Showing posts with label lost alternate ending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lost alternate ending. Show all posts


ABC Lost Sequel - After The Church

Oceanic Flight 815 Continues
Oceanic Flight 815 Continues
ABC Lost Altenate Ending
ABC Lost Altenate Ending
Yesterday morning I was greeted by a knock at the door at the secret lair offices of the Grassy Knoll Institute. I opened the door to find a large strong box at my feet. Looking up I caught a glimpse of a white colored courier truck turning the corner scurrying out of sight. I carried the box inside.

Upon inspection, the address label was from Culver City, California. I fetched my wire cutters and opened the strong box. It was air tight and a whoosh of air pushed out. The contents were concealed by shredded straw. It reminded me of the scene from A Christmas Story, the part where the old man won a major award and it was delivered in a huge wooden crate marked FRAGILE! I thrashed through the straw to reveal the treasure inside.

I was rewarded a moment later as my fingers found several round metallic objects amidst the straw. I gently lifted and removed one of the objects from the box and placed it on the table next to me. It appeared to be a film canister. The film was dated 2007, and emblazoned on the side was printed, Property of Touchstone Television, a now defunct production company. Opening the canister revealed an almost pristine condition film. Written on the canister itself was an inscription; ABC Lost Finale Arc – J.J.A. adaptation, After The Church sequel. (This was very Mr. Chang like from Dharma Institute showing a black and white film)

Attached to the top of the reel was a cryptic note addressed to the Curator of the Grassy Knoll Institute. The contents of the letter suggested that I view the films enclosed and continue my Lost updates as I had the past six seasons. There was no reason why I should, but I suspected viewing the films would shed some light.
I admit, I was intrigued by this find. However, being a dedicated Lost fan, I knew that the Disney Studio Company produced LOST under the ABC Television Studio moniker. Hence, this was merely an elaborate hoax. Or was it.

My curiosity piqued, I went to the basement closet for my film projector and screen. I dusted them off and brought them to the media room. I threaded the film and hooked the projector to the sound system and clicked the play button. The best case scenario, I was expecting to see out takes and bloopers from the past six seasons and maybe even a snippet or two of a story arc not fleshed out. Perhaps a hint at alien involvement and virtual reality. Why else would I have received this case? Instead, what I saw was astounding!

I immediately summoned the Grassy Knoll Institute executive staff to the board room to evaluate this particular discovery. We decided to investigate these mysterious films in detail. We started with the origin of the films. We discovered that Touchstone Television was absorbed by Disney Studio in 2007 and then later renamed ABC Studio’s, which was the official production company of Lost. Furthermore, after watching the first of four episodes (Titled The Seed) we came to the conclusion that what we now had in our possession were original storyboard episodes slated to be Lost’s series finale sequel arc. The euphoria we were feeling was on the same level Indiana Jones must have had when finally finding the Lost Arc of the Covenant.

Apparently, these Lost sequel episodes were pardon the pun, Lost in the sea of production crews and editing during the selling and buying of the Touchstone Television production company. The format of the films were in story book fashion, (Art work panels of scenes, characters, for each scene) with a narrator explaining the scene and dialog for each character.

The consensus of the executive team was unanimous, (Except Gumby, who abstained,) to forge ahead and critique these found Lost episodes and update them every week.

ABC Lost Sequel Part One Found Here titled: The Seed.



ABC Lost Sequel - Comes A Time - Part 3-4

Lost Sequel - Episode Three - Comes A Time
Previously On Lost:
The camera zooms out from the castaways and rapidly rises and crosses the island to an undisclosed place. It is the entrance to one of the Dharma Stations. Faint sounds can be heard from within. The camera penetrates the walls to reveal Ben Linus and Jacob with file folders strewn across a table. They are discussing the castaways.

Jacob: “You’re still trying to prove me wrong.”
Ben: “You are wrong!”
Jacob: “They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. It always ends the same. They always end up in the church, awaiting salvation!”
Ben: My friend, from now on, it only ends once. Anything that happened before, happened. It’s just progress. I think it’s time to tell them the truth.”
Jacob: “You better let me handle that. All you ever do is lie to them.
Ben: “You do that Jacob.”


The castaways awake the next morning refreshed after a good nights sleep. John Locke suggests making the order of the day, to secure Dharmaville and inspect each cabin for essentials to survive. The group agree as they split into small groups to search. After searching several cabins, Jack, Hurley, and Sawyer find themselves in front of Ben's old cabin, the one with the secret passages. The men enter cautiously, flick the lights on and begin to search. Everything is tidy and neat. Hurley heads right and reaches the back room, the bedroom where the secret passage doorway was. Hurley slowly opens the door and finds Jacob, sitting in a chair. Jacob is smiling at Hugo, carelessly waiting for him.


Hugo is frozen in place, not knowing what to do. He knew Jacob was dead. Jacob broke the tension.
Jacob: "Hello Hugo. I am glad you have returned. We have much to talk about!"
Hugo panics, stammers, tries to call out to Jack and Sawyer, but falls to the floor knocking over a lamp table and books. Hurley is face planted staring down at a well-worn paperback book of George Orwell's novel, Animal Farm.
In another part of the cabin, Jack and Sawyer hear Hurley fall and race to the back room. They open the door, Jack sees Jacob, his eyes widen. Jack gets that wide-eyed look on his face.
Sawyer follows in after Jack and sees Hurley on the floor and Jacob looking on.
Sawyer asks looking at Jacob, "Who the hell are you?"
Jack says, "James, meet the elusive Jacob!"
Sawyer: "Well ladee freakin duh. So you're the man who caused us all this trouble."
Jacob: "No James, I am not the cause. However, I am the beginning."
Jack comes out of his stupor, directs his attention to Jacob, "I remember everything, you told me I'm like you now, and I was to protect the island, as long as I could, and then you died."
Hurley gains his footing, gets back up, blurts out to Jacob, "Why are you back Dude?" And speaking to Sawyer, "You see him too?"
Jacob: "I'm here to complete my mission. To finish what I started. We all must come full circle to survive."
Sawyer to Jacob: "What the hell does that mean Gandhi? What do we have to finish? You're talking in circles."


