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Showing posts with label hanso. Show all posts


Lost Update - Find Your Way Back

Lost Update - Season V - 02/18/2009

I know its too late now,
But, I wish I could go back in time,
And start all over somehow,
And get it right from the start.
Find your way back.
Find your way back to her heart.

As the song lyrics above say, they found the way back to the island.

Did you notice anything familiar about how Lost opened tonight? A close up of Jack's eye, him lying in the jungle, in his suit. You, you win the prize. That's how the series began. Jack had made it back. Ready to resume his life on the island and that falls right in line with my own theory.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting a long time to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Tonight will be a direct get to the point update. I hope everyone is a fast reader. If not, it's OK, just read slower. Ready.

Ben always lies. When he said he didn't know about the Lamp Post, (Dharma owned) Mrs. Hawkings replied, he's probably lying. And he was.

The key to tonight's episode was when Desmond couldn't believe that the Oceanic Six willingly wanted to return to the island with the aid of Mrs. Hawkings. Desmond was disgusted and blurted out something to this effect; They don't care about us. They're playing a game with us, we're just pieces to them.

As I stated several weeks ago making the comparison of the Xbox 360 video game my son was playing and how after he lost, he merely reset the game and the parameters and began again from the beginning. Exactly what was happening tonight. The castaways are in there own type of video game, a virtual reality experiment.

Let's suppose that you were getting pretty good at a particular video game. You keep playing until you get it right and win. You make sure that you have the same parameters that got you to the top level, such as the correct maps, best guns, ammo, med kits, and partners. If you have the experienced people playing with you, your odds get better to win.

That is why Hawkings said that all six needed to be on that plane, or the outcome would be unpredictable. Like the video game if you have a new player and don't know their personality and game skills.

Also why Jack needed to use Locke as a proxy for his father. He needed to get as close as possible to the previous flight so as to produce the same results. Jack brings his fathers shoes, sort of like selecting the correct map or right ammo.

Flight 316 is the flight they need to be on to get back to the island. That will be key in episodes ahead.

Locke is dead. And next week he's alive. I don't care if the island is moving, or a giant electromagnetic field is below or above the island, or if they are traveling through time, or any other explanation and theory you can think up, (Except one, mine) the fact is John Locke was dead and now he's alive.

Some will say that he died in the past. If he did. Then how was he alive in the future and meet the castaways.

Some will say he died in the future. If he did, then how did he leave the island and go to the mainland and die?

See the paradox here? There can be only one explanation. That's right, virtual reality.

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* Ben tells Jack the story of Doubting Thomas. And how he had to see and touch the wounds of Jesus before he could believe.

* Staying with Jesus, Ben also says that Thomas also was the one who said they should all go with Jesus and die together. See what Ben was telling Jack. Yes, Ben is Jesus and the castaways are his apostles.

* Ben was all bloodied when he called Jack to pick up Locke's body. Methinks he was settling a score with Widmore. Killing Penny perhaps.

* Hey, tonight was yet another plane crash. How will Widmore explain this crash like he did with Oceanic flight 815?

* Jack and Kate do the horizontal.

* Kate tells Jack not to ever ask her about Aaron, Claire's son who she was taking care of.

* And finally, The song title and lyrics tonight are from the rock band Jefferson Starship, Find Your Way Back. Exactly what was unfolding in tonight's episode. Yes I know, god choice.

Until next week, Get LOST!



Lost Update - Two Tickets To Paraidse

lost Update - Season V - 01/18/2009

Got a surprise especially for you,
Something that both of us have always wanted to do.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
We've waited so long, waited so long.

I'm gonna take you on a trip so far from here,
I've got two tickets in my pocket, now baby, we're gonna disappear.
We've waited so long, waited so long.
We've waited so long, waited so long.

We have all waited a long time for season 5 of ABC Lost, the ABC TV Sci-Fi series. On Wednesday, the wait will be over when we'll find out if Ben really has a time machine, or if John Locke is dead, or if the Oceanic Six gets back to the island. And more importantly, how my Lost theory ties into season five and beyond.

Just what is my theory….. I’ll tell you in a Lost island minute.
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is behind all this other than the mysterious government men? Aliens of course.

