Showing posts with label twilight zone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twilight zone. Show all posts


Lost Update - Season Five Finale - Turn Turn Turn

Lost Update - Season V Finale - 05/13/2009

To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose, under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together

A time of love, a time of hate
A time of war, a time of peace
A time you may embrace, a time to refrain from embracing

A time to gain, a time to lose
A time to rend, a time to sew
A time to love, a time to hate
A time for peace, I swear its not too late

With so many story line twists and turns ABC's Lost has had in it's five year run so far, tonight's choice for title and song lyrics was simple. And critical! The rock and roll band The Byrds made the song popular going all the way to #1 in 1965 but that isn't the reason the Grassy Knoll Institute chose this most important title for the season finale.

The lyrics were taken from the King James Bible, the book of Ecclesiastes, 3:1. King Solomon is strongly suggested as the author of the lyrics. Each line of the song depicts an event and core arc of the past five years of Lost and with only one season left, the last line offers some hope that Lost has not lost itself.

With such a strong biblical tie in for Lost over the past seasons, we the faithful viewers have endured the dreaded writers strike, DUI's forcing the termination of key characters, Richard Alpert's eyeliner, (RA) Sawyer and his lost shirt, Kate whoring around, Ben always lying, Locke in search for Jacob, Hurley in search for a sandwich, Jack flip flopping more often than IHOP, and the tantalizing Juliet Burke, and her amazing rack.

Just one more time for this season, I will explain how this all fits into my Grassy Knoll Institute's Lost theory, including Juliet's rack.
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

In tonight's lost season five finale, we get a good look at Jacob, and we get a good look at the front of the statue, and we get a hell of a look at Juliet's rack. (Am I obsessing? I can never tell!)

Let me begin with the conversation Jacob and the unknown man were having on the beach as they watched the Black Rock ship come ashore.
Unknown Man: You're still trying to prove me wrong.
Jacob: You are wrong!
Unknown Man: They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. It always ends the same.
Jacob: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it's just progress.

Tonight's episode, nay, the entire Lost series, has been about choice. And the test of courage, strength, love, hate, pain, and faith, that help cultivate that choice.

For five years, I have stated that the castaways have been in a state of virtual reality being studied and experimented on. I continue that belief with a stronger conviction than ever. The above conversation depicts exactly what happened to the Oceanic Flight 815 castaways. "They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt." The same can be said for the Dharma Institute crew. And the French expedition. And the Black Rock ship. And the "Others!"

They were all given a scenario and allowed to play out said scenario to it's logical conclusion. As with any experiment, it must be conducted time and time again to prove the results. A control group and control scenario is implemented to achieve the best case pristine data. Hence, the island and two groups, the perceived good versus evil groups. Each group is then given a choice, and then tested on that choice. Notice during the previous five seasons characters changed, some becoming evil, some good, some becoming leaders, and some relinquishing the leader position.

This is what the unknown man was conveying to Jacob in the opening segment. The experiment always concludes the same way. Hence, the experiment is over. No need to continue. But for Jacob, he wanted more data. For what reasons. At this juncture, quite unknown.

What we do know are several constants. One, Ben always lies. It's what he does. Two, Richard is more than an eyeliner ageless man. Three, you knew it was coming, Juliet has a hell of a rack. Four, Kate's pants are becoming tighter as each season progresses. (Not that that is a bad thing mind you) Five, for a thug, Sawyer always gets his ass kicked. Tonight by a surgeon no less. Six, I thought I would have ten, but we'll keep it at five.

To bolster my virtual reality theory, let's analyze Jacob and his interactions with the castaways.

Jacob meets Kate as a young girl as she is stealing a lunch box. This is when Kate's path turned for the bad. Jacob even asks Kate if she is ever going to steal again.

Jacob meets Sawyer as a young man. At his parents funeral, while he was writing his hate and revenge note that would shape his life. Jacob offers his pen to help Sawyer complete his note.

Jacob meets Sayid at the exact moment Nadia gets run over and murdered turning Sayid into a hateful and vengeful man. He tells Sayid he thinks he's Lost!

Jacob meets Ilana. While at the hospital, where she has apparently went through a horrific accident. Jacob asks if he can count on her. She nods yes.

