
Subway - $5 Dollar Meatball Sandwich

Subway Foot Long Meatball Sub
Subway Foot Long Meatball Sub
Five... Five dollar.... Five dollar foot long... At Subway. The Boardman and Youngstown, Ohio area has several Subway restaurants. I stopped at the one on Market Street in Boardman on the way home from work.

I walked up to the counter, the counter girl was pleasant and asked me what I wanted. I ordered the $5 dollar meatball sandwich with cheese on Italian bread. She asked if I wanted my sandwich toasted and I said yes.

I watched the small assembly line as she made my sandwich and then popped it into the over for approximately 30 seconds. She wrapped it and as the commercial stated, the cost was $5 dollars.

First, there were eight small sized meatballs, enough sauce, and adequate cheese. The meatballs were hot, the cheese melted, and the bun toasted. The taste surprised me. It was pretty good. I was expecting bland meatballs but these were just spicy enough. As with all meatball sandwich's, it was a bit messy to eat but I was able to handle it.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 3.5 out of 5 shots and recommends Subway Meatball Sandwich's for dinner.



Easter Island Moai And The Situation

Easter Island Moai Statue.....Jersey Shore Moai Statue

Showdown on the Jersey Shore uncovers a situation.

Polynesian Easter Island culture is alive and thriving down on the Jersey shore.

The Grassy Knoll Institute field investigators have uncovered the above startling evidence that not all Easter Island inhabitants perished during the island's great upheaval and tribal wars that laid waste to not only the island, but to it's people hundreds of years ago. Today, many have made their way to the United States and call the state of New Jersey their home.

Notice the deep elliptical eye sockets, the strong chin and facial structure, and the Pukao. (The red hat that adorns the head of the Moai) The Moai had chiseled abs and typically had designs carved on their backs and posteriors. (Today, we call them tattoos and tramp stamps) All these characteristics have carried over into  modern culture and society.

Don't get Snooki, err, snookered by the "Official" history of Easter Island and the monolithic stone statue Moai.

The Jersey Shore is one of the most popular prgrams on the MTV network while The Secrets Of The Easter Island Moai is one of the most popular programs on NATGEO.

Coincidence perhaps? We think not!



Catholic Nuns Unveiled

Catholic Nun Vigilantes
Ever wonder what Catholic Nuns look like outside the church walls? Wonder no more, the Grassy Knoll Institute snapped this rare photograph of four Nuns out loose in the wild.

As evidenced, Catholic Nuns are a very dangerous species. Upon them hearing the click of my digital camera, (50 Fucking Feet Away) all four nuns reeled around in unison pointing their hand guns with deadly aim at my head. (Notice the pleasure it caused them to have me in their sites)

I was lucky to escape. My 8 years of attending Catholic grade school in the 1960's helped me survive.

Every child learned the Duck and Serpentine manuever. It was a critical lesson of survival. With an eraser in hand, a nuns aim was deadly.

Back To Growing Up Catholic Archives



Elephant Ear Restaurant – Revisited (Fair Type Food)

Elephant Ear Restaurant Closed
Elephant Ear Restaurant Closed
As promised, I stopped back at the Elephant Ear restaurant in Boardman, Ohio to give Shannon and her restaurant another chance at redemption. If you recall, my first experience there left me with cold, wet, uncooked fries, very slow service, no take out menu, and average food at best.

Last week, I pulled into the parking lot and saw the restaurant was closed. In fact, it was empty. The tables, chairs, and equipment were all gone. A note taped to the door indicated the restaurant was closed and all the equipment was being sold at auction in the near future.
Elephant Ear Boardman Ohio
Elephant Ear Boardman Ohio
And look, you can see my reflection in the window. Handsome devil ain't I....

 Since the restaurant was closed preventing me from critiquing Elephant Ear on their progress, The Grassy Knoll Diner has no other recourse other than to score 0 out of 5 shots and does not recommend Elephant Ear Restaurant of Youngstown, Ohio for lunch or dinner.



Giant Alien Tongue Licking

Giant Alien Woman Slipping The Tongue To  Lucky Guy
Giant Alien Woman Slipping The Tongue To  Lucky Guy
In an attempt to break the resistance of the male population, sexy Giant Alien women have got their freak on. In the past several weeks, these sexy women approach enlisted men in the war against giant aliens and French kiss them to sway their fortitude.

Unfortunately, this new tactic is working extremely well as many a good men have already succumbed to this sensual interrogation.

In brighter news, enlistment has tripled in the fight against giant aliens.



