
Wonder Works Pigeon Forge


Wonder Works, located in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, at 100 Music Road, Pigeon Forge, TN, 37763. 

Do you see the parking lot? It looks packed, only a few parking spaces available. I wondered why! I mean I have driven by this establishment maybe one hundred times and never did it dawn on me pull in, park my car, and see what wonders the attraction had to offer. 

(Side note. I will be there in early November, and I will take the tour. A report with plenty of photos will follow.)

Anyway, as you look at the building, you immediately notice that it is upside down. The entrance is in the center of the bottom. 

Inside the Wonder Works, it offers hundreds of exhibits, plus laser tag, a rope course, and a 4D motion ride. I have to believe the exhibit is well planned and entertaining. 

However, there is one exhibit I was told about inside the building. It is attached to the RMS Titanic disaster sinking from 1912. Of course, the exhibit had photos of the Titanic ship, both inside and outside. But one part of the exhibit, there is a vat of water. The inscription simply read, inside this vase, this is the temperature of the ocean water the night the Titanic sunk after ramming into an iceberg. A sign states that the water temperature that night was 28 degrees. It also dares you to put your hand in the water to see how long you can keep it under the cold water.

Las Vegas Luxor also has a Titanic exhibit with the Big Piece of the ship that they raised. It also has the cold water exhibit with eh cold water. And, I did put my hand in the water. My hand lasted just about ten seconds. I pulled my hand out and rubbed it to warm my hand up. 

Second Side Note: By the way, although the Wonder Works building appears to be upside down on the outside. On the inside, it is not. 

When in Pigeon Forge, try the Wonder Works exhibit and let us know how it was for you.



Chick-Fil-A Closes Its Doors

Chick Fil-A Closes it's Doors 

Sadly, yesterday, August 31st, 2024 Chick Fil-A closed up shop at the Southern Park Mall in Boardman, Ohio. Chick Fil-A has served fantastic meals including a fabulous chicken sandwich and fantastic waffle fries. 

Shocked after reading the we will close our doors on August 31st sign taped to the side of the counter, I asked the manager for more information. After all, we are talking about Chick Fil-A, the darling fast food chain with locations everywhere. Including the Southern Park Mall located in Boardman, Ohio.

He told me that he did not have a choice. The franchise was told by the mall management that they would not renew the provided space where the restaurant conducted business for the past 44 years. 

Attempts were made and discussions planned but to no avail. (Seriously, no talks about a franchise for the last 44 years!)

My thoughts are now focused on hoping the current employee's working at Chick-Fil-A can find new employment at a new venture. Thankfully, I was told that all employee's would be transferred to the several other local restaurants. So, at least that is some good news. 

After my conversation with the manager, it was time to go. I took my chicken sandwich, 12 pack chicken nuggets, and medium sized macaroni and cheese and began my exit. 

I stopped for a mere few seconds. I slowly took a wide look at the restaurant just hours before it closed. The same restaurant I have been a patron for many many years.  In front of me were dozens of empty tables quietly waiting for customers to sit down and eat their food. 

I took a long hard look, turned slowly, and exited for the last time.

If it matters anymore, the Grassy Knoll Institute awards 5 hits out 5 for my last visit to Chick Fil-A.



Scarsellas Meatball And Penne


Scarsella's Restaurant, located at 4151 Market Street, in Youngstown, Ohio 44512, has many a fabulous selections for dinner. One of them is Penne and meatballs. (Pictured above) To begin, the sauce is very tasty. It makes the meal outstanding. The penne was plenty, well cooked, and tasted fantastic. The meatballs are legendary. No seriously, legendary. And to top it off, several slices of Italian bread complete the meal. 

The service was of course always special. Always pleasant. Scarsella's makes you feel like home, like you are part of the family. Not many restaurants can offer that. 

Also, a shout out to Dale from the restaurant. Thank you for the service and the fine food. I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July.


The Grassy Knoll Institute scores 5 out of 5 shots and recommends Scarsella's for dinner.



