
Heron Of Alexandria

Time Traveler Heron Of Alexandria

The Grassy Knoll Institute research team dug up some ancient history and came across this tidbit. Heron of Alexandria, born on or around 10 AD in Egypt, was an important geometer and worker in mechanics. The actual date is clouded in history with Heron merely just arriving on the scene.

So what's the big deal about this man? Perhaps Heron was an early time traveler that somehow got trapped in the past. Pretty far-fetched you ask? Yea, probably so, but it's my blog, so listen up anyway and read why.

Heron was a man before his time. He was a brilliant mathematician and scientist. His theorems are still in use today. He was also a great inventor.

Some of his inventions are as follows:

A working steam engine more than 2000 years old.

An automatic opening doors using ingenious pulleys and levies. This device was used to create the illusion that the Pharaoh could open the huge heavy stone doors by merely speaking his will.

The first vending machine was also his invention as the device dispensed blessed holy water for a small cost.

The drinking fountain. Many perceived this as magic as no one has ever seen such marvels before.

He even invented the first automated theater complete with sound, scene changes, and animated action backgrounds. Thousands were astounded when they viewed such gifts from the gods.

Heron was also called on to help on the battlefield. He invented the first "Gatling Gun" that shot wooden arrows with deadly accuracy one after another in rapid fire.

All these feats created with the tools and raw materials of the day. And, after Heron died, the clerics of the time could not duplicate Herons genius and the inventions created slowly broke down and were forgotten for many hundreds of years.

Perhaps Heron, being the inquisitive scientist, somehow traveled back in time from a date yet unknown, to study the Egyptian culture at the dawn of the new millennium. Egyptian hieroglyphics refer to Heron as "Traveler From The Sun", and speak of him as a great teacher. His means of time travel were not look mechanical, such as folklore H.G. Wells and his time machine.

Speculation has it that Heron used several of his theorems on the space time continuum to navigate and control time and space itself. By plotting a course on a simple number line, he could easily go from point "A" to point "B" by inputting his theorems solutions.

Heron either changed the course of history leaving no future for him to return to or miscalculated the power necessary to return to his era by not taking into account the tools and raw materials at his disposal in the year 10 AD. In any event, Heron was trapped and made modern wonders that date 2000 years old.



  1. Far-fetched? Yes. Absurd? Yes. Interesting and entertaining? Absolutely. I love this blog.

  2. We aim to please Dr Paws.
    Thanks for visiting, commenting, and the kind words.

  3. ParanoidRabbit9/23/2008 7:14 AM

    This may seem far fetched on the service, but when you look at the physical evidence it becomes exceedingly clear that . . . . . . . it's all true. The only possibility is a time traveller. They've found hieroglyphics of helicopter and plans and strange flying discs! http://vejprty.com/abydos2.jpg

    doo do doo do

    I love this site

  4. Well if your he is a traveller from the future if there is ever someone called Heron in the near future who is a great mechanics mathmetician and scientst who goes missing mysteruiosly then we have our proof!

  5. Twighlight Zone12/06/2008 6:09 PM

    This sounds so real and I might consider it for an episode for the twighlight zone. This conspiricy givin the evidence could be very true, I mean who could really come up with this stuff and if the calculations that were found were really on space and time continum..........

    LOTGK Replies:
    Now that would be a Twilight Zone episode. Especially since the creator, Rod Serling, has been dead for years.

  6. Are you kidding me. Time traveled? From when? Stuck in the past ands thats all he can invent.

  7. Keep in mind that he didn't have like Enriched Uranium 239 hanging around. He had to work with the tools at hand.

  8. My name is Piter Jankovich. oOnly want to tell, that your blog is really cool
    And want to ask you: is this blog your hobby?
    P.S. Sorry for my bad english

  9. Its not a hobby. Its a way of life. :D


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