ABC Lost Sequel - Beyond The Church

ABC Lost Sequel - Beyond The Church
ABC Lost Sequel - Beyond The Church
Life After Lost. The Grassy Knoll Institute is offering our own unique ABC Lost alternate ending in a four episode arc. The story begins where Lost ended, at the church where the castaways all gathered in the series finale. In this series, many answers will be given. Loose ends tied up. And a mention or two of Juliet's amazing rack.
In brief, The castaways are not dead. They are not in Purgatory. I guarantee no alien involvement, nor virtual reality. They are very much alive. All of them. Tune in for the four part series by clicking the links below.

ABC Lost Sequel - Beyond The Church

ABC Lost Sequel - Reality Check 07/12/2010
ABC Lost Sequel - The Seed - Part 1-4 07/19/2010
ABC Lost Sequel - The Harvest - Part 2-4 07/26/2010
ABC Lost Sequel - Comes A Time - Part 3-4 08/02/2010
ABC Lost Sequel - After The Gold Rush - Series Finale 08/09/2010




ABC Lost Sequel - After The Church

Oceanic Flight 815 Continues
Oceanic Flight 815 Continues
ABC Lost Altenate Ending
ABC Lost Altenate Ending
Yesterday morning I was greeted by a knock at the door at the secret lair offices of the Grassy Knoll Institute. I opened the door to find a large strong box at my feet. Looking up I caught a glimpse of a white colored courier truck turning the corner scurrying out of sight. I carried the box inside.

Upon inspection, the address label was from Culver City, California. I fetched my wire cutters and opened the strong box. It was air tight and a whoosh of air pushed out. The contents were concealed by shredded straw. It reminded me of the scene from A Christmas Story, the part where the old man won a major award and it was delivered in a huge wooden crate marked FRAGILE! I thrashed through the straw to reveal the treasure inside.

I was rewarded a moment later as my fingers found several round metallic objects amidst the straw. I gently lifted and removed one of the objects from the box and placed it on the table next to me. It appeared to be a film canister. The film was dated 2007, and emblazoned on the side was printed, Property of Touchstone Television, a now defunct production company. Opening the canister revealed an almost pristine condition film. Written on the canister itself was an inscription; ABC Lost Finale Arc – J.J.A. adaptation, After The Church sequel. (This was very Mr. Chang like from Dharma Institute showing a black and white film)

Attached to the top of the reel was a cryptic note addressed to the Curator of the Grassy Knoll Institute. The contents of the letter suggested that I view the films enclosed and continue my Lost updates as I had the past six seasons. There was no reason why I should, but I suspected viewing the films would shed some light.
I admit, I was intrigued by this find. However, being a dedicated Lost fan, I knew that the Disney Studio Company produced LOST under the ABC Television Studio moniker. Hence, this was merely an elaborate hoax. Or was it.

My curiosity piqued, I went to the basement closet for my film projector and screen. I dusted them off and brought them to the media room. I threaded the film and hooked the projector to the sound system and clicked the play button. The best case scenario, I was expecting to see out takes and bloopers from the past six seasons and maybe even a snippet or two of a story arc not fleshed out. Perhaps a hint at alien involvement and virtual reality. Why else would I have received this case? Instead, what I saw was astounding!

I immediately summoned the Grassy Knoll Institute executive staff to the board room to evaluate this particular discovery. We decided to investigate these mysterious films in detail. We started with the origin of the films. We discovered that Touchstone Television was absorbed by Disney Studio in 2007 and then later renamed ABC Studio’s, which was the official production company of Lost. Furthermore, after watching the first of four episodes (Titled The Seed) we came to the conclusion that what we now had in our possession were original storyboard episodes slated to be Lost’s series finale sequel arc. The euphoria we were feeling was on the same level Indiana Jones must have had when finally finding the Lost Arc of the Covenant.

Apparently, these Lost sequel episodes were pardon the pun, Lost in the sea of production crews and editing during the selling and buying of the Touchstone Television production company. The format of the films were in story book fashion, (Art work panels of scenes, characters, for each scene) with a narrator explaining the scene and dialog for each character.

The consensus of the executive team was unanimous, (Except Gumby, who abstained,) to forge ahead and critique these found Lost episodes and update them every week.

ABC Lost Sequel Part One Found Here titled: The Seed.


Geneva On The Lake – Dairy Queen

This Is Not The Large Size
Continuing with our Summer tour of Geneva On The Lake, we stopped at Dairy Queen, an ice cream stand attached to the iconic hamburger stand, Eddie's Grill. I ordered a small vanilla cone. The cost was $1.75 which is much larger than the Youngstown large version. As ice cream goes, it tasted good, and hit the spot on a hot Summer day.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 4 out of 5 shots and recommends Eddie's Grill Dairy Queen  for ice cream.