Jack remembers the last time Jacob was encountered in a cabin and realized why Jacob decided to make contact in Ben's cabin now. Jacob was in his own environment, his home turf.

Jack decides to gather the rest of the castaways and to get Jacob out of the cabin, (Where bad things always happened when he was in one) He tells Jacob to come out of the room and into the compound. Jacob nods and slowly follows him.
Hurley races ahead and calls for the other castaways to join him. The rest come out from other cabins and surrounding area they were searching and quickly assemble in the compound. Only Rose and Bernard recognize Jacob. The others are asking who he is.

Juliet to James: "James, who is this man?"
James: "This is Jacob! I guess the good part of old smoky"
Jacob acknowledges the castaways and calls them all by name and says hello.
Kate is holding a club she found in one of the cabins, ready to react if Jacob makes a move. You could tell by her posture she does not trust him at all. Jacob picks up that vibe and attempts to soothe Kate.

Jacob to Kate: "You need not worry about me Kate. I am not here to harm you. Any of you."
Kate retorts back: "How the hell do you know my name?"
John Locke asks, "I thought you could only be seen by Jack and Hurley? Why does everyone see you now?"
Jacob: "All in good time. I will answer that question and more."
Sayid: "You'll answer them now. You must understand our circumstances. If you truly are Jacob, you are aware fully what we had just endured. You must believe we are very skeptical about your good intentions at this unannounced arrival."

Jacob, sensing the tension and anxiety among the group, asks Jack if he could sit down on the bench in the compound.
Jacob: "I'll tell you everything you want to know. You must believe me, I am not here to harm you, but here to protect you."
Sawyer: "I ain't buying it Doc. Last time we trusted him, it got us all killed."
Jacob: "And yet here you are, very much alive. All of you!"
The castaways look towards Jack for the next course of action. Jack allows Jacob to sit and requests he continues.


Jacob sits on the bench, the castaways gather a little bit closer. Kate is still holding her club.
Jacob: "Do any of you remember when you were children, how the world seemed so simple. So big. Wonderful."
Sawyer butts in: "Hell no Jake. I don't remember it that way at all. I had a hell of a life, I watched my Dad get murdered. I drifted from town to town. It was no bed of roses for me."
Jacob: "And that is why you are here James. You were a candidate. Because of the life you led as a child. Do you remember me James, at the funeral, you were sitting on the church steps, angry at life, I offered you my pen."
Jacob looks around, makes eye contact with all the castaways, "I visited each and every one of you as a child. To see if you were candidate worthy. And you all were."
Sayid: "A candidate for what?"


Shots ring out from several sides of the compound. Bullets whizz past several castaways. Yelling and shouting, the castaways take cover, flipping the picnic table on its side to deflect the bullets. As they scramble for the shelter of their cabins, Jacob gets hit. Blood is forming at his mouth and his beige shirt is quickly becoming red and wet with his blood. Jack and Hurley see Jacob fall. Blood is pooling around Jacob's body when Hurley reaches him.
Jacob looks up through his dying eyes and pleads to Hurley, "Don't let this all go for not Hugo. What happened before means nothing. What you do now is what matters. Don't let him win!" Jacob takes his last gasp and dies. Hurley, not knowing what to say in Jacob's last moments of life, quotes a Star Wars scene between the Emperor and Skywalker. (It is your destiny. I have foreseen it.)


Men with guns are running around the camp, herding the castaways to the center of the compound. (Much like they were the other day when at the church) All 17 castaways are accounted for. The castaways are clinging to each other. The soldiers have their weapons trained on them, ready to fire at the first sign of insurrection. From the jungle comes a voice, a command, to withdraw their weapons. The soldiers comply.

The camera pans out and to the left to show the jungle. The brush is moving as someone is walking in sight of the camp. A moment later, Charles Widmore steps from the jungle brush.
Widmore, stern looking and peeved yells: "Attention everyone! Where the Hell is Desmond Hume?!"


Sawyer, agitated, lashes out at Widmore: "Listen up old man, we just got here yesterday. Your little green army soldiers roughed us up and locked us in that cargo transport."
Jin expands on the explanation: "We do not know where Desmond is. We came to the camp looking for food and shelter."
Widmore: "Those were not my men that held you captive!"
Sawyer: "They sure as hell look like them."
Kate to Widmore: "What do you want with Desmond? Are you going to kill him like you just killed Jacob?"
Widmore: "I killed Jacob because he's one of Ben Linus's puppets. I didn't want him to escape and alert Linus that we were back on the island. I'm trying to keep Desmond safe. He is the key to this entire operation."
Sayid: "What operation are you talking about?"
Widmore: "Hold on, I must make certain that Jacob is indeed dead. I've seen this to many times to believe it without being a doubting Thomas."


Widmore has his men stand down, but still heavily armed. Widmore walks to where Jacobs body is lying. He inspects Jacob's lifeless body, poking it a few times with his walking stick. He reels around to the castaways and exclaims,
"What he told you, it's a lie. He and Linus are the ones who held you captive for so very long. They are the ones who tortured you for their own SADISTIC pleasure. I'm here to put and end to it. To end your suffering. I'm here to help you!"
Michael, still clutching Walt, demands an answer stating that, "You aren't the first person today to tell us that you were here to help us, and not harm us. But that man over there is dead and you are holding us all hostage at gunpoint."


Widmore changes his tone, becomes more relaxed, and asks the castaways to please sit down. He states that after all they've been through, they deserve to hear the truth of why they are held captive on this island. Widmore opens up his back pack, takes a tin cup from it and a bottle of Dharma water. He carefully pours himself a drink and sips it as if it were 100-year-old scotch. (perhaps it is)

Widmore puts the tin cup down and begins: "As most of you are aware, Ben Linus and I are mortal enemies. However, it wasn't always that way. Years ago, we were partners. Partners in a project that would someday save mankind from their own terrible vices. We called it the Dharma Initiative."

