
Secret And Sexy Life Of Candice

As I was perusing my favorite blogs yesterday, I saw that The Life According To Candice blog was given a very spiffy template makeover. Upon reading her ABOUT CANDICE profile, (Candice is a very entertaining and funny woman, a nurse from the great state of Texas, blond, stacked, and happily married with two children) I noticed that her profile picture looked very familiar. I thought nothing of it until today when I started uploading my pictures from the National Halloween show I attended last month.

And there she was. Candice in all her glory. The Grassy Knoll Institute has uncovered the secret life of Candice, mother and professional nurse by day, Super sexy Halloween trade show model by night. If you like the picture on the left, you will love Candice's shots from her tropical island vacation resort. The nude beach scenes are particularly titillating. Read her blog to understand her outlook and unique take on life. I double dog dare you not to smile.


UFO Lands In Youngstown Ohio

As the Lead Scientist of the Grassy Knoll Institute was returning from a 3:00 am giant alien stakeout, he captured this shocking footage of an unidentified flying object, (UFO) quietly appearing out of the night sky slowly descending to street level and landing. The fully charged battery of the video camera drained after only 20 seconds of use and the video went dark. Seconds later, the UFO changed colors, began to spin rapidly, and ascended into the sky.



Lost Update - Bennie And The Jets

Lost Update - Season Six - 03/30/2010

Hey kids, plug into the faithless
Maybe they're blinded
But Bennie makes them ageless
We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
Where we fight our parents out in the streets
To find who's right and who's wrong
Bennie and the jets....

Tonight we got a peek at "Room 23" where all the mind shaping and subliminal messaging occurs. Jin is locked in the room, turns on the switch switching on the program. When we first saw Room 23 several seasons ago, it was a significant component to my Lost theory. Seeing it once again only fortifies my theory.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting to deliver this package to you for six years…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Lets dwell a little longer on room 23 and then we'll move on. As my theory goes, Room 23 was used for adjustments to the virtual reality program for several castaways who did not conform and adapt. After a few hours in the room, they were now part of the fold.

Jin and Kwon was the focus on and off the island tonight. Only at the end of the program was the package revealed. In the sideways flash Jin and Kwon are not yet married, travel to the states to deliver a package, a watch and $25 grand.

Sun gets her sexy on daring Jin to tell her to button up her sweater. He doesn't. They have sexual relations (Sex for those of the younger generation) and in the morning receive a surprise guest at their hotel door. It's Keamy. He wants his watch and money. Jin doesn't deliver.

Drama follows Jin and Sun in both the side way flash and on the island. Perhaps their virtual reality scenario is exploring the complex dynamics of relationships among couples. As in any experiment, we have the control set, (Side ways flash) and the variable set. (The island scenario) Each scenario may be run dozens if not hundreds of times until the correct results are obtained. Exactly what Jacob said in the season five finale. We are seeing the end of each experiment. The end game. No more resets as Jacob feels he has the correct variables in place for a favorable conclusion.

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* Ilana tells Ben she knows he is lying because he is talking. LOL

* MIB tempts Sun to come with him to be reunited with Jin. Notice how he smiled, how he extended his hand. That comes into play a little later.

* Claire and MIB concerning Kate. After MIB is finished with Kate, what happens, happens.

* Pylons erected on Hydra island to keep MIB from entering.

* War is coming to the island.

* If MIB were to get off the island, everything would cease to exist. Perhaps a fail safe button to the VR program to reset the parameters or safe guard the lab.

* Richard returns, with a new sense of purpose, wants to stop MIB from getting off the island.

* Desmond is back, and he is the package.

* And one more thing as promised. About MIB tempting Sun to come with him. With his awkward smile and his hand extended. Exactly what he did with Kate in last weeks episode. Now here's the twist, the kicker, the Twilight Zone zinger. When Jack walked up to Sun's private camp fire and talked to her. Asked her is she trusted him. She answered with an affirmative nod. Jack than said that if Sun comes with him and the others, he will promise to unite her with Jin. He then smiles awkward and extends his hand out for Sun to take. She does.

Folks, that wasn't Jack. It was Smoky, old MIB. He promised Sun the same earlier but she ran in fear not trusting him. This time around, he got what he wanted. You read it here first.



Lost Update - Running With The Devil

Lost Update - Season Six - 03/23/2010

I live my life-like there's no tomorrow
All I've got, I had to steal
Least I don't need to beg or borrow
Yes I'm living at a pace that kills

Yeah, running' with the devil
Running' with the devil
I'm gonna tell ya all about it

I found the simple life ain't so simple
When I jumped out, on that road
I got no love, no love you'd call real
Ain't got nobody, waiting' at home

Tonight we finally find out about the mysterious Richard Alpert, the man who doesn't age. We also find out that he made a pact with the devil for eternal life. However, the six year question is, who is the devil that made the deal, Jacob or the Man-In-Black?