From the pilot episode of season one, I formulated two theories on what was happening on Lost. One is the virtual reality theory. The second is The Rod Serling Effect. This theory concentrates primarily on the Twilight Zone, a Sci-Fi TV series created by Rod Serling that aired 1959-1963 and other assorted works he wrote, produced, and directed. You can read this theory ark here.

I also want to take this time to explain another Grassy Knoll Institute anomaly that many readers have asked me about. Why my Lost update titles do not match with the official titles of the series. There are several reasons for that.

One reason is the tie in of the song and lyrics to that specific episode and how it relates to my theory. For example, tonight's title, Two Tickets To Paradise. Of course, Lost is filmed in Hawaii, or paradise, but more than that, many Lost inhabitants believe the island is paradise. Also, the third line, "We waited so long," as in the last new episode aired in May of 2008. That is a long time. Add in the theme that there's a plane ride, to some place far away and that they are going to disappear, and you have the elements of the series and tonight's update.

Below is the Season IV LOST DVD insert, the Oceanic "For Your Safety" guide. Check it out, it is pretty entertaining and be sure to check for the clues embedded.

Until Wednesday, Get Lost!



Lost Update - Aint No Mountain High Enough

ABC Lost In Virtual Reality Update - 01/15/2005

'Cause baby there
Ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you babe
The Grassy Knoll Institute believes the survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory connected together as a battery of tests and experiments are performed on them. Not by the Dharma initiative, but by aliens. In this update, we look at John Locke, the wheelchair bound man who was miraculously cured and became a master of survival. While out looking for Claire, the blond pregnant girl, he stumbles upon a metal trap door in the side of the mountain. Locke is pondering on how to open it.

Meanwhile, Sayid is trying to read the maps from the French woman and Locke gives him his compass saying he doesn't need it anymore. Sayid discovers that the compass is off, that it doesn't point true North. Or, the island doesn't conform to the Earths magnetic field. Perhaps because its not on Earth.

Noticed another thing. This island is huge. It has mountains, tall mountains, waterfalls, miles and miles of land, and an endless coastline. Yet they are the only people on the island. This island is as big as Hawaii, the big island of Hawaii. In reality, the island would be heavily populated since it is the tropical region conducive to year round warm weather and would at least be a huge tourist trap. Why don't these "Lost" survivors realize this?

This episode was really a lot about nothing except to foreshadow what was to become next. I guarantee Claire returns without the baby.

Until next week.



Lost Update - A Day In The Virtual Reality Life

ABC Lost In Virtual Reality Update - 01/05/2005

I read the news today oh boy
About a lucky man who made the grade
And though the news was rather sad
Well I just had to laugh
I saw the photograph

After a long holiday hiatus, "Lost" the ABC television series returned. If you recall, the Grassy Knoll Institute believes the survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory connected together as a battery of tests and experiments are performed on them. Not by the Dharma institute, but by aliens.

The last episode had Locke, the formerly wheelchair bound bald man, finding a metallic type door under thick brush while looking for the abducted pregnant blond woman Claire. Well, the story never came close to touching on this discovery. Long hiatus, and nothing about the freaking hatch.

Instead, it added a little more back story to the characters and had Kate and the bad dude, Sawyer, getting more cozy. They find a briefcase, Kate's briefcase and there is something very suspicious within.

Kate lies to Jack, the doctor, and they open the case together revealing some cash, guns, papers, and a model airplane. Remember the police agents warning to Jack not to trust Kate?

This episode to me was simply a primer to get the audience back in the swing after being off the air for several weeks. The only significant happening was the eroding shoreline causing the group to move their belongings further inland. My speculation is that the aliens want the group off the beach and will force them into the jungle to experiment.

Next weeks episode will surely explore the metallic door in the mountain and the pregnant woman Claire will be found.

Until next week.....



Lost Update - Only The Strong Survive

ABC Lost In Virtual Reality Update - 12/10/2004

I see you sittin' there all alone
Crying your eyes out
While everything's going wrong
You know there's gonna be
A whole lot of trouble in your life
Listen to me, get up off your knees

Before I begin, let the Grassy Knoll Institute offer other explanations as to what the ABC's television series Lost is really about. Of course, my theory is that aliens have abducted the plane, making it look like a crash, and now have them in a vast virtual reality laboratory studying all aspects of human behavior.

