Showing posts with label INNER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INNER. Show all posts


Today We Celebrate Our Independence

As the twilight of Independence Day rapidly approaches, it is our solemn duty and privilege to pay homage to all men and women who have given their lives paying the ultimate sacrifice defending our country and our freedom.

Tonight as we celebrate the Fourth of July remember the words so elegantly penned by Francis Scott Key during the defense of Fort Henry September 20th, 1814 .

“And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”

Before you begin to illuminate the skies this evening by launching volley after volley of pyrotechnic patriotism, pause a moment and reflect on the sacrifices incurred by our forefathers 228 years ago. Gaze upon the heavens in wonder as fireworks brilliantly and brashly shout out loud and clear that we the people stand united as a nation declaring in unison that America is the best damn nation the world has known.

Hug you wife, husband, son, and daughter. Yell out a hearty hello to your neighbors that have come forth from their homes this evening to watch the fireworks shows and to celebrate as an entire nation.

“O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave.”

God Bless America .



Thirty Years Ago Today

Click Photo For Larger Image
School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces

Yes, tis me, (Center) the curator of the Grassy Knoll Institute, circa June 4th, 1978, high school graduation. I know you can dig the round over sized hippie shaded glasses. And I even got my hair cut for graduation day. Yes, I had long hair in high school. Alas, it was also that same year my hair started to turn gray.

To my right is one of my good friends Jim, (in the mustache) who moved to Kokomo, Indiana shortly after this day. By chance, we connected via the Internet, and it was good talking to one of my old friends that I haven't seen or spoken to for almost 30 years.

I'll leave you with an Alice Cooper tune that I blared on the last day of school over and over and over again on my 8-Track tape player in my car. Good times, good times.

Well we got no choice,
All the girls and boys,
Makin' all that noise,
Cause they found new toys.

Well we can't salute ya,
Can't find a flag,
If that don't suit ya,
That's a drag.

School's out for summer,
School's out forever,
School's been blown to pieces.

No more pencils,
No more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

Well we got no class
And we got no principals
And we got no innocence
We can't even think of a word that rhymes

School's out for summer
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces
No more pencils
nNo more books
No more teacher's dirty looks

Out for summer
Out till fall
We might not come back at all
School's out forever
School's out for summer
School's out with fever
School's out completely



The Post After 999

(Would You Mind Telling Me who's Brain I Did Put In)

According to the Blogspot dashboard, (Which everyone loves so much) I noticed I have 999 posts here at the Grassy Knoll Institute. When I press the publish button, this post will be #1000. Yea baby yea!

I have not really thought about what I should post about for this milestone high water mark entry. Perhaps I should plead for world peace. For lower oil prices. For Simon Cowell of American Idol fame to wear a goddamn bra. Throwing the tea back into the harbor. For politicians that do not lie. Dealing with an honest used car salesman. (One in the same perhaps) Finding empirical proof that aliens really do exist. And God for that matter, (That's for you Cyn) or how many licks it does take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.

My son, Lead Scientist of the Grassy Knoll Institute suggested I post about the times I almost burned down our secret headquarters, or electrocuted myself, not once, but thrice while doing some wiring work, or blowing up the bee hive buried in the ground in our back yard, or my balancing act on the ladder, (Or lack of balance) or what it really took to be a member of the Daredevils club, or my real theory pertaining to ABC's Lost.

My wife Patty, the bank, brains, and beauty behind the blog, suggested dinner at her favorite restaurant without me taking my damn camera and photographing the meal I order.

Instead, I think I will simply say thank you to everyone that reads my quirky little blog. And to everyone who comments. And to those that have me linked and blogrolled on their own respective blogs and websites. And to General George S. Patton, for his genius in warfare and being a ruthless but fair bastard.

And for the others, I guess there is no pleasing you then.



I Am Thunder Hear Me Roar

Thunder Cat 
Thunder was the runt of the litter and was abandoned by the mother just several days into it’s young life. We decided to have pity on the kitten and took it home. It did not have any hair yet, was only several inches long, and by the looks of it, wouldn’t last the night. But it did, and we took it to the vet that day. More bad news. The vet said that the kitten would probably not survive being abandoned so early and that we should leave the kitten with him and he would put it out of it’s misery. We didn’t like that option, so we asked him what we could do to help this kitten survive.
At this, the vet seemed to open up a little and gave us half a dozen non-needle syringes and some mothers pet milk plus a slimy food supplement that came in a toothpaste type container.
The vet told us to feed the kitten 6 times per day using the syringe and force the milk slowly into the kittens mouth. He told us to keep the kitten warm and for us to call him in a week if the kitten survived that long.
We took the cat home and introduced her to our other cat, Storm, a big male cat who up to this time, had the run of the house. One look at the little rat we were carrying and Storm wanted a piece of it right away. We would have to keep them separated. We named the kitten Thunder. Now we had two cats, Thunder and Storm. Get it?…
Well, we got an old blanket and a box and fixed Thunder a little bed. We took turns getting up in the middle of the night to feed Thunder and change the blanket when necessary. At first, the kitten would barely take any milk, fighting us all the way. Several days later however, the kitten started to come around and took to the pet milk. It even began to grow fur and actually meowed for the first time.
A week later, the vet was astounded when he saw the kitten and told us to continue what we were doing but to start adding the food supplement he gave us.
A month later, Thunder had all her hair, was eating from the food dish, along with still receiving the pet milk and the food supplement and after several tense days of introductions to our male cat Storm, they now both rule the house.
Thunder is now full grown, 5 years old, and weighs a whopping 5 pounds, one ounce. After all, it was the runt of the litter but more than likely got the last meow in life with it’s siblings.