
Lost Update - A Matter Of Trust

Lost Update - Season Six - 05/04/2010
This time you've got nothing to lose
You can take it, you can leave it
Whatever you choose
I won't hold back anything
And I'll walk away a fool or a king
Some love is just a lie of the mind
It's make-believe until its only a matter of time
And some might have learned to adjust
But then it never was a matter of trust

I'm sure you're aware love
We've both had our share of
Believing too long
When the whole situation was wrong

Some love is just a lie of the soul
A constant battle for the ultimate state of control
After you've heard lie upon lie
There can hardly be a question of why
Some love is just a lie of the heart
The cold remains of what began with a passionate start
But that can't happen to us
Because it's always been a matter of trust

As Lost steam rolls to its finale May 23rd, the show reveals that it has always been about a matter of trust and faith. Just as Billy Joel's lyrics above say, It's always been a matter of trust. And tonight, the castaways must trust each other or die. And this my Lost friends, is exactly what I've been talking about for years. Tonight's episode supports my Lost theory. Trust me.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory…. I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Before we get into the crux of tonight's update, let's all take a moment of silence for the loss of Sayid, Lapedius, Sun and Jin. They didn't make it out of the sub. Sayid does a 180 and saves the castaways. Sun being pinned and Jin refusing to leave her. And when Lapedius saw the leak on the submarine door, it reminded me of the comedy movie, Airport, when the captain said, "I picked a hell of a day to quit drinking!" (There's your comedy relief to lighten the mood. Dry your eyes and lets press on through this update)

Fret not Lost fans. They didn't die. None of them died. Not really. Remember, its virtual reality, and each and every person is interconnected which explains the familiarity amongst them. Tonight was more than just about death, sorrow, sadness, it was also about trust. And convergence. Let's start with Jack.

Jack in the side flash, interacts with John Locke, saves his life, and wants to continue with another procedure to help him walk again. Locke while recovering, is in twilight sleep and Jack overhears him muttering, "Have to push the button, I wish you would have believed me!" All these things were happening on the island. Remember the hatch and pushing the button and when Locke was disappointed in Jack for not having faith in him and the island.

To top it off, Jack tells Locke, what ever happened, happened. And just as Locke was wheeling himself away, Jack says, "I wish you believed in me!" All happened on and off the island. Jack had similar interactions with other castaways in previous side ways flashes. In all of them, he and the castaways became aware of their double life. Coincidence that everyone was on the same plane, flight 815. Coincidence that they all interact in the side ways flash! I think not!

As I stated before, the castaways are living in a virtual reality laboratory unbeknownst to them. Being experimented on. Being tested. Forced without knowledge to act out many scenario's. Some in the past, present, and future. Some on the island, some on the mainland. The subconscious mind is creating a deJa Vu in an attempt to cope with the over lapping scenario's. Hence, the castaways are beginning to wake up, become aware, and like Desmond, attempting to master their domain.

Part Two: A brutal experiment involving Jin and Sun.
Love is a strong emotion. Jin and sun were put into a no win situation. Sun was pinned and the sub was taking on water. Jin was powerless to free her. Sun tells Jin to leave him, to save himself. Jin professes his love to Sun and vows that he will not leave her ever again. They kiss, cry, and embrace their destiny together, never to be apart again.

Jin was given the permission to leave from sun. She begged him to save himself.. His very life was hanging in the balance. Does he stay with Sun and drown or save himself. How many people could make that kind of choice? Perhaps that is why Jacob told MIB that he was going to continue the experiments until they got it right. Perhaps Jin and Sun played this scenario out hundreds of times. Perhaps they both made it safely out. Perhaps Jin left Sun. What is the right answer? We'll know May 23rd.