Widmore continued: "In the Summer of 1969, Ben and I attended a rock concert, some of you might remember Woodstock, the Summer of love. It changed our lives. We saw how people could live in peace when they had a common goal, a common purpose. The music that played was emotional to us. Barry McGuire's Eve Of Destruction hit home, especially when he sang this verse,

Don't you understand what I'm tryin' to say
Can't you feel the fears I'm feelin' today?
If the button is pushed, there's no runnin' away
There'll be no one to save, with the world in a grave
[Take a look around ya boy, it's bound to scare ya boy]

And you tell me
Over and over and over again, my friend
Ah, you don't believe
We're on the eve
of destruction.

And right there we knew what we had to do."

"The castaways were intently listening as Widmore spun his tale: "My father was a very rich and powerful man, and when he died, I inherited millions of dollars, enough to buy an island. This island." With the Vietnam War escalating out of control, with the United States, The Soviet Union, and China at each others throats just waiting for the other to blink, we saw what the near future of the world could be. Death and destruction."

Linus had several connections in the exotic real estate business and we searched for the perfect paradise, an island large enough to support a small commune of people dedicated to peace, love, and harmony."

Sawyer looks disgusted and butts in: "Chucky, Is this the time we're all supposed to lock hands and sway back and forth singing Kum Ba Ya."
Widmore looks peeved, and tells Sawyer, "When I'm done with this story, you may want to sing a few of those lines."

Widmore returned to his story: "Eloise and I used our inheritance and purchased the island and we began construction on this very compound that we are located at right now. Ben and I decided that a simple life, living off the land would be the most gratifying way of life for our new commune. Hence, we built cabins instead of a five-star hotel. To keep our little island adventure a secret, I created a new corporation, The Hanso Foundation, and had all the contracts and paper work channeled through them."

Several years later, our son Daniel was conceived and born on the island. He would be the first native of the island. But at that time, as with all good plans, it began to unravel. Linus was becoming more and more paranoid about the unrest of the super powers of the world and if a world war was declared, it would be the end of the world as we knew it.

So he convinced me to protect the island. Convinced me that a catastrophic event would soon be coming and that we needed to be prepared for it. I used my contacts with the military and several private sector scientists to create a protective grid. In less than three months a working prototype was in place.

The design was quite simple really. An enormous focused electromagnetic pulse discharged into the atmosphere. The pulse would then combine with the ionosphere and would form a net that would neutralize any radiation that would spread. The pulse was capable to create a grid that would surround a small island.

However, this barrier, or shield, took massive amounts of energy to maintain. In the 1970's, the only energy powerful enough to sustain the burst was an atomic reaction. Through the black market, we purchased a nuclear bomb. We stripped it down and constructed a small reactor plant on Hydra Island."

Sawyer chimed in again: "And you had Doc Brown deliver it in his DeLorean!"

Widmore: "No James, my freighter delivered it. Along with the machinery, steel, and raw materials to construct the stations that you have found dotted across the island. We were preparing for the ultimate worst case scenario. If the grid failed, we could move under ground and live in the stations until the radiation subsided. The stations are all interconnected and we could freely move from one to the other. My freighter also brought all the Dharma canned and powdered goods you see on the island. We had enough food and supplies for 84 people to survive for 10 years. We were well prepared."

Kate: "84 people. Why 84 people?"

Widmore: "In the beginning, we were going to invite 40 couples with like minds to join us in paradise. Eloise, myself, Ben and Anna would complete the 84 people. That was the plan until we found that the protection grid had a side effect we did not anticipate. This is where Linus and I differed on what course of action to proceed with. Linus went insane with Godlike delusions and when I was on the mainland making final preparations and delivering the final freighter of supplies, he slaughtered the original inhabitants of our commune, allowing only a few loyal followers to survive. This is why it is imperative that I find Desmond Hume. He can reset the island so to speak. He is the key."

Sayid: "Side effect! Other than make the sky turn purple and shake the ground violently, what else does the pulse do?"

Widmore: "It made the island very difficult to locate. It almost hid it from view. When the shield was activated, you needed exact coordinates to find your way back. We literally had a private garden of Eden. And it has taken all this time to finally reach the island again."

Widmore stands, addresses the group: "I know that none of you trust me. So I am offering you a good will gesture. Some of you are going to be very happy with this action. If you follow me, perhaps you will begin to understand what is happening on this island. However, you all must come as a whole, I will not allow the group to be split."

Sawyer: "No way Emperor, I've heard this song before, and I'm not going to dance to this one."

Widmore: "If you speak for the group, than so be it. The second option is to take you all into custody, something none of us want to endure. Remember the bear cages James, the tanks are full of kibble for you. Please, everyone think for a moment. If I wanted to harm you, I would have ordered my men to do so. But here you stand, alive. Unharmed. I promise that I will do no harm to you if you agree to come with me."

John Locke: "Folks, he's not going to let us stay here. I say we find out what this island really wants with all of us. I thought I knew, but I was obviously wrong."
Jack to Widmore: "We have your word, no harm will come to us!"
Widmore: "I promise, I will do you no harm."


The castaways gather light supplies in their back packs. Widmore informs them that their destination is the temple. You can see in the faces of the castaways that they are worried about the temple. The castaways begin their trek following the soldiers and Widmore to the temple. Several hours later they arrive. Sayid asks Widmore if he is gong to ask him to kill the smoke monster? Widmore replies, "Smoke monster. No Mister Jarrah, there is no smoke monster at the temple."

A fire is crackling, a familiar smell wafts through the air. People are walking back and forth inside the temple compound. Hurley sees the people and rushes to the front of the line and runs to the temple. He begins yelling "Libby, Libby!" as he's running. The camera focuses on a blonde woman and she turns around revealing that it is indeed Libby.

Libby smiles and runs towards Hurley. They embrace, kiss, both of them crying. The rest of the castaways reach the temple and there before them are the rest of the castaways. Ana Lucia, Miles, Frank Lapidus, Mister Eko, Leslie Artz, Eloise, Charlotte, Daniel, Cindy, Ilana, and Naomi. Even Richard Alpert. An emotional reunion ensues between the castaways as they get re acquainted with each other.

