
Sexy Irish Ninjas

Irish Ninjas - Hotties In A Half shell
Irish Ninjas - Hotties In A Half shell
They're the world's most fearsome fighting team.
They're heroes in bikini's and they're green.
When the evil Wedgie attacks,
These Ninja girls don't cut him no slack!

Teenage Bikini Ninja Girls
Teenage Bikini Ninja Girls

Meet the Irish Ninja Force. (INF) A secret sect of the Irish government rarely talked about and almost never seen. Until now!
You Are Welcome!


Happy St. Patrick's Day!


An Irish Catholic Dog

Sean Muldoon lived alone in the Irish countryside with only a pet dog for company. One day his faithful dog died, and Muldoon went to the parish priest and asked Father Patrick, "Father, me dog is dead. Could you please be sayin a mass for the poor creature?"

Father Patrick was taken back and replied, "I'm afraid not Muldoon. We cannot be having services for an animal in the church. Dogs don't have souls. But there are some Baptists down the lane, and there's no tellin what they believe in. Maybe they'll do something for your dog."

Muldoon was dejected and hung his head down low and said, Well then, I best be gettin right over there Father. Do you be thinking $5,000 dollars is enough to donate to them for the service?"

Upon hearing this Father Patrick exclaimed, "Sweet Mary and Joseph Muldoon, Why didn't you be tellin me your dog was Catholic?"


Happy St. Patrick's Day!



Lost Update - Sympathy For The Devil

Lost Update - Season Six - 03/16/2010

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

MIB tells Kate that he made a promise to protect everyone, and that included Kate. He tells Kate to take his hand and he will show her where Sawyer is. He attempts a smile and calming affect but Kate sees through it and does not take MIB's hand. At that exact moment, MIB reminded me of Satan, attempting to win over the people he duped into believing he was good. So you see, my Lost theory is spot on.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Tonight's episode was all about Sawyer, or Ford, or Lafluer, take your pick. We get a glimpse into his mind, his psyche. Both on the island and during his sideways flash.

What do we know about Sawyer to this point? First, he gets plenty of women. But most importantly, he is driven by one single thought. Hatred towards one man, the man who gunned down his parents in cold blood. His mission in life, to exact revenge, to kill the man who murdered his parent and ruined his life.

Sawyer became a grifter, a con man, a cheap man, out for himself, not letting anyone get in his way. These attributes would serve him well on the Lost island. In his sideway flash, we find that Sawyer is still running his con game, but this time, as a cop. He tells Charlotte, who he meets and beds, that he had a choice of becoming a criminal or a cop. He chose to be a cop.

However, although his cons are on the right side of the law, he is still pursuing the man who murdered his parents. Splitting hairs perhaps, but it is a fine line between good and evil.

OK, VR theory time.
Sawyer is being manipulated. He has been thrust into several scenario's to observe what choice he makes and what is the ultimate outcome of said choice. In Sawyers case, it appears no matter what scenario he is in, he ends up alone, bitter, and filled with hatred. Think back on the previous five Lost seasons, Sawyers story, a loner, loses Kate, Juliet, his wife in the flash, Charlotte, etc. No matter what choice he makes, he ends up alone, bitter, and filled with hatred.

Perhaps this is what Jacob and MIB were referring to in the season five finale, when Jacob says, "It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it’s just progress." He is searching for the right scenario for Sawyer, the right variables, the right experiment, to allow him to be happy. We'll have to wait to the series finale to see if he ever achieves that.

One more thing I noticed tonight. The castaways are again split into groups. MIB's group, supposedly the evil group, and Ilana's group, supposedly the good group. Ilana's group is back where the season one started, at the shoreline by the wreckage. MIB's group is further inland. Remember when the castaways split into two groups, one wanting to stay on the shore, one wanting to venture more inland. It's all happening once again but this time, under a slightly different scenario.

Folks, face it, Lost is about virtual reality, and the castaways are being experimented and manipulated without their knowing. Data is being collected to help researchers in future experiments to better understand all the variables of life, and death.

"It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it’s just progress. "

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* We see Sawyers standard pigeon drop con but this time, the girl is well ahead of him. Thought I saw a nip on her too.

* Sawyer is a detective in side flash. The complete opposite of what he is on the island.

* Miles is Sawyers partner.

* MIB reveals to Sawyer that he is the smoke thing that killed all those people.

* Charlotte was looking pretty damn hot.

* Sawyer is back to the Hydra station, where he was tortured in the bear cages. Sees Kates dress.

* Claire attacks Kate, tries to kill her. Sayid does nothing about it.

* MIB stops Claire, slaps her, and explains to her about Kate.

* Sawyer goes on a mission for MIB, a recon to spy on the people with the plane.

* Sawyer finds the plane, it doesn't look suitable for flying, debris scattered all around. A path leading into the jungle.

* Finds a pile of dead rotting people.

* Runs down Zoe, who looks like Danielle, se says she is the last one left.

* Surprise. Zoe is not the nerdy helpless woman, but a cunning conniving bitch who sets Sawyer up. He knew it though.

* MIB tells Kate his mother was crazy. Yes, he had a mother, a long time ago, before he became MIB. Very interesting.

* He refers to Kate that Aaron is in danger because Claire is a crazy mother also.

* They have a sub! Widmore's sub.

* QUOTE: "People aren't really gone when they die!"

