
Irish Leprechaun Legend

Legend Of The Leprechaun
Legend Of The Leprechaun
Legend has it that if you are so lucky to spy a Leprechaun and demand his pot of gold, you must remember one thing. Do not take your eyes off the Leprechaun. Not even for a second. Do not even blink. For if you do, the Leprechaun will vanish and you will be not be having the best of days going forward.

You see, Leprechauns are Imps and they do not wish to be bothered by folks poking around their business. A failed attempt to remove the pot of gold from a Leprechaun could cause harmful results. You see, once the leprechaun is out of your sight just for a split second, the power you have over him is revoked. At that time, the leprechaun may reciprocate and trick you into doing harm to yourself.



Top Of The Morning To You

Lucky Irish Four Leaf Clover
Lucky Irish Four Leaf Clover
To kick off the St. Patrick's Day festivities, the Grassy Knoll Institute presents a genuine lucky Irish four leaf clover. 

As usual, the Grassy Knoll Institute will reveal sexy red-headed Irish women, sexy green bikini's, some Irish humor, (Humour) Irish myths, Irish folklore, and Irish food in the days leading up to the feast of St. Patrick.

By the time you wake up at 5am on St. Patrick's day to partake in the ritual of consuming green eggs, green ham, and plenty of green beer, you will be stocked with all the Irish heritage knowledge you will need to get you through the day. 



Angels Versus Aliens

The bible is perhaps one of the best collections of conspiracy theories humankind will ever know. (Or perhaps humankind cannot yet understand the contents in it's entirety) It is filled with stories of men living to be hundreds of years old. Races of giants intermingling with humans. Angels visiting men secretly in the night. A man being swallowed by a whale and living to tell about it. Gods and angels in fiery chariots descending from the heavens. Devils and demons destroying and possessing people. A flood so great it covered the earth for 40 days. Numerous plagues bestowed upon man. Life reanimation. The instantaneous healing of diseases. Plus stories of miracles that only gods can perform. And it all started ions ago with man gazing into the heavens, looking at the lights in the sky. And wondering.

The same lights we look at today. However, humankind, as a collective, believe we have a better perspective than primitive humans. We put a different spin on events occurring today. Instead of Angels, we see Aliens. The fact is, Divine intervention and Aliens are not a modern day fad, but intricately woven into our society from the dawn of communication continuing to present day.

Writings of visitations are well documented in the Old Testament, handed down from generation to generation. To the ancient man, these appearances could only be comprehended as Angel visitations. In ancient times, there were angels, fiery flying chariots, and burning bushes. Compared to today's visitations, the encounters are all to similar. In modern time, we refer to them as Aliens, spacecraft, (UFOs) and telepathic communication.

What do we make from all of this? Is there truth to any of this? The bible speaks of many stories of god and angel intervention from a  group of people do diverse, it expands the entire known world at the time. Today, no one can deny the thousands upon thousands of UFO sightings reported yearly from around the globe. These reports are not from a small group of people but from a group so diverse it encompasses all walks of life, all nationalities, and all religions.

In ancient times, many of the people who were visited by angels, demons, and gods, were ridiculed, shunned, and not believed, for they had no real evidence, just a story. The same goes for the modern world. The people who claim to have been visited by aliens, or have seen alien space craft, are ridiculed, thought mentally unstable, or just making up an elaborate hoax to gain their 15 minutes of fame. To date, these people have not produced any real concrete evidence of their tales.

Perhaps that is by design. I always ask the same question when reading or viewing alien encounters. In today's society, with everyone having cell phones, why has not one of these alien events been recorded. Just one photo. In focus. We have a million photo's of celebrities and politicians in compromising situations, why can't we capture a good clear in focus picture or video of an alien encounter.

Perhaps, just perhaps, Angels are Aliens, and fiery flying chariots are spacecraft, and burning bush encounters are telepathic communication.

Keep gazing into the heavens for answers. It may just be by design.



Walking Dead Governor Proof Of Life

The Walking Dead Returns
The Walking Dead Returns

Walking Dead Governor Lays Dead On The Ground
Walking Dead Governor Lays Dead On The Ground
The Walking Dead returns February 9th after a shocking mid-season cliff hanger revealing  the supposed death of the Governor by the hands of Lilly. One of the final scenes shows the Governor drawing his last breath after being beaten by Rick, run through with a Katana sword wielded by Michonne, and apparently shot by Lilly at point blank range. However, the Governor is not dead. He survived the attack. The proof of life is all in the photo's.

