
Hotel Conneaut Lake Park Ghost Identified

The Grassy Knoll Institute paranormal investigative team returned once again to Hotel Conneaut to document evidence that the elusive Matron of the Manor, Ghost Elizabeth, is still roaming the hallways after her tragic death in the 1943 hotel fire. 

As we have done in previous visits, we clicked our camera settings to record in night vision mode.We had five camera's positioned throughout the Hotel in hopes of capturing the elusive ghost Elizabeth. Of course a camera looking down the hallway on the third floor was in position as this was the spot our team in previous investigations have spotted and photographed the ghost walking down the hallway. 

On Sunday evening we filmed in total darkness for hours. Sadly unlike before, we found zero evidence of a ghostly presence. Even our EMF meters didn't register any significant spikes. As dawn approached we called it an evening and began to retrieve our equipment disappointed no evidence was captured this time.  

Shelly, our guest paranormal investigator for the evening went to the third floor to retrieve the last camera. As she turned the corner the entire hallway flashed a bright white light lasting milliseconds illuminating the entire area. The camera was still in place and still set on auto and snapped a dozen pictures in succession. 

Upon inspection of the camera memory stick, only one photo was captured. Strong evidence that Hotel Conneaut is haunted by the Ghost of Bride Elizabeth.

Shelly Scholten, world renowned ghost hunter has documented her findings on her Instagram page. You will be amazed at the astonishing photography she has illustrated there.

Happy Halloween


  1. That is not Hotel Conneaut. And that is not the ghost Elizabeth. This woman is wearing modern clothing, Elizabeth died in 1943. FAKE.

    1. CC, don't you think that Elizabeth, being a ghost and all, could slip in and out of hotel rooms borrowing womens cloths for the evening? And that photo is not fake. Check the link in the post.

  2. She got my ghost.

  3. Where is this haunted hotel located? Is this a Haunted Halloween event or a real haunted site?

    1. Yes and no Missy. Hotel Conneaut is on the national registry as a haunted hotel. It is also a part of Ghost lake, one of the 13 levels of fear as a haunted attraction. The hotel is located at 12241 Lake street, Conneaut Lake, Pa, 16316

  4. The ghost of Conneaut keeps getting better looking every year.

  5. I let Elizabeth roam the halls one week ouf of the year and you catch her everytime.

    1. For 2017, what week is open for her?

    2. First week for 2017. She likes to see the leaves change color, and this fall I am letting her out early so the leaves won't be turned by then.


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