
House Series Fianle Spoiler - Everyone Lies - And Dies

Gregory House Dies
Welcome you lucky bastards to those who regularly read my blog or have somehow stumbled upon this page by pure chance. It is your lucky day. For I am revealing three weeks in advance the ending of the FOX network series, House. As I have done so accurately previously with ABC Lost, NBC Persons Unknown, and NBC The Event, I offer this finale outline script detailing the end game of this popular series. Be warned, spoilers are ahead at the very first paragraph in this post. For those dying to know, read on and enjoy.
House series finale episode titled, Everyone Dies.
The episode opens with House attending a funeral. Doctor Wilson’s funeral. The radical procedure Wilson went through with House’s assistance to shrink the tumor failed. In fact, it accelerated the process and burst killing Wilson. House is alone at Wilson’s casket and stares at him lying in the coffin, and calls Wilson an idiot one last time. Doctor Taub is precariously absent from the funeral. The rest of the team returns to the hospital to take on a new case.
Meanwhile, across town, Doctor Taub wakes up in a hotel room next to a sexy 21-year-old blonde nurse. She speaks softly into Taub’s ear, “Good morning sleepy head.” Taub smiles up at her when the hotel room bursts open. A man with a gun comes toward both Taub and the blonde nurse. He is ranting something to the effect that he warned her what would happen if he ever caught her cheating on him again.
As House sends his team out to perform several tests on the new patient, Doctor Remy Hadley (13) visits House in his office. She does not look well. Her disease has progressed rapidly and 13 asks House for a favor. She reminds him of a conversation they both had several years back when House promised to take her life when the time came when she was to far gone in her disease. House sighs and calls 13 an idiot but complies.
That evening as the team is busy running more tests House leaves the hospital and goes to 13’s apartment. Hadley lets him in and House unpacks his medical bag and tells 13 to change into something she feels comfortable in. House than hooks 13 up to a morphine drip and turns his phone off so he and 13 will not be interrupted.
While House is assisting 13, the patient the team is working on goes berserk. He jumps from his bed and stabs Doctor Adams in the throat and she crumples to the floor. Doctor Chase attempts to subdue the patient and gets his throat cut and is spewing blood. He then unceremoniously throws Doctor Chi Park out the picture window. Doctor Foreman rushes in with a security team and moves toward Chase to tend his wounds. The crazed patient charges the guards and a security officer pulls his gun in panic and fires. His aim was not true. Foreman is hit and lies on the ground dying. Moments later, the patient is subdued but Adams, Chase, Foreman, and Park lay dead on the hospital floor.
Back at the hotel room, Taub attempts to reason with the crazed man but to no avail. Three shots are fired. Taub lay dead on the bed. The blonde nurse dead on the floor beside Taub. And the crazed husband, dead on the hotel room doorway.
As House and 13 wait for the morphine drip to take effect, small talk ensues as the medicine drips into 13’s veins. Remy, (13) admits to House that she always had a thing for him and would have “So done him” alone and with several of her girlfriends if only he would have asked. House smacks his head and calls himself an idiot. 13 smiles as House injects a syringe of medicine into her veins and she slowly loses consciousness.
House checks her pulse, unplugs her from the morphine drip, packs his equipment up, adjusts her blanket, kisses her forehead and softly says goodbye.
Final scene:
House returns home, clicks on the lights, goes to his secret stash of pain killers, downs three or four vicodin pills and swigs down some whiskey. He curls up in bed and closes his eyes. He is awoken by movement in his apartment. He opens his eyes to see Doctor Cutner standing at his bed side.
House realizes he is dreaming and engages Cutner in conversation. House asks him why he killed himself, and why is he here now. Cutner replies, “I’m here for you House. You were always curious of what was beyond death. I’m here to guide you to your biggest puzzle ever. Are you up to it?” House nods yes. Cutner replies, “Let the journey begin. Get out of bed and follow me through your front door.” House gets up and puts pressure on his bad leg. There is no pain at all. He rolls his pant leg up to see a perfectly healthy leg. He looks at Cutner in a funny sort of way, and follows him. The door opens and both walk through.
The door closes. Lights fade. Cue the House ending credit music.
But wait. Less than ten seconds into the ending credits, Dominika Petrova, House’s wife, unlocks the apartment door and walks in. She flicks on the lights and announces to House that she has returned. She has some wonderful good news. She announces that not only does she love House and wants to continue to be his wife, but she is pregnant with his child.
She calls out to House again. She walks toward the bedroom and spies House in bed, the sheets rumpled. She bends down and kisses house on the cheek and becomes startled. Dominika realizes House is dead. She clutches her belly and cries.
Ending credit music continues…..
The End!



Marinos Italian Cafe - Austintown, Ohio

I have heard about a quaint little restaurant called Marino's located in Austintown, Ohio. During Lent, we decided to stop in and try it. On a Friday night we were a little stunned that it was not busy. In fact, there were only about 4 tables being used by customers.