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* Bernard in the sideways flash is pretty much the same as he is on the island.
* Sawyer returns to the cages.
* Why didn't Smoky take the lead in the charge on the heavily guarded submarine. Turn into Smoky and kill them all. Why did he hold back?
* Bernard tells Jack its weird that they were both on flight 815 along with John Locke.
* The castaways once again leave Claire behind when they board the sub. She looked pissed.
* Sayid still had an ounce of good left in him. Tells Jack about the Desmond situation and takes the bomb and saves everyone.
* Widmore tells Sawyer who is locked in the cage, "Trust me, it's for your own good." There's that word "Trust" again!
* Kate is shot. Is it lethal? I doubt it.
* Jack says to Locke, You're a candidate, but Locke declines. As if he knew in the alternate reality that he would not be worthy.
* Locke is responsible for his fathers vegetative condition. Just the opposite in the flash back, when Lockes father was the reason for him being confined to the wheelchair.
* When Jack frees the castaways from the cages, he says, He's with him, meaning the Smoke Monster.
* Finally, tonight's lyrics, read them again. What's your take on them?

Can you believe it. May 23rd is the Lost series finale. I hope to see everyone here in the next few short weeks celebrating what a fantastic program Lost has turned out to be. And you still have time, tell us all your Lost theory. There is still time. Trust me!



  1. Don't forget about the sun captain, he died as well, and the crew. And that kid who hit Sawyer in the stomach, i was waiting for him to get what was coming to him. But you don't know Lapedus is dead. He may have survived, swam to the top, washed ashore away from Jack. Very sad show.

  2. You left the one moment that we were given big info out of your recap. After Sayid tells Jack about Desmond, Jack responds "why are you telling me this" Sayid responds "you're the one" followed by a bunch of other jiberish about needing Desmond. Sayid saw the light just in time. He my friends saw the greater good, and made the right decision seconds before his hour glass ran out.

  3. The game that looks like othello, that jacob and MIB are playing looks interesting..

  4. Lost Believer5/05/2010 4:26 AM

    When the bomb was ticking down and Jack said nothing was going to happen, I thought of when he and Richard were sitting in the black rock with the dynamite and they both said that they can't die.

  5. Wait a minute, Jin and Sun are dead, then how did they see the pictures of their baby in the future? If they are dead, then Sun never gave birth. How do you explain that.

  6. Yes, as promised, there was plenty of death in last night's episode. About the kid, I thought Sawyer was going to shoot him. Either way, he was dead.
    Sidebar: The kid hurt Sawyer, hitting him in the gut, and old Smoky protected Sawyer and killed the kid.

    And yes, Lapedus may still be kicking.

  7. Yes, good point, Jack is way confused at this point. When MIB was talking to Jack on the beach, he referred to the castaways as "Your" people referring that Jack was their leader. And now Sayid telling Jack that he's the one. And Jack not wanting to leave the island, perhaps finally listening to Locke and trusting him about the island.

  8. I thought it was Backgammon.

  9. Excellent point. Jack was in the line of fire before he got in the sub and not a single bullet hit him. I still want to know why Smoky didn't do his monster thing and storm the sub guards. He stayed back, and waited.

  10. I feel you got it right with your theory. Some sort of virtual reality or time jumping to different time lines is happening to the losties. I'm just not sure how is controlling these expirements. Aliens.....maybe Dharma in a secret station....Jacob??
    They are no leaving enough time to tie in aliens to the main story.
    They all have to die so that smokey finaly gets to end his part/ duty in the expirement with the losties. And can be "free". I suspect Jacob "died" in virtual reality on the island but is still alive conducting the expirements on the losties. Jacob could also be Dharma.
    I just can't figure out the candidate part if this.
    There is got to be more to it than just replacing Jacob

  11. Ahh, excellent point Max. As I said previously, the castaways are in a virtual reality experiment. They are living out multiple scenario's. In one scenario, Jin and Sun have a child. In last night's scenario, they do not, and they drown. The barriers of the virtual reality is slowly breaking down, each scenario is leaking into the other, blending together the experiences. Hence, Jin and Sun remember their other life.

  12. Thank you, I am still a long shot in the handicapping of my theory being correct. The aliens will be introduced in the final minutes of the series finale. That would be the Rod Serling, Twilight Zone twist that convolutes the outcome, and also the belief system that everyone had about Lost up to that exact moment. Cue the Lost logo. End of show.

