Showing posts with label blarney stone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blarney stone. Show all posts


The Genetic Irish Ginger Gene (Red Head)

Genetic Sexy Irish Redheads
Genetic Sexy Irish Redheads
Ireland is the land of legend, myth, and magic. It is also the land of red-headed (Ginger) people. Or is it? When people describe Ireland, Guinness beer, Leprechaun's, Fairies, Blarney Stone, St. Patrick, Shamrocks, Bagpipes, and Red Headed people are part of the description. To a lesser extent, Catholics priests and the Irish Cross.

However, one of these things don't belong here. It's the red-headed people. Honest! I'm not kidding. Only 10% of the entire Irish population are gingers. (How ironic that Ginger from Gilligan's Island was a ginger) That's right, brown and black hair are the most dominant hair color for the Irish. Red hair is a recessive trait, and may only occur every third or fourth generation. Hence, less red-haired folks.

Don't get me wrong here though folks. The entire world population consists of approximately only 2% red-haired people. With Ireland having 10%, it is significant, but still not accurate.

Some famous redheaded people in history not in any order. Some may surprise you.
Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett, Judas, (Christ Apostle) Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme (Manson gang member) L Ron Hubbard, (Scientology creator) Napoleon Bonaparte (He was a short General) Lizzie Borden (Gave her mother 40 whacks) Cleopatra, (Egyptian Queen) President Thomas Jefferson, Mark Twain, Vincent Van Gogh, Galileo, Winston Churchill, King David, Malcolm X, Queen Elizabeth 1st. And just newly discovered, Pharaoh Ramsis I was a red-head.

Notice a pattern here.




Kissing The Blarney Stone

Legend Of Kissing The Blarney Stone
Legend Of Kissing The Blarney Stone
When visiting Ireland, the emerald isle, one of the favorite tourist destinations is Blarney Castle, where thousands of tourists line up each and every day to kiss the Blarney Stone to receive the fabled "Gift Of Gab." But to kiss the stone, is a wee bit complicated. You see, the Blarney stone is embedded in Blarney castle, perched 83 feet above the ground.

Each person wishin to kiss the stone must lie on their backs, and slowly get lowered down by two friends, (They should be two really good friends) and then, while you are turned upside down, you are ready to pucker up. If your friends lose their grip on you, you will plunge to certain death.

Psst....Hey, over here. Just a little tip for all you tourists puckering up. I have it on very good authority that the local young menfolk like to pull practical jokes on tourists. One of their favorites is to sneak into the castle area at night and relieve themselves all over the Blarney Stone. Bring your mouthwash.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!