
Oldest Milky Way Candy Bar Discovered

Oldest Milky Way Candy Bar Ever
Oldest Milky Way Candy Bar Ever
Every now and again I get that “Chocolate” urge and venture down the hallway to the Las Vegas vending machine. I call it Las Vegas for it’s a gamble if you receive something after you feed it money. I inserted my money and I selected the Milky Way candy bar. As the candy bar fell into the slot at the bottom I mumbled under my breath, “Winner, winner, chicken dinner.” The above photo is what I received. WTF!
Where the Hell did this candy bar come from? Had I somehow awoken in the future in a post apocalyptic zombie outbreak. If so, I’m lucky to have found a treasure such as this. I could now live to fight zombies another day.
Dejected, I went back to my office, placed the candy bar on my desk, took out my cell phone, and snapped this photo. I then sent it to the printer, 8X11 size in color. I then went back to the Las Vegas vending machine and taped the photo of the Milky Way candy bar on the glass where everyone can see.
It was on…
Winner, winner, chicken dinner.


Oldest Milky Way Candy Bar Discovered

Every now and again I get that "Chocolate" urge and venture down the hallway to the Las Vegas vending machine. I call it Las Vegas for it's a gamble if you receive something after you feed it money. I inserted my money and I selected the Milky Way candy bar. As the candy bar fell into the slot at the bottom I mumbled under my breath, "Winner, winner, chicken dinner." The above photo is what I received. WTF!

Where the Hell did this candy bar come from? Had I somehow awoken in the future in a post apocalyptic zombie outbreak. If so, I'm lucky to have found a treasure such as this. I could now live to fight zombies another day.

Dejected, I went back to my office, placed the candy bar on my desk, took out my cell phone, and snapped this photo. I then sent it to the printer, 8X11 size in color. I then went back to the Las Vegas vending machine and taped the photo of the Milky Way candy bar on the glass where everyone can see.

It was on...

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.



Nixon Covertly Meets With Extraterrestrial

Nixon Covertly Meets Extraterrtrials
As history depicts, Kennedy was gunned down in Dallas, Texas, November 22nd, 1963 in Dealey Plaza. Lee Harvey Oswald was the only suspect and was taken in to custody. Shortly thereafter, Jack Ruby silenced Oswald putting an end to any stream of information. The Warren commission took over and convoluted the facts of the assassination planting the seeds of a conspiracy that has lasted almost 50 years. That is the official record.
For decades the Grassy Knoll Institute has claimed that Richard Nixon was the mastermind behind the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy and used Oswald as a Patsy to take the fall. Before today, it was merely speculation, but the Grassy Knoll Institute investigators finally caught a break.
While researching the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, an old black and white photograph was found between the pages of the novel, Camelot. Scribbled on the back of the photograph was a date and place, (October 31st, 1963, Yorba Linda) and an informal agreement between Nixon and the extraterrestrial pictured.
*Yorba Linda is Nixon's home town.
*The meeting took place a mere three weeks before the assassination.
*No one could really explain the trajectory of the supposed "Magic bullet."
*Strip Clubs became an almost overnight sensation as many opened just weeks after the assassination.
*The photo was between the pages of Camelot, the term coined by the press of Kennedy's presidency.
* Nixon had the resources and contacts to place men and convolute facts.



Eliminate Alien Anal Probes With A Thought Screen Helmet

Eliminate Those Pesky Alien Anal Probes With A Thought Screen Helmet
From the makers of the Thought Screen Helmet suit comes a revolutionary product designed to eliminate telepathic aliens from conducting anal probes. The Grassy Knoll Institute proudly presents, The Thought Screen Helmet Anal-Eliminator. Once inserted you will feel safe and secure in the knowledge that no aliens will ever probe you again.

The A.E. (Anal-Eliminator) was designed for abductee's on the go. No longer will you have to cower inside your home afraid of alien probes. As with all our products the A.E. is lined with velostat, that magical material that filters out any unwelcome telepathic connection between you and the aliens. The A.E. is encased handsomely in supple leather for your enjoyment and comfort. It will arrive at your door in an unmarked plain brown wrapper to protect your privacy.

Stop Alien Anal Probes Now! Order the A.E. Call 1-800-ANAL PRO. Operators are standing by now. Have your credit card ready.

But wait, if you order in the next 30 minutes you will receive as our gift to you absolutely free, (Just pay separate processing and handling) a Thought Screen Helmet for pets.



Uptown Pizza - Regular 12 Inch Cheese

Uptown Pizza Youngstown Ohio
Uptown Pizza Youngstown Ohio
Uptown Pizza is right around the corner from us. It is a conveinent place to eat when time is fleeting. (Madness takes it’s toll) I called and placed my order and was told twenty minutes for pickup. Standard, no problem.
Uptown Pizza
Uptown Pizza 
I got there about five minutes early and bellied up to the counter to wait for my name to be called out. I love when my name gets called out for pickup. I always tell them either “Grassy Knoll” or “Second Shooter” when they ask for my name.

Anyway, as I was waiting, the phone rang and one of the employees answered. The conversation went something like, “Uptown pizza,” then a pause, then a “Yes mam, we do sell pizza.” Pause. “Yes, we are open right now.” Pause. “Yes, I’m in the store right now.” Pause. “Ok.” Click the phone down, hang-up.

