Showing posts with label canfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canfield. Show all posts


Canfield Scaregrounds - Pizza And Fries

Canfield Scaregrounds Pizza And Fries
Canfield Scaregrounds Pizza And Fries
In our continuing search for supernatural occurrences, the Grassy Knoll Institute scientists found ourselves at the Canfield Scaregrounds for a round of the haunted hay ride which will be critiqued in an upcoming entry. This entry however is all about the food offered before and after the haunt.
We selected a slice of pizza, which was $2.50 a slice, and the $4.00 cup of french fries. Napkins were optional. We had to hunt them down. A seating area was also very elusive. There were no seats, a bench, nothing except the counter top of the pizza and fries booth.

The pizza, well, let me say that at least it was hot. Other than that, it was terrible. In fact, it may have been toast with tomato sauce and cheese cut in the shape of a slice of pizza. It was that bad.

The cup of fries, I didn’t opt for the big Bucket O Fries for 8 bucks but instead went with the 4 buck size. Again, at least they were hot. A little undercooked, they were a little slimy, way to greasy, and no plastic fork to scoop out the fries.

The Grassy Knoll Diner does not recommend pizza and fries at the Canfield Scaregrounds and only rates 1.5 out of 5 shots.