Jacob meets Locke just after he was pushed by his father out the window left to die.

Jacob meets Jin and Sun at their wedding offering them a toast in perfect Korean. A marraige that set in motion Jin's job as a brute roughing people up for money and Sun's adulterous life.

Jacob meets Jack, right after Jack's first surgery, where he got dressed down by his father in the OR. This was the start of his hatred for his father. Jacob said all he needed was a little push.

Jacob meets Hugo at the mental hospital. Tells Hugo he has a choice, to either get on the plane, or not to.

All of these interactions with Jacob were scientists interviewing possible candidates for their experiment. A test group of varying cultures, beliefs, age, sex, (Yes please!) health, and back ground. I'm sure as season six unfolds, we will learn that Jacob has met all the castaways at some point in their lives.

Before I get back to my theory, allow me to present some
Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* What's in the crate? Sort of like What's in the hatch in season two.

* Locke was in the crate. And dead. Not just mostly dead, but completely dead.

* Rose and Bernard surface. They have been living in peace and harmony for the past three years by themselves. Perhaps they are the one anomaly of the experiment and perhaps why Jacob wants to continue his research. Perhaps there is hope for humanity after all.

* The ash around Jacob's hut was broken.

* About the hut, did you see the tree to the right of the hut? It reminded me of the tree of life that was spoken about in the Bible.

* Richard Alpert. (RA) Or Ra, the Egyptian god.

* Ben asks, what about me?

* We die together, not alone.

* Notice the statue. In my April 30th update, Eclipse, I stated: Food for thought for the upcoming season five finale.

Ben, Jacob, Richard, Widmore, Faraday, and Locke. Can one or all of these men be the famed Egyptian god Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis? Legend has it that Horus was conceived magically after the death of his father (Osiris) and Isis (His mother) hid him away on an island to protect him from Set. He was worshipped as a child and was adamant to gain his mother’s protection for the worshipper.

I am throwing this out there for the finale will reveal the front of the statue, the four toed statue that was shown briefly in several episodes so far. The statue is Taweret, the Egyptian goddess of motherhood and protector.

The Season five finale will be the beginning of the end for the time travel arc and will push season six in a new direction. A virtual reality direction. It’s my time now.

* I checked Jacob and the unknown man wearing the sandals, to see if he had four or five toes, he had five.

* And finally, the very end, when the Lost logo appeared. Notice that it was reversed, dark letters against a white back ground instead of the standard white letters against the dark back ground. Perhaps signaling that once was good, is now bad, once was right, is now wrong.

I'll leave you with one more argument about my theory. For this, we must have a flash back of our very own. Come with me on this journey. I will return you safely, I promise.

Look at the scenario the writers painted. Time travel, not just once, and not just people, but the entire island, and not just that, but some went back in time, some went to the future, and some interacted with themselves. How does one explain that in one theory?

So we have that. We also have the people that have died on the show that come back to life. And interact with the people that are alive. John Locke is a prime example. Ben killed him. Now he is back. How does one explain that in a theory?

Wait, there's more. The island also heals people. But not everyone. The island heals only the people it wants to heal. Like Locke, who was crippled but can now walk. And Rose. And Charlie. But not Ben. How does one explain that in a theory?

Not to mention a mysterious invisible man named Jacob that lives in a cabin and runs the entire island. How does one explain that in a theory?

Richard Alpert. A man that doesn't age. (And wears to much eyeliner) How does one explain that in a theory?

The smoke monster. Enough said there. A freaking smoke monster loose on the island that attacks people at will. How does one explain that in a theory?

There are only two ways to explain all these strange occurrences happening on the island. Either it's a remake of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone, or the castaways are in a virtual reality simulation being experimented on.

I now return control of your computer screen to you. But wait,...

Attention Lost Fans! Just because the season finale has aired doesn't mean the updates will stop coming. All summer long I will be spotlighting the entire cast of characters and how they fit into the canon of Lost lore.

Next Week's update will spot light five castaways.

Until next week, Get Lost!