* Sawyer and Widmore strike a deal. Sawyer lives up to his mantra.

* Anthony Cooper.

* Kate literally runs into Sawyer. He runs her down.

* Jacob can be seen as a bystander in the street witnessing Kate and Sawyer.

* No, not really! just checking to see if you are still reading this or moved to the comments section already.

* A shout out to Travis from Las Vegas. I told you it was Virtual Reality.

Until next week, Get Lost!



Sexy Irish Cheerleaders

Sexy Irish Cheerleaders
Sexy Irish Cheerleaders
Pay close attention to this sexy Irish cheerleader. During one of the animation cycles she pulls out more than usual.
I dare you to look away!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Irish Celtic Cross Meaning

Celtic Cross Meaning
Celtic Cross Meaning
The Celtic Cross (Irish Cross) is an Irish symbol combining a standard Christian cross with a sun ring circling and connecting the cross limbs. Legend has it that St. Patrick in his effort to convert the Celtic Pagans to Christianity, added the sun circle to the cross to instill in the Pagans that Christianity was similar to their Druid beliefs. The sun and moon were important symbols to the Pagans as they believed they were magical and givers of life.

Some Irish Catholic priests state the Celtic Cross is a symbol of everlasting life through the crucifixion of Christ.

The Celtic Cross legend has it's origin at the same time as the ancient Egyptian pyramids dating back some 5000 years. However, the oldest standing Celtic Crosses can be traced back to the early 8th century.

Many Irish Catholic priests teach the Celtic Cross is a symbol of everlasting life through the crucifixion of Christ making it a desired choice as a tombstone with many Irish Christians.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!



Five Good Leads From Confession

Inside A Catholic Confessional
Who Is Nookie Green
As the custom is in Ireland, every Saturday morning, the entire congregation makes their way to confession to cleanse their souls to prepare for Sunday mass. The priest enters his side of the confessional and waits for the first sinner to enter. A moment later he hears the door open and a voice say...

"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl."
Father Flanagan, the Parrish priest recognized the voice as one of his altar boys and asked, "Tis that you little Sean O'Malley?" Sean sheepishly replied, "Yes, Father, it is."
Father Flanagan pressed, "And who was this loose girl you were with then?"
Sean stated, "I cannot tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation."

Father Flanagan whispered back, "Well, Sean, I am sure to find out her name soon enough so you may as well tell me now. Was it Mary Rooney?"
Sean replied, "I cannot say."
Father Flanagan pressed further, "Was it Elizabeth Casey?"
Sean spoke, "I'll never tell Father."
Father asked, "Was it Patty Mulligan?"
Sean replied, "I'm sorry, but I cannot name her."
Father continued to press, "Was it Kathy Mannagan?"
Sean softly spoke, "My lips are sealed Father."
Once more, Father Flanagan asked, "Was it Rebecca Muldoon then?"
Sean coyly said, "Please, Father, I cannot tell you."

Father Flanagan sighed in frustration. He said, "You are a very tight lipped lad, and I admire that. But you have sinned and now you have to atone. Starting today, you will be relieved of your altar boy duties for four months. Now go back to your pew and say ten Hail Marys and ten Our Fathers."

Sean slowly walks back to his pew and his friend Mike slides over and whispered, "What'd you get?" Sean whispered, "Four months vacation and five good leads."

Happy St. Patrick's Day!



Chicago River Dyed Green

Chicago River Dyed Green For St. Patricks Day
Chicago River Dyed Green For St. Patricks Day
Every year since 1961, for the St. Patrick's Day parade, the city dyes the Chicago river green. Today the river turned green at approximately 10:45am. Members of the Journeymen Plumbers Union add a highly secretive blend of special dye and with a wee bit of assistance by a band of Leprechauns, dyes the river for the day.

But what's in this so-called highly secretive blend of dye? For starters, the dye is orange, one of three colors of Ireland's flag. As the dye is poured into the river, it magically transforms into the bright Irish green. The rest will have to be left to the imagination. City officials have stated that the dye is non toxic and environmentally safe to the fish and ecosystem but still guard the actual ingredients close to their vest.

See the boat in the river. Take a close look at the back of the boat. Yeah, that's the Grassy Knoll Institute LOTGK logo. Yeah, we're everywhere!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!



Guinness Brewery Gets New CEO

The Guinness Beer company, Ireland's famous brewing facility, named a new tough as nails C.E.O. to steer the company out of it's economic down turn. The New CEO, Robert Flanagan, was determined to tighten the belt of the corporation and rid the company of all the slackers not pulling their weight.

On his first day on the job touring the facility, he noticed a lad leaning lazily on the wall. He looked around and saw the room was full of employees and he thought to himself that this was a perfect opportunity to show everyone that he meant business.

The CEO walked up to the lad leaning on the wall and sternly asked, "And how much money do you make in a weeks time sir?" The young lad looked up nonchalantly and replied, "I make $200.00 a week. Why?" The CEO reached into his pocket and took out a wad of money and counted out $200.00 so everyone could see. He then turned to the lad and screamed, "Here's a weeks pay then, now GET OUT and don't come back!"

Feeling pretty good about firing his first employee for slacking on the job, he looked around the room and asked, "Can anyone tell me what that slacker did here?"

Out from the back of the room, one of the young workers muttered. "He's the pizza delivery guy!"

Happy St. Patrick's Day!