
Lost Update - Sympathy For The Devil

Lost Update - Season Six - 03/16/2010

Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man's soul and faith

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

MIB tells Kate that he made a promise to protect everyone, and that included Kate. He tells Kate to take his hand and he will show her where Sawyer is. He attempts a smile and calming affect but Kate sees through it and does not take MIB's hand. At that exact moment, MIB reminded me of Satan, attempting to win over the people he duped into believing he was good. So you see, my Lost theory is spot on.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Tonight's episode was all about Sawyer, or Ford, or Lafluer, take your pick. We get a glimpse into his mind, his psyche. Both on the island and during his sideways flash.

What do we know about Sawyer to this point? First, he gets plenty of women. But most importantly, he is driven by one single thought. Hatred towards one man, the man who gunned down his parents in cold blood. His mission in life, to exact revenge, to kill the man who murdered his parent and ruined his life.

Sawyer became a grifter, a con man, a cheap man, out for himself, not letting anyone get in his way. These attributes would serve him well on the Lost island. In his sideway flash, we find that Sawyer is still running his con game, but this time, as a cop. He tells Charlotte, who he meets and beds, that he had a choice of becoming a criminal or a cop. He chose to be a cop.

However, although his cons are on the right side of the law, he is still pursuing the man who murdered his parents. Splitting hairs perhaps, but it is a fine line between good and evil.

OK, VR theory time.
Sawyer is being manipulated. He has been thrust into several scenario's to observe what choice he makes and what is the ultimate outcome of said choice. In Sawyers case, it appears no matter what scenario he is in, he ends up alone, bitter, and filled with hatred. Think back on the previous five Lost seasons, Sawyers story, a loner, loses Kate, Juliet, his wife in the flash, Charlotte, etc. No matter what choice he makes, he ends up alone, bitter, and filled with hatred.

Perhaps this is what Jacob and MIB were referring to in the season five finale, when Jacob says, "It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it’s just progress." He is searching for the right scenario for Sawyer, the right variables, the right experiment, to allow him to be happy. We'll have to wait to the series finale to see if he ever achieves that.

One more thing I noticed tonight. The castaways are again split into groups. MIB's group, supposedly the evil group, and Ilana's group, supposedly the good group. Ilana's group is back where the season one started, at the shoreline by the wreckage. MIB's group is further inland. Remember when the castaways split into two groups, one wanting to stay on the shore, one wanting to venture more inland. It's all happening once again but this time, under a slightly different scenario.

Folks, face it, Lost is about virtual reality, and the castaways are being experimented and manipulated without their knowing. Data is being collected to help researchers in future experiments to better understand all the variables of life, and death.

"It only ends once. Anything that happens before that, it’s just progress. "

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* We see Sawyers standard pigeon drop con but this time, the girl is well ahead of him. Thought I saw a nip on her too.

* Sawyer is a detective in side flash. The complete opposite of what he is on the island.

* Miles is Sawyers partner.

* MIB reveals to Sawyer that he is the smoke thing that killed all those people.

* Charlotte was looking pretty damn hot.

* Sawyer is back to the Hydra station, where he was tortured in the bear cages. Sees Kates dress.

* Claire attacks Kate, tries to kill her. Sayid does nothing about it.

* MIB stops Claire, slaps her, and explains to her about Kate.

* Sawyer goes on a mission for MIB, a recon to spy on the people with the plane.

* Sawyer finds the plane, it doesn't look suitable for flying, debris scattered all around. A path leading into the jungle.

* Finds a pile of dead rotting people.

* Runs down Zoe, who looks like Danielle, se says she is the last one left.

* Surprise. Zoe is not the nerdy helpless woman, but a cunning conniving bitch who sets Sawyer up. He knew it though.

* MIB tells Kate his mother was crazy. Yes, he had a mother, a long time ago, before he became MIB. Very interesting.

* He refers to Kate that Aaron is in danger because Claire is a crazy mother also.

* They have a sub! Widmore's sub.

* QUOTE: "People aren't really gone when they die!"

* Sawyer and Widmore strike a deal. Sawyer lives up to his mantra.

* Anthony Cooper.

* Kate literally runs into Sawyer. He runs her down.

* Jacob can be seen as a bystander in the street witnessing Kate and Sawyer.

* No, not really! just checking to see if you are still reading this or moved to the comments section already.

* A shout out to Travis from Las Vegas. I told you it was Virtual Reality.

Until next week, Get Lost!



