
Lost Update: The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street

Summer of Lost Update 08/25/2009

Tonight we continue our search for what we perceive as truth, reality, found, and Lost as The Twilight Zone and ABC's Lost intermingle as we explore my alternate theory and perhaps reality itself.

Some Background Before we Proceed:

The Twilight Zone was a classic science fiction television series created by Rod Serling that aired from 1959 to 1964. Each episode intertwined the supernatural with topical moral events in today’s society ending with a twist convoluting the outcome. The same can be said about ABC Lost. The castaways are more than just stranded on an island. There are mysterious forces at work of powers unknown. And just like the Twilight Zone, a twist is inserted in the story convoluting the outcome.

The Twilight Zone had a standard format. Each episode began with a prologue, usually with the host, Rod Serling doing the voice over introducing the characters and setting. At the end of the show, Serling would offer up a final narration of what the viewer just witnessed.

Tonight's Twilight Zone Lost offering is titled,
The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street, season 1, episode 22, 1960

The Prologue:
Maple Street, USA. Late Summer. A tree-lined little world of front porch gliders, barbecues, the laughter of children, and the bell of an ice cream vendor. At the sound of the roar and a flash of light, it will be precisely 6:43 PM on Maple Street.

This is Maple Street on a late Saturday afternoon. Maple Street, in the last calm and reflective moments...before the monsters came.

The episode begins as a typical Summer day. Kids playing, grown ups gathering. Then a dark shadow crawls across the sky and a flash of light and a loud noise is heard before everything goes dark. A complete power outage has occurred including the residents cars. The adults get together to discuss what happened and what they plan on doing about it. Pete Van Horn volunteers to investigate to see if the power outage is city wide or just the neighborhood.

Just after Pete leaves a young boy claims he knows what is happening. He shows the adults one of his comic books with a story about aliens coming down, assuming human appearance, and living in the neighborhood for a while – while they plan their attack.

At first the adults don’t believe the story until one of the neighbor’s lights go on in his house. Then someone else’s car starts for no reason. As things are going on and off randomly the people start to accuse each other of being the aliens. The fear and hostility of the neighborhood grows. When Pete Van Horn comes back one of the neighbors shoots him because he thought he was an alien.

As a full-scale riot breaks out, the camera pans outward and upward revealing two aliens sitting atop a hill overlooking Maple Street. They comment on how all they need to do is switch on and off a few lights and the people of Earth will destroy themselves.

The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices. To be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and the frightened, thoughtless search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own: for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things can not be confined to the Twilight Zone.

Lost Tie In:
Jacob and the Unknown man seen at the beginning of the season five finale, are the two aliens. They are the ones manipulating mankind, one group of people at a time. They leave the Lost castaways to their own devices with minimum prodding on their part. Then they simply sit back and observe and learn what humanity really is.

Unknown Man: You’re still trying to prove me wrong.
Jacob: You are wrong!
Unknown Man: They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. It always ends the same.
Jacob: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it’s just progress.

The question before us is simple. Who are the real monsters? The aliens that are manipulating the power on Maple Street? Or perhaps the citizens of Maple street and how fear and prejudice blind us so quickly and completely that we behave like monsters?

I'll leave that up to you, in the Twilight Zone.



Naked Thought Screen Helmet Leaders

Thought Screen Helnet Leaders
This exclusive never before seen photograpg of the alleged leaders of the evil race of aliens controlling the a vast majority of the Earth's population. The photo was taken in Elkhart, Indiana, just outside the property line of the Winnebago plant that President Obama toured just months ago. It would appear that these evil space aliens have set up a base in an abandoned home in the suburbs.

The aliens skin appears to have a shiny silvery metallic surface. Both are wearing some sort of protective face shield speculated by the Grassy Knoll Institute scientists to perhaps amplify their telepathic energy enabling to better hone in on the local population of abductee's. We can also assume that the weather was a bit nippy that morning.


Keep wearing your velostat thought screen helmets to stop alien abductions.



Lost Update - A Tale Of Two Cabins

Lost Update - Summer Of Lost - 08/11/2009

News Flash Lost fans!!!
I was re-watching the season five finale of Lost last night, and I noticed something startling that I did not before. About forty minutes into the two hour finale, Sawyer, Kate, and Juliet, (The big rack blond) were walking through the jungle and happened upon Rose and Bernard and Walt's dog Vincent. Rose and Bernard were separated from the group during the flaming arrow episode and the two have been living in harmony ever since in a little cabin by the woods.