The first photo clearly shows the Governor lying on the ground, his face in the middle of the red Jeep on the left and the red and white SUV on the right. (Pay no attention to the reflection of our floor lamp shining through onto the television) Notice the walkers coming directly toward the Governor in the center?

Walking Dead Walkers Waltz By The Governor
I point your attention to the red and white SUV on the right in the background as the walkers get closer to the Governor lying on the ground. From this vantage point, the woman walker in the front would be stepping on the Governors head at this point.

Gaze again at the first photo to find a reference point. The vehicle is at the same distance in the second photo as the first. Hence, since the walker is still between the red Jeep and the red and white SUV, the walker is in the direct path of the Governors body.

Walkers Do Not Devour The Governor
Walkers Do Not Devour The Governor
The third photo shows more and more walkers in the Governors path but they just keep walking on by. Every single one of them. In fact, if you study the photo just a tad, you will see that the walkers in the front have already walked by where the Governor should by lying. (See the red Jeep in the back ground, it is further back then the previous two photos showing that the walkers have already passed the Governor)

Two questions here:
One, why are the walkers not descending upon the Governor to devour his flesh?
Two: Where is the Governors body?

I can answer both questions in one sentence. The walkers are not descending upon the Governor because the Governor was somehow able to get up and get out of the walkers path. But how? He was beaten, stabbed, and supposedly shot and left on the ground for the walkers to have their way with him. Pretty damn good justice for the Governor.

However, from the evidence presented here, the governor did survive episode #8, (To Far Gone)  to terrorize another day. Fact, the gunshot fired by Lilly was not shown on film. She could have easily missed with the way her handing was shaking. Fact, the Governor is lying between the Jeep and the SUV. Fact, the walkers do not devour the Governor. Fact, the governor is not on the ground where he is supposed to be as the walkers cruise by.

My theory is that the Governor is still alive and that he had assistance to escape the walkers in the field at the end of episode #8. One scenario is that Carol provided that assistance, pulling the Governor to safety to another one of the vehicles scattered in the prison field. Carol then drove him off to safety, nursed his wound inflicted by Michonne, and found shelter to allow him to heal. There are other scenario's but this one seems to fit the best.

Carol has an ulterior motive saving the Governor. She needs help to get her adopted children back. She needs an ally. A ruthless motivated ally. The Governor is a perfect choice. Both Carol and the Governor can attack with a united front.

No matter who helped or how the Governor escaped, he did!

We haven't seen the last of the Governor or Carol.



Television And The Grassy Knoll

Television And The Grassy Knoll
We'll Be Right Back
Do Not Touch That Dial
The Grassy Knoll Institute reveals rumors, theories, thoughts, and updates on your favorite television programs. We nailed ABC Lost for six seasons,  the House finale prediction, Persons Of Interest finale, Fringe, and many more programs. Check here for the latest updates and theories on Hulu Plus, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and whether the Governor on AMC's The Walking Dead is still alive or became a biter.
Walking Dead Govenor Proof Of Life 02/03/2014
Hulu Plus Commercials Suck Mirror Balls 01/07/2014
Walking Dead Governor Is Not A Biter Yet 12/02/2013
ABC Lost Sequel - 4 Part Series - Beyond The Church 07/12/2010


HULU Plus Limited Commercials My Ass

Hulu Plus Adds Commercials
Hulu Plus Adds Commercials
I was surfing the cable channels the other night looking for something entertaining to watch and found nothing. I decided to go streaming and switched on my Netflix and Hulu Plus subscriptions. Now for the past several months I have been re-watching the classic 1966-71 soap opera Dark Shadows. The series is about a vampire named Barnabus Collins released from his chained coffin finding himself 175 years in the future back at Collinwood. Google or Bing the rest if you want to know more.

I dialed up Hulu Plus because Netflix had just pulled all the Dark Shadows episodes off their list streaming list. That was fine, no problem, Hulu Plus still had them. I opened my list of programs and selected Dark Shadows and selected episode #399 (Abigail insists that Reverend Trask must be summoned again to find and destroy the witch residing in Collinwood.) The episode is 22 minutes in length.

