
Dairy Queen Thin Mint Blizzard

Dairy Queen Thin Mint Blizzard
Dairy Queen Thin Mint Blizzard
The Blue Plate Special is not always about lunch and dinner. Occasionally it is about dessert. And the Dairy Queen store in North Lima Ohio fills the bill. Don't get me wrong, Dairy Queen Brazier offers much more than ice creams treats. they have cheeseburgers, chilli dogs, chicken, and french fries. But tonight is all about the treats.

The treat on the left is a limited offer Blizzard by Dairy Queen. Basically it is a combination of Dairy Queens special blend vanilla custard and Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mints. Using a special blizzard machine, the custard and cookies are mixed together to form this cool dessert.

I ordered the medium size, which cost $1.99 and I have to say was a perfect portion. If you like ice cream, you will love this treat. The combination of the thin mint cookies and ice cream mix was delightful.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 4 out of 5 shots and recommends North Lima Dairy Queen Girl Scout Mint Cookie Blizzards for dessert.



Lost Update - A Matter Of Trust

Lost Update - Season Six - 05/04/2010
This time you've got nothing to lose
You can take it, you can leave it
Whatever you choose
I won't hold back anything
And I'll walk away a fool or a king
Some love is just a lie of the mind
It's make-believe until its only a matter of time
And some might have learned to adjust
But then it never was a matter of trust

I'm sure you're aware love
We've both had our share of
Believing too long
When the whole situation was wrong

Some love is just a lie of the soul
A constant battle for the ultimate state of control
After you've heard lie upon lie
There can hardly be a question of why
Some love is just a lie of the heart
The cold remains of what began with a passionate start
But that can't happen to us
Because it's always been a matter of trust

As Lost steam rolls to its finale May 23rd, the show reveals that it has always been about a matter of trust and faith. Just as Billy Joel's lyrics above say, It's always been a matter of trust. And tonight, the castaways must trust each other or die. And this my Lost friends, is exactly what I've been talking about for years. Tonight's episode supports my Lost theory. Trust me.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory…. I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Before we get into the crux of tonight's update, let's all take a moment of silence for the loss of Sayid, Lapedius, Sun and Jin. They didn't make it out of the sub. Sayid does a 180 and saves the castaways. Sun being pinned and Jin refusing to leave her. And when Lapedius saw the leak on the submarine door, it reminded me of the comedy movie, Airport, when the captain said, "I picked a hell of a day to quit drinking!" (There's your comedy relief to lighten the mood. Dry your eyes and lets press on through this update)

Fret not Lost fans. They didn't die. None of them died. Not really. Remember, its virtual reality, and each and every person is interconnected which explains the familiarity amongst them. Tonight was more than just about death, sorrow, sadness, it was also about trust. And convergence. Let's start with Jack.

Jack in the side flash, interacts with John Locke, saves his life, and wants to continue with another procedure to help him walk again. Locke while recovering, is in twilight sleep and Jack overhears him muttering, "Have to push the button, I wish you would have believed me!" All these things were happening on the island. Remember the hatch and pushing the button and when Locke was disappointed in Jack for not having faith in him and the island.

To top it off, Jack tells Locke, what ever happened, happened. And just as Locke was wheeling himself away, Jack says, "I wish you believed in me!" All happened on and off the island. Jack had similar interactions with other castaways in previous side ways flashes. In all of them, he and the castaways became aware of their double life. Coincidence that everyone was on the same plane, flight 815. Coincidence that they all interact in the side ways flash! I think not!

As I stated before, the castaways are living in a virtual reality laboratory unbeknownst to them. Being experimented on. Being tested. Forced without knowledge to act out many scenario's. Some in the past, present, and future. Some on the island, some on the mainland. The subconscious mind is creating a deJa Vu in an attempt to cope with the over lapping scenario's. Hence, the castaways are beginning to wake up, become aware, and like Desmond, attempting to master their domain.

Part Two: A brutal experiment involving Jin and Sun.
Love is a strong emotion. Jin and sun were put into a no win situation. Sun was pinned and the sub was taking on water. Jin was powerless to free her. Sun tells Jin to leave him, to save himself. Jin professes his love to Sun and vows that he will not leave her ever again. They kiss, cry, and embrace their destiny together, never to be apart again.

Jin was given the permission to leave from sun. She begged him to save himself.. His very life was hanging in the balance. Does he stay with Sun and drown or save himself. How many people could make that kind of choice? Perhaps that is why Jacob told MIB that he was going to continue the experiments until they got it right. Perhaps Jin and Sun played this scenario out hundreds of times. Perhaps they both made it safely out. Perhaps Jin left Sun. What is the right answer? We'll know May 23rd.