  13. TheRiverYeti5/05/2010 6:26 AM

    I think Hella's on to something. I like the idea of it being Dr. Chang, or Jacob, monitoring the VR than "the aliens."

  14. TheRiverYeti5/05/2010 6:28 AM

    The Dr. Chang videos have always provided the coolest atmosphere of the whole show.

  15. Jack is right that they cannot die - look how the only one who actually got hit by a bullet is Kate and she is not a canidate.

    However on the 'Max Jackl' post - Sun and Jin do have a kid in this timeline. The kid is alive (remember Sun got off the Island - was an Oceanic 6 survivor - had the baby - visited Jins grave because she thought he blew up on the freighter - then came back to the island because she found out Jin was alive still). They even mentioned last night how the baby was with Sun's mother. So in the "Island world" the baby is alive and Jin and Sun are dead. In the off island world they are both alive and Sun is merely pregnant. Sun + Jin = Sin so they can't be good so sadly they had to die

  16. TheRiverYeti5/05/2010 6:55 AM

    I got the impression that the candidates couldn't die directly from the actions of MIB (and maybe Jacob)...I think Jin was the candidate, rather than Sun, and he CHOSE to die, meaning MIB didn't really kill him.

  17. I think that is correct - this is why Locke (as the smoke monster) has seen that little kid, who I believe is young Jacob, and the boy says "You know you can't kill him". The two have rules to their game/experiment where Smoke Monster cannot kill any canidate (just manipulate them to kill each other like Jack says) just like how Jacob could never directly tell a canidate what to do. They can be a pressence but not directly effect the outcome of the game.

    Locke didnt kill anyone last night - unfortunately Sawyer did by trying to save them and pulling the pins.

  18. Kate only got shot because Widmore told them that she is the only one they could actually shoot.

  19. I think as a group, we should investigate this "group thing." Why do the castaways all need to be together. Both Widmore and Locke try to get all the castaways together for some reason. A big answer in the end game will have to do with everyone being together. Where's Ben??? Where's Alpert??

  20. The show is turning into the old board game risk. I think I have the right game? All the castaways are with Locke. When he goes out to get more people he loses his army to widmore. Locke attacks Widmore and takes his army. Locke's army leaves again and guess where they will be next week....... Widmore. It's like the castaways just keep going back an forth, losing people along the way.

  21. why did Locke take the watch?

  22. Well the island is alot like a backgammon board, and the path of the losties is much like a backgammon piece. I hope the end game is not Jacob and Esau playing a board game with real people.

  23. Nothing would of happen if Sawyer didn't pull those wires. The blood is on Sawyers hands this time...

  24. That look in Sayid's eyes when he said "your the one" says it all. He almost looked like he thought Jack could forgive him and open the gates of heavan for him.

  25. to make a timer for the bomb...

  26. TheRiverYeti5/05/2010 7:52 AM

    I'm working under the assumption that at least one of the candidates is "supposed" to stay back and contain smoky...So if he can get them all off the island, there's nothing to prevent him from leaving, right?

  27. If Jack is the one, then who is the other. There is always an opposite. Is it Sawyer? Desmond? Ben? And which "one" is Jack? The good or evil one.

  28. I think that is too easy of a answer. Something deep in the roots of this thing requires things to happen in groups or pairs. I'm trying to think of a board game that you can't win unless all your pieces are together.

  29. You mean like mousetrap. You play the game building the trap and wait for the right time to spring it. Like on may 23rd....

  30. Its a good analogy, the castaways have always had the benefit of choice. They control their own destiny even though they do not realize it.

  31. Good question. Perhaps one in the same. Both good, and evil. Alpha, Omega. Beginning, end. That ought to help. :D

  32. It was like Smoky already knew what was going to transpire, that he would find the watch he needed, and that Jack and Sawyer would betray him, and they would be all locked in the sub with the bomb. What he didn't count on was the variable Jacob talked about. Sooner or later one of them is going to get it right without his help. Hence, Sayid taking the bomb saving the rest of the castaways. Smoky didn't see that coming. Now this reality has been changed. Smoky and the castaways are on a more level playing field.

