
Ursuline High School Marching Band

Every Christmas our family gets together for the holiday and after dinner old family stories are retold again and again. Most of the family would gather in the family room and recount those funny stories from our past. One of my favorite stories is about the poem my Dad wrote about his high school he attended. (Ursuline High School, Youngstown Ohio)

The year was 1942, and his teacher, (Of course was a Catholic Nun) handed out an English assignment. Each student was to write a poem about something uplifting about Ursuline High School. My Dad was called by the nun to read his poem aloud in front of the class. Dad cleared his throat and read aloud...

The Majorettes came on the field,

The first in Ursuline's history.
Followed by the marching band,
But what they're playing is a mystery.

All the students in class burst out in laughter. However, the Ursuline Nun was not amused. She immediately sent my Dad down to the office. He took his seat and awaited his punishment.

Father Gallagher, (Yes, an Irish priest) walked into the office and sat at his chair and asked my Dad why he was sent to the office. My Dad told him the Nun did not like his poem. Father Gallagher asked my Dad to recite the poem. My Dad did.

Father Gallagher seemed to almost smirk and told my Dad to get the Hell out of the office and back to class.
Like father, like son.



General Pattons Prayer For Good Weather

On the anniversary of my Father’s passing, (Three years ago today)I found myself thinking about the movie Patton. For those who have not seen it or know who General Patton was, he was one of the greatest army generals in the history of the United States. My Father was a Corporal in General George Patton’s Third Army during the war.
The movie followed Patton in the European theater during World War II as the alliance battled the German army. Many quotes and actions of Patton were portrayed in the movie but all of them were not entirely accurate. Take for instance the scene in which Patton,(Played by actor George C. Scott) asked the army Chaplin to write a prayer for weather so his army could get on with the war and kill the Germans.
The movie scene went something like this:
Patton: Chaplin, I’m sick and tired of the 3rd army having to fight the Germans in this ungodly weather. I want a prayer, a weather prayer.
Chaplin: Weather prayer sir?
Patton: Yes, let’s see if we can’t get God working with us.
Chaplin: It would take a pretty thick rug for that kind of prayer General.
Patton: I don’t care if it takes a flying carpet.
Chaplin: I don’t know how this is going to be received General, praying for good weather so we can kill our fellow man.
Patton: I can assure you, because of my intimate relationship with God Almighty, that if you write a good prayer, we’ll have good weather. I expect that prayer in an hour.
Chaplin: Yes sir…. As Patton leaves the army tent.
Scene Change: Patton standing outside the tent in the snow as men load equipment and drive army vehicles preparing for battle, Patton stops and takes out the prayer the Chaplin wrote. With the snow swirling, he reads the prayer. The next day, the sky is clear and the 3rd army advances further against the German army enjoying superior air support.
But, as entertaining as that scene was, it was not very accurate. Yes, Patton did request a weather prayer from the Chaplin, and yes, it was intended to have good weather so the army could push forward against the German army, but the prayer came about a little bit differently.
On Dec. 8, 1944, General George Patton made a phone call from his office to the Chaplain James H. O’Neill, the 3rd army Chaplin. Patton asked him if he knew of any good prayers for weather. Patton stated that if we are to win this war, we must have fair weather.
Chaplin O’Neill wrote the following prayer:
“Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.”
But there is more to the story. Researching the Patton prayer online, I found Chaplin O’Neills website and his first person recounting of the actual events that took place.
Chaplin O’Neill typed the prayer onto an index card, and on the front side he typed a Christmas greeting from General Patton to his men in the third army. O’Neill showed Patton both the prayer and the Christmas greeting and Patton was impressed with both. Patton ordered O’Neill to have 250,000 copies of the prayer and greeting printed and distributed to every man in the 3rd Army. Patton himself signed the index card.
The Christmas Greeting was as follows:
To each officer and soldier in the Third United States Army, I Wish a Merry Christmas. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We march in our might to complete victory. May God’s blessings rest upon each of you on this Christmas Day. G.S. Patton, Jr, Lieutenant General, Commanding, Third United States Army.
I have that postcard letter that my father received.
Rest in peace Father. I know the weather is perfect for golf where you are at.
For the complete version of the Patton Prayer, please visit Chaplin O’Neill’s Webpage. You will find it quite entertaining and informational.