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* Bernard in the sideways flash is pretty much the same as he is on the island.
* Sawyer returns to the cages.
* Why didn't Smoky take the lead in the charge on the heavily guarded submarine. Turn into Smoky and kill them all. Why did he hold back?
* Bernard tells Jack its weird that they were both on flight 815 along with John Locke.
* The castaways once again leave Claire behind when they board the sub. She looked pissed.
* Sayid still had an ounce of good left in him. Tells Jack about the Desmond situation and takes the bomb and saves everyone.
* Widmore tells Sawyer who is locked in the cage, "Trust me, it's for your own good." There's that word "Trust" again!
* Kate is shot. Is it lethal? I doubt it.
* Jack says to Locke, You're a candidate, but Locke declines. As if he knew in the alternate reality that he would not be worthy.
* Locke is responsible for his fathers vegetative condition. Just the opposite in the flash back, when Lockes father was the reason for him being confined to the wheelchair.
* When Jack frees the castaways from the cages, he says, He's with him, meaning the Smoke Monster.
* Finally, tonight's lyrics, read them again. What's your take on them?

Can you believe it. May 23rd is the Lost series finale. I hope to see everyone here in the next few short weeks celebrating what a fantastic program Lost has turned out to be. And you still have time, tell us all your Lost theory. There is still time. Trust me!



Texas Roadhouse Restaurant - Filet Mignon

Texas Roadhouse Of Gatlinburg
The Texas Roashouse Restaurant, located on the Parkway in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, is famous for its steaks and BBQ ribs. It was packed with about 75 people waiting outside for a table. It took about an hour before our beeper activated signaling our table was ready. The waitress took us to our table, took our drink orders and returned quickly and promptly took our dinner orders.
Texas Roadhouse Dinner Rolls
I have been to the Texas Roadhouse before and I remembered the rolls. Our waitress brought them to our table as we were being seated. They were hot, fresh, very good tasting especially with the cinnamon butter that came with the rolls. Clearly, Texas roadhouse knows how to do rolls.
Texas Roadhouse Filet
I went with the advice of our waitress and went with the Filet Mignon with a loaded baked potato and steak fries. (You get two sides) After eating about 25-30 shelled peanuts supplied to our table, (There are two tin buckets on every table, one empty, one full of shelled peanuts) our dinners arrived.

As you can see, the steak looked delicious and the loaded potato and steak fries were generous. The waitress asked me to check my steak to see if it was cooked to order. I ordered it well done, and informed her that they could butterfly the filet if necessary. (Butterfly steak, cutting the filet in half making it easier to cook thoroughly through without burning the outer steak) It was not to my order. It was almost bloody red and I asked her to please return it and butterfly the steak and cook it to well done.

About ten minutes later our waitress returned with the filet looking exactly the same. It was not butterflied. I could see that the steak was not cooked more as the red blood was now oozing out onto the plate all over the steak fries. I sent it back once again asking that it be cooked to well done. Once again, it was returned and I could tell that the chef did not cook my filet further. In fact, it was now cold. So was the potato and fries.

At that point, I refused the steak and asked to speak to the chef. I was denied. The waitress said they were to busy and the chef was very busy and behind in his cooking. That explained everything right there. The chef never attempted to recook my steak and figured that I would accept what was served to me. I did not!

Since everyone was already finished with their dinners, I completely rejected my steak and stated I would not be paying for it. The manager agreed after coming over to my table and inspecting the steak. He apologized several times and offered any other entree for free. I declined and we left.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 0 out of 5 shots and DOES NOT recommend Texas Roadhouse restaurant Filet Mignon  for dinner.


Responses to “Texas Roadhouse Restaurant Filet Mignon- Gatlinburg”

  1. Gumby said

    I thought this was going to work out well. The steak did look damn good. Will you ever go back and chance it again?

    • LOTGK said

      I will return, and in fact have already done so. However, I did not order the Filet again. You will in my later updates my experience at the Texas Roadhouse.

  2. FreakSmack said

    The least they could have done was send you on your way with a couple pails of peanuts and rolls. I’m not going to lie I go to a place with good rolls for the rolls, I only order a meal because they frown upon you sitting there and only eating the rolls.
    I like the choice of the double potatoes, I like to rock the double mashed at Chili’s.

    • LOTGK said

      Double potato, I’m Irish, I had no choice. :D
      And yea, they did attempt to satisfy me with a free any thing dinner, but everyone was already finished, and with it being busy, it would have been another half hour, and nobody wanted that.

  3. Elecpencil said

    Good for you for refusing the steak. I also hate bloody steak and want it well done. I never order prime rib as it is always bloody. I once saw a woman send the bloodiest steak I have ever seen back at Brown Derby. She told the waiter,”I said, rare not well done.” I think it was Mrs. Dracula.

  4. Ska2682 said

    The only way to eat a steak is Medium-Rare. I little blood is good for the soul. “Meat tastes like murder, and murder is delicious!”-Denis Leary

    • LOTGK said

      I would have accepted medium rare. However, this steak was very rare, blood was oozing out after I cut into it. It was not how I ordered it.