Several other theories have been kicked around the Grassy Knoll Institute think tank as well.

One alternative is that the survivors are really playing an ultimate reality show and are unaware they are participants. Its really bad when you are selected to be banished from the island.

Another has the survivors not really survivors, but in Purgatory, a sort of weigh station to either heaven or hell. When the person on the island dies, in essence, his/her soul goes to heaven or hell and are released from the island.

Another is that they are lost in the Bermuda Triangle. or have somehow crash landed on the lost city of Atlantis. Or have been sent back in time somehow. Or have broken the dimensional planes of existence and are living in the fourth dimension. Or that it is an updated episode of the Twilight Zone. All good and sound, but yet they don't hold up to scrutiny such as my theory.

So, back to my theory. Claire, the pregnant Australian woman and rock star Charlie are captured by Ethan, the man that is not on the passenger log list. A search party is put together and Lock, the bald knife guy, sets out tracking the trail. After a long search and an encounter with the mystery man, Charlie, the rock star is found strung up and hanged. He is cut down and the doctor performs CPR but to no avail. Not giving up, the doctor finally gets Charlie to breathe. They head back to camp and Charlie has no recollection of the events that took place.

Meanwhile, Lock, the knife guy, finds a metal hull of some sort buried beneath the dirt and brush on the side of the mountain. He intends to find out what's inside......

In this episode, the aliens study the herd and how they react when one is separated. Claire is gone from the group. Is a search party put together, or do they stay huddled together. Also studied is the effect when one of them dies. Charlie is found hung and dead. Jack never gives up and finally gets Charlie to breathe.

And, is the metal hull the protective barrier of the aliens observatory. Perhaps it will get very interesting very quickly.
SIDENOTE: The Institute does not believe it is the aliens headquarters but just another piece to the puzzle of the island of Lost.

Stay tuned for the next update.



Lost Update - Shes Not There - Its Lost Virtual Reality

ABC Lost In Virtual Reality Update - 12/02/2004

The Grassy Knoll Institutes theory is that aliens have abducted the crash victims and have placed them in a virtual reality laboratory so as to conduct physical and mental experiments on them. This episode fortifies my stance. The focus was on the very Claire, the pregnant blond Australian woman. She awoke in the middle of the night feeling like someone was trying to hurt her unborn baby by doing some sort of experiments on her and the baby. Jack, the doctor, thinks she is merely imagining or dreaming. It happens once again and it freaks her out.

Sayid, the Iraqi guard, returns and says that we are not alone.

Now, the back story. In previous updates, I said that the aliens were among the passengers observing them and studying them. And this episode confirms this. A passenger manifest is gone over to verify everyone on the plane that survived and the group finds out that there is one man that is not on the list but yet still among the group. Ethan is revealed as the outsider just as Claire is about to give birth and the rock star Charlie is with her when Ethan shows up. Claire apparently senses danger, much like the psychic told her before she took the flight, and the episode ended.

The standard M.O. for alien abductions is study, isolation, testing, experimentation, release or destroy. The aliens are selecting the group one by one and the blond pregnant woman was next on the list.

Also, much like the study, Gorilla's In The Midst, where scientists live among the gorilla's in actual wildlife settings to better understand and study their behavior without the constraints of bars, chains, and confined area's. So far, the Grassy Knoll Institute seems correct about its theory and is getting stronger each and every episode.

Perhaps the 1960's song by the Zombies who sang, She's Not There can shed some light on the Lost islanders.

Well no one told me about her
The way she lied
Well no one told me about her
How many people cried
But it's too late to say you're sorry
How would I know, why should I care
Please don't bother trying to find her
She's not there
Well let me tell you about the way she looked
The way she acted, the color of her hair
Her eyes were soft and cool, her eyes were clear and bright
But she's not there



Lost Update - Silent All These years

ABC Lost In Virtual Reality Update - 11/20/2004

But what if I'm a mermaid
In these jeans of his
With her name still on it
Hey but I don't care
Cause sometimes
I said sometimes
I hear my voice
And it's been here
Silent All These Years

Continuing with the Grassy Knoll Institute theory that the survivors of the plane crash on the ABC series "Lost" are actually abductees from an alien race placed in a virtual reality laboratory while experiments are being conducted on them.This week, Sayid, the Iraqi Republican guard, after torturing and almost killing Sawyer in hopes of getting an inhaler needed to help Shannon to breathe, sets off on his own to map the island and see what's on the other side.

