
Alien Abductees Living In Giant Dollhouse

Giant Aliens Holding Human Couple Hostage
Giant Aliens Holding Human Couple Hostage
Case Solved: From the Boardman Police Cold Case files
The mysterious disappearance involving Marge and Henry Adams sheds new light.
Marge and Henry Adams were last seen March 15th, 1954 on the way to the local market. Several neighbors remember waving to them as they drove down the neighborhood street. Their car was found abandoned about 2 miles from their home in a vacant lot.

An intense search was conducted at their home in hopes of finding a lead or clue to their whereabouts. Police found no letter or ransom note. It appeared that no foul play befell them as the doors and windows were locked and the house was in good order.

Marge and Henry Adams were never found. After several weeks of running down leads and shaking bushes, the Boardman police department halted the investigation and declared the Adams missing and the case went cold.


One daring Grassy Knoll operative covertly stowed away onto a giant alien craft during one of its routine landings to leave map markers for the invading fleet to follow. (Most people believe these to be crop circles.) The Grassy knoll operative quickly downloaded important intel from the mass of archived files from the giant aliens database.

Upon reviewing the data, one particular abductees file came to light. It was the file on Marge and Henry Adams. They were taken back in 54 to study the habits of humans and to learn their weaknesses. The internal file reads that the aliens caged the Adams family in a horrific giant-sized doll house and observed them night and day. They were fed and offered clothing to keep them alive and warm. They were permitted to exercise outside their home in a fenced in area four hours every week. The only entertainment permitted was a radio that picked up broadcasts from the Earth.

The Adams lived 21 more years in captivity and interrogated daily about the American way of life but not once did they offer any valuable intel. Alas, the file states that the Adams were eliminated (Murdered) after a failed escape attempt.

Case closed.



Subway - Grilled Chicken Sandwich

I saw a Subway commercial the other day and it showed a very good-looking sandwich. It was called the Grilled Chicken foot long. It was only five dollars so I decided to have one for dinner.

The employee at the restaurant was pleasant and nice and began to make my sandwich. I asked for Italian bread and toasted please. I saw her cut the bread and proceed to place two thin white slabs of what I believed to be chicken on the bun. She then scooped out a ladle full of meatball sauce and spread it over the chicken. Into the microwave to toast it went.

* Cheese was $1 extra if wanted.
* Bacon was $1 extra if wanted.
* Any other meat add-on was $1 extra if wanted.

The sandwich was wrapped up and away I went. When I got it home, I unwrapped it, placed it on the counter and snapped this picture. It looked nothing like the television commercial sandwich. False advertising for sure.

But how did it taste?

Well, the Italian bread was OK. The meatball sauce was OK. The grilled chicken slabs were adequate. Of course the chicken was processed, not real chicken, but parts of the chicken. And that's it. Nothing else. Put it all together and you got a sandwich with no real taste, no real zing. However, the price of $5 dollars saved the sandwich from being a total loss.

The Grassy Knoll Institute scores 2 out of 5 shots and DOES NOT recommends Subway Grilled chicken sandwich for lunch or dinner. With so many other choices, this sandwich is a DOA.



Old Mill Restaurant - Gatlinburg

Old Mill Restaurant
I have been going to Gatlinburg for over 20 years and finally stopped for dinner at the Old Mill. I had heard good things about the Mill, good food, good service, fair prices.

Being November, of course this was a 20-30 minute for a table, but no problem, the air that evening was warm and the Christmas lights were on. The wait wasn't as long as expected and we were seated in less than 20 minutes. Rolls, butter, and an assortment of breads were brought right out along with menu's. So far so good.

Old Mill Soup And Salad
I ordered one of the popular house entree dinners, Southern fried chicken. Soup, house salad, mashed potatoes and corn came with the meal. I asked the waitress if I could have macaroni and cheese (Which was a side order on the menu) but she flatly said that no substitutions were permitted with the dinners. I politely pointed out that it was on the menu as a side but she again said no substitutions were permitted.

No big deal. Odd, but no big deal. My soup and salad were delivered to my table in minutes. Not bad service and not a bad salad either. The soup, chicken noodle, was bland, edible at best.

Southern Fried Chicken
As you can see, the fried chicken was golden brown and the pieces were average sized. And it tasted OK. The batter was crispy and the chicken juicy, as expected. The potatoes were all right but the corn was horrendous. (Now I understand why there were no substitutions, they were pushing the corn.)

The cost was just under $20 without tip.

The Grassy Knoll Institute awards 2.5 out of 5 shots as the food was average, nothing special, and points deducted for not being able to substitute a side dish and with that does not recommend the Old Mill for lunch or dinner.


Responses to “Old Mill Restaurant – Gatlinburg”

  1. Gumby said

    Serious, that doesn’t sound good to me. The chicken looks dry and old. From the looks, I would rate below a 2.

  2. Uni-Verse said

    The proverbial shit on a shingle dinner.

  3. Lolo said

    the mill is something my family and i go to eat at everysingle time we come to gatlinburg. Ya’ll don’t know what u r talking about.

    • LOTGK said

      I call them as I see them. Perhaps the waitress was having a bad night or whatever but, the fact is that she was border line rude and I really never heard that you couldn’t substitute one of the side dishes from your main course.

    • Deeroddy said

      We eat at the old mill everytime we are in the area. Always great service and great food. We love it !!!!!


Vending Machine Cheese Curls

Vending Machine Action
Take a good look people. What you see is one dollar's worth of a vending machine snack, Herr's Cheese Curls. That's 15 churls to a bag. One ounce for $1 dollar. Is this a good deal? Depends on how hungry you are and the availability of other viable choices. For me, for that day, the vending machine was one of two options. Insert a $1 dollar bill into the machine or go hungry.