  5. Delong said

    Your crazy. I’ve been eating at Gia’s pizza for years and its always been good service and good food.

    • LOTGK said

      Methinks you posted in the wrong Blue Plate Special category.
      But, Gia’s in Boardman, Ohio has not been open for years, I believe it has been open just under one year, so if there are more of these restaurants, God help us all.

  6. Max Jackl said

    I’ve been to the Roadhouse. They do have great rolls. My dinner was good, I got the ribs, they were fantastic. I’d rate them a good.

    • LOTGK said

      The ribs are coming up max. I returned to the Roadhouse for other times I had good results. The filet was the only unworthy dinner I had there.

  7. Ahrcanum said

    Hope u r lurking way far from the Tennessee floods! Have a good show, and a better meal and the next stop. Damn- it looked so good too. How was the salad?

  8. The River Yeti said

    At our Texas Roadhouse (in FL) you throw the peanut shells on the floor….Booya.

  9. Moominboy said

    Oh I would have grabbed it. I love my steaks rare, in fact I wouldn’t mind if it was still moving ;P The whole plate looks mouth-watering. But it’s bad style to insult the customers intelligence (or at least their perception).

    • LOTGK said

      Yes, you would have loved this steak then.
      The sad part is, its a great restaurant, I have eaten there plenty. I just won’t recommend the steak.

  10. Tushar Bhatti said

    Hello would you mind stating which blog platform you’re working with? I’m planning to start my own blog soon but I’m having a tough time making a decision between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your design seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something unique.
    P.S Sorry for being off-topic but I had
    to ask!


Thought Screen Helmet For Your Pets

Take Me To Your Litter
A Public Announcement To All Thought Screen Helmet Wearers:
Even though you wear your thought screen helmet religiously, it doesn't mean you are entirely safe from alien abduction and / or alien domination. As we all know, the evil aliens become quite angry when the telepathic link has been severed by wearing a properly constructed thought screen helmet lined with velostat. When they notice the interruption they immediately go to the source to investigate.

Upon inspection, the aliens will look for other means of control and your pets are the next logical step. Using their telepathic mind control, the aliens will infiltrate your pets thoughts. Once they have control over your cat or dog, while you are safely sleeping in your bed at night, they will command your pet to jump up on the bed and claw away at the helmet until it is removed. Once it's off and the wearer is now exposed to telepathic thought control, the aliens will pounce and assume control.

The Grassy Knoll Institution has the solution. Introducing Thought Screen Helmets for your pets.
Your move evil aliens. Your move.



Lost In The Twilight Zone Update - Finale

Lost In The Twilight Zone Update 04/27/2010

There is no new Lost episode tonight offering the perfect opportunity to publish my final ABC Lost / Twilight Zone correlation update. The ABC Lost finale airs Sunday evening May 23rd.

Some Background Before We Proceed:

The Twilight Zone was a classic science fiction television series created by Rod Serling that aired from 1959 to 1964. Each episode intertwined the supernatural with topical moral events in today’s society ending with a twist convoluting the outcome. I argue that the same can be said about ABC Lost. The castaways are more than just stranded on an island. There are mysterious forces at work of powers unknown. And just like the Twilight Zone, a twist is inserted in the story convoluting the outcome.

The Twilight Zone had a standard format. Each episode began with a prologue, usually with the host, Rod Serling doing the voice over introducing the characters and setting. At the end of the show, Serling would offer up a final narration of what the viewer just witnessed.

Tonight's format will be different than previous updates. Instead of intensely comparing a single Twilight Zone episode to Lost, we will lightly review seven episodes. Instead of a lengthy comparison of all seven episodes, I will leave judgment in the hands of the viewers only pointing out the obvious.

Tonight's Offerings Are:
The Odyssey Of Flight 33 - Original Airdate - 2/24/21961
Shadow Play - Original Airdate - 05/05/1961
It's A Good Life - Original Airdate - 11/03/1961
Queen Of The Nile - Original Airdate - 03/06/1964
Stopover In A Quiet Town - Original Airdate - 04/24/1964
Little Girl Lost - Original Airdate - 03/16/1962
The Bewitching Pool - Original Airdate - 06/19/1964

Once you see the similarities of both programs, you will quickly realize that Lost is a modern-day Twilight Zone.

The Odyssey Of Flight 33


You're riding on a jet airliner en route from London to New York. You're at 35,000 feet atop an overcast and roughly fifty-five minutes from Idlewild Airport. But what you've seen occur inside the cockpit of this plane is no reflection on the aircraft or the crew. It's a safe, well-engineered, perfectly designed machine, and the men you've just met are a trained, cool, highly efficient team. The problem is simply that the plane is going too fast and there is nothing within the realm of knowledge or at least logic to explain it. Unbeknownst to passengers and crew, this aeroplane is heading into an uncharted region well off the beaten track of commercial travelers. It's moving into the Twilight Zone. What you're about to see we call The Odyssey of Flight 33.


