Showing posts with label horror movies cliches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horror movies cliches. Show all posts


Never Pull Over In A Horror Movie

Never Pull Over Or Out In A Halloween Horror Movie
Never Pull Over Or Out In A Halloween Horror Movie
So here is the scene. You have viewed this many times. You are driving down a deserted dirt road when out of nowhere a gorgeous half naked woman on the side of the road flags you down.

Take a good look around. You think, what could possibly go wrong if you stop to assist the damsel in distress? Here are the possibilities.

#1 After you help her, she will thank you by inviting you over for dinner. Her house is just down yonder down the road. Several hours later, you will be the main course.

#2 As soon as you get out of your vehicle, she will produce a shotgun from out of nowhere and demand you get on the ground. Seconds later the car coming the opposite direction will arrive with her three quite large cannibal brothers spilling out of the car. And they all look mighty hungry.

#3 You assist the damsel in distress, she strips down nude, makes wild passionate love to you, and then she hears the voice in her head telling her to jam the hunting knife she has hidden in her nap sack into your back. And she always listens to the voices.

Halloween Safety Tip #2:
If there is just one thing you have learned from watching countless hours of horror movies, it is to never stop to help the half naked gorgeous woman. Never. Ever.

Happy Halloween