As cheese curls go, well, they were puffy and crunchy. They had fake cheese glued on them. And they are orange.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 1.25 out of 5 shots and does not recommend Vending Machine Cheese Curls for a snack. My advice, pack a lunch.



Youngstown - A&W Restaurant Last Meal

A&W Restaurant
A&W Family Restaurant located on Route 224 and West Boulevard is closing tomorrow. The details are sketchy but apparently the owners wanted to retire and attempted to sell the business but there were no takers. So, on December 31st, 2011, A&W will serve it's last mug of root beer and close it's doors for good. I believe Advanced Auto Parts purchased the property and will begin building shortly after the new year.

A&W was one of those old fashioned fast food restaurants. So old fashioned that they had car ports and waitresses would come out to your car and take your order and bring it out on a tray and attach it to your car window. Just like at Arnold's from the Happy Days television sitcom. The car ports are still there but alas, that type of service was discontinued a long time ago.

However, I remember back in my teens I would take my 68 Camaro to A&W and order up some cheeseburgers and root beer floats. The food was good as fast food goes, and the root beer was unique, a very good blend. Those were the days. But those days are gone my friends.

Patty and I went inside to order, it was not busy, perhaps 10 people sitting in the booths and two people ahead of us in line. We placed our order, I went with the double cheeseburger special. (A double cheeseburger and Root Beer for $3.49) I added a large order of french fries ($1.99) to complete my last meal at A&W.

Cheeseburger And Fries
Our meal took about five minutes to be ready and we took the tray of food to our table. As I unwrapped the cheeseburger, it didn't look at all like the A&W burgers from old. The bun was a generic bun, you can see the powder on the top of the bun. It was not buttered, not toasted, not warmed, just a plain old generic small bun. The burgers were also small, not at all as I remembered. And the taste, well, it was nasty. I liken the taste to horse meat. Patty told me to keep my voice down as I was ranting about the terrible taste. I replied, "What are they going to do, close the place down!" I choked down half the burger and left the rest in the wrapper.

I had hope for the fries. Alas, they were simple standard generic fries. No real taste to them and salty as all hell. And for $1.99 I was expecting perhaps a little more fries.

A&W Root Beer
Perhaps the root beer would be better than the meal. After all, the root beer is what made the restaurant favorite. I remember the tall thick frosty mugs they used to serve for in dining orders. That root beer just tasted fantastic. Not today's however. It was in a paper cup, and was flat and stale. No fizzle, no taste. I would think it was perhaps the worst soft drink I had the displeasure of tasting.

That was strike three for me. Patty however, said the chili dog was excellent so we have that.

Perhaps the restaurant was merely unloading what was buried back in their freezer long ago. (They never did find Jimmy Hoffa's body you know) Perhaps they didn't want to change the CO2 tanks in the soft drink machine. Who knows. Who really cares anymore. The place will be open only another 24 hours or so.

With heavy heart, because I really wanted A&W to go out of business on a high note, The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 1 out of 5 shots for the final meal at A&W Family Restaurant in Boardman, Ohio.



Antone's - Chicken Parmesan

Antone's Chicken Parm

Antone's Italian Restaurant, just off Western Reserve Road, has been around for many years. Many people know them for their famous "Fried Cheese" but they have much more to offer than that.

For some reason, the restaurant is never crowded when we dine. It is a small place, so perhaps it is better known as a quick take out service restaurant.

Anyway, we were seated quickly at a booth and our waitress asked for our drink orders. Diet pops all around. In a few minutes she returned with the drinks and asked if we were ready to order. We were. As you can see from above, I ordered the Chicken Parmesan and I added a meatball for luck. (Actually, the meatballs are very good and I had to have one) No famous fried cheese this time around for I usually do not finish the meals in front of me.

Our waitress returned with our meals in about 10 minutes and I was surprised at how much pasta and chicken was on the plate. Two pieces of breaded chicken, layered with cheese and sauce and a very generous portion of rigatoni with sauce. And of course topped off with the meatball.

The chicken was moist, tender, hot, and tasty. It was not greasy and the cheese was just enough, not overpowering, but a compliment to the chicken. The rigatoni was well cooked, and with the sauce atop they were very good. Of course the meatball was good.

The cost was about $11 dollars without tip or drink. A very fair deal for the amount of food on the plate. And no, I did not finish all the pasta.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 3.5 out of 5 shots and recommends Antone's Italian Restaurant for dinner.



Santa Claus Must Be A Mormon

Merry Christmas From The Grassy Knoll
I guess we finally know why Santa is so jolly and only works one night a year. Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Grassy Knoll Institute.


 Responses to “Santa Claus Must Be A Mormon”

  1. Anonymous said

    Lotgk: The Santa Claus being mormon thats not funny because I am Mormon

  2. Gumby said

    Looks like he gets busy every night of the year.

  3. Anti-Christ said

    Santa is not a mormon. Simply move the letters of his name around a tad.


Merry Christmas From The Bad Guy

Merry Christmas From The Bad Guy
All I have in this world are my balls and this snowman. And I don’t break them for no one.
Merry Christmas From The Bad Guy…

 Responses to “Merry Christmas From The Bad Guy”

  1. 00dozo said

    Well, I would hope that your balls and snowman are made with the real thing(s) … (and I ain’t talking coke).
    Happy Holidays, LOTGK!!

  2. Moominboy said

    And Merry Christmas to you too! :D

  3. Gumby said

    Say hello to my little snowman.
    Happy Christmas grassy dude.