He was curious as to why we were taking pictures. He said to make sure we took a good photo of him. I told him that wouldn't be possible.
Orbs Attack Lead Investigator |
Upon exiting the kitchen area, which we found out was also the basement, lead investigator Patrick was attacked by several menacing white orbs. Using his martial arts skills, Patrick was able to fend the orbs off and they vanished. We made our way out the door into the night air behind Hotel Conneaut.
Conneaut Orbs Attack |
Snapping a photo of the back side of Hotel Conneaut, we captured yet another orb floating inside where we just exited from. The orb was bright white and glowed almost as if it were a neon light. We waited for a moment or two to see if the orb would pursue us outside the hotel.
Orbs Floating At Conneaut Hotel |
In a matter of seconds, a large white orb appeared from the hotel and began buzzing above and around us. Knowing that we had collected enough evidence, we made our way to the front of the hotel and returned to our secret laboratory to evaluate the video, sound, and photographs taken at Hotel Conneaut.
The Conclusion:
Grassy Knoll Institute, upon reviewing the evidence collected Friday night, October 3rd, 2008, can only conclude that Hotel Conneaut is indeed haunted by the ghost of bride Elizabeth. Physical evidence was documented and photographed,
(The wedding gown, the floating apparition of the woman in the hallway, Elizabeth herself, the dark masses in the hallway, the foot prints on the carpeting, and the unlocked doors) proving that a haunt is in progress at Hotel Conneaut.
There is also strong evidence that other paranormal activity is present at the hotel and surrounding grounds by the appearance of the many energy orbs that interacted with us that evening.
This is a haunting that you must experience in person. The hotel is not fenced in. Nor guarded. We were able to park in the field and walk right up and into the hotel with no barriers. The lone attendant there, Lilly, was more than friendly and as long as we had no intent on deception or destruction, she allowed us to proceed.
Rumor has it that the hotel will be boarded up November 1st of this year. If you are planning to explore the hotel and possibly capture Elizabeth on film, you should do so quickly. It will be worth it.
Happy Halloween - Samhain
Perhaps the two of you can share it now. :)
ReplyDeleteRed, the camera was a Kodak digital.
ReplyDeleteNow this is what I'm talking about. Very good investigation. You captured more footage than Ghost Hunters has in five years. And what kind of camera do you have that shoots in total darkness.
ReplyDeleteNow that is cool. I'm surprised they let you bring video equipment in. Usually, they don't. And you are right, you didn't take a good picture of that worker.
ReplyDeleteDid you see me? I was lurking in the East wing. Elizabeth was real. she died a virgin, never making the wedding bed with her husband. Thats why she still roams. Waiting to get laid.
ReplyDeleteLMFAO. Great investigation. Great pics. Good job. It took you only one night to prove ghosts exist and ghost hunters have been trying to prove for years.
ReplyDeleteI was very surprised as well. Glad they permitted me though.
ReplyDeleteI saw just about every demon but you anti.
ReplyDeleteWe followed out motto and kept our expenses low to bring you more affordable conspiracy theories and paranormal investigations.
ReplyDeleteCan I have your autograph? No doubt this should be on America's spookiest places list. You were so brave to enter such a daunting place! Jodi
ReplyDeleteGhost Nation just investigated the Hotel several nights ago. Jason Hawes deemed the hotel haunted. He agreed with me.
DeleteC'mon, you didn't really capture these ghosts on film. It has to be trick photographer. Come clean man, ghost hunters have been doing this for years and you guys just stumble upon this evidence.
ReplyDeleteI cannot tell a lie. I guarantee you that there was No trick photography involved. I switched the camera to night vision and snapped each and every one of those pictures.
ReplyDeleteWell then you should place a call to Ghost Hunters. They would love to have this evidence for their show.
ReplyDeleteIt took them 13 years to get here, but they investigated the hotel just several days ago.
DeletePerhaps they will see my blog and come visit the hotel themselves and collect their own evidence to determine the paranormal activity going on there.
ReplyDeleteI still don't believe it. Ghosts just don't let you photograph them like that.
ReplyDeleteI didn't ask. I just did it.
DeleteAnd how would you know this American Ghost? are you a ghost hunter. Or maybe even a real ghost.
ReplyDeleteLets just say I know things. Worldly things.
ReplyDeleteDo tell. I love to hear ghost stories.
ReplyDeleteI can tell you things that would make your hair stand dtraight up. I know that hotel conneuat is haunted. I use to work there in the kitchen. I would see and hear the ghosts all the time. Not just one, but a lot of them. They are all trapped there and have no where to go. They manifest when they get angry or sad and want to go home. They would never allow you to take pictures of them like that.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry. One of my minnions has gone astray.
ReplyDeleteI have it on good authority that Elizabeth is not haunting the hotel Conneaut but the ghost of Marsha Brady.
ReplyDeleteI don’t do it for the fame, fortune, or even the chicks. However, my son has a differing opinion.
ReplyDeleteLets test. What is two plus two?
