
Elephant Ear Restaurant - Cheeseburger - Fries

Elephant Ear Restaurant Fair food
Elephant Ear Restaurant 

It's the end of September and the local and state fairs are now just a recent memory. Some wishing they would have bought that giant Elephant Ear or hot sausage sandwich smothered in peppers and onions.

As if my prayers had a direct hot line to the big guy, a new restaurant popped up in my old town called the Elephant Ear. The menu was simple and ingenious. All your fair food favorites.

We pulled in and the place was packed. There was one parking spot left out of about 25 in the lot. It must be good if the place is packed right?
Elephant Ear Corn Dog
Elephant Ear Corn Dog
The layout was simple. A small sit down area with a few booths and tables, maybe seating for 25-30 people. An order and pickup counter on the left side. We waited in line for our turn. We waited about 5 minutes to place our order. After we placed our order, it took almost 20 minutes for our order to come up. That is why the place was packed. The food preparation was very slow. We noticed that everyone sitting at the tables and booths were waiting for orders.

Finally, our number was called and I retrieved our order. Of course I had to order a corn dog. It was standard fare, (Fair) and standard size. It was cooked well and tasted good. I have to say, it tasted just like the Canfield Fair corn dogs. And at $2.75 it better.
Elephant Ear Cheeseburger And Fries
Elephant Ear Cheeseburger And Fries
The second part of my artery clogging dinner was a cheeseburger and original "Fair" french fries. The cheeseburger was nothing special, no outstanding qualities. The bun was a little beat up, and it looked like it was just tossed in the container. It was well cooked, the cheese melted, the beef adequate quality.

The fries, on the other hand, were not "Fair" quality. In fact, they were pretty horrendous. Perhaps if they were cooked properly, they would have tasted better. They had the texture of fat spaghetti strings. They were soggy, wet, greasy, and well, terrible. The cost was $6 dollars for the combo which was reasonable if the fries were edible.

So, the service was terrible, the food below average, and the price adequate. However, I have to commend the owners for the unique idea of Fair food without all the stinky animals and smelly pumpkins and rotting hay. Since the restaurant was still new, I have decided to give them one more chance to redeem themselves. With that.....

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 2.5 out of 5 shots and is on the fence about recommending Elephant Ear Restaurant for dinner.



KFC - Chicken Strip Dinner

KFC Chicken Strip Dinner
KFC Chicken Strip Dinner
This is what Kentucky Fried Chicken considers a dinner! Pictured left, the three piece chicken strip meal. The meal consisted of three strips of breaded chicken, one biscuit, and one side which I selected mashed potatoes with gravy. It was all tossed packed in this handy box.

I will say that the chicken, although not healthy or good for you, did taste good. (600 plus calories, 27 fat grams, 80 gram of cholesterol, 54 carbs) As well as the biscuit and mashed potatoes. You can see by the photo how the food was packaged. Not the best as the grease from the chicken was beginning to ooze through the cardboard. The cost was $5 dollars, which is respectable I suppose.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 2.75 out of 5 shots and recommends KFC chicken strip meal for dinner.



Lost Update - Flash Forward 2:17

Lost Update - Summer Of Lost - 09/28/2009

Last week ABC rolled out their new television program, Flash Forward, the replacement for the highly successful program Lost. To pay homage to the critically acclaimed show, an Oceanic airlines billboard was visible at the beginning of the program. As we all know, Oceanic Flight 815 was the doomed plane that sent the passengers to the Lost island to fight for their very lives.

Lost is beginning it's sixth and final season in early 2010 and the finale will be a massive surprise to all those except the readers of the Grassy Knoll Institute.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting 2 minutes and 17 seconds to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

What does the Grassy Knoll Institute believe Flash Forward to be about......
Don't worry my dear readers. I would never inflict the same pain upon you as I have done the past 5 plus years with Lost.

However, a Twilight Zone episode titled, A Kind Of A Stopwatch, fits the bill and explains the Flash Forward pilot. A Kind Of Stop Watch, (Original airdate: 10/18/1963, episode #124) was about a man that happened upon a magic stopwatch, that whenever he stopped the watch, all time itself stopped as well. All the people, animals, time itself coming to a halt. Except for him. He was able to move around and manipulate whatever he wanted without anyone seeing him. (Rob banks, skip out of restaurants, never wait in lines)

The Flash Forward pilot began with everyone loosing consciousness for 2 minutes and 17 seconds. Planes crashed, (Maybe Oceanic Flight 815 was included) cars collided, people drowned. This lapse of time was a world wide event. Every city, every country reported the exact phenomenon at the same time. And many people claimed they saw the future, April 29th, 2010, and glimpses of events unfolding on that day.

