
Halloween Treats Famous To All


Happy Halloween to everyone reading my humble blog. And even those who don't read the blog. One day you will though. Trust me. 

Anyway, enjoy some Halloween peeps. Eat all six. 

I will talk to all of you tomorrow to update where the blog is heading. 

Trust me, and believe me, I will be adding many posts in November and every month from now on. 

Happy Halloween


Best Halloween Yard Display 2023

 In all my travels in the neighborhood the past two months checking out Halloween displays I came upon many displays. 

Some were good. 

Some fantastic. 

But none better than the picture above.

This yard display had at least 8 figures with some standing 12 and 14 feet high. And all of them illuminated for the evening viewers to take in as they passed by in the car or walking by. 

Did I mention I love the Halloween season? 

Happy Halloween


Real Or Fake Halloween Prop


So I was at the Canfield Fair back in late August visiting all the tents and I happened upon this tent. They were displaying props and scare item for the upcoming Halloween Canfield Scare grounds events that happened in late September and October. 

Do you see the figure of the girl in the background? As I approached closer the girl was not moving. Not a single movement. 

I was now intrigued. 

I had to know.

I was certain that she was a real actor just waiting for me to get near so she could jump out and scre the Hell out of me. 

I did move forward and said hello there hoping for a response. But I got nothing. Not even a blink of her eyes. Not even a breath of air. 

I approached up close, waved my hand in front of her face, and with no movement, I touched the figure. Alas, it was a mannequin. A damn good mannequin. I was and am impressed. 

Happy Halloween


White Oak Cemetery Gatlinburg

I have been travelling to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for the past 40 years or so. Every time I return, the area transforms itself into a more elaborate tourist area. (See, I did not use the word Trap.) 

Little did I know that in all this time roaming the streets packed with superb restaurants, thrill rides, including steel roller coasters, escape rooms, and countless stores to shop in, I stumbled upon Gatlinburg's  White Oaks Haunted Cemetery, located in the heart of Gatlinburg. Mind you, it is not easily seen. In fact it is tucked away up on a hill with no signage directing you to it. However, I found it. 

Right off the Gatlinburg Parkway I potted the entrance to the ancient cemetery. As a point of order, I will divulge the location of this haunted cemetery. (Yes, I said haunted)

Simply walk to the entrance of "The Village." Inside the village, there are a multitude of shops including clothing, pictures, novelties, candy, and believe it or not, a cemetery. 

Walk under the entrance and proceed inward. Wind your way through the brick laden floor. Continue to always move right on the road until you reach the restrooms. It will take about 5 minutes. At this point you will have climbed to a point you can gaze down upon the Village.

Turn to your right and you will see a driveway. At times the drive will be closed with a no entry sign attached. Pay no attention to the sign. (Or the man behind the curtain)

Walk slowly up the slight incline. There are just some mild twists in the road but nothing bad. In a matter or a minute, perhaps two minutes, you will see the White Oaks Cemetery sign. You have arrived.

Welcome to the White Oak Flats Cemetery.

As you can see, it is a large area with many a tomb stones adorning the grave sites. I cannot believe that in all the years travelling around the country and visiting Gatlinburg at least close to 100 times, I never wondered into this area. I mean Hell, this has been here since 1839. (Not me, the cemetery.)

Anyway, I wondered around in broad daylight looking at the names on the grave stones. I stayed for almost two hours. It did start to get dark, and Lord knows you do not want to be in a cemetery after dark. Ask me sometime, I will tell you story or two, perhaps three times inside a cemetery after dark. 

Some believe Leroy Jethro Gibbs, lead agent from the hit show NCIS, retired two years ago and stayed in Alaska, set in his ways to fish and hunt. Perhaps this is a relative of Mark Harmon. (Perhaps not) 

This is the path up the hill from the Village to the entrance of the Cemetery. Time had passed and I was ready to make my way back down to the strip and find myself a good steak dinner. Perhaps at the Peddler Steak House, the best Filet steak in the city would be my choice. And it was. 

But that is another time. Another story.

Happy Halloween



Happy Birthday Mister Web Owner


Happy Halloween Mister Web Owner to you,

Happy Halloween Mister Web Owner to you, 

Happy Halloween to you. 

Happy Halloween



Thor And Doctor Jones


Hammer & Whip

Oh, Indy. Oh, Indy
The skies are so windy
Is that a flying man with a killer bod?
That's no man, it's a Norse God!

Thunder clapped as Thor
Raised his mighty hammer
Indy rapped, 'That's one bad mamma-jamma'

Thor and Dr. Jones
Thor and Dr. Jones
One plays with lightning
The other plays with bones

Thor and Dr. Jones
Thor and Dr. Jones
One runs from Loki
The other runs from stones

We are back for the Halloween season. Did you think we wouldn't return. Sorry bitches. I am so glad you are able to attend the 2023 Halloween Dark Zone 
Our Grassy Knoll Institute rocket scientists have plenty of tricks and treats aimed at your direction. And we do not ever miss.  We aim to endeavor to scare the Helloween out of you. 
Please check throughout the month of October at the Dark Zone  for updates on everything pertaining to Halloween including sexy costumes, huge melons, ghost stories, haunted house critiques, urban legends, and our own special blend of Halloween humor.  

Halloween is here folks!

Happy Halloween



Getting Back To Where I Once Belong


Unreal isn't it. Halloween, with such a buildup, (Over at least two months worth) and there hasn't been any real talk about the Stranger Things Halloween prop that held the media by storm. You know the prop, where the child is floating above the ground in front of the yard. Yes floating. Suspended in the air. With no wires, props, nothing holding her up. The media asked the owner of the residential house how they did it. 

Well, the owner simply said it was magic. No more explanation. (Perhaps, just perhaps, invisible piano wire was used to support the prop in the air. Just perhaps!)

Anyway, Halloween is done and over with. With such a buildup you would think it would last for more than one day. I seriously blinked Monday morning and it was Monday evening with me passing out Halloween candy to the children dressed in some really good costumes and the second blink, I am writing the last post of Halloween for the 2022 season. 

However, we had a fantastic Halloween season. I added several more posts this year than in the past several years. I told you all last year that I was trying. And I still am.

I want to thank everyone who logged in and viewed the Halloween Dark Zone of the Grassy Knoll Institute. I know in past years there were multiple posts in October, (20-25) but hey we are still posting along. I will say, I am still enjoying this blog and its readers. Especially during Halloween. 
I am ending this post as I have in the past previous seasons. I am staying put right here. I am not leaving. I am staying here until I am the last blog in the universe. 

Happy Halloween to everyone once again. Thank you for viewing and commenting and I will see you all next year. I guarantee it.

Happy Halloween



Multi Pass From The Fifth Element

Hey, I know that this movie is almost as old as the hills, (But the hills have eyes you know)

However, the Fifth Element still has the magic, and the sex, and the science fiction, and the humor of most features being cranked out the last ten years. Earth, wind, fire, and rain. Who knew! Who knew!

Happy Halloween