
Lost Update - Time Passages

Lost Update - Season V - 02/04/2009

It was late in December
The sky turned to snow
All round the day was going down slow
Night like a river beginning to flow
I felt the beat of my mind
Go drifting into time passages
Years go falling in the fading light
Time passages
Buy me a ticket on the last plane home tonight

The above song lyrics was penned by Al Stewart, and aptly named Time Passages. As usual with my Lost updates, the lyrics and songs I select are an integral part of my Lost theory and what is really happening on the show.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I've been waiting a long time to tell you.....
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Tonight's episode was all about convergence. (Found on Wikipedia: In mathematics, convergence describes limiting behavior, particularly of an infinite sequence or series, toward some limit. To assert convergence is to claim the existence of such a limit, which may be itself unknown. For any fixed standard of accuracy, however, you can always be sure to be within that limit, provided you have gone far enough.) (Sounds a whole lot like the gibberish Daniel Faraday spews under his breath doesn't it?)

Off the island, Ben (He who always lies) is rounding up the Oceanic six preparing them to return to the island. Ben already had Locke, (Dead and in the casket) and Jack and Sayid, and Hurley was on ice in the county jail lockup. Ben lied (of course) to get Kate motivated to leave, as he was behind the lawsuit to take Aaron away from her. They are on their way back to the island. Convergence.

While on the island, of course, the Others are already there. But wait! Not just the Others, but a younger version of the Others, except for Richard of course. And remember the flaming arrows shot at the castaways on the beach? They are also there. My guess is that they are the inhabitants of the Black Rock ship. Convergence.

Speaking of the castaways. They encounter themselves from several months ago. Reminded me of the Austin Powers movie where he went back and forth in time and met himself. (No, I'm austin Powers from ten minutes ago!) Locke also recognized the Hatch light as they were walking through the jungle. If you recall, Locke blew up the hatch several months ago and is now reliving it, or perhaps just observing the past. Convergence.

Wait, there's still more. The ill-fated French expedition washes ashore. Danielle is young and pregnant, and they pick up a passenger. Jin. Except he and the French are 16 years in the past. Convergence.

Don't forget about Desmond and Penny who are as I type on their way back to the Lost island. You know Walt will make an appearance soon. Convergence.

Tonight's episode was all about convergence. Wait a minute, didn't I just print that a few minutes ago? Or am I going to print that in the future? Or am I typing this right now? Ask Desmond, he knows!

Tidbits from tonight's episode:

*Claire's mother was used as a ploy to get Kate to react. Jack blurted out Aaron, who she did not know about. That will come back to haunt him.

*Ben always lies. You can insert this every week.

*Juliet and Sawyer are getting cozy. Just as I predicted.

*The nose bleeds. Charlotte and Miles have them, and then Juliet at the end of the show. Why only them?

The virtual reality tie in... Tonight's episode is a continuation from the season opener. The castaways are on a time journey, jumping from one loop to another. One moment they are in the past, or at least what they perceive is the past. The next moment they are in the future, or at least what they perceive is the future. and the next, back to the present, or at least what they perceive to be the present.

As I preached several years ago, all the castaways are interconnected sharing the same virtual reality experience. (Sounds like a ride at universal Theme park) As stated previously, when oddities occur, Jacks father on the island, Hurley talking to his dead pal, Kate seeing a horse, etc, reality is bleeding through and some are close to consciousness thus severing the link.

As in virtual reality video games, reset the game, start fresh with new parameters and choose from all the characters who you want to be. The rest of Time Passages by Al Stewart is below. The lyrics will bring my point home.

Well, I'm not the kind to live in the past
The years run too short and the days too fast
The things you lean on
Are the things that don't last
Well, it's just now
And then my line gets cast into these
Time passages
There's something back here that you left behind
Oh, time passages
Buy me a ticket on the last plane home tonight

Hear the echoes and feel yourself starting to turn
Don't know why you should feel
That there's something to learn
It's just a game that you play

Until next week, Get Lost!



  1. Juliet is in on it; whatever it is. If you remember before we thought she was good, she made comments like "it's not supposed to happen that way." I think Juliet's nose is bleeding because at the present time the island is in, she is not actually alive yet. In fact I think she is inside Danielle's stomach.

  2. in response to Fox: juliet is having a nose bleed because her brains internal clock is starting to lose conciousness of WHEN she is. danielle is pregnant with her daughter alex who was killed by the guy in charge of the ship looking for ben. ben kidnapped alex from danielle and raised her as his daughter. plus juliet is way older than 16. danielle said she was on the island for 16 years to sayid and her distess call from the island that shannon had to translate in season 1 was also playing for 16 years. alex was also 16 years old so it was deffinitly alex that danielle was pregnant with, not juliet. i do believe however that juliet isnt telling all she knows and still might be a spy for ben but i think she is doing whatever she can to reunite with her sister. 16 is one of "the numbers" they are everywhere lol.

  3. Fox-
    I believe Juliet isn't telling us everything she knows as well. A most interesting scene last night was when she seemed so interested in Sawyers reaction when he saw Kate in one of the time loops. I still believe these two get together.