ReplyDeleteForget about allowing, there’s no reasoning with ghosts. I took their pictures and damn it to hell the consequences.
ReplyDeleteI understand, you are busy bringing down the world economy. Good job by the way.
ReplyDeleteIn this picture,
and the one right after it, you can see a dark mass that looks like aperson blocking the doors. The next photo you took right away, the mass is gone and you can see the doors.
How many pcitures did you take at the hotel? Will you ever publish them here? I would like to see the entire hotel set up.
ReplyDeleteWe took over 800 photos and at least 50 video's
DeleteAmazing pics. More amazed the lady let you go upstairs with no lights. Insurance problem if you fell and got hurt.
ReplyDeleteV, you are very perceptive. I was also shocked when pouring over the evidence we collected. Surely, (Quit calling me Shirley) this is significant evidence of paranormal activity.
ReplyDeleteI took hundreds of pictures. After the Halloween season is over, I will be posting many more from Hotel Conneaut.
ReplyDeleteNot many people can say no to the Grassy Knoll Institute.
ReplyDeleteNow this is the coolest attraction of all. Great pictures dude. I cant believe they let you roam free like that. Excellent, well worth the cost.
ReplyDeleteThat is one hell of a camera to take shots like that in total darkness. How did you know what you were filming. And are there really any ghosts there. Did you really catch any. Be serious.
ReplyDeleteBenny, we were in total darkness. We didn’t know what was on the camera’s until we viewed them at our secret lab. And yes, I do believe there are ghosts there of that Surely I am serious.
ReplyDeleteNow that was worth it. great setting of a reputed haunted house with urban legends tied to it. a masterpeice. Really, I would love to walk through that hotel.
ReplyDeleteThe hotel was not burned down. The ballroom was in February along with other buildings on the midway.
ReplyDeleteThen you should hurry. I believe the hotel will be shuttered soon.
ReplyDeleteI am now dumber from reading this. Total waste.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's possible 420....
ReplyDeleteOK, one redeeming quality. Hotel Conneaut was laid out nicely. And what the hell was that lady wearing on her head at the bottom of the steps.
ReplyDeleteStill a mystery on what the hell she was wearing.
ReplyDeleteAhh, someone in the know. That is why we investigated the hotel in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the review - can't say I'm looking forward to going tonight (as are our plans)....... but I'll be waiting to hit the hotel to check it out. For "disbelievers", Hotel Conneaut is actually on the registry of haunted places in Pennsylvania....... :)
ReplyDeleteFantastic pics. Beautiful setting for a haunted house. Ghost hunters should go there. And great camera for those dark photos.
ReplyDeleteNo, most of the rooms were locked. Only a handful were unlocked. And of course we entered and inspected them. All we found were ghosts.
ReplyDeleteWere all the hotel rooms unlocked and you could just walk in them. It would seem to be a security problem if the hotel was just left wide open. Thered be people living there.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry that you got a bad impression at ghost. However I do think that since this is the first year of this and things were still coming together, I feel that you should definitely give it a try now. The time we start the horror show is 7pm and lasts till 12 on weekends except on Sun., it lasts till 11 then. If you wanna get scared there I suggest now that things are running so much smoother, you come back at the right time which is now.
ReplyDeletePerhaps, but you would have thought that they would have had everything in place and ready before it opened. Otherwise, it makes them look bad. And they did.
To the person that took these photos, and anyone one who chooses to believe anything that this person says...all IDIOTS!! I especially love the one of the girl smiling who is supposedly the ghost of elizabeth. And i have a kodak digital camera, and the night vision is not that good. Maybe its time for you to consider getting a real job, and let the professional actors pretend to hunt for ghost
ReplyDeleteThis by far was the best haunt. I was really expecting to see the real Elizaberths ghost walking in there.
ReplyDeleteTJ, First of all, perhaps you just don’t know how to use your digital camera. I bet you were one of those that had your VCR always blinking 12:00 because you didn’t know how to program it. But a quick lesson. Check your ISO level, set it high, and still use the flash. Try it in a dark room. The results will startle you.
ReplyDeleteSecond, if you don’t believe, then go out there and see for yourself.
Third, I do have a real job. Its to laugh at asshats like you. And let me just say, you really keep me busy.
I was there last week and it was a horrible haunt. It was completely unorganized. No one knew what to do as workers were in costume and position only some of the time. Maybe next year if they return they will run it right.
ReplyDeleteI love this site. You speak the truth, in a strange sort of way. Refreshing! Great write up on this haunt.
ReplyDeleteFor those in question about what the lady at the stairs was wearing. It was a mask to look like the top part of her head was cut off. It showed brains on top if you could have looked more closely. LOTGK I love the pics you took there. Though that is not the first time I have seen floating orbs in pics from the hotel. I have even seen orange floating orbs in the hallways.
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? I know it was a mask, but it looked like a latex glove with holes cut out for eyes.
ReplyDeleteHey you wanted to know and I told you.
ReplyDeleteNow thats funny. That had to be the worst mask yet. Although, she was very nice, and was really into the Halloween spirit and mood.