Now when I signed up with Hulu months ago, it was in clear print that even with my paid subscription there would be limited commercials during each episode. No problem, I could accept limited commercials.

I hit the play button and I immediately viewed a commercial. Only 30 seconds, no biggie. Dark Shadows began with a recap of the previous cliff hanger and then the theme music played. And BAM, another commercial. This time there were three in total. And then back to the show. Six minutes later the program was interrupted with yet more commercials. I was beginning to see a pattern here. In all, there were twelve commercials during this episode.

Finally, the daily cliff hanger aired and the credit music began, (Eerie organ music followed by a stern voice saying, "This has been a Dan Curtis Production) I then checked the actual time it took to air the episode. Thirty minutes. Let me repeat that. Thirty minutes. Limited commercials my ass.

I understand Hulu Plus is only $8 bucks a month but Hulu needs to be truthful with its customer base. It needs to amend its Mission Statement.

Hulu Plus should state before you click that paid button:
Once you sign up with Hulu plus and we have your $8 bucks, you will be able to watch all programs available on Hulu. However, Hulu will at their discretion insert as many commercials as we see fit and call it limited commercial interruptions when in fact commercials will average 7-8 minutes every 30 minutes of viewing. In essence, you will pay Hulu for the luxury of watching your program whenever you want plus watch the commercials, commercials that you cannot fast forward through as you can do on your cable DVR systems. Thank you for choosing Hulu Plus.

In essence, although I like some of the programs Hulu Plus offers, I do not like the commercials that go along with my paid subscription.

BTW, Netflix has all four seasons of Farscape. Just saying.



50 Psychic Predictions For 2014

2014 Psychic Predicitions
2014 Psychic Predictions
Once a year the curator of the Grassy Knoll Institute gathers his psychic abilities and much like Nostradamus did over 500 years ago, will peer into the future to reveal 50 predictions for the 2014 year. The predictions that follow may shock you, may make you laugh or cry, and may make you re-think your life choices. In past years, I correctly predicted Brett Favre coming out of retirement, the breakup of Tony Roma and Jessica Simpson. In Hollywood, I predicted the Death of Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Dick Clark, and Ted Kennedy. I foresaw the Charlie Sheen meltdown, the breakup of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, and of course the Lindasy Lohan drama. Plus many more successful predictions.
Lets see how good my clairvoyant powers fare for the 2014 year. Check back regularly as predictions come true or fall short.
Sports Related Predictions:
1) Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, a year removed from playing, like the bibles prodigal son, makes his way back home and signs on to an NFL team. FAILED: Sorry Timmy, you are one and done.
2) Peyton Manning and the Denver Bronco's  win the Super Bowl. He is now tied for two Super Bowl wins with his brother Eli.FAILED: The Seahawks put a whooping on the Bronco's 43-8
3) Florida State wins the final BCS Championship Bowl game. SUCCESS: Florida State barely beat Auburn with a come from behind victory.
4) The Boston Celtics do not win the NBA title. However, the team was scheduled to tank and not win more than 12 games. In fact, Celtic pride will double that total, ending with 25 wins. SUCCESS: Celtics are 25-55 with two games left. 
5) In this years NFL draft, the Minnesota Vikings, after finally realizing that Christian Ponder is not the answer at quarterback, selects quarterback Johnny "Football" Manziel from Texas A and M. Failed: Johnny was there for the taking but the Vikes passed.
6) After wallowing in the mire for the past several seasons, the Cincinnati Reds big red machine comes alive and wins the World Series. FAILED: The big red machine needs more oil.
7) The Oklahoma City Thunder led by Kevin Durant wins the NBA Championship. Failed: Durant couldn't take the heat.

Dearly Departed:

8) Pope Benedict XVI passes due to a mysterious illness that forced him to step down from the head of the Catholic church. FAILED: We still have two popes.

9) Zsa Zsa Gabor's reign as the Queen of outer space has finally ended as she quietly passes. Goodbye Dahlink.... 

10) Billy Graham meets his maker face to face. I would love to listen to that conversation.

11) Fidel Castro won't be yelling "Die infidels" anymore.

