
Mass Alien Abduction In Progress

Sole Survivor Wearing His Thought Screen Helmet
An important announcement from the Grassy Knoll Institute to all those afflicted with M.A.A. (Multiple Alien Abductions)

Yesterday afternoon, a group of M.A.A. members were targeted by aliens and quickly and easily abducted from their camp site. Only Eddy survived by following the thought screen helmet credo to always wear your helmet no matter how safe you feel.

Eddy watched in horror as the aliens unceremoniously levitated his fellow M.A.A. members to the mother ship perhaps never to be seen again. Only Eddy's velostat lined thought screen helmet prevented his abduction by shielding his thoughts and his location from the aliens.

Don't let this happen to you. Wearing a properly constructed thought screen helmet lined with velostat at all times is the only way to prevent the wearer from being the victim of an alien abduction.



  1. I don't think this is an alien abduction. I think this is the result of the federal government banning the use of gravity. It was only a matter of time to when they confiscated gravity and banned its use by the general public. Contact your Congressional rep ASAP to register your complaint and concerns. We need gravity back in the hands of the general public and not in the hands of politicians! This is ridiculous, folks!

  2. I blame the "Fiscal Cliff."

  3. It could be Cliff. Or, who knows, it could be Norm or Sam.

  4. But not Coach, he's dead.

  5. Great, here comes a new tax, Gravity Tax.


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