Daffodil Hill Mill Creek Park

 Its Friday and I found myself taking a leisure drive through Mill Creek Park. I fond myself approaching a slight bend in the road and a moment later I came upon a healthy patch of daffodils. No one was behind me so I slowed the car and pulled over. Getting out I walked a little closer and snapped a few pictures. 

Back in the heyday, every March we would drive by the park to view the daffodils. We didn't know what day they would bloom so it was almost an every day occurrence. 

But today, yes today, they were out in all their glory. 

I remember past years in the 1970's and still today, 50 years later, I search and enjoy Daffodil Hill in Mill Creek Park.  

So we have that.



Its So Nice To Be Insane


So, just the other day I had a hankering, (is hankering even a word anymore?) for some sugar cookies. Classic Bakery on Route 224 was my answer, and my destination. The bear claws are to die for as well as the other assorted cake, cookies, and novelty items on display. 

But this time, I wanted cookies. I selected the red heart shaped cookies with sentimental sayings written on the icing. ( Hell, the sayings on the cookies could of said 'Eat Me" for all I cared.) 

Anyway, when I got home. I opened to dozen box and selected this one. Yes, this one. It said Angle Baby. I was assuming it should have said Angel Baby, but there it was, Angle. I spied the other 11 cookies purchased but all were correct spelling. My cookie was an anomaly. 

This made me think about a song long ago, sung by Helen Reddy called Angie Baby.  

And as she turns the volume down

He's getting smaller with the sound

It seems to pull him off the ground

Toward the radio he's bound, never to be found

By the way. The cookies was good, tasted great and highly recommended. Find the Helen Reddy tune on Youtube, play it and have your cookie.

The Grassy Knoll Diner scores 4.5 out of 5 shots and recommends the Classic Bakery for delicious cookies.



Gunning For Sofa Beds

The summer of 1978. I can almost remember it. The year I graduated high school. Wait, that was 46 years ago. Hells bells. I'm old. Real old. 

I had just graduated high school and was just beginning to enjoy my vacation. I had so many things planned. I was going to do the old Jack Kerouac thing and hitch across country until I reached the West Coast. I read the book, On The Road, and it seemed pretty cool. I was also going to swim everyday. Actually get a tan for the first time in my life. Hell, I was 18 and ruled the world. But, I needed cash. And since being a gigolo wasn’t working out the way I imagined, I had to seek employment.

A friend of mine told me a furniture company was hiring and he knew the manager and could get me in. I was gold. The next day I was hired at the Poland Countryside Furniture company. Now with the name beginning with Poland, I imagined the facility was in Poland, Ohio. I was wrong. Quite wrong. The warehouse was in Niles. No problem. No n bother. 

That morning I pulled in to the parking lot, parked my car, and went inside. Inside I met my partner, Mike, and we immediately went to work loading the delivery truck for our first run of the day. We loaded couches, chairs, tables, lamps, all kinds of furniture. We neatly tied it all down and used blankets to keep them from getting scratched. Denny, the boss, handed me the keys to the truck. I slowly took the keys. I guess this would have been the perfect time to tell Denny that I didn’t know how to drive a truck. I thought I was just a delivery guy. I didn’t know I was hired to drive the truck. But, instead, I turned and headed for the truck.

I jumped in, adjusted the mirrors, the ones that had another tiny round mirror glued inside, pushed on the clutch, turned the key, and started the truck. So far, so good. This was gonna be easy. Then I noticed it. The gear shift had this red button attached on the side and it was labeled with the word “Low”. Little did I know that this was a 16 speed truck with 8 high and 8 low gears. Ignoring the button, I jammed the truck into first gear. (I hoped it was first) Letting out the clutch like I do with my car we were off to our first delivery. I actually did pretty good driving. The hills were a little unsettling with several motorists beeped their horns and some thought I was deaf as they signed me hand gestures of good driving.

Anyway, weeks passed and I was getting pretty good driving the big rig. Still never used the red button, (Didn’t need it) and we loaded up the truck for another delivery run. We arrived at our destination, a charming house with a double drive-way. Mike and I began unpacking the truck and placed the furniture on the driveway to save us some time climbing in and out of the truck to many times.

