
Grassy Knoll Institute Spring Break

Vanna White is Safe!
Spring Break is over and it's back to work for the rocket scientists at the Grassy Knoll Institute.

Can you spot the Grassy Knoll Institute logo?



Chicago Style Pizza - No, Not Really

Chicago Style Pizza - Not Really
Back in late February this year, I attended the national Halloween trade show in Chicago, Illinois. Once inside the convention center, you are pretty much at their mercy when it comes to breakfast and lunch. To leave the building for lunch would take too much time so we conventioneers dine under the roof.

This year, the convention offered very few choices for sustenance. Choosing the lesser of several evils, I ordered a piece of pizza and a diet Coke. Now I know some of you are thinking, hey, you are in Chicago, home of the famous Chicago style pizza. It has to taste fabulous right? It's Chicago!

Well, as you can see, this piece of pizza had absolutely no style. The only positive was that the pizza was warm. Not hot, but warm. heat lamps were doing their job that day. The crust was flat, a little doughy, and bland. The cheese was present, and that's all I have to say about the cheese. The sauce, well, there was red and orange fluid on the pizza which I guess could substitute for pizza sauce. The taste, well, it was filling and curbed my hunger allowing me to photo more sexy Halloween models in skimpy costumes. The cost, $5 dollars. Per slice. To put that in perspective, an 8 slice pizza would cost $40 dollars.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 1.5 out of 5 shots and under regular circumstances would never recommend this pizza. However, with very few food options inside the convention center, we recommend Chicago's Rosemont Convention pizza for lunch.



Lost Update: Love Is In The Air

Lost Update - Season Six - 04/13/2010

Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound

And I don't know if I'm just dreaming
Don't know if I feel sane
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when you call out my name


And I don't know if you're an illusion
Don't know if I see it true
But you're something that I must believe in
And you're there when I reach out for you

I told you Libby would be back! And Michael! And I told you all years ago that Desmond was able to control both universes. All this and more has come to fruition according to my Lost theory.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been telling you for six years so what's a few more times between friends...
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Tonight the theme music, Love Is In The Air, performed by John Paul Young, an oldie but goodie, is the heart of the matter for the gentle giant, Hugo Reyes. He meets up with Libby in the alternate reality. I TOLD YOU YEARS AGO THAT LIBBY WOULD MAKE ANOTHER APPEARANCE ON LOST! The lyrics suggest that Hugo may be dreaming, and perhaps insane, buts it's something he must believe in, go all in, go for broke, and that's what he does with Libby. It's a great love story and all, but there was much more going on tonight than meets the eye.

Lets begin with Desmond making the rounds in the alternate reality meeting up with the Lost castaways. Much like a certain someone who did the exact same thing and then got stabbed and kicked into a fire by a vicious smoke monster. Yes, we're talking about Jacob. Notice how Desmond in the last several episodes interacted with all the castaways just as Jacob did. Perhaps Desmond is Jacob in the alternate reality. Or perhaps Desmond is the new Jacob. Or is Jacob.

That alone would be enough to complete this episode but there is more. Much more. What we have been witnessing in season six is the confluence of realities of the castaways. And Desmond is their guide. (A sort of Hitch Hikers Guide To The Universe type - Not always knowing what he's doing, but getting the job done nonetheless)

Season six has been structured to reveal small intervals of life on the mainland for the castaways and revealing small intervals of life on the island. As the season progresses, each character's realities are merging, becoming one. With the aid of Desmond. Both realities are moving down stream to converge and pool at the end of the journey.

Case in point. Libby remembers both realities, tries to convince Hugo but at first he believes she is crazy. It's not until they kiss that all the memories of the island come flooding back for Hugo. Both realities are melding into one. And Desmond was there to see and assist. Libby's doctor told Hugo that she has issues with reality which she conveys to Hugo explaining about the island, plane crash, and experiences there. Hugo jokes that she and he were in some bizarro alternate universe.

There is still more. The voices in the jungle that Hurley and the castaways hear. Not only are they the dead people coming to visit but the past, present, and future of the island realities converging.

Years ago, I stated that the castaways were all interconnected, in a VR experiment, their thoughts being controlled by input stimuli and various psychological scenario's to study human emotion. I also stated that Desmond somehow learned how to control the VR, and influenced the outcome to his favor. He does the impossible, finding the needle in the haystack, Penny, his love. He also warns the castaways of certain events. He also saves Charlie countless times from death. He realizes the time loop he is stuck in.

My theory has arrived in full force.

