Showing posts with label social psycholoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social psycholoy. Show all posts


Lost Update - The Good Samaritan

Lost Update - Season V - 04/22/2009

Tonight on Lost, ABC aired a recap following the Oceanic Six escape from the island and eventual return back. Instead of rehashing the rehash, I am staying on point and will analyze yet another social psychology experiment that is being implemented on the Lost Castaways. Tonight's topic is The Good Samaritan.

Everyone knows the parable of the Good Samaritan right? You could take the time and look it up in your bible, in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10, verse 25-37. For those not wanting to look it up, here it is in the short version.

A man was walking from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They robbed him of his clothes, possessions, and beat leaving him for dead. As the man lay in the street all crumpled up, a man of the cloth walked by and saw the man but he passed him on the other side. A short time later, another man of the cloth saw the man in need but walked right by him as well. Finally, a Samaritan was walking down the road and saw the man, and he stopped to attend the man. He cleaned and bandaged his wounds, and then lifted the man upon his cart and took him to an Inn. The next day, he paid the innkeeper two silver coins to look after the mans needs and informed the innkeeper that he would return the next day and would reimburse him for any expenses incurred.

The Good Samaritan experiment has been studied many times over by professors across the world. And sometimes, in the case of the Lost Islanders, off the world as well.

We will start with Jack and Ben. Remember a few years back when Jack was forced to operate on Ben to save his life? After he agreed and had Ben open on the operating table, he stopped and demanded that Kate and Sawyer be set free before he would complete the operation and save Ben. Now jump to the present season, just a couple of episodes ago. Young Ben Linus was shot by Sayid and left for dead in the road.

Juliet, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley and gang sought out Jack to help young Ben. Jack flat out refused sealing Ben's fate to die. Remember, Jack was always the good guy, helping the castaways from the get go. Now he goes against his oath as a doctor to heal the sick.

In steps Sawyer. He finally has his life in order. He has become head of security for Dharma, has a nice house, life, and a hot blond doctor in Juliet to do the nasty with. Life is good. But Sawyer does not step around the man lying in the road. (Young Ben Linus) Instead, he risks everything to save him and formulates a plan to deliver Ben to the "Others" (The Innkeeper) to look after and care for him. Sawyer is the Good Samaritan.

Wait a minute? What does the Jesus parable of the Good Samaritan have to do with ABC's Lost and my theory of what is really happening on the island? What, you don't know what the Grassy Knoll Institute Lost theory is. For you first timers, in a nutshell...

Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Think about it gang. The castaways are put into incredible situations each and every week. Their very lives hang in the balance with each decision they make, or choose not to make. Dead people are walking around the island handing out advice as if they were a dispenser of knowledge from the great beyond. The island vanishes and appears in different places and also at different times. The castaways are traveling through time, some faster than others, some get lost, some get found.

But the one constant of the show, from the pilot episode to last week's airing, is that each castaway has a choice to make. A life altering choice. That choice is what the experiment is all about. If given different scenario's, what choice would you make? Would you choose to help the group, or choose to help yourself. Think of the characters on the show, and how many of them have made an about face on their choices.

Until next week, Get Lost!