
Lost Update: Season 6 Preview - Faith Of The Heart

Lost Update - Season Six - 01/27/2010

It's been a long road, getting from there to here.
It's been a long time, but my time is finally near.
And I will see my dream come alive at last. I will touch the sky.
And they're not gonna hold me down no more, no they're not gonna change my mind.

Cause I've got faith of the heart.
I'm going where my heart will take me.
I've got faith to believe. I can do anything.
I've got strength of the soul. And no one's gonna bend or break me.
I can reach any star.
I've got faith.
I've got faith, faith of the heart.

Five and a half years ago, September 22nd, 2004, I watched the pilot of ABC's new drama series, Lost. It was about a horrific plane crash that went down 1000 miles off course stranding 48 survivors. To make matters worse, the Losties encountered a terrifying invisible monster stalking the survivors. The program was very entertaining but something just didn't jive and some scenes were all to familiar. At that moment, I formulated my Lost theory and posted it to my  Grassy Knoll blog. Week in and week out for the past 5 years I updated each episode with what was really going on behind the scene. In May of 2010, we shall see if the Curator was correct.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

Season Six, the final season, promises to answer the countless questions the show produced. However, the writers stated that not every single question will be given an answer, but will attempt to tie as many loose ends up as possible at the conclusion of the series. The Grassy Knoll Institute feels the following questions need to be answered to satisfy the millions of loyal Lost fans.

* Where are we? Charlie asked that question in the pilot after the smoke monster made it's first appearance. We've been trying to figure that out since.

* When are we? Time travel was introduced and the castaways have been transported to the 1950's, 1970's, the present, whenever that is, and to the future.

* Who are we? A very select group of survivors all with a backstory and all connected to one another in varying degrees.

* Where did all the children go? Ben took them in a raid and we never saw them again.

* Why did they take the children? For what purpose.

* What do the numbers mean? 4 - 8 - 15 - 16 - 23 - 42
They appear everywhere and have some sort of significant meaning.

* What is the Hanso corporation? It was mentioned early on but forgotten as of late.

* What is the real objective of the Dharma Initiative? To save the world, or perhaps to end it.

* Why are people who are known to be dead still appear and interact with the living on and off the island? It gives new meaning to the phrase, I see dead people?

* Who is Jacob? Is he the mastermind behind everything, or merely just another chess piece in the Lost Game.

* Who is the mysterious MIB? And why does he despise Jacob so much.

* How is it possible that John Locke can walk on the island? He was wheel chair bound but after the crash, he turns into Tarzan.

* Who is Ben really? Just an evil man, or a man wanting to save the world.

* Why doesn't Richard age like the rest of the Others? He was around in the 1950's and didn't age a bit in the present and the future.

* How can Desmond see glimpses of the future?

* How did Charlie kick his heroin habit so quickly?

* What is the significance of the Ying/Yang Black/White comparisons? is it a struggle between good and evil.

* Why can't the island be spotted by the air or from the sea?

* What is the significance of the black powder creating a ring around Jacob's cabin in the woods?

* Why don't they show Juliet's rack more often? The ratings would soar even higher.

And literally hundreds of more questions waiting to be answered.

February 2nd, is the premiere of season six. I believe this episode will recap several plot lines of previous seasons and then focus on the end game of the series. We will begin to see very soon where the storyline is headed and how Lost will end and who will be left standing. Alive or dead! I anticipate questions to be answered at a quick pace, not rapid fire, but narrowing the arc's of each character. There has been 5 seasons of episodes, the writers have only 16 episodes to tie it all together before the finale airs in May.

What questions do you want answered by the writers and producers of the show before the series ends? The comments are open, what say you Lost faithful?



  1. Lost Believer1/27/2010 7:42 AM

    I can't wait for Tuesday night. I hope they explain the smoke monster and who or what it is.

  2. Found you on google under lost secrets. You were number1. My question, how are they going to explain all the supernatural things going on, people dying and coming back to life, time travel, reading minds, seeing the future, no one aging, and explain it without some science fiction mumbo jumbo.