    I'm typing this while listening to Iron Butterfly, In A Godda Da Vida and it is so appropriate.

  33. Isn't Desmond still on the island. In the well.

  34. The group is just that. A test group. A subset. The control. What happens to the group in one scenario compared to what happens to the castaways separately.

  35. I'm thinking more like the game of Clue! :D

  36. Jack cannot die. He proved it with Richard at the Black rock. Jack knew the bomb wouldn't go off if he was there.

    As a side note, for religious theorists out there, (Ahem, Fox)Satan never actually hurts people, he only manipulates you to make the choices to harm yourself. Hence, Smoky is all over the Satan motiff.

  37. The River, I chose aliens as the influence for several reasons. One, for the Twilight Zone tie in. Two, because no one else would think it were aliens since if you remember, Lost followed the tv show, Invasion, and that show didn't last long. And three, even though supernatural events are occurring, I used the old reasoning theorum that if you eliminate all other possibilities, what is left, no matter how outlandish, has to be the correct theory. Since mankind does not have the capability of such an elaborate virtual reality laboratory, the default is aliens. Experimenting on humans as humans would experiment on wild life or cattle.

  38. Jared, about Sun and Jin being dead in one reality and alive with child in another and yet alive but pregnant in another, this supports my multiple realities of virtual reality.

  39. Setting up yet another show down between Jack and Sawyer.

  40. God, I hope that in the series finale, in the last minute of the show, Jack doesn't yell out....


    And then the island gets sucked into the center of the game board.

  41. TheRiverYeti5/05/2010 11:04 AM

    I like the idea of Jack and Sawyer sitting on the beach, one of them saying to the other "I want to kill you, you know," and conducting their own tests. Not sure how they get there from here, but I've been envisioning that since the end of last season.

  42. Hello all, this is my first ever post but I have been reading for a while. Just wanted to point out that Sayid actually said "Because its going to be you, Jack" not "Your the one" And I find this to be a HUGE difference, I think it means something way more important than something as simple as Jack is the leader. It could mean that he knows Jack will be the one to end it, or take over as the new Jacob, or whatever, but still, I found that to be very important. Thanks!

  43. I belive

  44. Well i recon u right about two realtys as in the hospital jin gose into a room with flowers did anyone else catch that ??

  45. Wasn't it smokey's plan all along to get them all on the sub without him so they would kill each other?
    Didn't one of the castaways say that?
    I realize it was just a theory, but makes sense. I don't really think any of these "escapes" truly are surprising to him. He is pushing for endgame, and knows exactly how to manipulate the losties towards his end.

  46. Very good thought, it would seem that the writers are pushing the story that way.

  47. Don't forget about Desmond. Right now he's trapped at the bottom of a well, but he will be saved, perhaps by Jack, Sawyer, and Bernard and Rose. Perhaps Jack and Desmond are the last two standing. Sort of like at the beginning of season one when they meet in the stadium and Desmond says, "See you in another life brother!"

    All those years ago and that one line could be a very significant line.

  48. OK, that's two of us.

  49. Not only that, but Jin was in the past, the present, and the future. He is only dead in one reality. Alive and well in the others. And here's the kicker, how many more realities is he living in at the same time?

  50. There is certainly something about being a candidate that makes them off limits to smoky. Smoky kills at will all the other people, yet leaves the candidates alone.

    And why, once Smoky was inside the perimeter, why didn't he just Smoke out and kill all of Widmore's people including Widmore? That would have made things very simple.

  51. Lost Update:
    ABC just announced that they are extending the series finale an additional 30 minutes making that episode two and half hours. Rumor has it that the writers, under the shroud of secrecy, added the final footage after all shooting wrapped. This very secretive footage is the final shots of the show. None of the regular actors are involved. Could this footage be what I envisioned as the parting shots of the show five years ago? I wrote the following update October 19th, 2005, here is the link to the update.
    Lost Series Finale Revealed

    Here is the final scene of Lost.