Lost Update - I Wanna Be Sedated

Lost Update - Season V - 03/25/2009

Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be sedated
Nothin' to do no where to go-o-oh, I wanna be sedated
Just get me to the airport put me on a plane
Hurry hurry hurry before I go insane
I can't control my fingers I can't control my brain
Oh no no no no no

A ten year old Ben Linus brought me a chicken salad sandwich, how do you think I am?

Let us begin with the ending of tonight's episode. Young Ben helps Sayid escape. Sayid shoots young Ben in cold blood. Sayid breaks the cycle from repeating. Or does he? According to my Lost theory, Sayid is dead wrong. I'll say it again for affect. Dead wrong!

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory...
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

I'll get back to Sayid in a minute or two but first an observation. Tonight we see the pendulum swing the other way. Sawyer has become the Alpha male while Jack is just one of the pack.  Sawyer has set up house with Juliet, Jacks flame, and she has fallen in line.  Sawyer is head of security, a very powerful position at Dharma, what with hostiles at the fence perimeter just waiting to attack. Or drive flaming vans into houses. The Dharma gang listens to Sawyer, waits for his wisdom, exactly what he always wanted.

And what of Jack. What has he become. Thats right, a flip flop. Jack is now regulated to "Workman" status, merely a grunt in the Dharma scheme of things. Even his jumpsuit bears it out. Jack has no decision power, no one to lead, no one who will listen. Jack is Sawyer, and Sawyer is now Jaack.

Of course this is predictable with my virtual reality theory. (Focus here readers.) Standard psychological test for behavioral scientists. Study the pack, determine the Alpha, the structure of command. But for the castaways, once they get accustomed to one role, the parameters are altered, reset if you will, and roles are changed. Jack is now on the outside looking in. He will pull a Sawyer in upcoming episodes.

Which leads us back to Sayid. As a child, a natural born killer, snapping the neck of the chicken at his family's pen. Easing into the military in the Republican army. Killing all those people for Ben. Finally, killing the younger version of Ben in hopes of breaking the cycle. But we know that won't happen don't we? If you read my update from a couple of weeks ago, you would already know that.

In my March 11th Lost update, No Time Like The Past, Driscol attempts to make the future better by altering the past but everything he tries, fails. Same with Sayid. Killing Ben in 1977 will not alter what happens in 2004, or any time line. Why? Because in 2004, Ben Linus is alive and controls the others. We see this. Hence, Sayid killing Ben in the past does not change the future.

Time travel theory is beginning to unravel. The problem with the theory is a time paradox. Sayid kills Ben in 1977 before Ben kills the Dharma group. But we see it happen, so Sayid failed. It's the grandfather paradox time travel can't overcome. If you went back in time and murdered your grandfather before he sired your father, then how could you be born? And if you did succeed, then how could you travel back in time if you were never born.

However, with virtual reality, what is happening on the island is easily explainable. It is simply a mass experiment to study the herd, (The human species) and how they adapt, choices made in times of danger and adversity, and leisure. Sawyer really didn't want to give up his cozy little gig he had going as chief of security now did he?

BTW, what a bonus that my Twilight Zone update a couple weeks ago nails tonight's episode. Sayis was playing Driscol. Instead of going back in time and killing Hitler, Sayid kills Ben Linus. But that won't change anything.

Tidbits from tonight's episode:

*Sayid: Then I guess I'm on my own.

* Ben to Sayid: It's in your nature. It's what you do.

* Kazinsky or whatever his name is to horace: Let's take a vote or do I have to call Ann Arbor?

* Ever notice that all the Dharma vehicles are blue? Just saying. A constant perhaps.

Until next week. Get LOST!


To Serve Man

To Serve Man
To Serve Man
Grassy Knoll Institute Ion News Reporting:
The world is rejoicing today as war against the giant aliens appear to be over. Left on the doorsteps of the United Nations building was a giant book with the inscription "To Serve Man" emblazoned on it.

The Giant Aliens sent a message that this book was their equivalent of the holy books of the religious faiths on Earth. A team of language experts are pouring over it in an attempt to decipher its contents now. One particular passage, Kanamits 812 is repeated throughout the book. If this is the cipher, then the rest of the book and all it's wisdom can be unlocked.

Strangely, this sounds all to familiar to the scientists at the Grassy Knoll Institute.