Responses to “General Patton’s Prayer For Weather At Christmas”

  1. Gumby said

    It was said that the moive was close to actual truth, so it seems that the movie took several liberties with the truth.

    • LOTGK said

      I would imagine that almost all movies take certain liberties. Take for instance, Avatar. The aliens were no larger than 7 feet tall in reality, but the movie portrayed them as at least 8 feet tall.

  2. Helen Patton said

    I am touched you wrote of this! HelenPatton (grand daughter of GSP , jr.)


A Parrot For A Christmas Gift

A young man named John received a parrot as a Christmas gift. However the parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird’s mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity.
John tried and tried to change the bird’s attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to “clean up” the bird’s vocabulary.
Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder. In desperation, John threw up his hands, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer.
For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute. Fearing that he had hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the freezer.
The parrot calmly stepped out onto John’s outstretched arms and said, “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and behavior. I’m sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior.”
John was stunned at the change in the bird’s attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, when the bird continued, “May I ask what the turkey did?”

Responses to “A Parrot For A Christmas Gift”

  1. Gumby said

    I hear they taste just like chicken. :)


C Staples - BBQ Chicken Dinner

charlie staples chicken and ribs
Charlie Staples Chicken And Ribs
Charlies Staples BBQ restaurant has been around Youngstown for many years serving his own special blend of BBQ Ribs, Chicken, Pulled pork, and even Fish. This evening I was in the mood for chicken.

The restaurant was crowded, must have been a party happening that evening. (Wink) I made my way to my table and was quickly approached by our waitress who asked us for our orders. Very nice waitress and very fast service. I commend them for such service on such a bust evening.

The dinner consisted of four pieces of chicken smothered in a tangy BBQ sauce, two pieces of bread, and french fries. I received a breast, leg, thigh, and wing. The breast was the main part, and was fair sized and meaty. All the pieces were well cooked. The BBQ sauce just tangy enough to let you know you were dining in a BBQ restaurant.

The fries were surprisingly good. Well cooked and crunchy enough. I left the white bread alone.
The cost was just under $10 dollars with a diet Coke which was very reasonable.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 3.5 out of 5 shots and recommends C Staples Restaurant  for dinner.



Longhorn Steakhouse - Filet Mignon

Longhorn Steakhouse
 The city of Youngstown has plenty of restaurants to choose from with many good steak houses. Longhorn Steakhouse in Boardman, Ohio was our selection for dinner tonight. We were seated quickly and our waitress came over to take our drink orders. A few minutes later she took our dinner orders

Our salads were delivered to our table. The salad was standard fare. It was fresh, had adequate lettuce and tomatoes, crunchy croutons, and several assorted other greens. The good thing about the salad was that it was fresh. That goes a long way.

Longhorn Rolls
The rolls were delivered at the same time as the salads. The rolls were warm, fresh, and appeared to be home made. They tasted very good as the butter melted right into the dough.

Loaded Potato Soup
One of my favorite types of soup is potato soup. Longhorns version of potato soup had of course chunks of potatoes in a creamy sauce. A sprinkling of bacon bits, shredded cheese, and some chives. The soup was very good, not the best, but very good.

Filet Mignon
Of course, when you are in a steakhouse, you order the steak. I selected the Filet Mignon and loaded baked potato. I asked for medium well done and to butterfly the steak. In less than 15 minutes, my filet was delivered to our table. It was cooked perfectly. BTW, this is the 9 ounce filet, and it was juicy and tender and bursting with flavor. There was not one iota of fat on this steak. It ranks up in the top 5% of filets.

The baked potato was well cooked. I hate when the potato is only halfway cooked and hard in the center. This one was hot and flavorful, with plenty of butter, melted cheese, and enough bacon covering the top to compliment the entire taste of the potato.