The pilot ended with the two FBI agents viewing video tape from a baseball game in New York. One person was moving, walking down the aisle and into the tunnel. Who is that man?

In the Twilight Zone episode, the man broke the watch while time was halted, leaving him alone in the world for all eternity. For Flash Forward, there will be some sort of device that can alter and stop time.

Submitted for your approval, or at least your analysis.....



Stage Deli – Las Vegas – Caesars Palace

Stage Deli - Las Vegas Caesars
The Stage Deli has branched out from its 7th Avenue Times Square location. Located in Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, just right of the Forum shops, is Stage Deli of New York.
Turkey And Cheese On A Kaiser Roll
Since I had such a wonderful dining experience at the original location of the Stage Deli, Times Square, New York City,  I confidently entered this establishment. I was quickly seated, and the waiter immediately brought out pickles and said he would be back in a few minutes to take my order.

Looking around, the deli had a respectable crowd, wasn't crowded, wasn't empty, just a good crowd. The waiter returned, I ordered the turkey and American cheese sandwich on a kaiser roll. I didn't order any sides expecting the sandwich to be the size of the New York deli.

In a matter of minutes, my sandwich arrived at my table. I noticed that the sandwich was about half the size as the Stage Deli in New York. No matter, it was plenty for me.

The service was very good, the place clean and well lit, and the sandwich tasted good. Not as good as the New York version, but good. The cost was adequate, around $15 dollars for the sandwich and soft drink. Remember, I was in Vegas, inside Caesars.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 3 out of 5 shots and recommends Stage Deli at Caesars Palace for dinner.


Responses to “Stage Deli – Las Vegas – Caesars Palace”

  1. Gumby said

    Looks smaller than the NY one but not by much. Was that real turkey or processed.

  2. D789 said


  3. Dashani said

    The sign looks more like the Letterman theater than the Stage Deli.

  4. Moominboy said

    If there is one thing I love about U.S. it’s your concept of a sandwich. So much fillings and amazing combinations. Beats our small sandwiches by a mile. Except for some Italian ones but I bet you have them over there anyway.

    • LOTGK said

      There are other deli’s in the U.S. that tout large sandwiches, but the New York Stage Deli is the king. And it is a quality sandwich as well. Not just bulk food, but good food.

  5. Valdunagan said

    They look almost the same. Except for the lettuce and the roll. Both look filling and good though.

  6. Valdunagan said

    And I just now noticed, your blog is powered by a corned beef sandwich yet I have yet to see one critiqued here. Hmmn!!!


Belleria Italian Restaurant – Pizza

Belleria Signage
Continuing our tour of restaurants in the Youngstown, Ohio vicinity, we landed at Belleria's Italian Restaurant. I have heard they had good pizza and of course good Italian cuisine. We pulled in and at first thought the place was closed until we saw the neon sign glowing "OPEN"
Belleria Sampler Platter
Belleria Sampler Platter
The hostess was very pleasant and seated us at a table right away. It was not crowded at all, but there were patrons there eating. She took our drink orders and when she returned, we ordered the appetizer platter.

As you can see, everything was battered and deep fried. The platter consisted of onion rings, chicken wings, and chicken tenders plus a collection of sauces for dipping. All were cooked well and tasted good. So far so good.
Belleria Pizza
Belleria Pizza
My main course was a cheese pizza. I know, plenty of other choices but I was rather fancying a slice of pizza at that time. I made sure to make the waitress aware that I did not want green peppers on my pizza.

In about 20 minutes, after the waitress cleared our table of our appetizer, my pizza arrived. Pretty impressive isn't it? Well, as I was cutting a slice, I noticed small green peppers scattered on the pizza. WTF!!! I distinctively ordered the pizza sans the peppers. Knowing that it would take 20-25 minutes to cook another pizza the way I ordered, I decided to buck up and endure. I delicately (As best one can with a knife and fork) picked the peppers off from each slice and pressed on. I only had several slices for the taste of the green peppers was embedded in the god damn pizza.

How did it taste you ask? It sucked! Plain and simple.
ravioli dinner belleria
Ravioli Dinner
Ahh, but here's the conundrum. My darling wife Patty ordered the ravioli and meatballs. Patty states that her meal was not terrible, and it did not suck, but was rather good. The meatballs were average, the ravioli's were good, and the sauce above average. This throws a curve ball into my ranking for Belleria and if I would recommend them or not.

So I fall back on my ranking format.
How was the service? Since my order was incorrect, I would have to say terrible.
How was the food? Again, with my order being incorrect and the pizza tasting like peppers, it was terrible.
How was the presentation? It was nice, adequate, plenty of room at the table, extra napkins, a pizza knife, plates.
How was the price? The appetizer and pizza and coke was around $15 dollars. Not to steep, not to low.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 2 out of 5 shots and DOES NOT recommends Belleria Italian Restaurant for dinner.