About five minutes later, the garage door opens and a four door sedan appears and backs out of the garage at a rapid speed. Mere seconds later the sedan rolls up the back of the yellow sofa that we had placed on the driveway. The car was going so fast that the couch acted like a ramp and the car rolled on top leaving the back wheels dangling off the ground several inches. The car turned the couch into kindling wood.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down. Everything was in slow motion. From the truck I saw the wheels spinning but the car going no where. I saw the driver, a man, still trying to get his car over the sofa. I saw Mike with a look of disbelief on his face. And I saw myself, starting to laugh at the situation.

A blink of the eyes later and I snapped back to reality. I had to take command of the situation. I walked over to the car and the driver who was still gunning the engine and tried to explain to him that he wasn’t going anywhere with his tires not making contact with the pavement. As fate would have it, I started laughing. Laughing real loud. You know the kind. The eye watering, side splitting, very vocal out of control laughing.

Maybe a minute later, I calmed down, Mike calmed down, and the driver actually calmed down and stopped gunning the engine. He got out of the car and asked us if we could assist in getting the car unlodged from the sofa. A couple of heave ho’s and we pulled the sofa out from under the car. There it lay on the ground splintered in a hundred pieces. Half jokingly I asked if he still wanted the lovely yellow sofa. The man went into a rage speaking in a language I wasn’t quite familiar with. Again, I started laughing. This time at him and he knew it. I told Mike to grab an end of the couch and load it back on the truck. The customer then said that since the couch was ruined, he didn’t want the other furniture. I told him no problem and we proceeded to load the rest of the stuff back up. I waved and gave him a thumbs up when we were ready to leave.

Footnote: Needless to say that the customer complained before we even got back to the warehouse. After our side of the story though, we kept our jobs and we worked through the summer until Fall quarter started at Youngstown State University.



Scarsellas Meatballs And Penne Dinner


So yes, it has been a long while since I posted any Blue Plate Specials updates on the Grassy Knoll Institute. Hell, its been a long time since I posted any updates. However, the wait is over. I have in store over 100 restaurants and fast food joints to update plus hundreds, yes, hundreds more updates from every Grassy Knoll Institute categories. I might even toss in an iron throne post or two, or three. 

Anyway, pictured above is a Meatball and Penne dinner from Scarsellas restaurant. Dish comes with three meatballs, good sized meatballs, and tasty by the way. And plenty of well cooked penne cooked very well. Add the spaghetti sauce and you an absolutely fantastic meal. 

Cost was a very good $12.99

By the way: Hello Dale. Thank you for the diet coke. It was truly the pause that refreshes.

The grassy Knoll Diner rates Scarsellas Meatball and Penne dinner 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommends for dinner. 



Is It November Already

Only 364 more days until Halloween... To soon... Yea, thought so.

One thing I thought I would see last night but did not. Ken and Barbie Halloween costumes while the kids were out trick or treating. Not one Ken, not one Barbie.  

To be real, there were plenty of kids out collecting candy. That made me feel good. The hours were 5:30pm to 7:30pm unlike in years past when it was 5-7pm. 

Unreal isn't it. Halloween, with such a buildup, comes and goes so fast, like you are riding a sled down a hill with no control of your speed or destination until you wind up on November 1st. But, I am now off the sled and prepared for the rest of the year. Yes, there is plenty of candy still in the kitchen which I will take it to work and pass it out to any and all who wants or needs it. 

Oh, by the way, this is the last post for the 2023 Halloween season. We had a glorious season, everything went smooth, weather was OK, good costumes, good fun, and good times. 

Here is the ending time.

Thank you everyone who came to my site and viewed the Halloween Dark Zone of the Grassy Knoll Institute. I am still here. I will say, I am still enjoying this blog and its readers. Especially during Halloween. 
I am ending this post as I have in the past previous seasons. I am staying put right here. I am not leaving. I am staying here until I am the last blog in the universe. 

Happy Halloween to everyone once again. Thank you for viewing and commenting and I will see you all next year. I guarantee it.

Happy Halloween