
Angels Versus Aliens

The bible is perhaps one of the best collections of conspiracy theories humankind will ever know. (Or perhaps humankind cannot yet understand the contents in it's entirety) It is filled with stories of men living to be hundreds of years old. Races of giants intermingling with humans. Angels visiting men secretly in the night. A man being swallowed by a whale and living to tell about it. Gods and angels in fiery chariots descending from the heavens. Devils and demons destroying and possessing people. A flood so great it covered the earth for 40 days. Numerous plagues bestowed upon man. Life reanimation. The instantaneous healing of diseases. Plus stories of miracles that only gods can perform. And it all started ions ago with man gazing into the heavens, looking at the lights in the sky. And wondering.

The same lights we look at today. However, humankind, as a collective, believe we have a better perspective than primitive humans. We put a different spin on events occurring today. Instead of Angels, we see Aliens. The fact is, Divine intervention and Aliens are not a modern day fad, but intricately woven into our society from the dawn of communication continuing to present day.

Writings of visitations are well documented in the Old Testament, handed down from generation to generation. To the ancient man, these appearances could only be comprehended as Angel visitations. In ancient times, there were angels, fiery flying chariots, and burning bushes. Compared to today's visitations, the encounters are all to similar. In modern time, we refer to them as Aliens, spacecraft, (UFOs) and telepathic communication.

What do we make from all of this? Is there truth to any of this? The bible speaks of many stories of god and angel intervention from a  group of people do diverse, it expands the entire known world at the time. Today, no one can deny the thousands upon thousands of UFO sightings reported yearly from around the globe. These reports are not from a small group of people but from a group so diverse it encompasses all walks of life, all nationalities, and all religions.

In ancient times, many of the people who were visited by angels, demons, and gods, were ridiculed, shunned, and not believed, for they had no real evidence, just a story. The same goes for the modern world. The people who claim to have been visited by aliens, or have seen alien space craft, are ridiculed, thought mentally unstable, or just making up an elaborate hoax to gain their 15 minutes of fame. To date, these people have not produced any real concrete evidence of their tales.

Perhaps that is by design. I always ask the same question when reading or viewing alien encounters. In today's society, with everyone having cell phones, why has not one of these alien events been recorded. Just one photo. In focus. We have a million photo's of celebrities and politicians in compromising situations, why can't we capture a good clear in focus picture or video of an alien encounter.

Perhaps, just perhaps, Angels are Aliens, and fiery flying chariots are spacecraft, and burning bush encounters are telepathic communication.

Keep gazing into the heavens for answers. It may just be by design.



  1. so your saying the bible is full of flying saucers and aliens. dobt think so.

    1. No, I am not saying the bible is full of UFOs. I am saying that as humankind advanced, so has our understanding.
      Imagine trying to describe the lunar landing to a man from 1000 BC.

  2. Technically speaking, Jesus was an alien, he wasn't from this earth. He was from heaven, so aliens and angels are one in the same.

  3. In the old times, people got stoned, the bad way, not the good way, for seeing angels. And same for today, remember the independence day movie, where the guys are sitting at the deli counter and asking the guy who claimed to be abducted by aliens, if they took any sexual liberties against him.

    1. Exactly Max. I do not think it a coincidence that angels and aliens are so closely related.


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