
In God We Trust

The Grassy Knoll Institute, as many of you know, has thrown our collective hats into the political arena and announced that we are running for president of the united States in 2008 and by God, we will try our hardest to tackle the issues honestly and clearly. (Wait a minute, in today's age, using God in a speech is political suicide.) And that is what todays rant is about. God in American culture.

We at the Grassy Knoll institute believe that we, as a nation, nay, strike that, the entire human race is on the verge of a major event in time. End of the world perhaps, fire and brimstone, good VS evil, cats and dogs. And what about the twinkie? Sit back in your chairs folks, sip your tea, drink your coffee, chug your Coke or Pepsi. I'm digging in.......

If you look at our Declaration of Independence, the second paragraph clearly states and I quote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Ain't that grand. We, all of us, have these rights, with the guidance of the creator, to seek happiness. *Cue the happy ending music* (Wait, that ain't In A Godda Da Vida Baby)

If we look at what society is doing right now, here, today, yesterday, and surely tomorrow, is taking God, the Creator out of the equation all together. Every American reading this, quickly, right now, open your wallet or purse, grab a dollar bill, or a fiver, or any denomination. Do you see the "In God We Trust" engraved on that bill? Good, its there for a reason. It’s a warning sign. Our forefathers were very smart men, and oh yea, devout Christians.

(Still with me? Good. It'll be worth it....)
Today in any public school, we are not permitted, nay, it is ILLEGAL, unconstitutional, to speak the Lords name. Yet, every child that buys lunch in that school pays with money stamped with IN GOD WE TRUST on it. If we cannot speak the name of God, why is it permitted to be written on our currency?

It’s a warning!!! Remember?

Our very own Declaration of Independence, one of the most precious and revered documents, is, according to today’s norms, ILLEGAL, for it speaks of trusting in God and the Creator. Our current government has deemed these words unconstitutional. It has effectively removed God from our Constitution, our laws, our rules, our way of life.

Lets go back to that second paragraph of the declaration of Independence. "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles"

Our forefathers gave us the power, nay, the responsibility to abolish any government that swayed from our Constitution. By taking God out of the equation, the Constitution has been altered to in such a way that this governing body cannot repair it.

Look at your money. Look at the schools we send our children to. Look at the corrupt politicians voting themselves pay raises and making deals to allow jobs to leave the states so as to make a couple more bucks to line their retirement pockets.

Our forefathers are reminding us each and every day we buy any commodity with our hard earned dollar bills. It’s time to say NO! No more. Time to draw the line in the sand. Time to throw the goddamn tea back into the harbor.

Otherwise, as I alluded to at the very beginning of this rant, religion will be extinguished from this nation giving rise to that world event I spoke of. Yes, the dawn of the anti-christ.




    bring it on...gonna be a helluva party.

    *this from the atheist who knows her history well enough to know all this god stuff came much later than the founding fathers ..most of whom were deists..not Christians..might wanna read some of their bios and check the historical timeline re: American currency. Wikipedia is a good place to start. or even the Treasury historical reference sites online. as would any decent secular bio on the founding fathers. American historical timeline. emphasis on secular. i'll stop now...*

  2. Truth be told Cyn, my point is, our currency has IN GOD WE TRUST printed on it. Let it be 50 years, or 100 years, it is on our money.
    If our current government deems God and any mention of God in any way unconstitutional, then shouldn't the first order of business be to issue new currency? Instead, they spend millions of dollars in legal and lawyer fee's fighting these stupid battles in court for someone's rights have possibly been violated.

    And you are correct about our forefathers. To the king of England, they were criminals and would have been executed if they did not revolt. Perhaps that is why John Hancock signed his name so big and bold. He had nothing to lose.

    Nevertheless, the declaration was penned, the Constitution ratified, and it is our law, the law of the land and since it mentions God and the Creator, than God and the Creator by the definition of the Constitution, cannot be illegal.

    And I knew I would get a reply from you on this one.

  3. I also questioned this. The separation of church and state but our money is printed with God on it. Hard to tell the people that they cannot say his name anymore.