12) Casey Kasem, famous radio personality known for his Top 40 countdown around the globe, signs off for the last time. CORRECT: Casey passed away several days ago. Keep reaching for the stars Casey. 

Love And Marriage - And Divorce:

13) Bruce and Kris Jenner finally call it quits. Bruce gets to keep his adams apple in the settlement. The ratings should be huge for that episode. Success: Bruce has moved out and is separated from his wife.

14) John Travolta and Kelly Preston call it quits. Thomas Dolby points to the breakup: SCIENCE!

15) Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis tie the knot. Jackie finally does it with Kelso. SUCCESS: Kunis has a child and a wedding ring.

16) Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt agree its time to get married after 11 children. Success: The knot is tied. Check the link Here


17) Freshly turned 18 year old Kendall Jenner makes a splash in 2014. Nude photo's suddenly appear on the Internet of the budding runway model. 02/13/14 - SUCCESS: Kendall Jenner wears a shocking outfit while walking the runway at the Marc Jacobs fashion show held during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Fall 2014 on Thursday (February 13) at the NY State Armory in New York City.

18) Justin Beiber gets his ass kicked by a group of people on the street who Beibs dissed. His bodyguards are not quick enough to save him this time. (Maybe he should have retired)

19) Miley Cyrus does more than twerking in a revealing video taken unawares. This explains Miley calling off her wedding engagement. SUCCESS: Miley has gone wild, free the nipple, twerking, and cannabis bandwagon.

20) Jennifer Lawrence gets cozy with yet another man named Oscar. Failed: She goes home empty handed.

21) Amanda Bynes returns to Hollywood accepting a bit part but it is a start. Good luck Amanda in 2014. FAILED: Sadly, Amanda has regressed.

22) Lindsey Lohan becomes a Paris Hilton wannabe and starts taking gigs as a DJ. Lindsay's DJ name should be Phoenix Firecrotch. 

23) Britney Spears new Las Vegas show Piece Of Me will not be the gigantic hit it is portrayed to be. In fact, Britney will be run out of town by years end. FAILED: Spears re-ups her contract.

24) Justin Timberlake is about to become a daddy. His wife Jessica Beils announces she is with child. SUCCESS: bring it on in to Daddyville.

Natural Disasters:

25) A plague of tornadoes will touchdown up North in the United States. Unprepared cities and towns not usually accustomed to tornadoes will sustain heavy damage.

26) The Japan Fukushima nuclear plant will have an incident as the Japanese government is using untrained laborers to work in the fallout area clearing away debris and moving soil. 

27) A major U.S. volcanic eruption will occur. It will erupt with almost no warning time. Everything in its eruption path will be incinerated.

Television And Movies:

28) The Walking Dead Governor is not dead. He will return during season five. 

29) Soap Opera Days Of Our Lives character Nick Fallon supposedly murdered by Gabby Hernandez in a struggle at the top of the cliff clearing, is not dead, he is very much alive. Success: 01/24/14, Nick Fallon walked into the church right before the Baby baptism.

30) Ziva David, former NCIS agent resurfaces and contacts her former team and asks for assistance.

31) The Big Bang Theory characters Sheldon and Amy finally get to do "It!"

32) Game Of Thrones becomes HBO's highest rated cable series ever. The Queen would be so proud of her inbred son. Success: GOT is HBO's biggest hit.

World News:

33) Princess Kate produced an heir, and now announces a spare. Success: Today, September 8th, 2014, The royal couple announced Kate was expecting.

34) Edward Snowden, former NSA contractor mysteriously vanishes. 

35) A passenger jet will go missing after it takes off with a full crew and passengers. There will be no hint of foul play. It will be a long time before any clues surface as to the whereabouts. Correct: Malasyian flight MH370 went off radar March 8th without any warning, and no distress calls or any signs of foul play. 

36) Contrary to popular belief of the millions of people that have already begun years ago preparing, there will be no Zombie Apocalypse.... This year. SUCCESS: We have survived one more year.

37) Caroline Kennedy, daughter of former president John Kennedy, begins to flex her political muscles pointing her way toward the big chair.

38) Two hundred year old blueprints of several pyramids in Egypt will reveal secret underground passages that connect many of the structures including the Sphinx. The blueprints are in the possession of former curator of ancient Egypt antiquities Zahi Hawass.