    As an added bonus, the Grassy Knoll Institute will now reveal the last scene of the series finale at the end of season four. (Edit, season Six)

    The scene opens as if a flash back to one of the survivors back stories before the crash. Government men in suits talking in groups, low tone speech loud enough to hear but not enough to understand what is said. They are in some sort of lab, or shelter.

    The government men are talking to an unseen client. From their gestures and tone, it appears to be an intense negotiation of some sort. Several survivors names are over heard in the conversation, Jack, Sawyer, Kate, Jin, and Hurley, as the same government men input figures into a laptop computer.

    The camera pans over and zooms on to the laptop screen. The header of the document is:

    CASE STUDY # 481516.23 VOLUME 42

    The camera slowly pans out and then towards the right side catching a glimpse of the “Others” in the room with the government men. The camera continues to pan out widening its view on the entire room. Slowly the lighting is turned up revealing a hospital type environment complete with all the hardware one would expect to see in an emergency room.

    The camera shifts angles and begins to ascend to the ceiling displaying hundreds of cryogenic chambers. The camera pans in further revealing Jack laying in stasis with electrodes wired to his body. Kate then comes into view. Then Hurley, Sawyer, Jin, and the rest of the survivors all hooked up identical as Jack. A video display comes into view and for a few seconds, you see the group on the island, gathered together, at night, around a blazing fire. Jack and Kate are smiling and talking to each other. The camera then jerks back to the cryo pods holding Jack and Kate.

    The conversation of the government men and the “Others” are now more clear and we see a small titanium box and blueprint type documents being slid on the table over to the government men. The “Others” say: “As promised, here is our part of the bargain. This is the next design level. You will find the schematics quite clear and precise. When can we expect our next shipment?”

    Government men: “Flight 427 from London to Sydney meets your requirements. It departs at 1:08 pm.”

    The camera iris begins to close while quickly panning and rising out of the room revealing for a split second the “Others”, a humanoid alien race conversing with the government agents. The camera continues its ascent skyward revealing the structure they are in, then the island, the ocean, the continents, the planet, solar system, and pans into oblivion.

    The “LOST” logo and end music cues and that my friends is how the series ends.

  52. i dont think smokey can kill widmore

  53. To add more conversation fuel about the candidate program and my virtual reality theory. Remember the wheel Jack saw in the light house? Where many names, over a hundred were etched on the wheel with a number designated to it?

    My theory is that the aliens are conducting certain exact experiments on the castaways. Each "Candidate" is introduced to various scenario's and studied how they react. Will the candidate choose the correct path, the right course, or will they fail and reset the scenario and begin again.

    After a certain pre-determined attempts, the Candidate is scratched off and becomes second hand players to the experiment. The next candidate in line becomes the focal point. Every candidate, over 100 of them, gets their moment in the sun, to become the one to complete the test in a satisfactory way.

    As the series ends, after six seasons, there are only a few Candidates left on the wheel. Jack is one of them. And please notice that his name was written unlike all the other names on the wheel. Perhaps signifying the new Jacob, or the best chance to complete the experiment.

    The Man In Black is simply a tired and exasperated alien scientist who wants to end the testing. After all, he states his exasperation in the conversation he and jacob had on the beach during the season five finale.
    As Jacob and MIB watch the Black Rock ship come ashore.
    MIB: You’re still trying to prove me wrong.
    Jacob: You are wrong!
    MIB: They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. It always ends the same.
    Jacob: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it’s just progress.

    Perhaps Jack is the one along with Desmond to bring it all together, to finally save all the castaways.

    See you in another life brother.....

  54. what was the main saying in season 1...live alone die alone? I hink they re destined to b together

  55. WoW! all good post ppl! Am I the only one thats gonna shed a few tears on the 23rd? Usually on big events like this Im the one sayin I cant wait...but I think I can!