ReplyDeleteThose pictures of yours are fake. That lady is not a ghost and those pictures of the hallway are not conneaut hotel. The hotel burned down a while ago and noone is allowed in what remains.
ReplyDeleteThe hotel did not burn down. It is still standing. You may be confused about part of the midway that burned down back in February. Hotel Conneaut is still standing.
ReplyDeleteI've been telling these grassy knoll nuts the same thing for months. Finally, someone with a brain on my side.
ReplyDeleteYes the Hallways are the Hotel Conneaut. A wing of the hotel burnt down in 1943 (Actaully 7 seperate fires the same night) which is the one elizabith died in. It was fixed up and reopened the next season. The hotel is open the park is not so yes people can enter and the Investaigation was not real the eizabith is not a real ghost shes a charachter in our Ghost Lake Event. LOTGK nows it was not real and so do I so should you. He was not trying to put it out that it was a real ghost you dont have to be a rocket scientest to know that. Looking forward to scaring the Crap out of you next year LOTGK lol
ReplyDeleteHey kids, the above comment is the exact reason not to do "Drunk Comments" on blogs. Someone lend this cat a vowel.
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying the hotel ISN'T haunted, but don't you at least have a friend who could fit into the bridal gown without the zipper hanging open?
ReplyDeleteHang onto your day jobs.
The hotel isn't haunted you twits, it was part of the haunted house they put on for halloween. The hotel has been closed long ago.
ReplyDeleteEdwin the Hotel is infact haunted and part of the reason we used it for the haunt. Several know ghosts reside (Elizabith, John, The Chef, and a little Girl) The story is that most of them perished in the 1943 fire. So yes it is haunted and no its not closed it is opening very soon for the season. Rides are coming back to COnneaut Lake Park this year too.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if Conneaut will be open for summer and if they will be open for Halloween again. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGreat Blue Streak video by the way. What kind of camera did you use?
ReplyDeleteI hear that the park will open for the Summer on a limited basis. Kiddie land and some other rides. Just wondering how they are going to clean up the burned down midway row.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I hear from several people that worked there that they are going to return, but no exact decision yet.
Oh yea, it was a wild ride. And thanks.
ReplyDeleteThe camera used was a Magnavox VHS camcorder, the full size model. The ride operator thought I was nuts for bringing it on the ride. And he was right, I am crazy but i got the video.
While Hotel Conneaut may be haunted your so called investigation holds absolutly no proof of that. Looking up close at the pictures you can obviously tell that they are fakes. They're just people in costumes, and a REAL girl in the bed. No ghosts what so ever. At least TAPS doesn't fake it.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry American Ghost, while they may have snapped the photos themselves those aren't real ghosts and it's so ridicously obvious to tell that.
ReplyDeleteRebecca, I guarantee you that the pictures are not fake, photoshopped, or doctored in any fashion. What you see on this page are the actual photographs taken October 3rd, 2008 at Hotel Conneaut.
ReplyDeleteWhat is so obvious... said the cat to the mouse...
ReplyDeleteI have been doing paranornal research for years and have never seen such crap as this! Its funny that the picture of "Elizabeth" lying in bed is wearing a hoodie!!! Nice try, but you cant fool me. My group will be going up sometime this year and thats when you will see a "real" investigation. I know that the hotel is haunted but what you caught is so FAKE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThen you must not be doing it right. Every single photo I took that night, October 3rd, 2008, is real. Not a single one was doctored or photoshopped. But here is a little hint, read the story again, then maybe you will understand it.
ReplyDeleteYou got way too much time on your hands!
Dudette, I think you are confusing this site with the rock band, Styx, and Tommy shaw, who sang To Much Time On My Hands.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the photos are all real, non-photoshopped.
Pat, I f-in love the comments you get. To much Time On My Hands. I love it
ReplyDeleteI love the comments I get here. especially the ones who try to flame and spam.
ReplyDeletei just came home from a 5 day vacation to conneaut. 4 different times we went in the hotel. you are right in saying there is nobody ever around. each time we walked to the 3rd floor and found room 321. that part of the hallway was all dark even though it was daytime. although room 321 was locked we looked in the peekhole but didnt see anything. as we tried the doornob next to room 321, i believe room 324 we found it was open and went inside. in amazement it was actually all 1 big room that was also room 321. maybe it was a suite or something. i'm not going to say it wasnt creepy, cause it really had an odd feeling about it. the hallway right outside is what really spooked me though. something was not right about it and i can't even explain it. maybe it was the darkness, but it was surely weird. we found many of the rooms unlocked and went inside them. but 1 of us held the door opened because you felt it would slam shut trapping you in. what i really want to know is if anybody has information of the victims who died in the fire. like a old newspaper article, or something. you would think that if "elizabeth" was a real person in 1943, someone should know her last name also. same with the little girl and the chef. if anyone can help me out please do.
ReplyDeleteI checked snopes and conneaut wasn't registered there as a hoax or urban legend. So you may have something there.