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:
* Doctor Chang is back, the MC for Hurley.
* Libby is back and crazy as ever.
* Michael is back, and is dead as ever.
* Ilana went boom. Goodbye Ilana.
* Young Jacob is back. And Desmond saw him as well.
* Desmond meets up with Hurley in the alternate reality.
* Desmond states the island has it in for everyone.
* Desmond meets Ben in the alternate reality.
* Desmond meets and runs over John Locke injuring him severely.
* Michael appears to Hurley, tells him not to blow up the plane or everyone will die and it will be his fault.
* Hugo blows the black rock to smithereens.
* Hugo lies. Tells the group he is getting instructions from Jacob.
* Richard calls his bluff, proves he's lying. Jack doesn't care, he says he trusts Hugo.
* Richard, Miles, and Ben go to blow up the plane.
* The voices, people who are stuck on the island who can't move on. There Fox, there is your shout out.
* Smoky and Desmond at the well. Smoky asks Desmond why isn't he afraid?
* Smoky tosses Desmond into the well.
* Desmond interacts with Ben Linus.
* Desmond runs over Locke.
* Did I hear Charlie and the chocolate factory music in the background for next week's preview?

Only a few more episodes of Lost to go. I cannot wait for the finale.



Lost Update Twilight Zone - The Parallel

Lost In The Twilight Zone Update: 04/12/2010

With ABC Lost approaching its climatic series finale on May 23rd, the Grassy Knoll Institute has one or two more Twilight Zone Updates to discuss the correlation between Rod Serling’s science fiction television program, The Twilight Zone, (1959-1964) and the current ABC network hit, Lost.

Some Background Before We Proceed:
The Twilight Zone was a classic science fiction television series created by Rod Serling that aired from 1959 to 1964. Each episode intertwined the supernatural with topical moral events in today’s society ending with a twist convoluting the outcome. I argue that the same can be said about ABC Lost. The castaways are more than just stranded on an island. There are mysterious forces at work of powers unknown. And just like the Twilight Zone, a twist is inserted in the story convoluting the outcome.

The Twilight Zone had a standard format. Each episode began with a prologue, usually with the host, Rod Serling doing the voice over introducing the characters and setting. At the end of the show, Serling would offer up a final narration of what the viewer just witnessed.

Tonight’s offering is: Season 4 Episode 113 The Parrallel
Original Airdate: 03/14/1963

I think once you see the similarities of both programs, you will quickly realize that Lost is a modern-day Twilight Zone.

In the vernacular of space, this is T minus one hour. Sixty minutes before a human being named Major Robert Gaines is lifted off from the Mother Earth and rocketed into the sky, farther and longer than any man ahead of him. Call this one of the first faltering steps of man to sever the umbilical cord of gravity and stretch out a fingertip toward an unknown. Shortly, we'll join this astronaut named Gaines and embark on an adventure, because the environs overhead — the stars, the sky, the infinite space — are all part of a vast question mark known as the Twilight Zone.

Astronaut Robert Gaines, Major, is on a routine space orbiting mission when his capsule malfunctions and he blacks out. However, he awakes on Earth with apparently no major problems and is released from the hospital and permitted to go home.

But things seem very odd to Major Gaines as inconsistencies pop up. He notices that his own daughter doesn't know who he is and everyone calls him Colonel when he knows he's a Major. And he argues with his friends and family that John F. Kennedy is the president of the United States even though no one else has ever heard of the man.

Major Gaines believes that he has slipped into a parallel universe where almost everything is the same but a few major changes in history. He returns to his capsule in hopes of traveling back into space and landing in his own universe but he blacks out again.

Major Gaines wakes up to find himself in his capsule back in space. He finds his landing points and pilots the ship to a safe landing. He thinks that this was just a great big nightmare until Mission Control receives another transmission from space... From Colonel Robert Gaines.

Major Robert Gaines, a latter-day voyager just returned from an adventure. Submitted to you without any recommendations as to belief or disbelief. You can accept or reject; you pay your money and you take your choice. But credulous or incredulous, don't bother to ask anyone for proof that it could happen. The obligation is a reverse challenge: prove that it couldn't. This happens to be the Twilight Zone.

Lost Tie In:
Desmond is a modern-day Major Robert Gaines.
Desmond embarks on a solo trip around the world in his ship. He blacks out and wakes up on the Lost island. As Desmond continues on his journey, he realizes that something is not exactly right. There are inconsistencies that cannot be explained away. He begins to have flashbacks and flash forwards where people do not know who he is.

As season six approaches its end, Desmond realizes what is happening and tries with great effort to return to his reality. He understands that he is living in both universe's at the same time and that he can control the outcome. Perhaps Desmond controls the blackouts forcing another chapter to further him along to find his home, his world, his universe, his Penny. Notice when Desmond blacks out and wakes up, he is in an alternate reality.