  1. Great show tonight. I came right here after the show ended but forgot you need time to write your update. But I'm first to comment tonight and here goes. If MIB is evil incarnate, he is the devil. Or a figure of speech. But I don't think so. MIB is too similar to the devil, in promising that he will protect everyone, holding his hand out hoping she would take it and accept his help, not caring what happens to Sawyer, killing all those not following him. The devil himself.

  2. I as well keep noticing and mentioning the religious undertones of Lost, especially this season and most of season five. However, I still believe that the religion tie in is a red herring, put in so obvious so as to draw attention away from is really happening. Virtual reality experimentation.

  3. GREAT SHOW???????? How can you say that... The only thing going on here is that the writers are trying to confuse us even more. For every question answered five more questions are asked. You want to know what lost is all about? It's about getting viewers like us LOST in a show for six years. We are lost. We are lost in this television show that is about nothing. They go from one topic to another. If you remember, last year we were talking about time travel, now we are talking about religion.... It just goes on and on.. I am never watching lost again. Six years and I am going to quit cold turkey... Goodbye..

  4. Lost Fanatic3/17/2010 4:16 AM

    Last nights show was not up to par, but next weeks show, when Richard said in the preview, see this place, meaning the island, it isn't what you think it is. We get to see about Richard next week.

  5. Lost Fanatic3/17/2010 4:16 AM

    Fox, don't give up hope yet, you invested six years to the show, you are in the home stretch, don't stop now.

  6. Granted, last night did not reveal to many island clues at all, unless you look at the big picture. For six years, the Lost castaways have experienced invisible monsters, smoke monsters, polar bears on a tropical island, abductions, murder, torture, miracles, time travel, the island sinks, the island vanishes, the island cannot be found, God, Satan, people not aging, people being cured, returning from the dead, alternate time lines, love, hate, and everything in between.

    To me, the only way a group of people can be exposed to these experiences in just over 108 days is via virtual reality. I believe the writers are moving toward the end game with this in mind.

    I hope to see you back next week.

  7. You beat me to it concerning Richard. When he said that, it was what I was saying the entire time. The island is not what it appears to be.

  8. Agreed. You cannot walk away from Lost now, regardless of the outcome of the show.

  9. Your right about Sawyer, or Ford, whatever, no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, he always gets sucked into doing something wrong. What if he is a candidate for the new MIB when unlocke leaves the island with the group. Although Ben was promised that by MIB also. And Jack will be the new Jacob.

  10. I'm with most of you here, Lost is lost, I don't think the writers know how to end it now, with them denouncing all the theories in past years, whats left? I know, the VR theory, which may be the winner by default.

  11. I almost kicked myself for not noticing Jacob watching Kate and Sawyer... thanks for the dupe. Obviously I do read everything :P

    The chick that Sawyer pulled the con on was the bitch from Prison Break. Not that it means anything I just thought it was interesting.

    If Sawyer has now met Kate I can't help but wonder where (or if) Juliet figures into this future/timeline. I miss Juliet and V is nowhere near as good a show.

    Herein lies the crux regarding Claire. Did MIB take her away from Aaron knowing that Kate would take him thusly making her crazy, or did someone know she was going batty and take her away before she could ruin him?

  12. I will watch next weeks episode only because it's about Richard. After that I am done. No more lost.....

  13. Only 8 shows left and the grassy knoll dude is still hanging in there with his theory.

  14. Some people call me Lucifer. And you're right, I never get any sympathy. Its about time.

  15. Exactly! We have a good guy (Jacob) and a bad guy (MIB) so logic states that both need a replacement so the candidates are vying for two positions.

  16. I knew they would get around to it sooner or later. It's my time now.

  17. Just checking to see who's on their toes and you are as usual Ben.

  18. Yes, I'm waiting for the return of Juliet, not just in a side flash, but back on the island. That will be the big shocker especially when the writers stated that dead is dead and no one returns from the dead. Except for Juliet.....

    And her amazing rack.

  19. Dude, only 8 more episodes left, you may as well stay on the path and see it through.

  20. Last one left standing wins.... :D

  21. Are you telling me it's time to get our houses in order.

  22. Did anyone ever think the show is called lost because we are the ones lost. Is it possible that nothing will tie together. Even then how could we compain. The show has kept us watching for years.

  23. Check this link out Fox.
    The Seinfeld Syndrome
    It explains your thoughts.

  24. What is the significance of 108 and what was the number of the course setting?

    Maybe after 108 days new experiments begin?

  25. If you add up all the numbers it equals 108.
    Exactly, maybe each candidate receives 108 days to fulfill his/her destiny.


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