ReplyDeleteI have not seen any actual report or account on the incident other than a fire broke out in 1943 and damaged part of the hotel. I believe the legend arose from those ashes, being war time, and an imaginative story teller took it from there. I would like to see newsprint from that story but alas, could not find it on the Internet.
ReplyDeleteA&E television Paranormal State program has been filming at the infamous Hotel Conneaut the past several days. Ryan Buell and his team of investigators will attempt to capture not only the bride Elizabeth, but other apparitions that are claimed to haunt the hotel. Time and date has not been set yet for airing. The Grassy Knoll institute will stay on top of the story and keep you all informed. The link to the story is below.
ReplyDeleteLooking For Elizabeth
Just read about hotel Conneaut and did a google search and you are number one. After reading your account and the comments that followed, do you really think the hotel is haunted or practical jokes to make more people come to the hotel.
ReplyDeleteI really do think the hotel is haunted.
ReplyDeleteOk, now I'm officially scared. I just stayed there last night for my cousins wedding. Everything that you reported, did indeed happen. Great investigation.
ReplyDeleteSee, an eye witness. I told you I wasn't just seeing things or making them up. :D
ReplyDeleteI bet you can't make my hair stand up. If you can you would be a millionaire
ReplyDeleteHey, the Rocket Scientist works for LOTGK and does a bang up job.
ReplyDeleteCome on people. This is a sham, a fake, a hoax. The hotel is a halloween prop. Half of it burnt down years ago and the park closed due to a fire. The pictures and video and words are a complete sham. There are no live ghosts there.
ReplyDeleteLOL. :D
ReplyDeleteAnd he's making a lot of Dough doing it. :D
ReplyDeleteIt is not a sham, nor a fake, nor a hoax. The hotel is not a Halloween prop. A small portion burned but the hotel is intact and open to this day. Yes, the park closed several years ago with a fire on the midway a contributing factor but the park reopened this year and is open as I type. The pictures are real, and in o way were photoshopped or manipulated in other form other than reducing them in size to adhere to bandwidth load times on the Internet. But you have one thing correct. There are no "Live" ghosts. They are dead.
ReplyDeleteyour a liar. It is closed.
ReplyDeleteWrong again anal lad. Conneaut is open for business. Give them a call.
ReplyDeleteThis was an exciting post. I knew somewhat of the legend of Elizabeth, and you told the story in such a way to allow believers and non believers to find common ground.
ReplyDeleteWhere will your team be investigating this year?
Thank you for the kind words concerning my site and the Hotel Conneaut post.
ReplyDeleteThe Grassy Knoll Institute cannot reveal what location we will be investigating. It prevents tampering of the site and advance warnings.
aug 14th 2009
ReplyDeletewe just got back from Hotel Conneaut and it is in deed haunted we also have photos that i will publish on myspace we took lots of pictures but the one that scares me is the one we took of the wedding cake and 2 wine glasses on balcony at bottom of steps in back when we later looked at the picture you could see a side of someones face sitting there for all you non believers why don't you just go yourself and see or are ya scared?
Hey ass-hat, if you are going to post, learn correct word usage. It should have said you're not your.
"your" means belonging to you.
"you're" is a contraction of "you are".
For example:
Correct: "Here are your instructions for today."
Incorrect: "Here are you're instructions for today."
Correct: "Surely you're not serious!"
Incorrect: "Surely your not serious!"
I do not dispute the haunting of the Hotel by any means. I am a resident of the area and beleive it is true. However, these photos are not real. The "orbs" are a product of the flash, and "ghosts" are not solid matter as shown in these photos. The one of the girl in the bed also has brown hair and is trying not to laugh, the red eye is from the photo flash, and her hair color appears different from the "bride". If you did your homework you would know that 99% of the people claiming to have seen Elizabeth says she has black hair!
ReplyDeleteLadybug557, the photos are not fake. The only thing done to the photos was resizing them for the Internet. Also, I was in night mode.
ReplyDeleteAbout doing homework, perhaps you should re-read the post and re-evaluate your opinion.
Hello, I worked at this Hotel Many Years ago and I have experienced voices in the hotel,although I fell in love with its unique timeless graces, I would go early to work to just enjoy a moment on the porch over looking the lake, looking through the wavy glass of the Ballroom , you can only imagine the parties of the past it has held, and the memories it has made for many lovers alike, I have many pictures with unexplained distortions, this hotel holds many spirits that have come back to enjoy there vacations from the other side,Just say hello as you pass them in the halls,
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with the many that do not believe your photos are of true spirits. There is no disputing the hotel is haunted. You on the other hand should be ashamed for trying to pass off these ridiculous photos as those of true apparitions. Only a novice would fall for that. True you did not have to photoshop or manipulate them because you used real people posing as ghosts, and your orbs obviously your flash. Leave the ghost hunting to the professionals.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading and commenting. I and others here would love to see some of the pictures you have of Hotel Conneaut, haunted or not.