As he travels along the shore line, he spies a cable buried in the sand. It stretches from the water to deep into the jungle. He follows the cable and spies a trip wire, a trap to snare what invades the area. He steps over the wire but still gets caught in the trap.

Sayid awakens tied to a bed spring that is hooked up to an electrical current and he gets shocked. A woman asks him questions and he answers truthfully yet he still gets shocked. The woman is the last survivor from a ship wreck over 16 years ago.

After gaining her trust fixing her music box, Sayid listens intently about how the others found their demise. The woman said that "They" took them one by one until she was the only one left. Seconds later, the sound of the monster is heard and Sayid tells her not to go outside the hut. The woman says that there are no monsters on this island, only "Them."

This episode is about the human psyche and how humans react when isolated and how we perform under duress. Through the use of virtual reality, one can be made to believe that you have been stranded on the island for a long time. Perhaps even for 16 years. Using only her gile and wits does she survive. To test her resolve, the aliens took her crew away one by one until she was the sole survivor.

Next week the show is off but in two weeks, that episode should be pivotal being the final week of sweeps week.

Stay tuned for the next update.



Lost Update - We Can Work It Out

ABC Lost In Virtual Reality Update - 11/07/2004

Think of what you're saying.
You can get it wrong and still you think that it's all right.
Think of what I'm saying,
We can work it out and get it straight, or say good night.
We can work it out,
We can work it out.
Life is very short, and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend.
I have always thought that it's a crime,
So I will ask you once again.

Continuing with the Grassy Knoll Institute theory that the islanders were abducted by aliens and are in a virtual reality experiment in human behavior, Wednesdays episode strengthened my position.The group splits in two, one stays on the shore line in hopes of signaling a rescue ship while the other group hunkers down in the jungle in an area with fresh water, shade, and a defensible perimeter. Then something happens, the doctor, (Jack) gets trapped in the cave and the group comes together and tries to dig him out. They can only open up a small entrance and someone must shimmy through and help Jack. The rock star, Charlie, who thinks the rest of the group doesn't think he is helping out, the same rock star who is hooked on drugs, volunteers to go. He reaches Jack and in his attempts to free him, causes another rockslide and now both are trapped.

Jacks love interest, Kate, the mysterious woman running from the law gets news of the cave in and works feverishly to rescue Jack. The whole group is coming together, working together, with a plan.

Amazingly, the rock star sees a moth, and follows the moth to safety and both he and Jack walk to the group and Jacks love interest runs to him and wraps her arms around him.

Also, another miracle occurs on this episode.Charlie, he rock star, has been addicted for years to a hard drug, and John Locke, the bald man with knives finds out, takes his drug stash, and helps him in two days to kick his habit. Charlie takes the drugs and throws it into the fire for he is finally free. One would think that it would be a long painful withdrawal being addicted for years.

Why does this strengthen my theory? Thanks for asking. Very logical actually. Tonight's episode was a classic laboratory study on human behavior and how when faced with danger and adversity, the entire group pulls together. Hence, Charlie volunteering to squeeze through the hole and the rest digging and removing rubble endlessly.

Also, what a coincidence that Jack and Charlie spot a moth and it leads them to the cave exit. Very convenient indeed.

Tune in next week for the next update.



Lost Update - Turning Japanese

Lost Update - Lost In Virtual Reality 10/27/2004

Ive got your picture of me and you
You wrote I love you I love you too
I sit there staring and theres nothing else to do
Oh its in color your hair is brown
Your eyes are hazel and soft as clouds
I often kiss you when theres no one else around

Yes, another Grassy Knoll Institute ABC Lost update.(My theory, the survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory being experimented on by an alien race)

Tonight, Jin, the Korean male goes crazy and attacks Sawyer because he is wearing Jin's watch. Sawyer found it in the wreckage and has claimed it as his own. The fight is stopped and the Jin is handcuffed to part of the fuselage. Perhaps the aliens are using psychotropic drugs to influence the emotions and behavior of certain individuals on the island. Perhaps it is a simple test of jealousy, possessions, and anger.