Global Airlines flight 33, typical flight from London to New York. An hour into the flight the Captain and crew notices the plane is acting strange. Its picking up speed and they cannot stop it. They fly into some sort of barrier and are thrown back in time. They spot dinosaurs on the ground that confirms their belief. The captain attempts to repeat the incredible speed increase in hopes of returning to the present. The captain succeeds but finds they didn't travel far enough and find themselves looking down over the 1939 New York Worlds Fair. Being low on fuel, the captain informs crew and passengers that he is going to attempt one more time to reach home and for everyone to remain as calm as possible.


A Global jet airliner, en route from London to New York on an uneventful afternoon in the year 1961, but now reported overdue and missing, and by now searched for on land, sea, and air by anguished human beings fearful of what they'll find. But you and I know where she is, you and I know what's happened. So if some moment, any moment, you hear the sound of jet engines flying atop the overcast, engines that sound searching and lost, engines that sound desperate, shoot up a flare or do something. That would be Global 33 trying to get home — from the Twilight Zone.

Lost Tie-In:

Lost began, or perhaps ended on a fateful plane ride. We all know what happened. The plane crashed, bizarre events happened to them, including time travel and so far just like in the Twilight Zone, they are still searching for home.

Shadow Play


Adam Grant, a nondescript kind of man found guilty of murder and sentenced to the electric chair. Like every other criminal caught in the wheels of justice he's scared, right down to the marrow of his bones. But it isn't prison that scares him, the long, silent nights of waiting, the slow walk to the little room, or even death itself. It's something else that holds Adam Grant in the hot, sweaty grip of fear, something worse than any punishment this world has to offer, something found only in the Twilight Zone.


Adam Grant was a man convicted of murder who tries to convince the judge and jury that he is living a nightmare, that everything around him is just an illusion that keeps repeating over and over. He states that the judge, attorneys, and jury are merely players in his dream. The judge asks why he is so concerned of dying if its only a dream and Grant says because since having this nightmare, he hasn't been able to get any sleep because he always wakes up screaming. He tells his attorney to go home and what he originally thought was for dinner will be something else. What Grant said is true, and the attorneys friends discuss the matter and perhaps get a stay of execution on the lines of insanity. Alas, the call to the governor arrives to late and Adam Grant is electrocuted. The next day, the same events occur once again, Grant in court going through the same motions, except the characters have assumed different roles.


We know that a dream can be real, but whoever thought that reality could be a dream? We exist, of course, but how, in what way? As we believe, as flesh-and-blood human beings, or are we simply parts of someone's feverish, complicated nightmare? Think about it, and then ask yourself, do you live here, in this country, in this world, or do you live instead in the Twilight Zone?

Lost Tie-In:

This connects to my virtual reality theory precisely. Men and women in a captured audience, going through the motions of an execution hearing. One man (Desmond) realizes that everything is an illusion and tries to convince the rest of the people (Castaways) the same. Grant is not completely successful and the pattern repeats itself yet again in hopes that finally someone will come to his aid and rescue him from this nightmare.

Sound like Desmond!!! Desmond is living this nightmare. He now realizes that it is some sort of dream, an illusion, or virtual reality, and he sets off to help not only himself, but the other castaways to help them all wake up from the same shared nightmare.

Its A Good Life


Tonight's story on The Twilight Zone is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction. This, as you may recognize, is a map of the United States, and there's a little town there called Peaksville. On a given morning not too long ago, the rest of the world disappeared and Peaksville was left all alone. Its inhabitants were never sure whether the world was destroyed and only Peaksville left untouched or whether the village had somehow been taken away. They were, on the other hand, sure of one thing: the cause. A monster had arrived in the village. Just by using his mind, he took away the automobiles, the electricity, the machines - because they displeased him - and he moved an entire community back into the dark ages - just by using his mind. Now I'd like to introduce you to some of the people in Peaksville, Ohio. This is Mr. Fremont. It's in his farmhouse that the monster resides. This is Mrs. Fremont. And this is Aunt Amy, who probably had more control over the monster in the beginning than almost anyone. But one day she forgot. She began to sing aloud. Now, the monster doesn't like singing, so his mind snapped at her, turned her into the smiling, vacant thing you're looking at now. She sings no more. And you'll note that the people in Peaksville, Ohio, have to smile. They have to think happy thoughts and say happy things because once displeased, the monster can wish them into a cornfield or change them into a grotesque, walking horror. This particular monster can read minds, you see. He knows every thought, he can feel every emotion. Oh yes, I did forget something, didn't I? I forgot to introduce you to the monster. This is the monster. His name is Anthony Fremont. He's six years old, with a cute little-boy face and blue, guileless eyes. But when those eyes look at you, you'd better start thinking happy thoughts, because the mind behind them is absolutely in charge. This is the Twilight Zone.