ReplyDeletePaghunter, before you go off on a tangent, you should read the Hotel Conneaut post completely, including the comments. Then you will understand. It is all there in black and green.
ReplyDeleteAnd why should I be ashamed of taking photographs inside the hotel? Why should I be ashamed of actually capturing something on film? I will tell you now, I did not use real people. I am in noway affiliated with Hotel Conneaut or the park.
But again, re-read the post and it's comments. Then you will see the egg all over your face. :D
hahahah, this made me crack. Looked like a fun "investigation"!:D
ReplyDelete"hahahah, this made me crack. Looked like a fun “investigation”!:D"
ReplyDeleteEvershine, it was a hell of a lot of fun to investigate Hotel Conneaut. I am tempted to venture out once again next month and do the same this time releasing the video footage from the investigation.
is the hotel still open or just a tourist attraction. can i stay for a night in the hotel, in elizabeths room to see what really happens. thanks.,
ReplyDeleteSame question as Gerald!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSame question as Gerald!!!!!!!!! So what's the answer?
ReplyDeleteThe Hotel was open for business this year. They tend to close after Labor Day. However they still usually do have occassional events there. (especially around halloween)
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading and supplying this information.
ReplyDeleteis the hotel open and can i take a tour through it or will security and police people stop me? i would love to go and try to capture someof the pictures you got here.
ReplyDeleteread one reply above, it was open during the Summer season, and perhaps will be again during October, the Halloween season. i would call and check before you travel.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that this hotel might be haunted, but there's something that I'm a little suspicious about...
ReplyDeletetake a look at this photo:
you say that the girl is levitating, but I find it hard to believe, since her feet are rightly aligned with the white wooden bar on the wall, next to the ground (if that's not the correct name of the thing, I'm sorry for my English, but I live in a non-english speaking country), and if you see, its all a perspective error that made you say that she was levitating...
(that's my thought about it)
And as for the rest of the investigation, in the begining, I found it a bit hard to believe... But, after I read some posts of people claiming to be witnesses, I am more likely to accept it as a truth. But it doesn't mean nothing. Nothing in these photos can tell me that they are real. This whole thing might have been some scam, that you and a friend of yours did.
But I can't or neither anyone can say that normaly, ghosts are more transparent, or they always appear as in a gaseous form, because no one has seen a real ghost, or at least, talked to a ghost and made the ghost come public and say its intentions (what I mean is, to have proof of its interaction with the ghost itself, at least, a very convincent one...), because this is just like UFO's... I bet that if you see one in the sky, or at least think that you saw, and tell a friend of yours, I bet that he'll probably mock, or just don't believe in you at all, because, you don't have any concrete proof of what happened...
That's how the world works...
Perhaps levitating is not the correct word, more like floating, drifting, swaying. She (The ghost) was not on solid ground.
ReplyDeleteAnd you are correct, for one to completely believe the hotel is haunted, one must visit it in person and experience what our team did.
The place is not haunted. I stayed there several years ago and did not see anythere like you have here. Not even any strange noises. Its all a fix, a ruse. Those ghosts weren't real.
ReplyDeleteAnthony, just because you did not experience any supernatural occurrences doesn't mean it isn't haunted.
ReplyDeleteI've lived there for years and its so amazing that you have the story wrong..and the pictures look like girls that went to school there... hair and clothing style doesnt match the time line of the fire... and mostly if you wanna real freak out from real ghost get the right stuff man com'on clearly you guys dont know what your talking about... hundreds of people including myself have seen things there and nothing like your trying to sell people get a life!
ReplyDeleteOver the years I've read hundreds of replies just like yours. You all claim that you have "Seen" things and yet, you and the rest never ever offer one iota of evidence to the fact. And yet you are the first ones to scoff at the photographic evidence presented to you.
ReplyDeleteSo right back at ya Mowad, Get a life dude.
Just got back from Ghost Lake, Conneaut. The new critique to follow very shortly.
ReplyDeleteHey LOTGK I have yet to read anything about ghost lake 09 ..Or have you not been there yet .Oh by the way we started with 150 actors this year and every thing is different from last year
ReplyDeleteBig Daddy, Please read the comment directly above yours. Comment number 68. It says, "Just got back from Ghost Lake, Conneaut. The new critique to follow very shortly."
ReplyDeleteI am currently gathering the pictures and video taken on Saturday Night, October 24th, 2009. In the next day or two, the post on Ghost Lake 2009 will appear.
Well, we were thinking of going tonight, it is Halloween after all! Although, after reading thru your "reviews", I'm not sure it's worth it. Perhaps this year was better?
ReplyDeleteThe only place I really want to go is into the Hotel. I'd love to explore it and spend the night. Samhain is the night when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest... spirits are better able to travel thru... and yes, I do believe there are spirits {ghosts} trapped on this plane of existence... and yes, I have actually seen a "ghost".
