
Breast Zombie Makeup

The Halloween Dark Zone Breast Best Zombie Makeup Award goes to Seatbelt Susie. The makeup is spot on. From the red colored eyes, to the dark dead eye shadow, to the amazing artistry and makeup on her mouth to off course her breasts. The whole team wins.

Halloween Tip: Always wear your seatbelt, even if you are on a short journey. It may just save your life. Even during the Zombie Apocalypse.

Folks, Seatbelt Susie was not wearing her seatbelt. Perhaps that is how she became a zombie.

Happy Halloween



Zombie Eyes

Zombie Eyes
I've been meaning to tell you
I've got this feelin' that won't subside
I look at you and I fantasize
You're mine tonight
Now I've got you in my sights
With these zombie eyes
One look at you and I can't disguise
I've got zombie eyes
I feel the magic between you and I

Sung to the tune Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen

Happy Halloween



Mysterious Mansion Of Gatlinburg

Mysterious Mansion of Gatlinburg, Tennessee located on River road. Upon the approach, the entire area was doused with an eerie purple light illuminating the house. Haunted music was being piped in just loud enough to add ambiance. This haunt looked very promising.

We walked up the porch steps and were greeted by a standard fare monster, (Hired help in a mask) and proceeded to walk in to the foyer. The haunt looked well built, not a cheesy slap em together type haunt. The props on the outside, the hearst wagon and the walls were painted and molded to look like a real mansion.

Our first shock was the price of admission. (Jusk kidding!) Fourteen dollars a person.
Tip: There are countless coupon books in Gatlinburg. There is a dollar off coupon for Mysterious mansion.

Upon paying, the cashier, dressed in classic Goth, asked if we knew the history of the house. We said we didn’t and he was delighted and continued his story. The history was in 1903 a family that lived there went berserk and they killed each other inside the house. Since then, the family has been haunting the house moving furniture, flickering the lights, and the standard possession type haunt. He laid it on thick as several people were listening very intently. he then told our group to proceed through the door on his right and wait for the caregiver.

As we prepared to enter the “Starting” room, the library, one young man, age around 10, didn’t want any part of the haunted house. His parents kept goading him to go in. He was actually frozen in the hallway, he couldn’t move forward or backward. He just stared into the darkness for several minutes. Finally, the parents promised him that nothing would happen to him, and then his father took and hand and through the door to the library we went.

Minutes later, it was our turn and we walked into the library room. Of course it was darkly lit, or lit darkly, whatever, and the curator appeared dressed in some sort of zombie type make up. He was very good at what he does. He explained the rules of the house in a very spooky manner. He made sure everyone in the group understood and then announced our journey was to begin and pointed to the fireplace and told us all to push. We pushed and soon found ourselves in the maze.

We slowly navigated our way through the halls feeling for the doors to get through.

Through the course of the house, we climbed several flights of steps and at one point, were able to walk out onto the balcony and look down onto the public. (Check out the pictures I snapped at the bottom showing the balcony.) Of course, I pulled my shirt over my head and flailed my arms wildly screaming that I couldn’t find my head. I heard a lot of people down below laughing at my silly antics.

I will not disclose the shocks in store when you visit but rest assured, they are very good indeed. However, one thing you must experience is the view from the inside balcony looking down on the first floor. Step out onto the balcony and view the entire haunt from high above. It is a great scene.

The positives: Plenty of entertainment value. We all had fun. It had the feel of a haunted mansion.

The outside exterior screams haunted house. The purple glow was awesome looking, especially from the street. The Gothic steel gates and tiki torches along with the other props completed the experience.

Tip; Make sure you visit the house in October. The haunt is well stacked with additional monsters (Hired help) for the Halloween season. There are not that many monsters (Actors) the other 11 months.

Tip: This haunt can be extreme at some parts. Listen to your small children. If they do not want to go, heed their wishes. The group we were with had two children, both about 10 years old. They were frightened literally out of their wits.

Happy Halloween


Sexy Zombie Nurses In The Apocalypse

When the inevitable Zombie Outbreak occurs, and trust me readers, it will occur,  DO NOT,  I repeat, DO NOT seek help or refuge at a medical facility. The medical staff at the hospitals are the front line defense in treating the infected. Alas, they will also be the first to fall victim to the zombie bite. The nurses are the most prone to the attack as they administer care and comfort to the inflicted unknowing that in mere minutes they will be the next victim. You will certainly become infected if you choose this option.

You Have been Warned!

Happy Halloween


Jessica Nigri - Lollipop Zombie Slayer

Jessica Nigri - Zombie Slayer
In the event of a Zombie Apocalypse, immediately seek out the help of Jessica Nigri. Jessica is famous for disposing of zombies in quick although bloody fashion.

Speaking of fashion, Jessica is sporting her San Romero Knights outfit made famous from the video game bearing the same name.

Jessica is captured on film in the heat of combat as she battles two zombies. A quick beheading of one zombie with her trusty chainsaw. A moment later she whirls to her left and lops of the head of the attacking zombie behind her.

For more information on the Zombie Apocalypse and where jessica will be appearing live next, plus hundreds of pictures of Jessica in various costumes and situations, please visit her Instagram page.

Jessica Nigri Instagram

Happy Halloween



Worst Haunted House Entrance Ever

Worst Haunted House Entrance Ever
The Entrepreneurs of this Halloween Haunted Adventure were puzzled why attendance was at an all time low this Halloween season. The weather was perfect. The location was a well on a well traveled and known highway. The advertising budget was doubled. However, upon further inspection, the haunt entrance, was not so perfect.

All that was needed to complete the disaster was a few clowns wandering around the grounds.

Happy Halloween



Hotel Conneaut Lake Park Ghost Identified

The Grassy Knoll Institute paranormal investigative team returned once again to Hotel Conneaut to document evidence that the elusive Matron of the Manor, Ghost Elizabeth, is still roaming the hallways after her tragic death in the 1943 hotel fire. 

As we have done in previous visits, we clicked our camera settings to record in night vision mode.We had five camera's positioned throughout the Hotel in hopes of capturing the elusive ghost Elizabeth. Of course a camera looking down the hallway on the third floor was in position as this was the spot our team in previous investigations have spotted and photographed the ghost walking down the hallway. 

On Sunday evening we filmed in total darkness for hours. Sadly unlike before, we found zero evidence of a ghostly presence. Even our EMF meters didn't register any significant spikes. As dawn approached we called it an evening and began to retrieve our equipment disappointed no evidence was captured this time.  

Shelly, our guest paranormal investigator for the evening went to the third floor to retrieve the last camera. As she turned the corner the entire hallway flashed a bright white light lasting milliseconds illuminating the entire area. The camera was still in place and still set on auto and snapped a dozen pictures in succession. 

Upon inspection of the camera memory stick, only one photo was captured. Strong evidence that Hotel Conneaut is haunted by the Ghost of Bride Elizabeth.

Shelly Scholten, world renowned ghost hunter has documented her findings on her Instagram page. You will be amazed at the astonishing photography she has illustrated there.

Happy Halloween


Gotham Has A New Batgirl In Town

This years winner for best Superhero costume goes to Batgirl, portrayed by Instagram star Juli.Annee. 
Juli.Annee lives high atop Gotham Towers Estate and peers down upon the masses waiting for someone to be rescued. You should go there now and check out her page.

Happy Halloween