
The Future Is Behind Us

Roswell Crash Aliens Were Humans From The Future
Roswell Crash Aliens Were Humans From The Future
The CIA Reluctantly Releases Top Secret Document Of The 1947 Roswell, New Mexico UFO Crash

The document included a photograph (See Photo Above) along with top-secret Washington, D.C. files from the United States Air Force. The document specifically mentioned Roswell, new Mexico and the crash of an unidentified flying object in 1947. The photo and document were time stamped June 30th, 1950.

After 61 years, the transcript of the conversation of the four men and the alleged space man has come to print. In essence, the space man is not an alien, but a human from the future. He claimed he was returning to Washington when upon re-entry into the space-time continuum, his ship malfunctioned and crashed almost 2000 miles off course in a remote area in New Mexico. Roswell became the UFO capital of the world shortly after.

Major Tom White, (Spaceman) returned to Earth with a message to hopefully change the future. Major White attempted to warn the White House in 1951 of the future Kennedy assassination in 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, November 22nd, 1963. It appears the four CIA agents didn't take Major Tom seriously.

Major Tom made one more effort to broadcast his warning and relayed the message in code to a columnist, Jeanne Dixon. The psychic. Dixon managed to secure an audience with an aid of President Kennedy but alas, the message was not delivered in time to prevent the assassination.



  1. That's good advice. I always suspected Catholic nuns were in on the conspiracy.

  2. That explains the eraser and chalk board pointer found on the grassy knoll.

  3. Never did trust those nuns! Love conspiracy theories. Need I say more. But you really ought to re-post this one again in November.

  4. It's true. I trained Sister Mary from an early age. It was easy for her to hide the rifle under her uniform. In all the calamity after the shooting, she was easily able to blend in and walk away.

  5. They weren't in on the conspiracy, they were the conspiracy.

  6. I am sure there will be a conspiracy or two floating around come November.

  7. This is what I have been saying for years.

  8. I read this post with Space Oddity by David Bowie in my head.

  9. Thank you, that was the theme I was going with.


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