After several minutes, Widmore announces to the group, "I hope this small gesture allows you to take that first step in trusting me. Our journey is just beginning. We must find Desmond Hume. Our very lives depend on it. I want to organize search teams of three people each and we will scour the entire island. Everyone please see my wife Eloise for your search area and partners. Time is of the essence so we must press on."

Kate is talking to Sawyer, Jack, John, and Sayid. She doesn't trust Widmore anymore now then before. In a low tone, Kate says, "All he has done is increase his chances of finding Desmond by combining forces. What is he going to do when he finds Desmond? Kill him like he did Jacob. Desmond told us he never got along with him. That he wasn't deemed good enough for his beloved daughter Penny. And now he spins this yarn about Desmond being the key to our salvation. I don't trust him. "
Jack: "I agree. This is to easy. If Linus were here, wouldn't he have tried to stop us by now?"
Sayid suggests, "Perhaps we should go along with his plan. If any of us finds Desmond, we could warm him that Widmore wants him. It may give us more time to understand what Widmore really wants from him. And from us."
All in unison, "Agreed!"


The castaways initiate their search party and set out for Desmond. All corners of the island are to be searched. In a matter of minutes, the temple camp is empty except for Widmore and a group of men to coordinate the search effort.

Jake, Kate and Daniel are one of the search teams. Their ultimate destination is the foot statue and the temple inside. Along the way they will inspect caves and gulleys where Desmond could be hiding or held captive. Jack strikes up a conversation with Daniel seeking information on Widmore.
Jack: "Daniel, your father mentioned 84 people were planned to live on this island. Why only 84? It looks like this island could house hundreds comfortably. "
Daniel: "I really don't know what my father had planned. I just know he is obsessed with regaining control of this island. He has dedicated his entire life to this cause. He won't tell me the reason, but I have an idea what it might be."

Meanwhile, Boone, Locke and Miles are headed to the hatch, where Desmond was first spotted. Miles is somewhat spooked at walking along with two formerly dead men. He breaks the ice and asks, "John, when you died, did you see a white light, or clouds, or heaven, anything?"
Locke: "No Miles, I didn't. I know i died, and know that Ben strangled me to death, but nothing after that. I woke up and found myself in a taxi on the way to the church. And now I'm here. That's all I have."
Boone replies without being asked, "I don't remember dying at all. Widmore rescued us all and took us from this God forsaken island. I was living on the mainland when one day, I awoke and found myself talking with Hugo."


Boone, Locke, and Miles approach the hatch where Desmond was originally. Cautiously they peer into the hatch. John says he remembers that there is a side entrance not far away and that they should go and search the station. They all agree and move on to the side entrance. After 20 minutes in the hatch and about to give up, they come upon the control room. Tied to a chair facing away from them is a man who appears to be Desmond. Locke slowly walks toward him and the man slightly turns his head to reveal it is Desmond.

Locke quickly begins to untie him, removing the duct tape from his mouth first. Desmond tells Locke to stop. He is wired with explosives. If he is removed from the chair, the entire station will go up. Locke looks under the chair and spies a timer counting down. 108...107...106...105...
Locke stands and informs the group that there is only a little more than a minute to free Desmond and escape.

Miles is skeptical: "Wait a minute, Widmore wants him alive, Linus wants him alive, we all want him alive. So who wants him dead? I think it's a trap. Lets get out of here!"
Locke: "Very true. Boone, Miles, get topside. I'll stay with Desmond and try to disarm this bomb. Now get going, there's only 35 seconds left."
Boone and Miles scramble through the station in record time. They hear no explosion. In the control room, Desmond and Locke await their fate. There is no explosion."


Kate, Jack, and Daniel deviate from their planned coordinates and rendezvous at the hatch. Miles and Boone are at the secret entrance. All five head back into the station and meet Locke and Desmond coming out. Desmond tells Jack, "Hello Brotha, I told you i would see you in another life!" Both smile and laugh. The backtrack and reach the surface. As they walk through the hatch door, Tom, Ethan, and several goons with guns are waiting for them.
Tom yells, "Everyone just stand still and no one will get shot today. Everyone, hands up slowly and each of you's take a few steps away from each other."

The goons tie their hands and they are marched through the jungle to the bear cages. They are all unceremoniously tossed in. Tom tells Kate to bad your lover boy isn't here, he could show everyone how to pull the handle and get kibble for everyone to eat. Tom leaves with a hearty laugh.


Kate is pacing, freaking out being trapped in the cages once again. She sees that her previous escape route has been sealed as the top of the cage has been barricaded. Jack tries the cage door and sides but to no avail. The cage is solid. Music is being piped in to the cage. It's 1970's folk rock style music.
Jack asks Desmond: "Why does Widmore and Linus need you? Why are you the key to our survival?"
Desmond: "Honestly brotha, I have no idea. I cannot stop what is happening. I only know what is going to happen. And what already did happen. Desmond has a dramatic pause and then continues, Ever since my boat washed ashore on this island, I have been having visions. At first, I thought I was delusional, sick from the boat crash, perhaps with fever from the island, but I have been reliving the same sequence of time over and over again. Why do you think I knew that Charlie was going to die? And how i saved him all those times. Because I have already seen it. Already experienced it."
Daniel: "That would explain the strange readings and test results I was getting with my test rockets on the island."
Jack: "Whoa, whoa, Desmond. Are you saying we're stuck in some type of Star Trek time warp?"

A voice from outside the cage: "That's right Jack."
The group turns to see Ben Linus outside the cage.
Ben continues: "Hello Jack, I told you the island wasn't done with you yet!" Linus is smiling as he speaks.
Jack goes crazy with rage, he smashes against the cage doors screaming at Ben, "What the Hell are you doing to us? Where is my father? Why are we back on this island? What purpose do we serve here?"

Ben to Jack: "Jack, your father is dead. He was always a figment of your imagination. In fact, everyone you knew or thought you knew from your past is dead. They no longer exist Jack."
Jack: Do you really expect us to believe you, after all the lies you told?"
Ben to Jack: No Jack,... I expect you to die. I always wanted to say that!" (In his best sarcastic tone)

The music in the cage gets a little louder, the song changes to Neil Young's classic, Comes A Time:

Comes a time
when you're driftin'
Comes a time
when you settle down
Comes a light
feelin's liftin'
Lift that baby
right up off the ground.

Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.

You and I we were captured
We took our souls
and we flew away
We were right
we were giving
That's how we kept
what we gave away.

Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.

Cue the Lost logo......
Lets have some comments Lost fans.

ABC Lost Sequel Finale Found Here Titled: After The Gold Rush



ABC Lost Sequel - After the Gold Rush - Finale

ABC Lost Sequel - Episode Four - After The Gold Rush
ABC Lost Sequel - Episode Four - After The Gold Rush
Previously On Lost:
Jack: “Whoa, whoa, Desmond. Are you saying we’re stuck in some type of Star Trek time warp?”
A voice from outside the cage: “That’s right Jack.”
The group turns to see Ben Linus outside the cage.
Ben continues: “Hello Jack, I told you the island wasn’t done with you yet!” Linus is smiling as he speaks.
Jack goes crazy with rage, he smashes against the cage doors screaming at Ben, “What the Hell are you doing to us? Where is my father? Why are we back on this island? What purpose do we serve here?”
Ben to Jack: “Jack, your father is dead. He was always a figment of your imagination. In fact, everyone you knew or thought you knew from your past is dead. They no longer exist Jack.”
Jack: Do you really expect us to believe you, after all the lies you told?”
Ben to Jack: No Jack,… I expect you to die. I always wanted to say that!” (In his best sarcastic tone)
Important Lost Clue
Important Lost Clue

Jack has calmed down a bit as Kate tries to sooth him anger. Ethan arrives, whispers into Ben's ear and they have an unheard conversation. Miles overhears something about the Prometheus and a wheel. The group has no idea except Daniel.
Ben Linus calls out to Goodwin, who is standing with a group of men just a few yards from the bear cage, "Please turn the music off, there is no need for psychological conditioning anymore. That dog just won't hunt no more. It's time to tell the passengers of Oceanic Flight 815 why they are back on the island."

Boone retorts that is the second time today someone told them that. Ben completely ignores Boone, and then offers the castaways freedom if they can behave in a civilized manner.
Ben states: "Jack, everyone, we really do need to talk. You may not realize it, but I am saving your lives. I've done it before, but this is the last time. The island isn't what you think it is. Please, come with me to my headquarters, where we can converse in a secure atmosphere."
Jack: "And if we decline?"
Ben: "I insist!"
Tom Friendly smiles and readies his rifle. Ben holds his hand up to Tom, and says, "Tom, no need for that. Where are they going to go?"
Tom unlocks the cage and the castaways file out and follow Ben and his men. A few meters from Ben, Sawyer and Juliet lie in ambush. Their plan is thwarted as a rifle is nudged into Sawyer's back and he hears the sound of a trigger being pulled back.
Sawyer: "Son-of-a-bitch!"


Ben is very cordial, he smiles at James and Juliet.
Ben: "It's truly good to see you again Juliet. And, Ah, Hello James. You should let John Locke do the tracking from now on."
Sawyer: "OK Gunda Din!"
The group marches for an hour and comes to a mountain face. Brush and vines are pulled away to reveal a secret entrance to an island station. It's marking on the outside is in Greek lettering, Daniel translates the words, "Sisyphus Station." Daniel groans, "Oh no, I was wrong!"

Ben walks in first and lights and equipment turn on as he walks down the corridor. They pass what looks to be the infamous room 23. They continue walking deep into the station, into the mountain. At the end of one of the corridors is a door. Ben opens the door to reveal a large conference room complete with table, chairs, television monitor, file cabinets, over head projector, and white boards hanging on the walls.
Ben turns and asks every to, "Please sit, make yourself comfortable."


The castaways all take a seat. Linus goes to the file cabinet and pulls out about a dozen files. He sits down and flips open the top file.
Ben: "I was hoping that Jacob could be here to help relieve some of the confusion but we all know what Charles Widmore did this morning. So, I will begin by telling you that Jacob visited each and every one of you when you were children. I think most of you remember this visit, some may not.
Sawyer: "Wait a minute, you're telling me Jacob, who doesn't look a day over 40, visited me 30 years ago? How is that possible Mr. Wizard?"
Ben: "What Widmore didn't tell you, the island has a very special property. While you are on the island, you do not age. However, a caveat also awaits."
John: "Is that why Richard never aged?"
Ben: "Yes, John. And you as well. And me."
Jack: "How is this possible, the island having magical properties. We've only been here 108 days, of course we haven't aged. Nobody has."
Ben: Smirks, "Jack, that is what I'm trying to tell you. If you would please let me finish."

Ben: "Jacob had a purpose for visiting you. You were all candidates. One in thousands of candidates. As the years passed, many of the candidates fell out of favor with our program. You were part of the 84 selected. oceanic Flight 815 never crashed. We needed a back story, and the plane crash was the perfect scenario, the perfect cover. On the mainland, authorities and the NTSB investigation found the downed plane in deep water. All the passengers were strapped in and all souls were considered lost. You were now all officially dead.
Kate interrupts: "How did you know we would all be on that plane. What if we didn't make it. what then?"
Ben: "Jacob was very persuasive and manipulative. He planted the correct seeds and offered the best case scenario for each and every one of you. The rest was easy."


The conference room door opens and Goodwin walks in and immediately goes to Ben. Goodwin whispers in his ear for a few seconds and Ben stands and announces to the group, "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, I have some pressing island business to attend to." Ben calls out for Ethan and seconds later Ethan walks into the room.
Ben: "Ethan, please entertain our guests until I return." Ben and Goodwin head toward the door, Ben stops, turns to the group and says, "My good people, this station is the only safe haven from the smoke monster. Please do not leave the station walls. We cannot afford to lose any more of you."

As Ben and Goodwin walk down the stations corridor, Goodwin asks about smokey, "I thought you turned that program off?" Ben says, "I did Goodwin, but they don't know that now do they?"
Ben to Goodwin: "Did you retrieve everyone?"
Goodwin: "No, Alpert is still missing!"
Ben: "Find him!"