A minute later, the same employee yells out “Second shooter” and looks at me knowing who I am. I pay the man and as I begin to leave, I ask him if they sell pizza here at Uptown Pizza. He burst out laughing.

I must say, the pizza is well cooked, with a firm enough crust, not hard, but a good texture. The cheese was melted and the sauce zesty enough. I ordered sausage on half and it was cooked under the cheese and was a good spicy sausage. The cost was reasonable, at $7.00 for a 12 inch pizza.
One negative, and it’s small, but the pizza itself was greasy, just a little.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 3.25 out of 5 shots and recommends Uptown Pizza of Youngstown for lunch and dinner.



Reading While Driving

It was raining hard in Frisco. (Youngstown) On my way home from work today I spied a woman driving a pickup truck and unbelievably she was reading a Barnes And Noble Nook. Cell phone chatter is the norm these days but reading a FN book? Intrigued, I switched to the left lane and followed her a little ways in hopes of getting a photo. In less than a half mile I took my shot and snapped the above photo.

She was oblivious, holding her Nook and glancing up at the road as we drove on. A moment after I snapped the picture, I chuckled to myself of the absurdity of the event. I realized that, there I was, cell phone in hand, driving in the rain, hoping to get in position to snap this woman driving while reading a Nook.

A perfect ending would have been Harry Chapin's Taxi playing on the radio. Alas, Aerosmith was playing.


Shot Of Vodka At Age 6

Way back in the 1960's when I was a lad, my parents used to bring all the kids, (There were 7 of us, me being the youngest) to grandma's house for a visit. Actually, it was more of a drop-off now, Mom and Dad would stay for a minute and then off to go shopping or some other important business matters. (Like go and make more kids) (Not a lot of private time in a house full of 7 kids)

Anyway, my grandmother Veronica was from Ireland, (Both sets of grandparents were from Ireland but that's not the point here) and every Saturday she would prepare us traditional Irish meals for dinner. Now I'm sure grandma was an excellent cook, however, I was not accustomed to such cuisine. I was more of a meat and potatoes kind of kid. Blood pie (Yes, sounds exactly as terrible as you think) was not my cup of tea. Even her dog, Chrissy, wouldn't eat the food I attempted to sneak to him from the table without grandma looking. Forced, I would eat as much as I could and move on to playing in the basement of grandma Veronica's house.

The basement was my haven. Grandma had it decorated like an old-time Western saloon. Veronica called it a Pub, but I thought it was a saloon. Irish, American, Pub, Saloon, same thing. It had swinging doors, a full bar, counter, bar stools, and just about every kind of bottle of alcohol you could imagine. (Grandma Veronica was a heavy drinker and smoker)

The basement was also the place grandma read her magazines and made her phone calls to the local radio talk show host to set them right in their opinions. Veronica would always have a glass of something by her side all the time.

That one afternoon, after playing hard, I was sweaty and thirsty. I saw grandma's mini glasses (Shot glasses) on the bar counter filled and asked her if I could have some for I had a powerful thirst going on. I assumed the liquid was 7-Up or some other clear soda pop. Grandma looked up and sternly told me that I could not, that the drink was for adults, not children.

I pressed harder. (Pretty please grandma thirty times in a row usually did the trick) After the 30th time, Veronica acquiesced and told me I could have one with one condition. Being thirsty I immediately agreed. Veronica poured me a drink from a clear bottle and then told me to drink it all as fast as I could, all in one gulp. (That's how the grown up people drink it)

I grabbed the double shot glass and in one quick motion, gulped the drink down. Damn! It tasted like gasoline. Approximately three seconds later my tongue was on fire. The flames quickly spread to my mouth, teeth, throat, and then to my stomach. If it were possible, my ears would have been letting off steam from the heat my body was producing. I started running around in circles screaming and yelling hoping that somehow the flames would subside. They did not. (I seriously felt like my hair was on fire)

Veronica calmly walked over to where I was doing my little Indian dance and gave me a cookie and told me to eat it. I was skeptical of the cookie for the last thing grandma gave me set me on fire. However, Veronica insisted. I ate the cookie. Grandma then told me to get a drink from the water faucet. I think I had two gallons.

After I calmed down, Veronica told me about alcohol, and that only adults were allowed to drink it. She also told me that from that day forward, any time I had the urge to drink alcohol again, I would remember this day and how it tasted.

And grandma was right. I still recall that taste. That is one of the main reasons why I do not drink at all. There, you have now met an Irishman that doesn't drink.
Alas, if only Veronica would have taught me the same lesson with blood pie.



Bring Me Solo And The Wookie

I was recently at the Ripley's Aquarium in the Smoky mountains in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. In the shark tank, this one particular sawfish kept circling and then finally settled right above to rest on the glass. As I was watching the fish, (That's what I do when I'm in aquariums) it started moving it's mouth. In that instant, the sawfish looked like Jabba The Hut. I started laughing. I pointed out Jabba to my wife Patty and of course I had to speak the obligatory line, "Bring me Solo and the Wookie!" Watch it again and listen to me state the classic line.