    Also after every lost episode the words LOST in white shows up in front of a black screen...Im bettin on the 23rd it will say FOUND.

  56. The River Yeti5/05/2010 8:00 PM

    As long as the whole thing doesn't take place in the mind of an autistic kid looking at a snow globe...

  57. The River Yeti5/05/2010 8:02 PM

    LOTGK, a) Really like your site b) I know you chalk up the flashforwards & sideways to VR, but what about the flashbacks? Real memories or more tests?

  58. This was a great week, lots of good thoughts

  59. Every candidate, over 100 of them, gets their moment in the sun, to become the one to complete the test in a satisfactory way.

    Yea, I would love the chance to have my moment in the "Sun!"

  60. Good question, why not? I don't think he is a candidate. Unless he was a previous candidate and is some how trying to return to that status. Maybe Widmore will be given the role of MIB in the end.

  61. Yes, it was "Live together, Die alone!"
    Although Jin and Sun did not die alone.

  62. I will be bummed that the show ended, it has been a great show for six years, but no tears from me.

  63. St. Elsewhere! Yea, that was a wild ending. I wonder if Lost can top the MASH finale.

  64. River Yeti, thank you for the kind words.
    The flash backs are indeed part of the VR experiment. Keep in mind, I have stated that all the castaways are interconnected, and that after some time, their consciousness has begun to bleed into each others. Their memories are now as one. Otherwise, I find it humanly impossible for one man, Jacob, to show up at the exact time a candidates life is going to change and that they all board the same plane. The odds are incredibly large.

  65. Yes indeed, very good comments and questions.

  66. And that's all it would be. A moment!!! :D

  67. I just finished reading Stephen King's Under The Dome. The creators of LOST are fans of his and he actually mentions LOST a couple times in the novel. Funny thing is, in the book, the aliens did it. Coincidence? Maybe.

    I think there might be some inconsistencies and loose threads at the end of all this. We still don't know what happened to the kids on the flight, where the dog went etc. Smoky apparently can't kill the candidates but he can give them a bomb? Or was Jack right, the bomb wasn't going to go off but then when Sawyer pulled the wires out it became Sawyer who 'lit the fuse' so technically Smoky didn't kill them.

  68. And where did Ben go? Did I miss something?

  69. This is what I have been saying since we found out about Jacob and MiB. Jack will be left alone on the island with Sawyer. they will be the replacements. Also, Kate will die, and sawyer will blame Jack.

  70. Jack can die. So can MiB. So can the rest, except for maybe Richard. It just depends on how they do it. Jacob could die, but Mib couldn't do it. They can only influence, they cannot do the deed. Jack is right, he wants them to off themselves. This is why MiB has his little Claire-Bear...she will be the one to take out the candidates if he needs her to.

  71. Twilight Zone, Season 1, Episode 1.

    Good call LOTGK.. especially with the 30 additional minutes. But I still don't think it's going to be as extravagant as aliens controlling everything.

    It's going to come down to Jack, Desmond, and possibly Ben and Sawyer. But they will end is open ended, where either we'll see a government lab and they'll be continuing with more tests, or back to the first episode where Jack or someone wakes up completely aware of everything or as Jacob.

    A movie is sure to come after this...

  72. You know, when I wrote my original theory, it was virtual reality and on a whim, being that this is the Grassy Knoll Institute, I added the alien connection as a salute to Twilight Zone and Rod Serling. It appears the VR is the right theory and now the aliens are becoming more and more in focus.

    Agreed on the loose threads at the end. However, I hope they tie it with very few questions left.

  73. Ben went off with several others to stop the Smoke monster.

  74. I tried to find your comments on that. I went back to the season five finale where they introduced the Man In Black. And then went into season six but couldn't find them.

  75. Twilight Zone Season 1, Episode 1, of course that was a Lost in the Twilight Zone update. Here is the link.
    Where is Everyone

    I agree that the series will finish open ended. The writers will leave it up to the viewers to decide what happened. Exactly how Rod Serling wrote the Twilight Zone.