I've been to Conneaut Lake Park, and tho I didn't go inside the hotel, just passing by, there is a certain "area" that made the hair on the nape of my neck stand up... the air felt "wrong", very dark and heavy. Oh well, laugh if you'd like. My thoughts are just that... mine. But, it would be interesting if there were a real investigation. Not just a quick "run" through, but a weekend long, real paranormal investigation.
There has been several legitimate investigations besides mine :D done on Hotel Conneaut. The very latest was was done by the Paranormal state and should air in the next several months.
ReplyDeleteAnd Ghost Lake is by far better this year than last.
that was such bull shit in those photos.... it was some one dressed up probably from the ghost lake haunted house.... institute my ass your a bunch of kids just playing a joke
ReplyDeleteInstitute your ass?
ReplyDeleteNo thank you.
CLB5204, apparently you didn't notice that this post was part four in a four part series on Ghost Lake in 2008. So yes, you got hoodwinked.
The hotel is really haunted but the pics u posted obviously are fake but its just telling u the story of what happened..
ReplyDeleteI live right outside the park and u always hear stuff happening, and I used to work there and u always have a feelin of someone watching you or following u.. My father in law used to be security there for YEARS... And he would go through the hotel and make sure lights were off during the winter and by the time he got back down stairs and outside he would look back up towards room 321 and the light would be back on and the same thing would happen during the summer but the window would be open and the curtain would be flyin around outside.. I believe this place is haunted and all u skeptics need to go there and check it out before u run ur mouth bout everyone else "personal experiences" aint that why there called that cuz there personal and no one else experienced that same exacy thing.. I give u props whether the pics are fake or not
ReplyDeleteJessi, the pictures are not fake, they have not been altered in any way shape of form other to be resized for Internet viewing.
ReplyDeleteHowever, read my post again and you will understand what they are.
Jessi, I believe you. However, on several Hotel Conneaut sites, almost the same scenario as yours has been recounted.
ReplyDeleteThe story would start like this: My father, or dad, etc, used to be the night watchman at the hotel and he knows the hotel is haunted. When he would walk the halls he would feel a presence. Sometimes a light would be on, one he knew he had turned off and he would go investigate. He would walk in the room and either the curtains were blowing with the window closed or the water was running in the faucet.
I have heard this same story from at least half a dozen people so far.
I've read everything on here.. Its from when they had the haunted park.. I know cuz I went like 5 times... I also went 1 time this year and I think they did a very good job.. I never said ur pics were altered or anything they just aint real "dead" ghost and everyone knows that!
ReplyDeleteExactly Jessie. Exactly. They are not fake, but maybe they aren't what they appear to be.
ReplyDeleteWell see that's ur opinion and I believe him he's worked there for like 15 yrs
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm saying many people have recounted the same thing about the hotel night watchman. It is an urban legend.
ReplyDeleteWhen do you plan if at all going back to the hotel for anouther investigation? I find these very entertaining.
ReplyDeletePerhaps in the Summer of 2010. I will need to check my schedule.
ReplyDeleteParanormal States on A&E just aired their investigation on the Conneaut Lake Hotel conducted earlier this year. In their investigation, they experienced locked doors that suddenly were open, (Just like in my walk through) strange sounds they couldn't account for, (Just like in my walk through) glimpses of ghosts, entities, or spirits in the dark shadows of the vacant hallways, (Just like in my walk through) and absolutely nothing from the basement where an alleged evil butcher spirit would thrown knives at patrons. (Just like in my walk through)
ReplyDeleteI feel so vindicated now!!!
These are the worst fake ghost pictures I have ever seen! They don't even look like ghosts! They just look like people pretending to play the characters! It's fake crap like this that makes people question the real stuff!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. Once again, not a single photo is faked or retouched other than re-sized to fit the Internet bandwidth.
ReplyDeleteYou're so full of crap!!! Posting fake crap like this that doesn't even look real just makes you look like a joke!!! STOP MAKING A MOCKERY OUT OF SOMETHING THAT IS VERY REAL!!! Anyone who knows what a real ghost looks like can easily tell that your pictures are completely fake!!! You should be ashamed of yourselves for posting such bad fakes!!!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I just read through everything. At NO point in the actual post do you state that the ghosts in the pictures are just actors. You make it seem like they are supposed to be real. It's not until later on in the comments that you indirectly admit that they are actors. So, technically you ARE lying! The pictures are FAKE ghost pictures! They are of actors pretending to be ghosts. They are not pictures of REAL ghosts!!! So, stop dancing around your words!!! This page is still a mockery of real ghost hunting and you should be ashamed!!! I hope someday you get to meet a real ghost that scares that crap out of you! Literally!!!
ReplyDeleteDJ, once again, the photos are not faked. They are not photoshopped. I am not making a mockery out of ghost busting. And yes, I have seen and have been visited by spirits, and several demons. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteDJ, no, you haven't read through everything. Like Dorothy when off to see the wizard, it's best to start at the beginning. Instead of following the yellow brick road, try following this link,
ReplyDeleteGhost lake Haunt Level One Out of Four
This explains it all.