And just as Major Gaines in the Twilight Zone received a message from his alternate in space, Desmond has also send messages to the past and future Desmond. The question however, is where does Desmond ultimately belong?

Submitted for your approval. Please use the comments section below to voice your opinions.



Gia’s Pizzeria – Fried Haddock Dinner

Friday night Patty and I on a whim decided to try the new restaurant in town, Gia's Pizzeria, located at 708 Boardman Canfield Road, Youngstown, OH 44512. Its where the old Pizza Hut used to be. There were a good amount of cars in the lot but it wasn't crowded. We walked in and were greeted and seated quite quickly.
Gia's Pizzeria Fried Cheese
Gia's Pizzeria Fried Cheese
 Before we sat down our waitress asked us what we wanted to drink. I asked if she had Coke Zero which she said yes and would be right back with them. So far so good.

In a minute or two, our waitress returned with our Cokes and asked what we wanted for dinner. I started with a fried cheese appetizer in marinara sauce. Like the Cokes delivery, the fried cheese was brought out right away.

As you can see, the fried cheese looked good, but upon tasting, it was bland. The sauce tasted store bought and the breading and the cheese had almost no taste. Perhaps the main course would be better.
Gia's Fried Haddock Special
Gia's Fried Haddock Special
I ordered the beer batter haddock dinner with macaroni and cheese. Again, the fish looked good but it tasted horrendous. The only way I can describe this plate is, Shit On A Shingle! It was the worst piece of fish I ever had. The previous winner of "Worst Fish" was Galaxy Seafood but Gia's is the new king. Patty couldn't believe the fish tasted so bad and took a piece for herself and tasted it. Patty confirmed the Shit On A Shingle comparison. Within a minute, she told me she was going to throw up.

I called for the check and we left promptly. (Never to return again!) Luckily, Patty didn't spew chunks but for the entire next day she got sick just thinking about the haddock.

The service was good and this critique should not reflect badly on the waitress.

The cost of this nightmare was $9.99 for the Friday special plus $4.99 for the fried cheese plus $2 dollars for the Coke Zero. $17 dollars without tip. If the food were edible, this meal would be a good deal. However...

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 0 out of 5 shots and DOES NOT recommend Gia's Pizzeria for dinner.



Unknown Thought Screen Helmet Wearer

Thought Screen Helmet Unknown Abductee
Hi, my name is Bobby Smith and I've been an alien abductee in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area since 1996. For over 10 years I have been abducted by aliens 17 times. In late 2006 while surfing the Internet for alien abductions, I came across the Grassy Knoll Institute, the utmost authority on alien abductions. I learned about the Thought screen Helmet and how it prevented alien abductions by severing the telepathic link the aliens had over me.

In no time at all I was able to construct my own Thought Screen Helmet lined with velostat, a material that has electrical properties that cancels telepathic rays. Ever since I've been wearing my (TSH) I have not been abducted by aliens.

Thank you Grassy Knoll Institute for giving me my life back. I am now a productive member of society again. I can maintain my job and I have found romance once again. Hopefully all the other unknown alien abductee's can share in my success story and return to living a meaningful life in society.



Chem Trails - Not Just For Dinner Anymore

Chem Trails Engulf City
Chem Trails Engulf City
Ever wonder what those white lines crisscrossing in the sky are? Many believe they are merely contrails from the thousands of jets dotting our sky. A contrail is the exhaust from a jet that when mixed with the thin high altitude air, form a white puffy cloud mixture that quickly dissipates. However, as evidenced from the picture above taken at 6:30am this morning of New York City, there is more going on than simple non toxic exhaust from jets.

The Grassy Knoll Institute has learned that the government is using commercial airlines to expel psychotropic drugs into the atmosphere for experimentation on the entire populace of the country. (Think of subliminal messages on steroids) Under the guise of passenger airlines, the government routinely releases the psychotropic drugs into the atmosphere forming chemtrails behind the jets. As the chemtrails slowly release into the air and descend onto the ground, they are absorbed slowly into the body.

The Grassy Knoll Institute has gathered evidence that the drugs manipulate the higher brain functions forcing the subject to become more pliant to suggestion on a broad range of views. From political affiliations to the clothes they wear, the chemtrails plant the seeds of suggestion into your mind. (Seriously, no one in their right mind would ever wear monster bell bottom blue jeans and platform shoes by choice)

The government has already implemented its plan of control. Even though the government is broke, a new empire killing hospitalization program has been approved. And don't tell me anyone in their right mind would join the Tea Bagging Party fronted by America's guardian from Russia Sara Palin herself.