The song lyrics above, penned by Van Halen, hone in on what life for Richard has been since 1867, when he lost his wife and made the deal with the devil. He's been running with the devil ever since, with no home life, no love of his own. But if Lost is about the devil and God, and heaven and hell, how does my theory hold water, or wine, if you are Jacob?

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Tonight, while the group was gathered around a campfire, Ilana asks Richard what to do next. Richard replies that he doesn't know. After being pressed, Richard becomes frantic and says he's going to tell everyone a secret. He says to Jack that he's dead, that were all dead, and the island, it's not what you think it is, they are not on an island, they are in hell. Richard runs off in the jungle and this starts his back story.

Here is Richards story in a nutshell. Take a deep breath and continue...
Richard was alive in 1867, his wife Isabella is gravely ill, he seeks the doctor to help her, the doctor is a major prick, says it's going to cost him plenty, Richard gives him everything he has, it's not enough, Richard gives him Isabella's cross and chain, the doctor tosses it to the floor claiming it is worthless. Richard goes crazy, tries to wrestle the medicine from the doctors hands, the doctor falls, hits his head, and dies. Richard flees with the medicine, but he's to late, Isabella is dead. The police burst in, take Richard to jail, condemn him to death, the priest refuses to give him absolution, says he will meet the devil in hell. On his way to the gallows, meets with Whitfield, asks if he can speak English, Richard answers yes, he becomes the property of Captain Magnus Hanso, shackled on the Black Rock ship, the ship crashes on the Lost island, only a few survivors, Whitfield kills all the prisoners except Richard. Smoky intervenes, kills the sailors above deck, and Whitfield as well, comes face to face with Richard, growling and scary sounds going on, Smoky leaves. Richard tries to escape, he cannot, he sees Isabella, she says they are dead and in hell, Smoky returns, Isabella runs, but not fast enough, MIB appears, helps Richard out of his chains, asking for his help, Richard agrees. MIB tells Richard that to get out of hell, you must kill the devil, gives knife to Richard, same speech mIB gave to Sayid, same results, Jacob lives, befriends Richard, baptizes him, shares wine with him, shows the cork, keeping evil trapped, hires Richard as intermediary, Richard asks to live forever, Jacob grants it, Richard gives MIB white stone, Richard begins his sojourn. And here we are...... Exhale slowly.....

As I stand atop my pulpit tonight, I see many a wide eyed Lost fans believing that the writers have lied to them when they claimed that the castaways were not dead and not in heaven or hell. But here we are, with only 7 episodes left, and all we hear now is heaven and hell, good and evil, God and the devil. Who can you believe? Who can you trust? One thing is for certain. You cannot trust Ben. He always lies. It's his nature. However, you can trust me. I have not yet led you astray. I have charted my course and kept a steady hand at the wheel and piloted you through the rough and choppy waters and shown you the way of virtual reality.

Richard in his many years on the island, has been seeking redemption for the murder he committed long ago. He is doing his penance. Running with the devil. His test, how far will a man go to regain the love of his life, to honor his dead wife, to achieve redemption. He's been at it for 150 years and it looks like he's about to win. But wait, 150 years old, and he hasn't aged a bit? What type of magic is this? Certainly we can rule out human science and medicine as factors. That leaves only two choices. Supernatural, God and the Devil, or Virtual Reality, where the castaways are being experimented on without their knowledge.

Lets analyze for a moment shall we. I do not know of any religion where a knife is used to either destroy the God or the devil so the other can escape. The bible states that God cast Lucifer from Heaven to rule Hell for all eternity. That is two places. Heaven and Hell. Jacob and MIB are in one place. The island. And if they are dead, are they completely dead, or just mostly dead? I ask this because if they are dead, several castaways died twice, and some castaways came back from their first death, or their second, and interacted with the dead, who thought they were living. See my point. It cannot be the road the writers are on.

As Sherlock Holmes famously spoke, "That when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" Which leads us to Virtual Reality. Look at all the impossible events witnessed on the Lost island. An invisible island, a smoke monster, a man that doesn't age, an island that cannot be found, an island that moves, time travel, alternate realities, miraculous healing properties, Juliet and her amazing rack, seeing dead people, talking to dead people, dead people coming back to life. When you attempt to apply all the other lost theories to all these events, they fall short which leads us back to Sherlock.

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* Richard is from the Canary Islands, was alive in 1867.

* The Black Rock tumbled the statue.

* There's a a lot of dead people walking around.

* Richard makes a pact not only with MIB, but also with Jacob. Big time conflict there.

* Jacob says there are many names for hell. One of them could virtual reality.

* Jacob explains containing evil on the island to Richard through an illustration of the cork in the wine bottle holding the dark liquid inside.

* MIB smashed the wine bottle.

* Hurley speaks to Isabella. Relays message to Richard.

* Richard must stop MIB from leaving the island.

A final note. Jacob reiterated tonight that he will not interfere with the castaways. They must choose what they believe as right and wrong. They must choose their own path. What good is it if Jacob tells them what to do. They must find it our for themselves.