Ford F-150 Truck LOTGK Logo

Notice the LOTGK logo on this Ford F-150 rim. The rims were dirty and I used my finger to print the logo on them hoping this would spark Patrick, Lead Scientist of the Grassy Knoll Institute, to perhaps utilize the water hose and bucket and wash the truck.

I was wrong!!!

Hey look, you can see my reflection in the chrome rim of the tire.



Release The Kracken

The Stink Bomb!
This particular brand of stink bomb doesn't do the word "Stink" justice. When you break the vial an unbearable stench fills the air in a matter of seconds and lingers for 20-30 minutes. To flee the vicinity is the only recourse to save yourself. Hence, the stink bomb is strictly forbidden at the secret lair of the Grassy Knoll Institute.

A little while ago one rocket scientist (Joe) had a pack of stink bombs on his desk. He was playfully threatening the other employees saying he was going to break one of those puppies open and throw it at random workers passing by unless someone went to get lunch for him for a change. (No one went for him)

After about 20 minutes of this, (Yes, we were all working really hard at the secret lair of the Grassy Knoll Institute that day) a very high level executive walked into Joe's office and grabbed one of the stink bombs and smashed it on Joe's desk and ran out laughing. Seconds later the stench wafted through the office and everyone was covering their nose and screaming. Big industrial fans were positioned to slowly pull the stench out of the office. (Joe decided to go to lunch. "Hey Joe, can you pick me up something since you're going to be out!")

A memo came out the next day banning stink bombs from the office forever. However, just the other day a certain Curator strategically placed a stink bomb under the toilet seat in the Men's room and then gingerly put the seat down. I then exited and waited for an unlucky victim.

Within minutes the Kracken (The stink bomb glass was broken releasing the vile liquid) was released and the bathroom filled up with the unbearable stench. Like a scene from the science fiction 1950's movie, "The Blob," people were running away from the bathroom and hallway seeking safety.

The next day yet another memo was issued stating, "We really mean it this time, no more stink bombs permitted at the secret lair of the Grassy Knoll Institute.

Business as usual. :D



Calhoun’s - Fried Chicken Strips

Calhouns Restuarant
Calhoun's restaurant of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, nestled in the heart of the Parkway is an excellent choice for dinner. They claim to have the best ribs in America. It's hard to argue with that. When we arrived, there was a small crowd waiting outside. We received our pager and were called in about 15 minutes. The waitress seated us at a very nice table.

Fantastic Fried Cheese
Our waitress promptly came to our table and took our drink order. When she returned, she took our dinner orders. I went with the fried cheese sticks and marinara sauce. As you can see, the portion was very generous, 8 pieces. As cheese sticks go, these were very good. The cheese hot and melted, the breading crisp and spicy. The sauce hot and spicy.

Calhouns Chicken Strips
The main course, fried chicken tenders platter. The platter came with 6 large pieces of breaded and battered chicken, a loaded baked potato with butter, cheese, and bacon, and warm fresh rolls. A side of cole slaw completed the platter.

The chicken was excellent. Golden brown, tender, juicy, and breaded perfectly. The baked potato was hot, plenty of butter, cheese, and bacon. I left the cole slaw alone.

The service was tip top even with it being busy. The cost was $20 dollars with drink plus tip.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 4.25 out of 5 shots and recommends Calhoun's of Gatlinburg for dinner.


Responses to “Calhoun’s Fried Chicken Tenders”

  1. Gumby said

    Calhouns has gotten good reviews from you, you have several already in, if I am ever in Gatlinburg, I will surely stop and partake.
  2. Sounds good, but I have to ask: How much did Calhoun’s pay you for this review? Also, can you cut me in on this deal? I’d do it for a free dinner…..

    • LOTGK said

      The nerve of Calhoun’s, they actually charged me for the dinner. However, every now and again at restaurants, waiters and waitresses sometimes ask why I’m snapping pictures of my dinner. Sometimes I tell them I’m the health inspector but usually I tell them about my blog.

    • Max Jackl said

      MikeW has something here. You should publish your restaurant critiques. Maybe then you could eat for free.

      • LOTGK said

        Sadly, I do. Right here on my blog. I’m not in it for the money, perhaps maybe the glory, but like when i go to haunted houses, I don’t want to get in free, it may taint my critique.

  3. New Harvey said

    They are known for their ribs and you order the chicken. WTF!

  4. Bitzky said

    Maaaaan, this is one of the (few) things that makes me want Tennessee to be closer to Sweden *drooooooools*