Lost In The Twilight Zone - No Time Like The Past

Special Lost Update - Season V - 03/11/2009

Submitted For Your Approval: As promised, tonight is a special Lost update, our destination, The Twilight Zone. We will visit the past, the present, and perhaps the future. I will use Twilight Zone episode #112 from season IV, 1963, titled, No Time Like The Past as the template for tonight's journey. As always with my Lost/Twilight Zone updates, the format remains the same. I will offer the original Serling opening monologue, my personal synopsis of the episode, then Serling's original epilogue of the episode, and finally, what it all means to ABC Lost. Let's begin shall we...

As like all Twilight Zone episodes, Rod Serling offered an opening monologue that went something like this...

Opening Monologue:
Exit one Paul Driscoll, a creature of the 20th century. He puts to a test a complicated theorem of space-time continuum, but he goes a step further, or tries to. Shortly, he will seek out three moments of the past in a desperate attempt to alter the present - one of the odd and fanciful functions in a shadowland known as the Twilight Zone.

Story Synopsis:
Paul Driscol has access to a time machine. He intends to use the machine to go back in time and alter the course of history for the betterment of Mankind. His first attempt goes bad as he tries to convince the Japanese military that a bomb will explode in Hiroshima. In his second attempt he goes back before the start of World War II and attempts to assassinate Adolf Hitler but fails. His third attempt is to prevent the RMS Lusitania from being torpedoed but again fails.

Depressed for failing so many times, Driscol comes to the conclusion that the past cannot be changed no matter how hard one tries to do so. He then decides to travel back to a more peaceful time and settles on the year 1881, and intends to live his life out.

Arriving in the past, Driscol realizes that the president, James Garfeild, will be assassinated the next day. He doesn't interfere and Garfield is shot. Later on, he attempts to prevent a schoolhouse from burning down that he read about. Instead of preventing the fire, he inadvertently causes the fire and schoolhouse to burn down.

Realizing that he cannot live in the past knowing what the future brings, he returns to his present time learning a hard lesson to not tamper or attempt to change the course of history.

Incident on a July afternoon, 1881. A man named Driscoll who came and went and, in the process, learned a simple lesson, perhaps best said by a poet named Lathbury, who wrote, 'Children of yesterday, heirs of tomorrow, what are you wearing? Labor and sorrow? Look to your looms again, faster and faster fly the great shuttles prepared by the master. Life's in the loom, room for it--room!'
Tonight's tale of clocks and calendars. In the Twilight Zone.

WOW! Take a minute and let what you just read sink in. Don't worry, you have plenty of time as ABC is airing a repeat of Lost tonight. (BTW, ABC said they would air 16 straight episodes with no breaks, seems they lied, just like Ben Linus) The question for tonight, what is the premise of season five for ABC Lost and where is the series headed? That's right boys and girls, (And the several alien species that read my updates) it's all about time travel and attempting to change past events.

We can easily compare Daniel Faraday or Ben Linus to Paul Driscol. Faraday seems to have the intellect and knowledge to understand and manipulate the complicated space-time theorem. You see him conducting several experiments on the island with the rockets. He also knows about the past, and the future. He has been there before. As for Ben, he may not possess the intellect, but he controls the time machine, and thus, controls destiny. We know that both Faraday and Linus have visited the past before. The results are not yet determined, but seeing that the island is in a hell of a mess, and Faraday and Linus are still traveling back in time, the results are not acceptable. The same fate was had for Driscol in Twilight Zone.

Moving on to Driscol picking a quiet time in the past to settle down and live the rest of his life out, we know that didn't work out to well for him. He inadvertently caused the school house fire he was trying to prevent. Sawyer and Juliet are 30 years in the past, 1974, and after confronting Horace, they become integral parts of the Dharma Initiative, and becomes a powerful man. We know by using this Twilight Zone episode as a template that Sawyer and Juliet will not end up well in their current time frame.

As a side note, Desmond saw the future, and saw Charlie dying. No matter what Desmond did to prevent Charlie from dying, fate or destiny took it's course and Charlie did die.

Perhaps Ben Linus, trapped in a continuous loop of desperation and insanity, is unprepared for tonight's lesson, taught only in the Twilight Zone.