Just as any controlled experiment, the subject must be motivated enough to perform without knowledge of said experiments for pristine data to be recorded. That is why Jacob stays on the sidelines only observing.

Until next week, get Lost!

A special Shout out to Travis from Las Vegas. I told you Richard was going to say they weren't on an island.



Blue Wolf Tavern - Chicken Parmesan

Blue Wolf Tavern Boardman Sign
Blue Wolf Tavern Boardman Sign
Believe it or not but the Youngstown suburbs have many restaurants to choose for dining. Patty and I drive by the Blue Wolf often in our travels and decided to stop for dinner. Was it a wise choice?
Blue Wolf Salad
Blue Wolf Salad
We entered and I was amused with the sign on the door (More on that later) and we were seated right away. The waitress took our drink order and returned promptly with them and asked if we were ready to order. We were.

The salad came with my meal and as you can see, it is a standard salad. No frills attached. Just lettuce, a few onions, cabbage, cucumber, a few grated carrots, and mini tomatoes. No cheese, olives, hard-boiled eggs, celery! It was adequate, the lettuce crisp and fresh, the rest, in a word, adequate.
Blue Wolf Hot Fresh Rolls
Blue Wolf Hot Fresh Rolls
However, the rolls were more than adequate. They looked and tasted home-baked. Not mass-produced from some roll company. They were hot out of the over, very fresh, and very good. Things were looking up after the salad.
Blue Wolf Chicken Parmigiano
Blue Wolf Chicken Parmigiano
The main entrée was Chicken Parmigiano with Penne and meatballs and of course a diet Coke. Crazy combination but it looked appetizing. And it was. The chicken was a sizable portion, cooked well, juicy and tender. The breading was golden brown, the cheese plenty and the sauce, a zesty taste. It was delicious. The Penne was well-cooked, plentiful with the same tomato sauce. The meatballs were an added bonus and tasted very good. Usually, restaurant meatballs are not made on premises, but shipped by a mass producing meat company. I think these were home-made.
Jo Jo Fries Blue Wolf Style
Jo Jo Fries Blue Wolf Style
A quirky oddity was the Jo Jo fries. My meal came with an additional side. Not wanting mashed or baked potatoes, I opted for the Jo Jo fries. They were good. Crisp. Well cooked. Seasoned just right.
Cherry Cheesecake Blue Wolf Dessert
Cherry Cheesecake Blue Wolf Dessert
Usually we do not order dessert but we were feeling a little saucy that evening and went for it. I ordered a slice of New York style cherry cheesecake. It was excellent. Not the biggest slice in the world, but adequate. The taste more than made up for the slight offering.
No Guns Allowed Inside The Blue Wolf
No Guns Allowed Inside The Blue Wolf
Getting back to the sign in the window. Not only were we on surveillance but a sign clearly stated that no guns were permitted on the premises.

The service was very good, the waitress friendly and fast, the order was accurate and the food arrived in a timely manner and was good. The cost was $26.00 without tip including dessert.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 4 out of 5 shots and recommends the Blue Wolf Tavern for lunch and dinner. Just keep your firearms at home.



Happy St. Patricks Day (2010)

Its Good to Be Irish
Its Good to Be Irish
From the Grassy Knoll Institute

May the Guinness be cold and hearty,
And tonight's party full of fun and laughter.
May you be surrounded by both family and friends,
And all your barmaids be like the one above.

Have a happy and safe St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Irish Leprechaun Legend

Other End Of The Rainbow
Other End Of The Rainbow
Paddy O'Toole - Leprechaun Extraordinaire
The Irish legend of Leprechaun's and their pot of gold isn't always what it's cracked up to be. As the legend goes, Leprechauns are magical imps who live in the forest. They are expert shoe cobblers and hoard their money in the form of gold coins at the end of the rainbow.
With any legend, sometimes you get the bull, and sometimes you get the horns.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!


A Tall Texan In Ireland

A Texan on vacation walks into a pub in Galway, Ireland and raises his voice to the crowd of drinkers. He shouts, "I hear you Irish are a bunch of drinking fools. I'll give $500 American dollars to anybody in here who can drink 10 pints of Guinness back to back." The room goes quiet and no one takes of the Texans offer.

Old Paddy Murphy gets up and leaves the bar. Thirty minutes later, he shows back up and taps the Texan on the shoulder. "Is your bet still good?" asks Paddy. The Texan answers, "Yes," and he orders the barman to line up 10 pints of Guinness.

Immediately, Paddy goes into action and downs all 10 pints of beer, drinking them all back to back. The other pub patrons cheer and the Texan sits down in amazement. The Texan gives the Irishman the $500 and asks, "If ya don't mind me asking, where did you go for that 30 minutes you were gone?"

Old Paddy Murphy replies, "Aye, I had to go to the pub down the street to see if I could do it first."


Happy St. Patrick's Day!