So, why do you find it necessary to dance around your words? See, now YOU are not reading exactly what I write... In my last message I did not say that the pictures were faked at all. I only said that they were fake ghost pics. As in, pictures of fake ghosts. The link I followed from Google to get to this site took me directly to this page. So, I did not know that there was more to it beforehand. Instead of looking like an ass and dancing around your words, you should have sent me to the first page after my first message. In fact, you should have given that response to the first person to say that the pics were fake. Then the comments would not have gone this far. By dancing around your words, you make it seem like you are trying to portray these pics as pics of REAL ghosts. Instead of what they really are. Now that you have finally pointed me in the right direction, I give you credit for documenting your trip quite nicely. I apologize for anything negative I have said. But, it is your own fault for not pointing me to the beginning page in the first place. Instead, you chose to dance around your words.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with future investigations! I would love to see some pics of "REAL GHOSTS" in the future... Personally, I see ghosts in my own home at least once a week. Nothing major, just shadow figures walking around. Plus, I see my mom's dog walking around ever since he died.
Anyway... Have a good day and good future haunts!
DJ Storm
I am not dancing around my words. I say what I say and when I say the pictures are not faked and have not been photoshopped that's what I mean.
ReplyDeleteYou have to realize that this blog is the home of the 99 cent conspiracy theory. It is a humorous site (Hopefully anyway!) I wrote the post that way to elicit comments. And it seemed to work. Just this post alone have almost 150 comments.
It's still dancing around your words when you neglect to say that they aren't fake pictures, but they are pictures of fake ghosts. That's called dancing around your words. You're not lying, but you're not telling the full truth either. You just like to argue with people. That's why you said NOTHING about my apology. All you did was find some way to continue to argue. Even though the argument was OVER!!!
ReplyDeleteNo, they are not fake pictures. They are real.
ReplyDeleteAnd apparently the argument is not over since you are still replying about pictures I took at Ghost lake inside Hotel Conneaut and made it appear to be a ghost hunters style report.
Are you retarded? Once again... I DID NOT SAY THEY ARE FAKE PICTURES!!! THEY ARE PICTURES OF FAKE GHOSTS!!! BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE!!! So, stop looking like an even bigger moron than you actually are, and just shut up!!!
ReplyDeleteYou took pictures of people pretending to be ghosts (fake ghosts), and posted them as if it was a real investigation just to get responses! There is nothing more to be said! So, stop being retarded and let this conversation be OVER!!!
DJ Storm says...
ReplyDeleteAre you retarded? Once again... I DID NOT SAY THEY ARE FAKE PICTURES!!! THEY ARE PICTURES OF FAKE GHOSTS!!! BIG FUCKING DIFFERENCE!!! So, stop looking like an even bigger moron than you actually are, and just shut up!!!
You took pictures of people pretending to be ghosts (fake ghosts), and posted them as if it was a real investigation just to get responses! There is nothing more to be said! So, stop being retarded and let this conversation be OVER!!!"
Its not over until I say its over.
Once again... They are not pictures of fake ghosts. Don't call me a moron just because you got hoodwinked by my post about Ghost lake and hotel Conneaut.
But here is some free advice. As long as you keep entertaining me with your replies, I will continue the conversation.
You are completely retarded and have absolutely no life!
ReplyDeleteIf they are not REAL ghosts, they are FAKE ghosts! It's that simple!
They are pictures of people pretending to be ghosts. That is the same as fake ghosts!
So, please stop being a complete moron!
And I wasn't hoodwinked! I was annoyed that you would try to pass them off as pics of real ghosts! The only people that were hoodwinked, were the fools that thought they were real!
So, FUCK OFF! and enjoy your pathetic life of posting bogus shit!!!
See, you don't get it. I did not try to pass those pictures of Ghost Lake as real ghosts. It is merely your perception. i told the story exactly as it happened, in real time, what I saw and let the reader decide.
ReplyDeleteGod, I hope you continue to be annoyed. You are very entertaining in that state.
Very well written. Anyone can see that this is a spoof of Ghost Hunters. Is the hotel open to the public and people still stay there at night?
ReplyDeleteYes, the hotel is open during its season. Call ahead to make reservations and to make sure they are in season.
ReplyDeleteI've stayed at Hotel Conneaut several times. The last time was about 8 years ago. At the front desk they were selling a book that was a collection of haunting or ghost stories, mostly from past or present employees. It had been a college project for a young woman who had worked there. There are stories of many ghosts other than just Elizabeth, including a cival war soldier out near an oak tree in the fron of the building. We did not know of the book or the hauntings until we checked out, but while there, my daughter and I explored all over the hotel, including back staircases and unlocked rooms. There were definitely odd feelings in certain places, but we didn't think much of it since we didn't know anything. All of you doubters should just go check it out and take your own pictures. There really ARE some strange things there.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, there are some strange things that occur in and around the hotel. If you have the chance, you should stay. We are planning to stay overnight this Summer at the hotel and film and record all night. Perhaps we will catch more spirits.
ReplyDeleteI mean i'm not hating, but you can obviously tell that the wedding gown thing wasn't real.. i mean come on!