Strawberry Cheesecake
Feeling saucy, I went for dessert. I was full from all the food but the cheese cake looked intriguing. I ordered a slice. I wanted cherry cheese cake but alas, they did not have that on the menu. The closest they could get was strawberry sauce. The dessert capped off an almost perfect dinner. The cost of the dinner was right around $30 dollars not including tip but including dessert.

Also a plus was that Longhorn offers Coke Zero. I see more and more restaurants are offering this most excellent diet soft drink. Zero calories but all the Coca-Cola taste.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 4.5 out of 5 shots and recommends Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner.



R.I.P. John Lennon

December 8, 1980, I was upstairs in my room listening to the radio with my headsets on high volume. The radio disc jockey broke in and announced that John Lennon was just gunned down in front of his apartment in New York City. He was shot four times in the back. He was taken to the hospital and pronounced dead.

For some reason, I'm feeling old today. I grew up listening to the Beatles. I just knew that the "Paul Is Dead" was all a hoax. I was pissed off when Yoko broke up the band.

Lennon would have been 71 years old.

Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you right on the head
You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead
What in the world you thinking of
Laughing in the face of love
What on earth you tryin' to do
It's up to you, yeah you



Japonais Restaurant - Mirage Hotel Las Vegas

Japonais Filet
The Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas has several outstanding restaurants and Japonais ranks as one of the best. As most of you are aware, I am not a friend of oriental cuisine so when I walked into Japonais, I had the feeling that I may not enjoy the evening. I was wrong!

The seating was not traditional, simply small tables low to the floor with bench seats and low lighting. As expected, the restaurant had a Japanese theme. (Hence the name) But that isn't what's important.
As you can see, I ordered filet mignon with creamy potatoes. It was served on a square low brim hot clay plate. The filet was around $40.00 without tip. A coke was added to complete my meal.

Surprisingly, the fillet was very flavorful, tender, juicy, and excellent. I was a little skeptical about the potatoes as well but they were very good. Instead of mashed, they were puree style with grilled asparagus.
The Grassy Knoll Diner awards 4 shots out of 5 and recommends Japonais restaurant for dinner. Minor deductions for a minor mishap with our waitress and the cost being just a tad to pricey.



Metro Grill - Cheeseburger And Fries

Crowne plaza metro grill cheeseburger
Metro Grille - Chicago

I was in town during the Transworld Halloween show was in Chicago and made my hotel reservation with the Crowne Plaza. The Plaza is just a five minute walk to the convention center where the show is housed. Winning! Being in a suburb of Chicago and without a car, the dining experience was limited. The first night I opted for the hotel restaurant, the Metro Grille.
The restaurant was not crowded when we walked in. I recall perhaps ten people dining. Perhaps this wasn’t a wise choice. The hostess seated right away and brought us some water. A few minutes later our waitress took our order.
metro grill cheeseburger
Cheeseburger And Fries
I went with a safe bet, a bacon cheeseburger and fries and a diet Coke. Like Indiana Jones, I choose wisely.
In about ten minutes my order was delivered to our table.
As you can see, it was a bacon cheeseburger. Upon further inspection, I noticed the bacon was not cooked completely. It was still fatty and greasy. I could overlook that if the rest of the burger was alright. A quick glance to my left to survey the french fries, which were well cooked and standard tasting, but seriously, if you can count the fries on your plate, the portion is small.
To the burger itself. The bun was fresh, lightly buttered and toasted. The beef was well cooked, well done as I specified. It was juicy with good flavor and the cheese melted added that extra touch. It wasn’t a big burger, certainly no half pounder, perhaps a little larger than a quarter pound, but no more. Nothing special, nothing terrible, just a typical burger.
The cost of this feast was $15 dollars without tip. Let’s see, uncooked bacon for a topping, a scant amount of french fries, a less than average size burger, for $15 dollars. It should have been set at around $10 dollars, no more.
The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 2.25 out of 5 shots and only recommends Metro Grille Chicago for dinner for it’s convenience and proximity to my hotel. If you have a car, take the ride to plenty more options.