A 6-year-old boy named Anthony normal looking in every way, but looks are deceiving. Anthony is a monster with supernatural powers. Whatever he wishes, happens. All he has to do is think of something and it happens. The townsfolk walk on egg shells in hopes of not angering Anthony. They don't know if he destroyed the state of Ohio or the entire world. Anthony made cars go away, makes the townsfolk live without electricity and television programs. He controls the weather and even what supplies can be found at the local grocery and supply store.

The townsfolk are frightened of Anthony and keep telling him that he is good because if Anthony is displeased, he will wish that person away to the cornfield never to be seen again. Anthony hears a dog barking, and he doesn't like, and sends the dog to the cornfield.

Life continues like this for some time until a birthday party where Dan, who is drunk, can't take Anthony anymore and stands up to him. He calls Anthony a monster and tells the other adults to stand up and kill Anthony from behind. No one acts. Dan is sent to the cornfield.

Because Anthony is angry at what has happened, he makes it snow outside. His father tells Anthony that the snow will kill off half the crops. But as the adults look on, worried smiles on their faces, his father smiles and tells Anthony in a horror-tinged voice, but it's a real good thing you did Anthony. A real good thing. And tomorrow.... tomorrow's gonna be a... real good day!"


No comment here, no comment at all. We only wanted to introduce you to one of our very special citizens, little Anthony Fremont, age 6, who lives in a village called Peaksville in a place that used to be Ohio. And if by some strange chance you should run across him, you had best think only good thoughts. Anything less than that is handled at your own risk, because if you do meet Anthony you can be sure of one thing: you have entered the Twilight Zone.

Lost Tie-In:

Ok, everyone sees that the Smoke Monster is Anthony. Old Smoky has supernatural powers just like Anthony. he has his people frightened to death just like Anthony. Anyone that displeases Smoky, gets destroyed, sort of like getting sent to the cornfield. People rise up and revolt against Smoky, only to get destroyed.

The Lost island, an island that cannot be seen and is in unknown waters, sounds a lot like Peaksville, Ohio. Only Peaksville exists to the townsfolks. There is nothing beyond the city limits.

I hope you are beginning to see the similarities of Lost and the Twilight Zone and how the writers used these scenario's to write and feed off for their show.

Queen Of The Nile


Jordan Herrick, syndicated columnist whose work appears in more than a hundred newspapers. By nature a cynic, a disbeliever, caught for the moment by a lovely vision. He knows the vision he's seen is no dream; she is Pamela Morris, renowned movie star, whose name is a household word and whose face is known to millions. What Mr. Herrick does not know is that he has also just looked into the face--of the Twilight Zone.


Noted cynic columnist Jordan Herick prepares to interview the famous actress Pamela Morris known for her extreme beauty and vitality. Many ask her what her secret to staying young is. The interview takes place at the home of Pamela Morris. Jordan meets an old woman and assumes it is Pamela's mother. The old woman speaks up and claims she is the daughter of Pamela. Jordan thinks the old woman is senile.

Pamela comes down and Jordan sees her and falls in love with her. During the interview which turns into flirtatious conversation, where Pamela reveals her dark secret. She produces a small Egyptian scarab beetle. She claims it has the power to drain the life force from other people and transfer the life force to herself enabling her to stay young and healthy forever.

Jordan finds this ridiculous but wonders why she told him this information. He suddenly realizes that he has been poisoned and attempts to escape but to no avail. He falls dead in the house. Pamela uses the scarab to suck the life force from Jordan reducing Jordan to a pile of dust.

The episode ends with another young columnist arriving to interview Pamela, starting the cycle once again. It is implied that Pamela is actually Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, and that she has been existing this way for centuries.


Everybody knows Pamela Morris, the beautiful and eternally young movie star. Or does she have another name, even more famous, an Egyptian name from centuries past? It's best not to be too curious, lest you wind up like Jordan Herrick, a pile of dust and old clothing, discarded in the endless eternity of the Twilight Zone.

Lost Tie-In:

In this episode, we have the Egyptian mysticism that is so prevalent on Lost. And a woman who doesn't age that goes by another more famous name, Cleopatra. Richard Alpert from Lost doesn't age. And if you take the initials from his first and last name, RA, you get the Egyptian Sun God, Ra. Coincidence, we think not.

Stopover In A Quiet Town


Bob and Millie Frasier: average young New Yorkers who had attended a party in the country last night, and on the way home, took a detour. Most of us, on waking in the morning, know exactly where we are; the rooster or the alarm clock brings us out of sleep into the familiar sights, sounds, aromas of home and the comfort of a routine day ahead. Not so with our young friends. This will be a day like none they've ever spent, and they'll spend it in the Twilight Zone.