Lost Update - Fly Like An Eagle

lost Update - Season V - 01/28/2009

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin,
Into the future.
Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin,
Into the future.

I want to fly like an eagle to the sea.
Fly like an eagle, Let my spirit carry me.
I want to fly like an eagle till I'm free.
Oh, lord, through the revolution.

In the 1950's the United States military tested hydrogen bombs on deserted islands to measure radiation fallout, destruction, and half life of radiation. In 1969, a new TV drama series titled The New People debuted. It was written by Rod Serling, creator of the Twilight zone.

The premise of The New People series was…. A group of young American college students plane crash lands on a deserted island. The students are a diverse bunch, from every walk of life and every field of study. The New People find out that the island they are on is called Bomano island and is targeted as a nuclear bomb test island. The New People decide to form their own government in hopes of righting what was wrong in the real world. The unknown question was whether the United States would ever continue its tests and detonate a nuclear bomb on the island.

What the hell does this have to do with tonight's Lost episode? For the answer, we have to go back to the past. How befitting. In My Lost update from June of 2006 titled If I Could Turn Back Time, this storyline is discussed in greater detail. And now tonight, on Lost, it's happening all over again.

The year is 1954. Location, a mysterious island. The players, a group of diverse people on the island, the U.S. military, and a hydrogen bomb. Richard Alpert, leader of the "Others" reveals the hydrogen bomb testing alluding to the Rod Serling tie in. That was a major tie in and to me, a major clue of what is really happening on Lost and how my theory relates to tonight's episode.

Just what is my theory….. It lies somewhere in the fifth dimension.
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Tonight's episode continues with the time shifting arc as the island phased in and out of time. Penny is pregnant and giving birth. A moment later their child (Charlie) is 4 years old. On the island, the castaways are also time shifting and Locke is determined to put an end to it. He replies to Sawyer, if you've just been what I went through, you would ask when the hell have I been.

We also learn a little more about Chuck Widmore. He was one of the original others under Richard Alpert. He snapped the neck of his comrade when they were captured when he was going to reveal the location of their camp.

OK, I know, where the hell is the virtual reality theory tie in? Tonight, we're going to look at Charles Widmore. In the 1950's, he was a soldier under the command of Richard. Charles was a lowly grunt and in the future, he is a very powerful and wealthy man. Everything that he wasn't on the island.

Widmore's virtual reality experiment was a simple one. Gave a man of common means unlimited wealth and power and study the changes in personality. Charles now has two paths to choose from. The classic good and evil path. It would appear that Widmore chose the evil path and built an empire with influence over governments and feared by many. Unlike when he was on the island. Case in point: Richard gives Widmore a command and when he doesn't oby immeditaely, Richard smacks the gun away from Widmore and scolds him in front of the group.

For the Oceanic six that escaped the island and now have to return. At first, it appeared that they were getting everything they wanted. Jack and Kate together, Sun becoming a powerful woman, Hurley safe and comfortable, and Sayid hooking up with the love of his life that he was searching for 7 years.

Returning to the island is sort of like resetting a video game. Getting a new life. All the wounds being healed. New supplies. New personalities. Another chance. For the returning six, they will be reset and absorbed back into the virtual reality connection with new parameters for them.

And one more thing before we get to the tidbits. John Locke, literally a broken man off the island, has ascended to his ultimate dream. He is the leader of his people. And that's all he ever wanted. Respect!

Tidbits from tonight's episode:
*The others were taught Latin to communicate in private. Latin is a dead language.

*Daniel Faraday's research was funded by Charles Widmore.

*The hydrogen bomb's name was Jughead, the title of tonight's episode.

*Richard is really old. He's always been on the island.

*The U.S. military have been involved with the Lost island since at least 1954.

Until next week, Get Lost!



Lost Update - Two Tickets To Paraidse

lost Update - Season V - 01/18/2009

Got a surprise especially for you,
Something that both of us have always wanted to do.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
We've waited so long, waited so long.

I'm gonna take you on a trip so far from here,
I've got two tickets in my pocket, now baby, we're gonna disappear.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
We've waited so long, waited so long.