  3. I'm looking forward to the answers. I just hope they don't spend three or four shows recapping what we already know.

  4. There are some mysteries the writers will not or cannot explain but they better elaborate on smoky.

  5. World, that was my point, with everything going on, my virtual reality theory seems sound.

  6. Leeuna, I don't think they have the time to recap for to long. I believe they will be moving toward the end game by the end of the premiere Tuesday night.

  7. No matter what the answers provided, it wont be enough to make everyone happy. They dug themselves into a hole they cant get out from. To many arcs, to many wild things. Not enough answeres.

  8. Sorry, thats answers.

  9. I watched the season finale the other night with absolute glee! I can NOT wait for this final season to begin. I just hope that they do justice to what has been the best thing ever on tv (IMHO).

    PS I also hope (beyond hope) that Juliet is not dead. Poor Sawyer.

  10. Agreed. Unless it's my theory, virtual reality. :D

  11. Juliet is not dead. You have to believe that. I have to believe that.

  12. Sun was getting kinda sexy at last season's end. I could be over Juillet and her above average rack

  13. And don't forget we get the lovely Claire back this season.

  14. I'm shocked you don't have a countdown clock on your blog for the start of the final season. My theory, its a movie. Nothing is real.

  15. I'm so excited for Lost to start but sad that its the last season. Do you think all the questions will be amswered.

  16. So you think they are all captives or actors like the Trueman show, and everyone is in on it except a select few. Its been done already.

  17. One day away... Is there semi nude or nude pictures of the other women of lost around. You only paid homage to Juliett but what about Kate, Sun, Claire, Naomi. I think you need section where a collection of pics of all the women of lost can be found...

  18. We cannot run scripts on Wordpress or you bet there would have been one.

  19. I don't think everything will be answered and I would bet that some questions that are answered won't be enough to satisfy the viewers.

  20. No here is my theory....
    Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

  21. You know, I was going to have who's your favorite Lost Hottie and have people vote but I never did get around to it. Perhaps during the season.

  22. I happened upon your Lost blog through Google search. I must say I am impressed with your tenacity defending your theory. I have to admit, I don't agree with you but you state your facts and so far it cannot be disproved. You now have a new Lost follower for the final season of Lost.

  23. You'd have to find pictures of all of them. I bet you could dig up some video of Evangeline Lilly doing low budget soft porn in her early career.

  24. My thought process was taking a picture from each of the actors from the series. Then let everyone vote and decide.

  25. Its easy defending your theory when you are right.....


    Actually, I am having a blast with Lost and will be sorry to see the series end in May. Maybe a miniseries later the next year to tie up even more loose ends.

  26. I am not sleeping until the season premier.....

  27. While Juliet does have an above average rack... her behind is saggy.

    I used to come to this site every week to read your commentaries, unfortunately I not only missed coming here the last season, I have missed the show. Gave up television. sigh
    I do plan on getting the dvd's eventually, but until then, I will be returning here to find out what is going on!

  28. Lori, I appreciate you reading and commenting at my humble blog. I will endeavor to be more descriptive in future updates.

  29. I have a million and one questions i'd like answered but i'll just leave you these;
    1, What was the significance of Walt appearing to speak backwards?
    2, Who or what built the wheel that was used to time shift the island?
    3, Why hasn't Hurley lost any weight in all the time they've been on the island?
    4, How can polar bears survive on a tropical island?
    5, How does Ben seem to know so much more than the "Others" when they've been on the island long before he even arrived?

    I'd also like to congratulate you on a great website, some good theories and some great topics of discussion.

  30. 1, I touched on this in previous updates. I believe that Walt along with several other Losties have found the secret, that they are in a virtual reality and can now manipulate the reality just like many people can change the outcome of one's dreams.
    2. The wheel, is merely a symbol in the virtual reality world, which is the reset the game button.
    3. Hurley hasn't lost any weight for he has only been on the island for 108 days plus the Dharma Initiative drops food and supplies.
    4. Polar bears can survive on tropical islands, but their skin pigment makes it more difficult.
    5. Because Ben was with the Dharma Initiative and was privvy to their magnetic and other experiments conducted on the island.

    And thank you and we'd like to hear your theories.


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