Showing posts with label chem trails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chem trails. Show all posts


Chem Trails - Not Just For Dinner Anymore

Chem Trails Engulf City
Chem Trails Engulf City
Ever wonder what those white lines crisscrossing in the sky are? Many believe they are merely contrails from the thousands of jets dotting our sky. A contrail is the exhaust from a jet that when mixed with the thin high altitude air, form a white puffy cloud mixture that quickly dissipates. However, as evidenced from the picture above taken at 6:30am this morning of New York City, there is more going on than simple non toxic exhaust from jets.

The Grassy Knoll Institute has learned that the government is using commercial airlines to expel psychotropic drugs into the atmosphere for experimentation on the entire populace of the country. (Think of subliminal messages on steroids) Under the guise of passenger airlines, the government routinely releases the psychotropic drugs into the atmosphere forming chemtrails behind the jets. As the chemtrails slowly release into the air and descend onto the ground, they are absorbed slowly into the body.

The Grassy Knoll Institute has gathered evidence that the drugs manipulate the higher brain functions forcing the subject to become more pliant to suggestion on a broad range of views. From political affiliations to the clothes they wear, the chemtrails plant the seeds of suggestion into your mind. (Seriously, no one in their right mind would ever wear monster bell bottom blue jeans and platform shoes by choice)

The government has already implemented its plan of control. Even though the government is broke, a new empire killing hospitalization program has been approved. And don't tell me anyone in their right mind would join the Tea Bagging Party fronted by America's guardian from Russia Sara Palin herself.

Of course the United States government is in total denial mode stating that there are no such things as chemtrails and that New York City was merely inundated with heavy fog this morning. The government attempts to dismiss the chemtrails as merely contrails, and that they are perfectly safe and non toxic and everything is OK in the world. Even though the world banks are failing. Millions of people dying of starvation. Millions more dying from disease. And even more dying from war. And when was the last time you spotted a honey bee? The chemtrails are killing them.

A perfect Utopian society we ain't living in. Two plus two does not equal five no matter how many times the government attempts to convince us otherwise.