ReplyDeleteHow can you tell?
ReplyDeleteNope. I bet there wasn't trick photography. Who the hell needs to fake taking pictures of people. I especially like the one of "Elizabeth" from behind, LOVE the unzipped dress. Spooky, "Elizabeth" needs spanks and a sex change operation.
ReplyDeleteThe unzipped dress, Hey, it was her wedding night after all. :D
ReplyDeletei was just there saturday and we went on a ghost tour and we saw some pretty scary stuff..once you go into this hotel you beliefs in ghost will change forever.
ReplyDeletei heard that there was never any recorded deaths at the hotel but i personal know of one my mom die there. she worked as maid at the hotel for many years, i was 9 yrs old when she passed away of a massive heart attack.one day she went to work and never came home,it was 1973. maybe that was her in that laundry room peekin out when prs was there.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Hotel Conneaut has been investigated several times before and each revealed paranormal activity.
ReplyDeleteHotel Conneaut has been mired in urban legends for decades. It is no surprise that accurate information is hard to come by.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences.
I was there over the weekend and we might have just experienced these things we had a great time and I hope to go back and explore soon(:
ReplyDeleteI am glad that many other people are experiencing paranormal activity at this hot spot known as Hotel Conneaut.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are hilarious. I loved your investigation!:-D im going to ghost lake on sat. I'm hoping to get scared. Hopefully seeing a ghost or 2?:-p
ReplyDeleteGhost Lake has improved every year over three years. I expect it to be better yet this year. However, I see the price is $22 dollars per person. I believe that is a little steep.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of idiots.
ReplyDeleteI do believe you mean,
ReplyDelete"Bunch of lovely coconuts."
Get it straight spam head.
Um yea I'm sorry but all that evidence was faked I'm sorry.
ReplyDeleteUm yea, not a single photo nor and evidence recorded was doctored in any way. Every photo was genuine. Every interview was genuine.
ReplyDeletethe picture with the female in the wedding gown is totaly fake
ReplyDeletei new every thing was fake i just new it you guys are BIG FAKERS
ReplyDeleteDo you have proof that picture is fake? As I said before, that picture is real, not photoshopped at all.
ReplyDeleteEvery picture you see here is real. Not a single picture has been photoshopped or faked. All real time photo's.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious this is 110% fake!
ReplyDeleteI can go through each picture & tell you how I can tell they are fake. I watch MANy paranormal shows & even study/starting my own investigation team...
ReplyDeleteThe "floating mass" coming toward you in the hallway, the girl in the bed & even ALL the pictures of Elizabeth, the figures are TOO apparent. Ghosts/apparitions or some sort of spirit needs to have SO much energy just to talk to an EVP recorder, throw a ball or any object.
Since this place apparently makes you feel like you're back in the 50's with no phones, internet or nothing, there is very little energy to make them that apparent.
Also, the picture before you show the girl in the bed, with the orb...it is CLEARLY obvious that there is a body under the sheets...
Also the "orb" you caught that was white & neon as you describe it, is a camera flash off of the window...
If anyone believes this crap....
You're dumb.
I will take your side on one thing though, they were not photoshopped.
They didn't need to be..they were real people.
You guys should stick to playing dress up.
You seem to be better at that than hunting anything.
It is zero percent fake. The investigation was real, the equipment was real, the photographs are real and undoctored, and the evidence was revealed as we found it.
ReplyDeletePlease do, go through every photo and give me your expert opinion on why they are fake. (BTW, I had no idea that by watching many paranormal programs on TV make one an expert)
ReplyDeleteSo it is 2012 now and I heard the commercial on the radio for an 8 floor haunted house in Conneaut Lake. It's a loooong drive for us so please tell me if it is worth it or no???
ReplyDeleteI will say that each year Ghost lake has gotten better adding better props and more actor monsters. However, I hear there are now two Haunts inside the park, Ghost Lake and their 8 levels of fear plus another Haunt that controls the Hotel and Cove. You have to buy tickets for both places to see it all. Does anyone know how much both cost?
ReplyDelete17 for one and 25 for the other
ReplyDeleteI grew up in the park for the first 22 years of my life year-round, a block from the hotel.
ReplyDeleteThese are the documented indisputable facts: lightning struck the hotel roof on April 29, 1943. As the hotel didn't open for occupancy until a month later for Memorial Day weekend on Friday May 28, 1943, the hotel was closed in April and completely unoccupied, as it had been since Labor Day weekend, 1942.
The fire was limited to the hotel roof, which due to war time lumber shortages was not repaired and rains permanently damaged the lower floors, necessitating tearing down and removal of aprx 2/3s of the hotel.
There were absolutely no deaths as a result of the 1943 fire, nor is there any record of a murder occurring in the Hotel.
Elizabeth is a factual utter whimsical fictional fabrication.
So you say.
ReplyDeleteGhost Nation just investigated Hotel Conneaut. Jason Hawes confirms the hotel is haunted.