So what! Big deal! What is the big news flash? Well, a few minutes past that scene, when Juliet declined to have tea with Rose and Bernard saying perhaps another time, the scene switched to Lapidus and the other group of others carting the silver crate holding the body of John Locke. Just where did they land up. That's right, they wound up at Jacob's cabin, which is Rose and Bernard's humble abode.

Take a closer look at both scenes. The huge tree on the right side, the cabin, the lay of the land. Rose and Bernard's cabin is the same as Jacob's.

Just how does this tie in to my Lost theory? I know Lost hasn't aired a new show since May, but come on, you couldn't have forgotten my theory already can you? In case you are new here, or need a refresher course...

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting a long time to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

At the end of season five, the ying and yang became the main focus. Good versus evil. Right and wrong. Good and bad. From the pilot episode where Locke played backgammon with Walt and the camera focused on the white and black board pieces, to the black and white stones, right down to Jacob and the unknown man. One wore white pants and the other black. Even Rose and Bernard, a white man and a black woman.

Here you go kids, for something to think about until season six begins. Jacob and the unknown man clearly hate each other. So much so that the unknown man has been searching for a loophole to kill Jacob. Certainly a failed relationship. But just listen what Rose and Bernard told Sawyer, Kate and Juliet that they have been living in peace and harmony for the past several years. They had achieved exactly what everyone is searching for in life.

The ying and the yang my friends. For every experiment, there are always variables. For Jacob and the unknown man, the results were always the same. Remember this conversation at the beginning of season five finale?
Unknown Man: You’re still trying to prove me wrong.
Jacob: You are wrong!
Unknown Man: They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. It always ends the same.
Jacob: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it’s just progress.

But not for Rose and Bernard. They are the exception. The Yang. Is this what all the experiments wanted to accomplish? Peace and harmony. Rose and Bernard.

Until the next update, Get Lost!



Catholic School Special Talent Day

At my Catholic school in the 1960's, there was what the nuns called "Special talent day." Basically, talent day was a thinly disguised ruse run by the nuns to gather what special skill sets each child possessed outside of the norm. (Apparently if a nuclear war broke out, the nuns wanted to know what students to save to guarantee survival and what students to leave behind)

One morning, Sister Mary Francis announced to the class that the upcoming Friday would be special talent day. On Friday, each student would be asked (Told) to go to the front of the class and reveal what special talent they possessed. My mind wandered to the league of super heroes, and what super power I would like to have. Flying would be ultra cool but invisibility would always win out to my perverted mind. (Walking into the girls locker room without being seen, how cool would that be?)

Anyway, Friday came slowly and child by child was called to the front of the class for their special talent. One nun brown noser student sang. (Let there be peace, a religious tune, go figure)

One student, Kevin, danced an authentic Irish jig. It was hilarious. He was the original Michael Flatley, Riverdance king.

One girl, brought in drawings and paintings she drew. I have to admit, they were pretty good for a 3rd grader.

A couple of students performed gymnastics, a few flips, jumps and leaps. I was secretly hoping for them to fall or crash into the nun. None of them did. (Damn!)

Some played musical instruments. The drums, guitar, clarinet, and one played the flute-o-phone. It was going to be difficult to follow this diverse group of talent.

My name was called next. I was just your normal everyday Joe. I had no special talents. God knows I couldn't sing, dance, or play an instrument. At that moment I wish I had given this assignment a little more thought before now. Then it dawned on me. I remembered back in first grade, when we all learned how to print with big boy and big girl pencils. I would use that lesson to my advantage. I was going to dazzle the students and impress the hell out of the nuns.

I confidently walked to the black board, took a piece of chalk in my right hand and asked a student to say aloud any sentence that came to their mind. I immediately wrote it down on the black board. Now here is the special talent. I then switched the chalk to my left hand and wrote the same sentence underneath the one I wrote with my right hand. The writing looked identical.