A married couple wake up in a strange house. They only remember that they both drank too much at a party the night before. On the way home, a large shadow had appeared over their car and followed them. As they explore the house, they find its fake, cabinets glued, the appliances mere props, sort of like a doll house. All of a sudden they hear a child's laugh. They go to explore and find the town is all fake as well, right down to the trees on the lawn. They are the only people in town.

The couple become nervous and begin questioning where they are and thinks that perhaps they are in Hell dying in a car crash the night before. Just then they hear a train whistle and rush to the train station thinking they finally found a way out of the town. Smiling, they board the train and are relieved when the train starts moving and heading out-of-town. After a few minutes the train comes to a stop and they realize it went in a circle and they are back where they started.

Rejected, they leave the train and head back into town and are pursued by the large shadow that followed them into town and again they hear the child laugh. Its revealed that the shadow is a giant alien child who abducted the couple from Earth to be pets.


The moral of what you've just seen is clear: if you drink, don't drive. And if your wife has had a couple, she shouldn't drive, either. You might both just wake up with a whale of a headache, in a deserted village, in the Twilight Zone.

Lost Tie-In:

This episode introduces the alien influence to the castaways of Lost. The child is playing with them, putting them in multiple scenario's at her whim. They appear to be in control, but they are not. They are trapped in the virtual reality lab.

When the couple tried to escape, they failed, just as the castaways have attempted to escape the island. They always wound up back on the island where they began.

And the twist, as I have been stating for six years, is the introduction of the aliens at the very end of the series, pulling the strings, running the show.

Little Girl Lost


Missing: one frightened little girl. Name: Bettina Miller. Description: Six years of age, average height and build, light brown hair, quite pretty. Last seen being tucked into bed by her mother a few hours ago. Last heard--aye, there's the rub, as Hamlet put it. For Bettina Miller can be heard quite clearly, despite the rather curious fact that she can't be seen at all. Present location? Let's say for the moment--in the Twilight Zone.


A couple, Chris and Ruth, are awoken by the distant whimpering of their little girl, Tina. The couple get up to investigate when they hear their dog barking. They find Tina's bed empty but they can hear her crying. The parents look everywhere for Tina but can't find her.

The father can hear Tina crying and her voice has a strange echo sound to it. He tells his wife that although they can hear Tina, she is no longer with them. All the while the dog is barking wildly in the back yard. The father calls his friend who happens to be a physicist to help find Tina. He lets him in the house and the dog follows. The dog (Vincent) runs to Tina's room and under the bed. In an instant, they dog is gone as well but can still hear it barking.

The physicist examines the ball behind the bed and discovers a portal to another dimension. A dimension that sometimes runs parallel together with their own. They plan on using the dog to guide Tina back to the portal and to safety but it doesn't work. The father then leans into the portal and falls into the other dimension. He lands hard and he sees a bizarre place, quite unlike his own, where things are turning upside down and inside out at the same time.

The father sees the dog and Tina and tries to guide them back to where the portal is. He is afraid to move an inch in fear of not finding the portal again. He hears the physicist tell him to hurry up. Finally, after a tense few minutes, he grabs Tina and the dog and is pulled back to the other side.

The physicist explains that he was telling the father to hurry because the portal was closing in on him and he was actually between dimensions and if he would have stayed a few more seconds, he would have been caught in both dimensions.


The other half where? The fourth dimension? The fifth? Perhaps. They never found the answer. Despite a battery of research physicists equipped with every device known to man, electronic and otherwise, no result was ever achieved, except perhaps a little more respect for and uncertainty about the mechanisms of the Twilight Zone.

Lost Tie-In:

Another dimension, a portal to another place. That is right up the Lost castaways alley. The Lost crew has been tossed through time and space countless times ending up who knows where.

About the father in between dimensions. This depicts Desmond. He is living in both dimensions, this is how he can see what is happening in the other time lines and seems to know what is happening in the future.

The Bewitching Pool


A swimming pool not unlike any other pool, a structure built of tile and cement and money, a backyard toy for the affluent, wet entertainment for the well-to-do. But to Jeb and Sport Sharewood, this pool holds mysteries not dreamed of by the building contractor, not guaranteed in any sales brochure. For this pool has a secret exit that leads to a never-neverland, a place designed for junior citizens who need a long voyage away from reality, into the bottomless regions of the Twilight Zone.

Introduction to a perfect setting: Colonial mansion, spacious grounds, heated swimming Pool, all the luxuries money can buy. Introduction to two children, brother and sister: names: Jeb and Sport, healthy, happy, normal youngsters. Introduction to a mother: Gloria Sharewood by name, glamorous by nature. Introduction to a father: Gil Sharewood, handsome, prosperous, the picture of success, a man who has achieved every man's ambition: beautiful children, beautiful home, beautiful wife. Idyllic? Obviously. But don't look too carefully; don't peek behind the facade. The ideal may have feet of clay.