Second, the choice. Half the group decides to go where the fresh water is, and where the area is sheltered somewhat and defensible from wild animals. It is also shady and cooler. The downside is that they are off the shore and not visible to search and rescue crews that surely would be still out there after only several days. The group divides. The other group decides to stay on the beach and tough it out. Another experiment by the aliens on dividing the herd and weeding out the strong. Perhaps an exercise to bring the Alpha personalities to front and center.

Stay tuned till next week.



Lost Update - If Only You Believed In Miracles

Lost Secrets Update - Lost Is Virtual Reality 10/20/2004

If only you believe like I believe, baby
Wed get by
If only you believe in miracles, baby
So would I

Now that the Grassy Knoll Institute has put its cards on the table, its time to call. In my previous post that immediately followed the pilot show, I told you my theory on what the show was about and why. (Remember, the virtual reality thing, all the survivors are tied together and being experimented on by an alien race) As promised, each and every episode is fortifying the Institutes theory.

Case in point. The bald crazy guy. You know, the one with 400 knives. (John Locke) He was paralyzed before the crash on the island. His back story verifies this. The plane crashes on the island, Locke wakes up and (It's a miracle) he is able to walk. Not just hobble, but run with authority like nothing happened to him. Perhaps, in Lockes virtual reality, he IS all that he can be, the ultimate take charge backwoodsman he always wanted to be.

Then there's doctor Jack. Jack sees a strange man in a suit several times. He finally recognizes the suited man and it is his father, who had died in Australia. Jack was bringing his body back for the funeral. Later on, Jack finds the casket and the body is not there. Perhaps Jack in his virtual reality, wants to believe his father is somehow still alive, and on the island, it is a possibility.

With these extra pieces to the puzzle, my theory holds strong that the survivors are actually in an elaborate laboratory being studied much like human scientists study animals in a zoo.

Stay tuned until next week.

Everytime you come by, let me try
Pretty, please sugar on it
Thats how I like it
I cant even believe it, with you
Its like having every dream I ever wanted
Come true
I picked up your vibes
You know it opened my eyes
But Im still dreamin yeah
And youre right where I found ya
With my arms around ya.



Lost Secrets - Leaving On a Jet Plane

Lost Secrets - Virtual Reality 09/23/2004
So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go.
I’m leavin on a jet plane
I don’t know when I’ll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go.
The Grassy Knoll Institute Reveals All The Secrets About The ABC Series, LOST.
I watched the new series "Lost" last night. It was about a horrific plane crash that went down 1000 miles off course leaving 48 survivors stranded on an island. And oh yes, there is a terrible huge invisible monster roaming the island. The Lost pilot was very entertaining but many things did not jive and some scenes were all too familiar. At fisrt notice, my thought process was that the passenegers were all dead and were placed on this island in some sort of Purgatory. But, no, Hell no, it couldn't be about that. Could it?
To start, the premise. Way back in the 1970′s, there was a series that came on right after “Music explosion” titled “The New People”. It was about a group of people stranded on a desert island and all they had to survive was themselves. Until they found an abandoned town smack dab in the middle of the island. The island was stacked with food supplies, water, cars, houses, everything. Except people. Anyway, the reality of the show was that these people were stranded on an island that the U.S. Government had targeted for nuclear bomb testing and was preparing to monitor the effects of the explosion and fallout. Or, was the plan scrapped and forgotten. Each episode would dwell on that. Lets hope LOST is not based on this show. It only lasted one and a half seasons.
Next familiarity. One of the pilots said that they tried to turn back to Australia. Then the tail section broke off and were blown more than a thousand miles off course. The plane crashed where no search party will be looking. This is the tie in tho Tom Hanks movie, “Castaway, ” the movie about a Federal Express Executive left stranded on a deserted island by himself and left with only his wits and desire to be reunited with his wife. The plane was blown off course and the search party was looking in the wrong place. But, it can’t be based on that movie, its been done already. And besides, who would be Wilson?
This TV show is not what you think it is about. The Grassy Knoll Institute will offer up its theory with fact, fiction, and a little back seat driving. But, you will be shocked what we reveal in the next LOST update.
Stay tuned. Part two of the Lost pilot will be discussed and the Grassy Knoll Institute theory fully revealed and mapped out.
Each and every week Lost airs I will post an update on how my theory holds against the episode and the entire theory on Lost.