Time for a little back story. In the 1960's, at Catholic grade school, all students were considered right handed. From day one in first grade, the nuns instructed us in right handed printing only. I was left handed and was having problems with my writing. I wasn't really ambidextrous, but no one needed to know that. See this link for the back story. All Catholics Are Right Handed

Gasps were heard from the kids seated in class. It was a show stopper folks. No one including the nuns ever saw someone that could write left and right handed. Sister Mary Francis stopped and asked me where I learned how to do that trick, to write left handed. I told her the trick was to learn to write right handed and that she was looking at a real life left handed Catholic.

Special Talent day was over for me that day as I was sent to wait in the principal's office.

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Lena Headey - Sci Fi Sexy Siren

Game Of Thrones Queen And Terminator Sarah Conners
Game Of Thrones Queen And Terminator Sarah Conners
Lena Headey, 36 year old sex goddess, lead star of the recently canceled Terminator series, The Sarah Conner Chronicles is this months Sci-Fi Sexy Siren. Not only did she play the sexy and tough Sarah Conner in tight jeans, she also starred in the movie, 300, playing the sexy queen gorgo, plus roles in The brothers Grimm, The Cave, Merlin, and The Devils Advocate.

Addendum: Lena's biggest role to date is Queen Cersei Lannister from the HBO Mega-Monster series Game Of Thrones.

Sci-Fi Sexy Sirens brought to you by the Grassy Knoll Institute marketing team to boost readership and placement on search engines.

Lurking On The Grassy Knoll


A Horse Is A Horse Of Course Of Course

Even Mister Ed Knows An Improperly Constructed Thought Screen Helmet When He Sees One. Of Course!
The Grassy Knoll Institute is disappointed that people susceptible to alien abduction are not taking our advice by constructing a proper Thought Screen Helmet layered with velostat covering your entire dome. Without the velostat, the magical material that blocks the aliens telepathic signals to your brain preventing you from being in their control. You may as well be beating a dead horse.

Oh Wilbur....



Michael Jackson Fabricated His Death

Watergate had "Deep throat," (An inside informer that blew the lid off president Nixon's wire tapping operations of the Democratic presidential hopefuls.) The Grassy Knoll Institute has "Moonwalker." (Not to be confused with Moon Doogie from the 1960's Gidget fame) Moonwalker has turned over evidence and information to support the conspiracy theory that Michael Jackson is alive and that he faked his own death.

Michael Jackson, the self ordained King Of Pop, passed away June 25th, 2009 from an apparent drug overdose at his rented Hollywood home. He leaves three adopted children behind, an estate worth hundreds of millions of dollars, executors of the will that are not family, and a massive conspiracy surrounding his death. The official coroner's report stated Jackson's cause of death as "Deferred." (Basically the coroner does not know exactly what killed Mr. Jackson and will need more time, up to three more months to make a final determination) The Grassy Knoll Institute offers an alternative scenario. Michael Jackson Faked His Own Death:

But we have to get into our Time Travel Machine to understand what has actually transpired before our very eyes. While still married to Lisa Marie Presley, (Daughter of the late great king of rock and roll Elvis Presley) Jackson confided to her that he knew he would meet the same fate as her father, to die a recluse by an overdose of painkillers. See the pattern here readers? Presley's posse were enablers and looked the other way as long as they were getting paid plus Cadillac's and gifts. The same can be said about Michael Jackson and his entourage.

At that point, Jackson set in motion his well orchestrated plan and set off a chain of events that brought us to today. A conspiracy surrounding his death with plenty of characters as suspects. Throw in an enraged ex-wife and you have a circus better than any ever hosted at Neverland ranch.

The question before us all is why would Jackson stage his own death? What benefit could become of it? And how would he be able to pull it off being in the spotlight of the media for so long. He is one of the most recognizable personality in the world.

The first question, (Why) is simplistic. Jackson had legal woes a mile high. Not just from the alleged pedophile suits that he was acquitted from, (And reports that he paid hundreds of millions of dollars to settle out of court) but from payouts to attorneys for services rendered, failed business ventures, a league of doctors on his payroll, medical expenses in the millions, a contingent of attorneys at his beckoned call, the loss of Neverland, and his career going into the tank. Jackson fell from his throne and was no longer the king of pop having not released an album since 2001. Jackson was running out of money. He needed to stop the leeches from sucking any more money from his bones.

The next question, (How) Jackson faked his death would need a bit of magic, sleight of hand, misdirection, and several loyal friends.