  4. NY Nick-
    Correct, Danielle was pregnant with Alex, who Keamy executed while Ben watched. Juliet is in her 30's. And yes, I do believe she is not telling us everything she knows. Perhaps that is her ace in the hole, a way of protecting herself. And I do believe she wants to reunite with her sister.

    Now, here is the subplot. We know Ben always lies. So, we know that he isn't just doing all these deeds for the good of the group. He's doing it for his own reasons. Perhaps he's doing it for Alex, the daughter executed before his eyes. Perhaps when they all reunite on the island, Ben will press yet another secret lever and reset the island to a time before Alex was killed and he can now plan to prevent that from happening in the future. Perhaps that is why there are so many people from different time era's on the island. This isn't the first time the island was reset.

  5. I believe the writers wrote themselves into a corner. They exposed time travel and now have nowhere to go logically or believeable. It now has to be some farout theory. And yours fits that bill.

  6. I like the idea that Ben is trying to save Alex. That's why he didn't care if she was shot because he knew he could go back and fix it. I really think Ben's Ultimate goal in life is to be on the island without any interuption. He could have always left if he wanted to. He likes it there. He just wants things to go back to normal.

  7. I'm with you Fox. Maybe then the people will age normally like Richard and Ben and everyone will live in harmony just like the Dharma institte wanted.

  8. The duration of time shifts varied from very long to very short, but the one thing they shared was that they all ended at a climactic moment. At a moment when the course of events might have been threatened. I don't believe this is an accident. Think about the events at the point of each shift:

    Locke is about to be killed by Ethan.
    Sawyer is about to be shot by the people in the other boat.
    Alpert is about to tell Locke how to leave the island.
    Sawyer might have said something to Kate at the birth.
    And on and on. They are CAUSING the flashes, by trying to do something that is not acceptable in the timeline, when there is a chance of time changing the "when" changes, causing a flash.

    With the noticeable exception of the meeting between Desmond and Faraday. He might have gotten a jump on the flash, because of Des's particular "exception to the rules". Notice that Des is the only non-shifting person who sees the flash coming. That's why only Desmond can save them because he is the only one who can change time.

  9. Desmond. That's how he already knew what was going to happen all along. Faraday has been screwing with Desmond since the beginning of lost. Just like he is giving Desmond memories now he was doing it before. Desmond couldn't predict the future. Someone in the past is telling him what will happen in the future because they have already lived it once. That's why Des kept seeing how Charlie was goin to die because he already was there. Claire is involved. She is going to be a big part of season five.

  10. Staffmaster4202/05/2009 7:37 AM

    If Juliet is on it, then why is her nose bleeding. Wouldn't you think she would know this was going to happen. She did know latin, when those original soldiers captured them saying she knew they were others. And she seems to know about Sawyer and Kate and trying to drive a wedge in them.

  11. Everyone's nose that is bleeding have been on the island before the plane crash. I think when they jump to a time when they have actually been on the island hence forth creating two of the same people at the same time the nose begins to bleed.

  12. Last nights show was pretty uneventful. Not much going on in reality. There I threw you a bone lotgk, virtual reality, not reality. Waiting for next weeks show hoping it has more action.

  13. Trailer-Twit2/05/2009 11:33 AM

    I would love to see Lost cancelled after season five and leave everyone hanging. Then what would you talk about.

  14. Sorry, I haven't put to much careful thought into this idea, so you guys probably can debunk this theory pretty quickly. Anyhow, what if the casket in the first season that was supposedly holding christian shepards body was acctually the casket holding locke. In other words the pilot episode is acctually the returning to the island by locke, jack, kate, sun, aaron, hurly. I can't really put all the pieces together, so it probably cant be, but just wanted your guys thoughts.

  15. Wondering what would happen if the island flashes back to when Shannon and Boone were alive. Would Locke change things to save Boone? Bet that comes along in the new few episodes.

  16. Well lotgk, Sawyer did see Kate and Claire in an earlier time so why not Shannon and Boone and Libby and Ana Lucia.

  17. I think the show has no ending yet. The vr would be cool but then where would the giant foot w/4 toes play in? LOGK is that part of the alien plot?

  18. I don't know if i heard correctly at the end of the episode....but was Rosseau's message loop playing on the french teams walkie talkies? I heard a count of some sort

  19. You know what i think juliet pribably is still kinda bad but what is most important is who is she working for she betrayed ben so i dont think its him and she seems to be kinda nuetral.maybe she sees thte survivors as the only way of the island.

  20. Oh and i think that richard stays so young becaus i dont know maybe the island has some kinda fountain of youth or something.Afterall it is a island with deadly smoke clouds and time travel.

  21. LOTGK you think the foot was a ape or a lawgiver i dont know i figured maybe it coulda been somthing royal,like maybe once the island was inhabited by people centuries or milleniums ago and mysteriously the people disappeared.(Atlantis perhaps)

  22. Lost In Time2/09/2009 7:03 AM

    Aliens involved, LOTGK no way, I will give you the virtual reality experiment, seeing that everyone is jumping through time, and it is not possible here on earth, but not controlled by aliens.


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