We have all waited a long time for season 5 of ABC Lost, the ABC TV Sci-Fi series. On Wednesday, the wait will be over when we'll find out if Ben really has a time machine, or if John Locke is dead, or if the Oceanic Six gets back to the island. And more importantly, how my Lost theory ties into season five and beyond.

Just what is my theory….. I’ll tell you in a Lost island minute.
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is behind all this other than the mysterious government men? Aliens of course.

From the pilot episode of season one, I formulated two theories on what was happening on Lost. One is the virtual reality theory. The second is The Rod Serling Effect. This theory concentrates primarily on the Twilight Zone, a Sci-Fi TV series created by Rod Serling that aired 1959-1963 and other assorted works he wrote, produced, and directed. You can read this theory ark here.

I also want to take this time to explain another Grassy Knoll Institute anomaly that many readers have asked me about. Why my Lost update titles do not match with the official titles of the series. There are several reasons for that.

One reason is the tie in of the song and lyrics to that specific episode and how it relates to my theory. For example, tonight's title, Two Tickets To Paradise. Of course, Lost is filmed in Hawaii, or paradise, but more than that, many Lost inhabitants believe the island is paradise. Also, the third line, "We waited so long," as in the last new episode aired in May of 2008. That is a long time. Add in the theme that there's a plane ride, to some place far away and that they are going to disappear, and you have the elements of the series and tonight's update.

Below is the Season IV LOST DVD insert, the Oceanic "For Your Safety" guide. Check it out, it is pretty entertaining and be sure to check for the clues embedded.

Until Wednesday, Get Lost!



Lost Update - Damn Dirty Ape

Lost Update Season IV 03/27/2008

There has been a lot of speculation about the “Foot” seen on the Lost island. The foot was shown only once and only for a precious few seconds. The Grassy Knoll Institute has been asked to explain the foot and what we believe it’s significance is to the Lost series. Our simple short answer is… Everything.

The photo above is of the famous Lost Foot. Take a good look at it. Not just the base featuring the four toed foot wearing a sandal, but the entire statue. Notice that it is broken and only partially intact. (This is important) One wonders what the entire statue looked like before it crumbled. What was attached to the foot? What was surrounding the statue? Perhaps the next photo below will shed some light on what the foot represents.

For those of you who do not recognize the photo, it is from the final scene of the classic 1968 movie, Planet Of The Apes.
(Dramatic Pause!)

Yes folks, the foot is none other than that of the "Lawgiver," the Christ figure of Ape World in the movie. Notice that the foot is broken and the pedestal is crumbled. Now notice the broken Statue Of Liberty. Both the Lawgiver and Statue Of Liberty are cultural icons, easily recognizable, and placed in prominent places.

Still not convinced?! Need more proof? No problem. Take a look at the picture below of the Lawgiver, an actual prop used on the set of Planet Of The Apes. Notice the Lawgiver has four toes and wearing sandals just like the foot on Lost. Both the foot and Lawgiver are the same color and texture.

There's still more! I told you this was a special Lost Update.

The screenplay of Planet Of The Apes was written by none other than Sci-Fi guru Rod Serling, the creator of the Twilight Zone, (A Sci-Fi supernatural television show from the 1960's depicting ordinary people thrust into bizarre and unexplainable situations with plenty of twists of fates and moral consequences.)

From reading the Grassy Knoll Institute Lost Updates, we all know that the program is similar to the old sci-fi series Twilight Zone and that the characters are from Twilight Zone episodes. This link will act as a refresher course to the TZ links. Lost In The Twilight Zone

Lets delve a little deeper into the Planet of The Apes and Lost to compare the story outlines of each.

On Lost, we all know the story begins with a plane crash. Same as with Planet Of The Apes. The spaceship crashed in the water and Taylor and the rest of the survivors swam to shore.

On Lost, they crashed on a strange mysterious island and we were immediately introduced to an invisible monster and miraculous healing properties. Planet Of The Apes also crashed on a strange mysterious planet and introduced the audience to talking apes who were the dominant species on this distant planet.

We learn on Lost that time is somehow distorted and perhaps is taking place in the past or the future. On Planet of The Apes, we learn that 2500 years have passed for the marooned astronauts.