Ben gathers his men and heads back to Dharmaville. Widmore's men are casually deployed inside the camp. In a brutal attack, Widmore's men are massacred by Ben's team. Widmore is not dead, only wounded. When the situation is secured, Ben descends dow the hill and into camp. he approaches Widmore, stops and kneels close to him.
Ben: "Remember when I said I would murder your daughter Penny for payback on your men killing my daughter Alex? I lied Charles!"
Linus aims his pistol and shoots Widmore at point-blank range in the head and several times in the chest. Ben laments, "That's for Alex YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
Ben to his men: "Gather up our other guests, bring them back to the Prometheus station right away."
Ben looks back at the lifeless body of Charles Widmore and states, "May God have mercy on your soul.... And mine."


Back at the Prometheus station, the castaways have questions for Ethan hoping to gather some needed intel on their situation.
Jack to Ethan: "Ethan, I know you were dead. How can you be here now. How can all of us be here now?"
Ethan: "Jack, You're dead! We're all dead! My God, haven't you figured this out by now?"
Sawyer: "Well now I've heard everything. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. We're all dead. What are we, in some sort of way station, in some sort of Purgatory waiting for Christmas bells so Ethan here can earn his Angel wings! Hell, being abducted by aliens and put in a virtual reality chamber is a better explanation than Purgatory!"
Ethan: "Ask your man Desmond. He knows. He'll tell you. I don't know why he hasn't already."


Ethan sees a red light blinking on the monitor board and excuses himself. Guards are right outside the door. The castaways are alone. John turns to Desmond looking for information.
Desmond: "We are not dead! I assure you of that. I do not know all the facts, but we're alive."
Daniel: "Desmond, my experiments on the island, they were confusing to me. On the island, it appeared that time was irrelevant, that it didn't exist. But right off shore on the freighter, time was passing normally. Do you know anything about this? Why time is not moving?"
Desmond: "I know that I have been repeating certain events. I know I've been to the church before. Saved Charlie's life many times. I've found Penny many times. And many times I didn't. It's like I'm given as many chances as i need to get things right, but something goes wrong every time, and I wake up and start all over again."
Daniel: "Yes Desmond. Yes. A loop. The Sisyphus effect!"
Miles: "Can I buy a vowel here. What the Hell is the Sisyphus effect?"
Daniel: "In Roman mythology, Sisyphus was a wise king punished by the Gods for smiting them. As punishment, he was compelled to roll a huge stone up to the top of a mountain. When he reached the plateau, the stone rolled back down to the bottom. He then had to start at the bottom and roll the stone back up and repeat this loop for all eternity."
Boone: "So we're back in Roman times, we're all smited by the Gods. Destined to repeat this over and over forever?"
Desmond: "No, something is different this time. I can feel it. This isn't how it started last time."
John: "Then that's a good thing. Maybe we have the edge on Ben. Maybe he doesn't know what's going to happen next. We may have the element of surprise."


Ben Linus has returned to the Prometheus station with more guests. The remaining castaways had been rounded up and led to the station. Ben asks the 7 members already there to join them in the larger meeting room further inside the station. Hugs and kisses from all the castaways and secretly exchanged information among the themselves.

The survivors are as follows: Jack and Kate, Jin and Sun, Sawyer and Juliet, Sayid and Shannon, Charlie and Claire, Hurley and Libby, Bernard and Rose, Daniel and Charlotte, John Locke, Ana Lucia, Frank Lapedus, Cindy, Miles, Mr. Eko, Michael and Walt, Dr. Leslie Artz, Nikki, Ilana, Boone, Naomi, and Desmond.

Desmond looks frantically for Penny, but doesn't see her.
Ben to Desmond: "As an act of good faith, (As he motions to his guard) your journey is over my friend." (Penny comes through the door and sees Desmond and runs to him. They embrace and cry in each other's arms.)
Sayid silently speaks to Jack and Sawyer while the reunion hugs are in progress: "Linus is insane. We must act now why we have the numbers. It may be too late if we don't act now."
Sawyer: "We don't stand a chance with no guns and those goons armed to the teeth."


Linus makes his way to the front of the room, breaks open the files once again and asks for everyone's attention. The castaways slowly gather and take seats. Sayid notices that there are only two guards inside the room. Linus begins to talk again.
Ben: "For those that were not here earlier, I'll let the others catch you up. As I was saying, Jacob visited all of you in the past to evaluate your worth as a candidate. Congratulations, you all made it."
Ana Lucia: "Just what made us candidates and how did we pass the mustard?"
Ben: "There were many criteria but three main factors were focused on. One, the candidate had no entangling alliances. Nothing to go back to. Second, personality and fortitude were tested. Life on an island would be harsh sometimes. We needed to know if you could survive the stress. And last, each candidate wanted a chance at redemption. Each of you fits the criteria. For all those wondering, the list of names you were so worried about was simply the list of candidates."


The camera pans to the castaways as Ben keeps talking. Sawyer is on the right side of the room and Sayid on the left while Jack is front and center. In unison, all three leap to their feet and charge the armed guards. Both guards are quickly subdued as Jack is racing towards Linus. Linus sees the attack and quickly pushes a concealed panel on the wall and makes his escape.

Jack and Locke follow through the panel in pursuit of Linus. Down the corridor Linus disappears. Locke and Jack search the station.

On the other side of the station, Sayid is interrogating the captured guard. After several minutes of Sayid's unique methods, the guard reveals the information Sayid was seeking.
Sayid: "One more time, Where is Widmore and his men stationed?"
Guard: "They are all dead! Linus had them killed. He shot Widmore himself at point-blank range."
Sayid: "How many men does Linus have?"
Guard: "18 men including me. We were all for hire."
Sayid: "Why did Linus bring us here?"
Guard: "I do not know. We were hired for security."
Sayid: "How long have you been here on the island?"
Guard: "Just over three months."


Sawyer is running down the station corridor. He is armed with a machine gun taken from the guard he over powered. He turns the corner and spies Linus.
Sawyer: "Hold up there running man."
Linus: "Do you know what you're doing James?"
Sawyer: "I don't do requests! Hands up Linus!"
Sawyer marches Linus outside into the corridor and returns to the conference room.