Sport Sharewood and her brother Jeb live in a big, expensive house, but their mother is cold, insensitive and self-centered; their father is kinder, but still a distant and preoccupied businessman.

While Sport and Jeb are sitting by the pool, a young boy that looked like Huckleberry Finn pops up from the deep end of the pool and invites them to follow him. Scout and Jeb do indeed follow him diving underwater. When they surface, they find themselves in a simple rustic homestead. They see kids swimming. laughing, having fun, and playing. It is the complete opposite of their real home life. It is considered the ultimate paradise, where the children are always loved.

A woman appears, calls herself Aunt T, and explains that there are many children whose parents don't deserve them. But soon, sport and Jeb return home to find their parents didn't even notice they were gone and are divorcing. They race back to the pool, dive in, and escape back to Aunt T and the other children.


A brief epilogue for concerned parents. Of course, there isn't any such place as the gingerbread house of Aunt T, and we grownups know there's no door at the bottom of a swimming pool that leads to a secret place. But who can say how real the fantasy world of lonely children can become? For Jeb and Sport Sharewood, the need for love turned fantasy into reality; they found a secret place - in the Twilight Zone.

Lost Tie-In:

This was the Twilight Zone's final episode. It wasn't planned as the last episode, so there was no build up to a finale as there is with Lost. However, it is an excellent episode to end with.

The pool is an analogy of then island. The escape hatch is the hatch on the island, or perhaps the secret portal Ben uses to travel to and from the island as well through time and space. When the children do escape, they find an idealic scenario, exactly what children want. Laughing, playing, games, fun all day, candy. Almost as if someone read their minds and constructed a perfect play ground for them.

As we first witnessed the others in their cabins and huts living peaceful, with book clubs, cooking brownies, and tossing the football around, the citizens were at peace. When they returned to the real world, they found that they didn't really fit in there anymore and longed to return back to their island. Just as Sport and Jeb did.

Submitted for your approval. A Lost theory formulated six years ago before most of the cast of characters were introduced. A theory that slowly unfolded revealing more and more of its whole as if a puzzle were being pieced together. As season six comes to an end, my theory is laid out in all its glory, in full view, for all to see.

The sign post up ahead, the next stop.....



Broadway 49 Cafe - Chicken Planks

Broadway 49 Cafe Chicken Planks
Broadway 49 Cafe Chicken Planks
Inside the New York City Crowne Plaza Hotel sits the Broadway 49 lounge. It is not a complete service restaurant, just bar food type food. However, I found myself sitting there and ordered some chicken planks and french fries. In a few minutes my order was paced on my table.

The chicken tenders were surprisingly good. They were hot, lightly breaded, juicy, and seasoned just right. I hate when the batter is thick and the chicken is wafer thin. The proportion for these tender was good. The fries were hot, well cooked, and tasted good. A pickle, tomato, lettuce, and some dipping sauce was added. A diet Coke completed the order. What you see is exactly what I was expecting to see. And that's usually a good thing.

The service was adequate, the waitress friendly, and the food was good. The cost was $15 dollars which in New York City is acceptable.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 3 out of 5 shots and recommends Broadway 49 Cafe for dinner.



Laura Vandervoort - Sci-Fi Sexy Siren

Laura Vandervoort They Will Not Control Us V
Laura Vandervoort They Will Not Control Us
Ever notice that in every science fiction space movie, the women, be they good or evil aliens, are super sexy. Case in point is Laura Vandervoort, who plays Lisa, one of the evil space aliens on the Sci-Fi television program V airing on the ABC Network right after Lost.

Laura has been in several other Sc-Fi genre films including playing the starring role in Smallville as Supergirl. She is also currently in the remake of Riverworld, the place you go to when you die. But that's not all. Ms. Vandervoort also played Tina in Mutant X and Sheena on the Goosebumps series. We'll add the Dresden Files to round out her Sci-Fi career. Very impressive for a young talented actress.

For more information on Laura Vandervoort please click the Official Laura Vandervoort website.

Sci-Fi Sexy Sirens brought to you by the Grassy Knoll Institute marketing team to boost readership and placement on search engines.

Lurking On The Grassy Knoll


Lost Update: Wondrous Boat Ride

Lost Update - Season Six - 04/20/2010

Round the world and home again
That's the sailor's way
Faster faster, faster faster

There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing

Is it raining, is it snowing
Is a hurricane a-blowing

Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a-glowing
Is the grisly reaper mowing

Yes, the danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they're certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing

The song above is titled, Wondrous Boat Ride and can be heard in the episode preview for tonight's program. The song is from the movie, Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory. And this is significant folks. One particular line in the song, (There's no earthly way of knowing Which direction we are going) touches on exactly what is happening to the island castaways and sums up my Lost theory.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

So it finally comes down to this. Willy Wonka! I was waiting for the Oompa Loompa's to throw down a song about why its bad to leave the island. Alas, no Oompa's break dancing but tonight's episode still had a Wonka feel to it.