Anyway, we were seated right away and I ordered the fish dinner and a fried cheese appetizer. In about five minutes the cheese was brought to our table. There were five small pieces and a small bowl of dipping sauce. The sauce was OK, standard fare. The cheese sticks the same way. Standard, nothing bad, nothing good, just average.

The rolls were good though. I suspect they were home-made, they were warm, fresh, and tasted good, especially with melted butter.

The salad was standard fare. Excuse me for the late snapshot of the salad. I ate more than half when I realized I forgot to snap the picture.

About 20 minutes went by and our fish dinners arrived. I ordered Mac and Cheese as a side dish. As you can see, the fish was thin, and skinny. The breading was adequate but a little soggy. It had a "Fishy" smell to it which to me means it was not as fresh as it could be. The taste was OK. Certainly not what I had expected as several people told me about the place. The Mac and Cheese was cold.

All this for a Friday special of $12 dollars plus coke and tip.

The Grassy Knoll Institute scores 2.25 out of 5 shots and does not recommend Marino's Italian Cafe for dinner.



Titanic Memorial Plaques

One hundred years ago, April 10th, a relative of mine from the small town Addergoole, in County Mayo, Ireland, boarded the RMS Titanic to begin a new life in America. As fate would have it, my relative never made it to America as he perished on the ship. However, before the ship went down, he assisted many women and children who were trapped below deck in third class escape to the precious few life boats.

The Grassy Knoll Institute salutes him.



Happy St. Patricks Day 2012

Sexy Blonde Big Boobed Irish Bartender
Sexy Irish Bartender
Shannon is our Irish barmaid for this evening. Shannon is highly skilled as a bartender able to mix any drink or concoction your heart desires. Shannon's specialty is an Bailey's Irish Cream. Her presentation is a crowd pleaser as her breasts always seem to get wet after pouring the Baileys.

The Grassy Knoll Institute wishes everyone a safe and fun filled St. Patrick's Day and hopes all your barmaids look like Shannon tonight.
Please use your designated driver when returning home or travelling from pub to pub.


How To Properly Drink A Guinness Beer

How To properly Drink Guinness
How To properly Drink Guinness
Inside the Irish Pub you patiently wait as the bartender expertly pours your Guinness beer and presents it to you. The Guinness stands in all it's glory in front of you. What you do next is critical and if you are a tourist, all eyes in the pub are now upon you anticipating what you do next. This is a very important time in your life inside an Irish pub.

Do not, I repeat, do not grab the glass and sip the Guinness. If you do, you will hear moans from the well respected Irish folk drinking in the pub with you.

1) Instead, take a moment or two and inspect and appreciate the beauty of the Guinness beer in front of you with your eyes. Bask in the splendor of the gift from Heaven waiting for you.

2) After the respectful moment or two of waiting, rise to your feet from your chair or stool. Grip the glass with authority and keep your elbows up and the Guinness at eye level.

3) Tilt the glass to your mouth and embrace the nectar of the Gods taking a full gulp. Do not sip Guinness. Do not let the patrons see you sip lest you want to hear another round of moans directed towards you.

4) Gently place the glass down and prepare for your next taste. Make sure to drink from the same side of the glass so like you can count the rings on a tree trunk, you can count how many gulps it took to drink your pink of Guinness.

5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your glass is empty.

6) When finished, keep in mind, you are in Ireland, not in the states, and the bartender is not expecting a tip. However, if this was your first Guinness beer in an Irish Pub, or if your bartender performed above and beyond his normal excellent service, a tip of 10-15 percent would be acceptable. More importantly, thank the bartender and acknowledge the patrons inside the bar as you may not know it, but each and everyone of them were guiding you along in your journey to the perfect pint.

A proper toast to all in the pub could be....

My friends are the best friends.
Loyal, willing and able.
Now let’s get to drinking!
All glasses off the table!



Everyone Is Irish On St. Patricks Day

Irish Storm Troopers
Irish Storm Troopers
Even in a galaxy far, far away, Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day.

These aren't the Leprechauns you were looking for.
Move along, these aren't the Leprechauns we were looking for.



Rainbows End Guinness

Treausre At The End Of An Irish Rainbow
Treausre At The End Of An Irish Rainbow
Tis true, at the end of the rainbow lies a priceless treasure.



Leprechaun Mating Ritual

Leprechaun Mating Rituals Revealed
Leprechaun Mating Rituals Revealed
A little unknown fact about Leprechaun's:
All Leprechauns are males. There are no female Leprechauns.
Certainly doesn't make for a happy little cobbler.
Logically, one has to ask how Leprechauns procreate:
Once a year, a Leprechaun sets out on a sojourn that takes him into the desert of Las Vegas, Nevada. He then uses his gold coins from his pot of gold to seduce young beautiful women enticing them to remove clothing by throwing said coins at her.
Afterward, he slyly invites the smitten woman back to a private room with comfortable chairs. As the Leprechaun sits back in his chair, the smitten girl performs a mating ritual dance for him that brings a happy ending for all.
To increase the Leprechauns odds of procreating, he sometimes adds another female (Usually having to pay double for that type of action)