Ben and the others village on Lost are the counterparts to the apes and Ape City on Planet Of The Apes.

The final scene has not yet been aired for Lost, (We have two more years for that) but by looking at Planet of The Apes, we can hazard a guess.

The ending of Planet of the Apes showed Taylor riding off with Nova, the female human mate he had chosen along the shoreline to find his destiny. He is warned by Dr. Zaius, the leader of Ape City, that he wouldn't like what he finds ahead. (Ben also warned the castaways that leaving is bad)

A few minutes more of following the shoreline and Taylor comes to the shocking realization that he is not on a distant planet, but at home, planet Earth, and that the world has destroyed itself and now apes rule in their place.

An old broken and half buried Statue Of Liberty drives home that realization as Taylor cries on the shore, "You finally did it, Damn you all to hell!"

There you go Lost fans. The meaning of the Foot.

Until next week, GET LOST!



Return To The Mall

A trip to the Mall. Every teenagers dream huh. The problem? I'm 48 years old. Yet, on a Friday evening I had to make my way to the mall.Yes, I had a plan. Stop and get a quick haircut, then return a pillow that was a gift, get a present for my sister-in-law, (Thinking back now, maybe the pillow would have been the perfect re-gift) and of course get dinner on the run.

The three Pats, (Me, Patrick, my wife Patty, and my son Patrick, hence the three Pats) piled into the Jeep Liberty and began our journey.

The haircut went perfect as Patty went to look for a present for her sister. The boy, young Patrick, not wanting to be there, hung out with me keeping a grip on the pillow for return.

Patrick and I quickly made our way to Penny's, up the escalator and right over to customer service. We were the only ones in line as two customers were being waited on already. A third woman, not helping anyone looked at me and then asked if she could help me. I said that I would like to return a pillow I received as a gift. The saleswoman stopped me right there and said that she couldn't help me but thought that I wanted only to ask her a question. I looked at the boy, then made eye contact with the large pillow in the large box in a large return bag, then back at the saleswoman, and told her that yes, I wanted to return a pillow, and did not want to ask her questions. Even with my new haircut. She said to be patient and wait in line. I thought I was....

Several minutes later it was my turn. At least I hoped it was. Another saleswoman looked at me briefly, waved her fingers at me in a come hither fashion, (Yea baby, my new haircut was turning these ladies on) looked down at her computer and I slowly approached the counter. The Seinfeld episode about the soup nazi came to mind, (No soup for you, NEXT!) and I put the pillow on the counter. I said I would like to return the pillow and have it taken off my Penny's charge. The saleswoman grabbed the bag, opened the box the pillow was in and inspected the contents going as far as squeezing the pillow.

I put my Penny's charge card on the counter and gave the saleswoman my receipt. She grabbed it. I looked at my son and he was smiling a little. I then asked if she needed my credit card and she said "Yea." Thats all, YEA! Not yes, not yes sir, just plain yea. This woman had not made eye contact with me yet. She grabbed my Penny's card and it flew right out of her hand. I and my son chuckled a bit as she tried to retrieve the card.

A minute later, the transaction was complete, I signed my sales slip, and tucked my credit card into my wallet. As I was still standing at the counter, the ink not yet dried on my signature, the saleswoman called out "Next." I looked behind me and there was no one else in line. Who was she talking to? She didn't even say thank you, or have a nice evening.

Well, that went smooth. At this point I was hungry. I met Patty at the food court, our designated meeting point, and we decided on a pizza. Patty was ordering for us and I asked the sales girl what kind of pizza it was as I thought I heard her say a "Sheet" pizza. The sales girl, who couldn't have been more than 18, smiled and said it was a round pizza. I said I thought I heard "Sheet" and didn't want a square pizza, but a round one. Patty stopped the conversation and told me to go sit down, she would take care of the pizza. The sales girl smiled at me and chuckled a bit. I said that I'll be over there sitting down with the boy.

Of course, they forgot our order and we had to wait more than 20 minutes for our pizza.

On our way out of the mall, I was fully expecting to see Rod Serling, creator of the TV Sci-Fi series, Twilight Zone, to be opening the doors for us uttering the words, "Going my way?"