Case in point, the lyrics focus on the boat ride the guests took with Wonka. Wonka started chanting strange lines, (Read the lyrics at the top of the post again) and a key line was "There's no earthly way of knowing which direction we are going." As in, is Sawyer and the renegade gang going in the right direction? Should they have left the Smoky group? Should they have allowed Claire on board? Should Sawyer have let Jack jump off the boat? All good questions, all with answers to follow.

But enough with Willy and his chocolate factory for now. We need to focus on Jack, Sawyer, and Sayid. Some very significant things happened to them tonight. Jack was broken, Sawyer was a leader, and Sayid reverted back to the good side.

Waaaaayyyyy back in season one, Jack was the hero, the leader, the man with the plan, the man everyone listened to. A man that wanted nothing more than to get the Hell off the island. Tonight, Jack was a broken man, a man taking orders from Hurley, and from Sawyer. Jack became a follower. And his point of view was a complete 180. He believed he was supposed to stay on the island. Notice how he didn't argue with Sawyer on the boat, and just jumped off the boat into the water?

Some of you are asking So what? Let me explain. As my theory states, the castaways are being experimented on. Jack was the Alpha male in the beginning. After being exposed to a variety of stimuli, Jack became docile, let me say, domesticated. That was Jack's test. What would it take to break him? He is now pliable, open to suggestion. Ready to accept his fate. Whatever it may be.

Next is Sawyer. If you remember, he was a loner, out for himself. Tonight, he was the man with the plan and instead of staking out on his own, he brought the group along to safety. He tells Jack on the boat, you're either with us, or against us. Us being the key word. He was part of the group. Sawyer also did a complete 180 in personality. He was given the means to achieve and do the right thing, and he took it.

Sayid is last. Sayid was the good guy with the Iraqi past. He was always helping, fixing, protecting. Tonight, he is soul less. He made a pact with the devil, sold his soul, for a promise to be with Nadia, the love of his life. A promise that will never be fulfilled. Remember, dead is dead. And Nadia is dead. However, Sayid pulled a 360 tonight. First he was good, then bad, than good again as he lied to Smoky and I'm betting he did not kill Desmond.

All three men have been manipulated to the extreme. All three have felt love, hatred, heartache, and lost the love of their life. All three men traveled the psychological spectrum in approximately 115 days of living on the island. These three men, as all the other castaways, are being tested, manipulated, molded into different people. For what purpose is yet an unknown. To save the world? Perhaps! Or perhaps a more sinister ending. Like the one I have foreseen. (I sound like the Emperor on Star Ward now) I have foreseen it. It is your destiny.)

One last point and then we'll get to the tidbits. The castaways are once again reunited. Jack states that we're all different now. Sort of like a reset to a video game. Changing the skill level, the players, the parameters. Perhaps this is the final level of the game and its time to use what you have learned to win. And sometimes, the only way to win the game, is not to play.

Tidbits From Tonight's Show:

* Smoky admits he took the form of Christian Shepard. Can you believe him? Yea, I sort of do.
* In the side flash, Sun recognized Locke as both were being wheeled in to emergency.
* Claire tells Jack that he already decided to go with Smoky the moment he allowed him to talk. Like it or not, you're with him now.
* Sounds like Satan doesn't it? There's your shout out to all the religion theory folks.
* After the bomb goes off, Smoky says, well, here we go. He is ready for battle as Zoe demands Desmond be released.
* Desmond is at it again in the side flash. This time helping Claire and Ilana. And perhaps Jack as well. Could be the new Jacob huh?
* I thought Claire was going to shoot Kate at the boat. I really did. However, she will get hers later. They all will. Oops!
* In the side flash, Jin tells Sun its OK, we're all going to be fine now.
* Jin and Sun reunited. Touching moment. But it won't last long.
* Zoe captures the Sawyer gang, tells him the deal is off, and they are prisoners.
* Jack swims to the island. Meets Smoky. Nice day for a swim. Bomb explodes. Jack is knocked down. Smoky carries him to safety. Tells Jack, don't worry, you're with me now.
* Jack ready to operate on Locke in the side flash. So Desmond wasn't crazy after all. Jack will heal Locke.

May 23rd is just over a month away for the series finale. What a hell of a boat ride its been. And after six years of episodes and speculation, Willy Wonka stays true to his words when he sings,
There's no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There's no knowing where we're rowing
Or which way the river's flowing

Until next week. Get Lost.