To begin, several years ago, Michael Jackson began a transformation of his body and face. (This is the real reason he wore the mask and hat, to shield his new face, skin, and hair features) When Jackson was ready, he could emerge from under his mask unrecognizable and begin a new identity free from the lawsuits and money crisis that plagued him. Does anyone believe for an instant that a billionaire, yes, a billionaire like Jackson, who could afford the best Hollywood plastic surgeons, would have such substandard work done on him.

The second part, convincing the public that he was dead would be the hard part. When news surfaced that Jackson was taken to the hospital via ambulance and that he was dead, the media frenzy swarmed on the scene like sharks to fresh blood. Jackson knew this would happen and used the media to his advantage. Immediately, conflicting news was reported that Jackson died from a drug overdose, that he was murdered, that he committed suicide, that he had a heart attack, that his personal doctor was present and performed CPR, that the EMT pronounced him dead at the scene, that the ER doctor pronounced him dead at the hospital, and more. After more than a month after Jacksons death, news reports are still conflicting. Exactly what Jackson wanted.

But wait. There was a body at the hospital, and a body was buried in a casket. Who was in the ER room and buried in the casket? From reports of the EMT and the ER doctors and nurses, Jackson was unrecognizable. Several were interviewed afterward and they claimed that they did not know it was Michael Jackson they were working on.

The reason for the confusion is that it wasn't Jackson but a stand in double. Yes, that is right. A stand in. Jackson contracted a terminally ill man that had the same features and characteristics as Jackson. For services rendered, the mans family would receive $25 million dollars. The payments would come via wire transfer semi annually from an off shore bank directly to the family's bank account. A note attached stating that the man had come into some money and wanted to share it with his family.

The next step, Jackson had plastic surgery performed on his double. His features were altered to resemble Jackson and with the mask and wig he was a carbon copy of Jackson. Jackson used an assortment of aliases to procure drugs and perhaps medical procedures such plastic surgery and skin peels. With some many bogus names being used, it would be impossible to trace what surgery was done on Jackson and done on the double.

All Jackson had to do now was wait for the double to die of natural causes and implement the plan. Jacksons own personal doctor and his entourage was at the house at the time of death to see to the details. The plan went perfectly. The media circus provided the sleight of hand and deception as news announced Michael Jackson was dead. The body was taken to an undisclosed mortuary and relocated to several other secret places over the following weeks. This was to ensure that no tampering or more testing could occur to expose the conspiracy.

Only one thing was left to do. Leak the story that Jackson was not the biological father of his children with Debbie Rowe. This would prevent DNA testing on the corpse that would have exposed the conspiracy.

Michael Jackson fled the country several years ago after his most public pedophile court case. He is still oversees. Free from prosecution, persecution, and restitution. In several years, Jackson will emerge with Elvis and perform a duet in Las Vegas, Jackson doing his patented moonwalk and Elvis doing his pelvis shake. It will be the most watched television program of all time.

Cause this is thriller, thriller night.
Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try.
Thriller, thriller night.
So let me hold you tight and share a
Killer, diller, chiller, thriller here tonight.



William Shatner Abducted By Aliens

Star Trek XI made a galactic splash at the movie theaters this summer becoming the most popular Star Trek film in the entire franchise. Not only that, but Star trek XI is one of the highest grossing films of 2009.

It has been played out in the tabloids as to why William Shatner was left out of the blockbuster movie while his original series costar Leonard Nimoy was given a prominent part. Some tabloids said Shatner was asking for to much money and wanted a larger role and part of the production. While others claimed that he was feuding with the producers about there only being one captain Kirk and it was William Shatner.

After months of speculation and lively banter, the truth comes out. (Just as it always does here at the Grassy Knoll Institute.) The photo above shows William Shatner being abducted by an evil race of aliens from his home in the Hollywood hills, California.

The aliens, widely known for controlling the minds of their abducted, forced him to dress in his original series uniform using an amplifying technique of their telepathic powers. Then they quickly subdued him and easily transported him to their ship without incident.

The only known defense against these aliens is a thought screen helmet made with velostat material that filters out the telepathic connection thus preventing the aliens from overpowering your mind.

Mr. Shatner was returned to him home some weeks later but production had already started on the movie and the producers had no choice but to write him out.

Now you know the real story why William Shatner was not in Star Trek XI.