39) North Korea will launch an unscheduled missiles. It will fly over China airspace forcing China to react. Success: Just yesterday, April 2nd, news reports that North Korea launched missiles that came close to the South Korean border. China does react.


40) Netflix, the Internet movie streaming giant, cuts deals with cable operators and has their service offered as an option to customers channel line ups. Success: Beginning abroad, cable operators now have Netflix as an option.

41) Sprint Mobile and T-Mobile cut a deal to merge to become the third largest cell phone network but is blocked by the FCC. SUCCESS: The merger is shot down by the FCC

42)  In a brazen move, Microsoft offers their new phones and tablets at almost zero cost to increase their visibility in the cell and tablet world.

43) Apple finally decides to compete with Samsung and debuts a powerful 5 inch screen IPhone. Millions upon millions will be sold. SUCCESS: Apple announces a 5.5 inch screen

Science And Medicine:

44) A new dangerous strain of flu is detected and mutates to a very harsh strain that is very hard to contain.

45) A patient in a coma for months awakens and reveals a story of life after death experienced while in a comatose state.

46) An asteroid will strike the planet Mars with planet killing force giving humanity a wake up call as to how fragile we really are. 

47) Staying with Mars, the rovers now on the planet will detect actual alien life. 

48) A signal originating from outside our galaxy will be detected  lending irrefutable proof that we are not alone in this universe. 


49) Obama health Care fails. As thousands attempt to submit claims to pharmacies, hospitals, and doctor offices, the claims will begin to get caught up in the proverbial red tape of all things Federal government that will reach a boiling point and citizen revolt. 

50) Can the DOW say 1700? Yes it can. The economy will swing a little more North this year raising the stock exchange to new heights. SUCCESS: http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2014/07/03/stocks-thursday/12131363/

Bonus Precictions:

51) The body of former Teamsters Union leader Jimmy Hoffa will finally be found after numerous false reports in previous years. 

52) Internet streaming service HULU gets sold.

53) After abysmal officiating in the 2013 NFL season, the referee's will now become "Full Time" employee's of the league. They will go through even more extensive training to avoid errant calls that changed the destiny of several teams.  

There you have it my dear readers. Fifty bold predictions for the future. Check back daily to see how the predictions unfold. Don't be afraid to comment, we love to hear your opnions. 



Merry Christmas From Thunder Cat Newman

Thunder Cat Newman Trimming The Tree
Thunder Cat Newman Trimming The Tree
We have two cats. One of them is named Storm. He is a big 27 pound, yes I said 27 pound cat. Storm keeps to himself unless the food dish is empty and God help us all when that happens. (Psst! He's a 27 pound cat, he can afford to go several hours without a meal if you know what I mean) Just last night apparently I had the audacity to leave the food dish empty before I went to bed. Around 4am Storm barged into our bedroom making the door hit the wall stop and jumped violently onto our bed.

Now I was awake, but I settled back down to sleep. Storm had other plans. After several large gutteral meows that sounded like the cat was meowing in tongues I rolled over to see what the Hell was the matter. There was Storm Cat starring me down. I asked him what was the matter like he was going to answer me but my only response was several more meows backed by sort of growling. I rolled over and ignored him. Storm Cat jumped down and left the room.

About ten minutes later Storm once again jumped on our bed. However, this time, no meows, but he moved to another tactic. Storm walked to the top of the bed and crawled over my pillow making sure that his paws made contact with my head. I always thought cats were nimble little minx's but not Storm. Storm made several passes over my head until I jumped up and once again asked the bloody cat what he wanted. No response. No surprise. He jumped down and left the room. Since I was up I decided to follow him and see just what the cat does in the middle of the night. He led me right to his food dish. It was empty. The freakin cat wanted to eat at 4am in the morning. I filled his bowl and went back to bed.

We also have another cat, a 4.5 pound female named Thunder Cat Newman. (Thunder Cat is pictured above tangled up in Christmas tree tinsel.) Thunder Cat loves to help trim the Christmas tree and never, ever, jumps on our bed and wakes us up with wild meows and head crawling. Never! Ever!

Guess who my favorite cat is?

Merry Christmas from the Grassy Knoll Institute.