Of course the United States government is in total denial mode stating that there are no such things as chemtrails and that New York City was merely inundated with heavy fog this morning. The government attempts to dismiss the chemtrails as merely contrails, and that they are perfectly safe and non toxic and everything is OK in the world. Even though the world banks are failing. Millions of people dying of starvation. Millions more dying from disease. And even more dying from war. And when was the last time you spotted a honey bee? The chemtrails are killing them.

A perfect Utopian society we ain't living in. Two plus two does not equal five no matter how many times the government attempts to convince us otherwise.



Lost Update - Thunder Only Happens When It Is Raining

Lost Update - Season Six - 04/06/2010

Now here I go again, I see, the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and...
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness...
Like a heartbeat drives you mad...
In the stillness of remembering
What you had
And what you lost...
What you had...
Ooh, what you lost

Tonight we finally got to see Desmond's sideways flash. He meets up with Charles Widmore, his both and business partner, Charlie, who he is keeping safe until a concert is performed, Claire, at the airport, Jack, in the hospital, Hurley, at the airport, Faraday, Eloise, and Penny. Desmond has a perfect job, power, money, influence, and the respect of Charles Widmore. So much so that he shares a drink of 60 year of MacCutcheon scotch. The trouble is, none of its real. And just like Desmond, I've been going round and round with my theory for six years.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

In Desmond's sideways flash, he had a fantastic life. He was rich, respected, traveled the world, all the perks of wealth, with no emotional ties. He was Widmore's right hand man, his go to man, and even shared that elusive scotch.

However, Desmond has been thrust into yet another psychological experiment. This time around, he has been given everything in life. Except the one thing he truly wanted. Penny's love. Desmond's constant. Without Penny, Desmond was a ship without an anchor, listing off the shore, waiting to dock. When he meets Penny in this new scenario, he is truly happy.

Stay with me, for just a little bit longer. I stated several years ago that Desmond became aware of the time loop he was in. Of all the different scenario's he was placed in. Saving Charlies life countless times, pushing the button, being with Penny, and waking up and doing it all over again. No matter how he tried to change the course of events, it always ended the same way. Desmond knew this after saving charlie from death countless times. What happens, happened.

The question is why is Desmond and all the other castaways being put through these scenario's? I told you before. The one's doing the experiments and resting liken us to cattle, primates, less evolved. It's aliens manipulating them in a vast virtual reality laboratory. The best way to harvest accurate test results is to have the subjects unaware of outside influence.

I'll add one more bit of information before we get to the tidbits of tonight's episode. When Desmond was talking to Daniel, (Faraday - Widmore) Daniel told him that he had a dream, and while dreaming, he wrote a scientific equation in his notebook. Desmond asked him what it meant but Daniel had no idea. He took it to a friend on campus and was told it was formula's of quantum mechanics so advanced, a person would have to have studied for years just to begin to understand it.

Again, and I'll only state this 6 more times this year, it's alien technology that Daniel was somehow able to extract during one of his many virtual reality scenario's. It's part of how they are all controlled, how they can experience time travel while not really going anywhere. How the castaways are cast into multiple scenario's. How the castaways can have varying personalities. How the castaways choose good over evil, or evil over good. Even life and death itself. Over and over. Until they are finished with them. Until the island is finished with them. Until the aliens have collected enough data and are satisfied with said results.

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* Desmond to Charlie: There's always a choice.

* Daniel is Widmore's son.

* Eloise tells Desmond to just stop looking. Perhaps that is how Desmond will end his loop. By simply stopping.

* Daniel tells Desmond, what if we had some other life and we're not supposed to be living this one.

* Daniel believes he may have already detonated the nuclear bomb.

* No smoke monster tonight.

* Desmond and Charlie drowning, Charlies shows his hand to Desmond with Not Penny's Boat written on it. Just like in past scenario.

* Drive Shaft song. You All Everybody is playing on radio.

*Widmore chances Desmond's life with risky experiment. Desmond survives.

* Sayid kills Widmore's men, tells Zoe to run and tells Desmond that they are very bad men. Desmond seems to know, and goes along with Sayid.

* Penny, while in the stadium, if you look closely, has a wardrobe malfunction and a nipple slip occurs as she is running down the stadium stairs. (No, not really. Just hoping it was so)

* Charlie, right before he died on the plane, saw true love, a beautiful blond woman, could be Claire. That's my guess.

* Jumping ahead, in Jack's upcoming sideway flash, his wife is Juliet, and she is secretly seeing Sawyer. Just throwing it out there, just guessing. Fodder for next week.

* Desmond wants Oceanic Flight 815's manifest.

Until Next Week, Get Lost.