  4. The founding fathers all had one thing in common, they were all creationist but did not believe in a theocratic state. Thats why in the Declaration of Idependence they chose the Creator and not Jesus, they belived in a supreme being and the way you worship him is your choice. The supreme court has ruled that "In GOD We Trust" on Money and in the pledge is Ceremonial Deisism, dosen't promote or perfer one religion over another and therefore does not go against the establishment clause. So its not unconstitutional, just as the president of the U.S. says after every State of the Union address "God Bless America."

  5. "The supreme court has ruled that “In GOD We Trust” on Money and in the pledge is Ceremonial Deisism, dosen’t promote or perfer one religion over another and therefore does not go against the establishment clause."

    I would think the Atheists may have a differing opinion.

  6. It doesn't matter, it dosen't go agaisnt the establishment clause. How many atheist have filed law suites agaisnt God in the pledge and the motto on money and it's still in there. This country was founded on a given that there was a creator, a great architect of the universe. IN God We Trust was put on coinage during the Civil War, to appease the Christians, who wanted Jesus put on the money. Infact they wanted to amend the Constitution to give allegiance to Jesus Christ. IN God we Trust was put on paper money during the Eisenhower administration and the red scare, to show the U. S. was a Country united under God and not like the athiest communist Russians. http://www.treas.gov/education/fact-sheets/currency/in-god-we-trust.shtml In God We Trust is the National Motto, signed into law on July 30, 1956.

  7. http://candst.tripod.com/chrsamnd.htm Here is the proposed Christian Amendment to the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

  8. You're arguing with him when he said the same thing. He quoted the D.O.I. ,
    If you look at our Declaration of Independence, the second paragraph clearly states and I quote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    He brought to attention creator.

  9. My point was / is, that the government are hypocrites. They have engraved on our money, IN GOD WE TRUST and yet in any public school children and teachers are not permitted to speak the name of God. Something is wrong there.

  10. In your article, I quote "Our forefathers were very smart men and oh yea, devout Christians. Then you continue on " today in any public school, we are not permitted, nay, it is Illegal, UNCONSTITUTIONAL to speak the lords name." I was pointing out that it was not unconstitutional to mention God in public schools or Government institutions.

  11. Jim Porter,
    St. Valentine's Day is coming up later this month. All the school kids will be exchanging cards with each other. However, in previous years, some schools have banned and prohibited cards with religious undertones. But it's SAINT Valentine/s Day. If the school bans the religious cards, why do they allow any kind of distribution for a religious holiday?

    Also, a child is not permitted to wear a shirt that says God or a picture of God. But, that child can wear satanic shirts, devil horns, rock bands depicting satanic rituals etc. To some people, Satan is their God. shouldn't those be banned as well?

  12. St. Valentine's Day hasn't been called that since 1969 when reforms adopted by the Catholic Church removed St.Valentine Day from the Roman Catholic calender. It has become a secular celebration, celebrated by candy and card co.for increased profits. A kid wearing a t-shirt with God or Jesus on it violates the establishment clause, how? Its not the school promoting a religion. It is freedom of expression and the Supreme court has ruled that expression is a form of speech. Here is a pro-life case http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2006/jan/06011206.html The schools are so worried about religious intanglement they ignore the individuals right to free speech.

  13. "St. Valentine’s Day hasn’t been called that since 1969"

    Ahh, yes it has. My son went to public school just a few years back. They had a St. Valentine's day party. They even had cake. And the students passed out valentines.

  14. I'm sure there are people who still call it St. Valentine, like you, but offically it is no longer a celebration of the Saint ( and doubtful it ever was ) I was raised a Catholic and never thought it as a religious day. It's a day about love, can that be bad!

  15. I am not the one calling it St. Valentines Day. It is the public school system. Just pointing that out to you.

  16. OK, What part of the country do you live?

  17. I'm from Houston Texas. What does that matter where you are from. if the public schools have religious events, Christmas shows, Halloween parties, Saint Patricks day parades, but the children aren't allowed to distribute religious items, than WTF?


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