The castaways have barricaded themselves in the conference room. All the camera's are switched on sweeping the station. The outside camera picks up the soldiers exiting the station. They are either retreating or fleeing.
Jack grabs Ben and demands what the soldiers are doing.
Ben: "It's the contingency plan. If the station was compromised, they were to fall back to the temple and regroup in the secret chamber and await instruction from me."
Ben continues: "I can control them, I can make them do whatever you want Jack. Just let me talk to them."
The camera picks the soldiers up inside the temple. They reach the secret compartment and seal the door.
Boone: "If we let him talk to them we're all dead."
Ben makes a run for the control board. He pushes a button just as Sawyer and Sayid catch up to him. Sawyer busts Ben's nose with the butt end of his gun. He crumbles to the ground bleeding.
Juliet screams, "Look at the monitor. What has he done?"
The temple compartment fills with gas killing the soldiers almost instantly.
Jack loses it and begins to wail on Linus. Linus takes a beating with broken teeth and black eyes. He is groaning on the floor.


Jack regains his composure, leaves Linus on the floor in a pool of blood. He declares that it's time to get off this island once and for all. everyone agree's and they begin to leave. As they reach the exit to the Prometheus station, Linus catches up to the castaways and pleads for them to stop.

Ben to the group: "Jack, there is no going back. I implemented the end game scenario. You can never return home!"
Sawyer: "And why the Hell not?"
Ben: "Widmore didn't tell you everything about the electromagnetic shield protecting the island. The discharge has a unique wondrous by-product we never envisioned. Once the shield was activated and the pulse expelled into the atmosphere, it created a time space temporal event. Inside the bubble, on the island, time stands still. Outside the bubble, time marches on."
Sawyer: "Bull..." You're just a con man full of lies."
Daniel: "No wait. That explains why Ben and Jacob visited us in the past and not aged after 25-30 years. When they left the island for short periods of time, they aged. When they arrived back on the island, time stopped."
Hurley: "That's why Jacob didn't want us to ever leave the island."
Jin: "I think Linus is lying to us. Look at your beard Jack. If time stands still here, why is your beard still growing?"
Ben: "Because the time loop resets itself. That was Desmond's job. Widmore brought him to the island to evaluate if he was worthy of Penny. Desmond was to reset the electromagnetic pulse every 108 days. When the pulse was reset, the island reset as well, going back in time 108 days. The inhabitants on the island would then relive the next 108 days as if they just arrived with no memory of previous events."
Jack: "If we forget everything that happened, then how do you know this? How do YOU remember events and we don't?"
Ben: "Before the pulse was activated, there were only four people on the island. Charles, Eloise, Desmond, and myself. We didn't realize we had created the temporal loop until 108 days later when all the construction we had done, clearing the jungle, erecting more cabins, vanished. We were left with what we had before the pulse. The sky went pink, the ground shook, and the work crews believed they had just arrived for work. This went on for several more loops before Charles took the sub to the mainland to investigate."
Daniel: "Jack, it makes sense. My readings were pointing to this scenario."
Charlie: "Guys, how long have we been going through this loop?"
Ben: 'When Charles returned, he confirmed our belief. The mainland advanced almost a full calendar year why we aged only 108 days. That is why your beard grows Jack. You only age 108 days!"


Sayid is agitated. He comes front and center, gun in hand, confronts Linus and point-blank asks him, "You still haven't told us why we are here, why we are candidates, and for what purpose, and why we cannot leave. I want an answer now or I will shoot you."
Ben: "You're not going to like what I have to tell you but it's fact. You have to believe me."
Sawyer rolls his eyes.
Ben: "On September 22nd, 2004, most of you were brought here to the island. It was the 108 day reset cycle. Your plane crash was an elaborate hoax. You boarded the plane but were anesthetized and then removed from the plane and safely transported here. The plane then took off bound for Los Angeles. Our pilot, Widmore's employee, turned off his tracking beacon and crashed the plane in the ocean several thousand miles off course. A rescue boat picked him up at a rendezvous point. The crash was staged, media coverage showed the plane in deep water at the bottom of the ocean. Being so deep, rescue crews could not submerge that deep and the robotic search submarine filmed the bodies still strapped in their seats. You were the seeds of the island. The new life. The chosen ones. The candidates."

Ben: "In March of 2007, fighting broke out along the Iranian border. The bible was correct. The Anti-Christ would come from the East and bring terror to the land and sky. The fighting quickly escalated. We are not sure about the next events, but nuclear missiles were deployed and detonated across the globe. The United States, China, Russia, and all of Europe was consumed in a nuclear holocaust. In three months, half the world's population was dead. Six months later, the planet was dead. Total extinction. Except perhaps for a few well shielded bunkers scattered across the globe."

Ben: "Widmore was in one of these bunkers when the war broke out. He fled on his freighter and the protective shield allowed him to dock on hydra island with Penny and Eloise and his crew. He began his attempt to regain control of my island but I had prevailed."


The castaways are horrified. They wonder if they should believe what Ben has just told them. Jack of course was the doubting Thomas of the bunch.
Jack: "Well, I don't want to stay here. I want off this island. I'll take the sub and make my way on the mainland."
Ben: "The island is all that you have left Jack. It's all any of us have left. The Earth is destroyed. There aren't any tree's, plants, birds, animals. The cities have been destroyed. I saved every one of you from this terrible fate. That is why you are here on this island."
Sawyer: "I ain't calling you Noah Linus!"

Ben: "If you leave this island now, you will only find hardship. It will be a struggle just to survive. The radiation levels contaminated the rivers, oceans, and soil. Nothing is going to grow on the Earth. I offer you a paradise here on my island. We can all live in peace and harmony like the good book intended."


Ben senses hostility, anger, resentment, and asks everyone to return to the station control room. He wants to show everyone the carnage that happened. they group agrees. Sayid has several castaways stand guard.

Inside the control room, Ben turns on the monitors and turns on the monitors. News broadcasts begin playing reporting that nuclear war has begun and mankind is on the verse of extinction. One news reel shows New York City reduced to rubble. Another shows Paris in flames. Each monitor reveals a major city across the globe obliterated. Anarchy reigns supreme as governments break down. Military forces reduced to rogue units preying on the less fortunate. The last report is a remote camera, showing no more movement in the major cities. The power eventually is consumed and the camera flickers to darkness.