    The Twilight Zone was a science fiction television series created by Rod Serling that aired from 1959 to 1964. Each episode intertwined the supernatural with topical moral events in today’s society ending with a twist convoluting the outcome. The same can be said about ABC Lost. The castaways are more than just stranded on an island. There are mysterious forces at work of powers unknown. And just like the Twilight Zone, a twist is inserted in the story convoluting the outcome.

  76. TheRiverYeti5/07/2010 6:59 AM

    I would not be disappointed in that outcome..

  77. TheRiverYeti5/07/2010 7:01 AM

    "Who you gonna satisfy with that?"


  78. Anyone read Entertainment Weekly today. Lots of Info.

  79. Desmondsworld5/07/2010 10:22 AM

    Ben went with Richard and Miles to blow up the plane that smokey wanted to use to get off the island. This was right after Richard found his path again with the help of Hugo talking with Richard dead wife Isabella.

  80. Oh I forgot about that. So those explosives were actually set by Richard and Ben.....

  81. MIB said that he became Smokey because of his crazy mother.
    Other than Aaron who has a crazy motherelse has a crazy mother?

  82. This is my favorite theory yet. Either Jacob/MIA are aliens or gods in a greek mythology sort of way. In Greek myth Apollo (the candy bar we keep seeing) was born on a floating island that later became chained to the bottom of the sea. I think the island was called Delos.

  83. Where's Ben and Richard? Where is Miles and Widmore? Did Lapedus die?
    What will Desmond do?

  84. just commenting on something from way up at the top of the posts. about the backgammon game, it looked like that was also one of the scenes from season one when locke was teaching walt how to play the game. maybe the writers really did have the whole thing played out from the get go.

  85. Potential possibility, but more likely by Widmore.

  86. But is that the only requirement? Perhaps there is more.

  87. I'll buy into that.... :D

  88. Ben and Richard are on their own with Miles to blow up the plane. Widmore is on Hydra island with his gang. Lapedius, I don't think he died, I think he survived. Desmond, perhaps will save them all.

  89. Agreed, as I stated years ago, I believe the writers had a two and four year plan but the writers strike limited one season to only 8 episodes. At that point, I believe they stretched the series to six years with only 16 episodes per season.
    Also, they had a beginning, and an end. They knew the core story and simply sent us viewers on a wild goose chase.

  90. It's multiple pages, and you should make a trip to the news stand to get it.

  91. The issue is dedicated to lost, with a Lostie on the cover. Lostie on cover will be different depending on where you live.

  92. Not the only but i do think it is one.

  93. I,m a little fuzzy on this but i think off the island all the candidates have been involved
    in killing someone either with intent or not,
    except for i think Hurley. Does anyone remember
    if he killed anyone off the island? Come to think of it
    i dont remember if the real Locke killed anyone off the island.

  94. "Humanly" perhaps being the key word.

  95. Can you paraphrase it for us?

  96. What do you think are others?

  97. Hurley ran over and killed Tom and the others a couple seasons ago.

  98. Exactly! And that's why I added the aliens to my theory.

  99. Maybe Smokey cant attack when he's wet. Thats why Jack was told to make sure he gets smokey into the water.

  100. That was ON the island.

  101. Hey LOTGK!

    Just curious have you read any of the books
    that the characters have been seen reading?

  102. He does seem to fear the water. Perhaps that is why he is stranded on the island. A built in barrier.

  103. No, I haven't. There are a few Stephen King references there though which is a big deal.

  104. Mirella mccracken5/12/2010 4:11 PM

    107 comments! Waw am impressed; so all those people who are commenting on your blog are ... You?

  105. Well no Mirella, I am not you. I only post under the LOTGK screen name. My son posts under Lead Scientist, and the others, (pun intended) post under their names.

  106. That will be 25 quatloos.

  107. Being born on the island but now i'm remembering Russeau's daughter. forgive my spelling.

  108. Yes, Alex. But was she conceived on the island?

  109. Now that is an obscure Original Star Trek reference.


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