Ben: "Four months ago, Desmond and I went back to the mainland to check the radiation levels. Our Dharma shark that we released was still alive and the levels are within human tolerance."
Leslie Artz: "If what you say is true, a nuclear war, the radiation levels would stay deadly for hundreds of years. What you say cannot be true Ben. The laws of nuclear physics come into play here.'
Ben: "Yes Leslie. It does take hundreds of years for the radiation to dissipate. In fact, it took 521 years. Today is September 22nd, in the year 2525!"
Charlie sings the Zager and Evans 1969 tune: "If man is still alive, if woman can survive, they may find..."


The castaways are in a state of shock. No one is keeping an eye on Ben. Not even Sayid. Ben continues his speech.
Ben: "We knew that war was imminent, we prepared for it. That is why we constructed our shield. It's also why we created the Dharma Initiative. One of their priorities was to mass produce non perishable foodstuff. Canned food, flour, corn meal, baking goods, dried fruits and vegetables. We have a warehouse full of supplies enough to last us for years until we grow our own food."

Rose speaks out: "But aren't we just going to go back in time 108 days when the island resets. All the progress we made will be erased."
Ben: "Rose, not anymore. I told you Desmond was the key to our survival. The day before he was to reset the pulse, I drugged him and tied him to the chair in the station. I planted a fake bomb under his chair knowing that he would be rescued by Locke. With Desmond failing to enter the code, the island pulse ran out of energy, and the island did not reset. We are living in the present. This is humankinds shot at redemption."

Cue the Lost Logo and bring up the volume to Neil Young's After the Gold Rush tune.

Well, I dreamed I saw the knights in armor coming
Sayin' something about a queen
There were peasants singin' and drummers drumming
And the archer split the tree
There was a fanfare blowin' to the sun
That floated on the breeze
Look at mother nature on the run in the nineteen seventies
Look at mother nature on the run in the nineteen seventies

I was lyin' in a burned out basement
With a full moon in my eyes
I was hopin' for a replacement
When the sun burst through the skies
There was a band playin' in my head
And I felt like getting high
Thinkin' about what a friend had said,
I was hopin' it was a lie
Thinkin' about what a friend had said,
I was hopin' it was a lie

Well, I dreamed I saw the silver spaceships flying
In the yellow haze of the sun
There were children crying and colors flying
All around the chosen ones
All in a dream, all in a dream
The loading had begun
Flyin' mother nature's silver seed
To a new home in the sun
Flyin' mother nature's silver seed
To a new home in the sun


There is a clearing in the jungle. A place that looks all to familiar. It looks like where Jacob's old cabin once stood. As the camera follows along the trail, it reveals a little stone church. There are several castaways walking toward the church. The camera pans to the inside revealing it decorated for a wedding. Hurley pops his head out the church door and sees Ben sitting on a bench at the entrance.
Hurley to Ben: "Hey dude! Aren't you coming in. Everyone is here."
Ben: "No Hugo, I think I'll just sit out here for awhile.'
Hurley smiles, winks at Ben and walks inside.

Mr. Eko is standing atop the altar and Leslie Artz begins the wedding march tune on the organ. Jack enters from the side door and walks to the altar. The back door of the church opens and We see Kate dressed in a white wedding dress. She slowly walks the aisle towards Jack.
Mr. Eko: "Shall we begin..."
The castaways are all smiling, some crying with joy as Jack and Kate are finally together.


The decompression stage.
It's September 22nd, 2528, three years after the electromagnetic shield was disabled. The camera shows Dharmaville, a little more modernized as the castaways have spruced it up over the past three years. A Van Morrison tune, Have I Told You Lately That I Love You, is playing softly in the back ground.

The camera pans to a cabin, it's Jack and Kate's cabin. On the porch awning, a wooden sign with the words THE DOCTOR IS "REALLY" IN is burned in to=he wooden sign. Both are sitting on the porch enjoying the day.

the camera moves to Sawyer walking down the path. He waves to Jack and Kate, his neighbors, and walks in his cabin. Juliet is in the kitchen, behind the counter. She is baking muffins. She steps from behind the counter to reveal her pregnant belly. She hugs and kisses James. She asks James if he has decided on a name yet. Sawyer answers, "Bill, or George, anything but Ben!"

The camera leaves the village and shows Rose and Bernard back at their private cabin, warming up some soup.

Jin is fishing down at the beach, the camera pans out to reveal Sun walking along the shore, the camera zooms out more to reveal their baby girl running in the sand, smiling and laughing. Jin hooks a fish, gives a hearty ho ho and turns to Sun and smiles.

John Locke is behind his cabin, in a make shift work shop. He is running a lathe. Charlie walks in and asks him if its ready. John holds up the baby crib and says, almost. Claire walks in the work shop looking very pregnant. She smiles at John and Charlie.

Hurley and Libby are in a clearing, practicing yoga. Hurley has slimmed down.

Leslie Artz has collected all the books on the island to preserve history and to some day teach the children born on the island.

Michael and Walt, are seen constructing a boat. A fishing boat. Both are smiling and have bonded as father and son.

Ben, sitting atop the mountain looking down upon Dharmaville, a wry smile on his face, clears his throat, turns around as if to look if someone is there, and says into the camera, "Perhaps it's time for a new man in charge!"

Sayid and Shannon are walking on the beach. Sayid is fiddling with a walkie-talkie. Shannon looks at him and says, "It's hard to put the past behind you isn't it." Sayid answers, "Yes," smiles, and is ready to toss it back into the sea. Shannon tells him to do it. "Leave it behind. We don't need saving anymore. We have each other." Sayid looks one more time at the walkie-talkie, then back at Shannon, and laughs, drops the device in the sand and continues walking along the shoreline. As they get a bit further down the shore, the walkie-talkie squeaks, and a familiar voice comes on speaking French,

Please help me,
I'm alone now, Please someone come,
The others, they're all dead.
It killed them,
It killed them all.....