Showing posts with label government coverup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label government coverup. Show all posts


Mars Moon Phobos Is Hollow

Mars Moon Phobos Is Hollow
Mars Moon Phobos Not Made Of Cheese
With the arrival of two more rovers transmitting data from the planet Mars, it's moon Phobo's has sparked interest once again. Hopes are high that today's technology will finally be able to put to rest a 40 plus year debate on whether the moon is a natural satellite or a hollow manufactured moon. Conjecture has it that Phobos is a Martian military base abandoned long ago after Mars atmosphere escaped dooming the Martian race unless an evacuation plan was in place.

Tantalizing photographs have shown perfectly round docking ports hidden inside the moons craters which would allow Martian ships to dock and supply the base and provide transport to and from Mars.

Other photographs show an intricate mining operation on Phobos. Apparently, the moon is being concealed from prying eyes attached to powerful telescopes to keep the moon base a well guarded secret.

All of the spacecraft so far sent to Mars have focused only on landing on the red planet utterly ignoring it's moons orbiting the planet. Some speculated that the failed missions actually were targeted to land or orbit Phobos to photograph and to survey the surface. These 25 or so missions failed with the space craft going silent never to be heard or seen from again with not a single bit of data gathered. Were these spacecrafts shot down by a Phobos weapons system that is still active today even with the Martian race long since gone? Is the system some sort of automated array designed to keep it's secrets well hidden, even going as far as destroying each and every probe that dared cross it's path?

Imagine the wondrous technology just waiting to be discovered on Phobos. Perhaps on NASA's next mission, it will be announced that it is targeting Phobos to better understand it's orbit and design. That will be the official announcement while the actual mission will be to attempt to land or achieve orbit on Phobos to hopefully unlock it's technological alien wonders.

George Bush is willing to spend trillions on this project. It better be more fruitful than bringing back a couple of rocks to put into a museum.

President Bush also wants to establish a manned mission to Phobos within the next twenty years as well.



New Generation Stealth Jet

New Generation Stealth Technology
New Generation Stealth Tech
New Generation Stealth Jet

The Stealth Bomber made its debut in 1981 after years of denial that it existed by the United States Government. The Stealth project was such a closely guarded secret that only a handful of people knew of it’s entire capabilities.

As flight tests of the Stealth began at Area 51, the supposedly secret base hidden in the Nevada desert, UFO sightings began to increase in not only that region, but in others as well. Until the Stealth debuted, the popular explanation was UFO’s. Now that the Stealth is common knowledge, many of the UFO sightings were explained away as people actually spotting the Stealth on one of its many secret flights. Or, maybe that’s what the Government wants the public to believe. But that’s another conspiracy theory that the Grassy Knoll Institute won’t get into right now.

With the extremely successful Stealth bomber and fighter jets at the ripe old age of 24 years, the Grassy Knoll Institute has uncovered the next generation of the Stealth Jet. The past 20 plus years of new design and technology has been outfitted to the new stealth and is now close to it's immediate parent of the space ship that crashed at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.

There are two types of new generation Stealth planes being tested at Area 51. One is the logical next step to the original stealth with vast improvements to engine design and output, with increased payload capacity, longer mission range, more nimble manueverability, and speeds upwards to Mach 10. This is the stealth plane that will eventually be debuted in an upcoming war or border skirmish. It will have the look and feel of the atypical stealth, (single wing, charcoal in color, hidden engines) but with the added bonus features and additions of light refracting prisms that will make the stealth undetectable to the human eye as well as the most sophisicated radar detection devices. Rumor has it that the new Stealth jet will be flown by remote control eliminating any possible harm to the pilot in combat missions.

The second type is a radical new design plane that has the appearance of a flying black triangle. The new stealth is rumored to be able to escape the boundaries of Earths atmosphere and operate in space better than our current space shuttle. The design is attracting many UFO sightings as eyewitnesses describe giant black triangles appearing in the night sky, hovering quietly, and then speeding out of sight in the blink of an eye. Many feel that most of the so-called alien triangle ship sightings can be attributed to the new generation USAF Stealth plane. The power plant of this stealth is the first of it's kind using nuclear power as it's fuel giving the plane unlimited range inside earths atmosphere or in the cold vastness of space. The need to stop and refuel is now nonexistent and only the limitations of the pilot will ground the plane.

The speed of the new stealth is almost unlimited in space. By utilizing it's sleek triangle plane design the stealth has zero drag enabling the plane to resist heat and friction as it accelerates past speeds we could only once imagine. With it's unlimited power supply, the new stealth will pioneer the beginning of the next step of space exploration. The new stealth will be able to rocket to the moon and back in just under a day. A manned Mars exploration will now be possible with the new stealth reaching the red planet in mere weeks.

A new dawn in mankind exploration has begun with the new millennium and by the end of the zero decade, manned flights to Mars and beyond will be a common occurrence.



Roswell Crash

Roswell Alien Crash Coverup Conspiracy
Roswell Alien Coverup 
Roswell Crash Conspiracy

At the turn of the 20th century, the United States was in the golden age of industrial technology and wonder. Steam turbine engines were all the rage enabling machines to work harder and faster. It was also the dawn of the horseless carriage with Henry Ford forging the way with his Model "T" automobile and his unique assembly line production of the vehicle.

Several years later, the Wright brothers took flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and humankind had thought they had reached their zenith of technology. Medicine however, was still in the dark ages with crude surgical tools and pot luck diagnosis.

As the 20th century advanced, improvements on the automobile, airplane, and medicine were slow and painstaking. Until that is, that fateful night, in the summer of 1947, when an alien spacecraft crash landed on Dan Wilmot's farm in Roswell, New Mexico. Major Marcel headed up the investigation and subsequent coverup as what the military found was a crashed vehicle from another world. An official Unidentified Flying Object.

Of course there were many eye witnesses that called the police, newspaper, and radio stations to report what they had seen and heard. The military wanted to keep a lid on this event and needed a cover story. The following scenario was a simple stroke of genius by the military. They decided to let the stories run wild of little green men from Mars crash landing in New Mexico. With each and every new story, the tales became bigger and bigger, and more outlandish. Even the local newspaper printed articles of the military capturing a flying saucer from another planet. The seeds were now planted.

The military being pressed for answers held a news conference and explained matter-of-factly that the people of Roswell were becoming paranoid thinking that they saw strange lights in the sky, or worse, alien space crafts circling the town and surrounding mountains. Major Marcel told the press that what the townsfolk actually saw was a military weather balloon that had malfunctioned and crashed on Dan Wilmot's farm.

Marcel held up and put on display the remains from the wreckage. Some tin foil, cables, wires, a torn silver balloon, and some junk switches and gadgets were shown. He convinced the townsfolk that in fact it was a simple crash of a malfunctioning weather balloon doing routine surveys.

The military held its collective breath. Days past. Interest waned. The news stories slowed and finally stopped coming in. The military exhaled. The town went back to normal. And the Military pulled off a huge coverup and began one of the longest ongoing conspiracies in the United States today.

The technology mined from the alien crashed ship has bolstered the United States military might of the United States and it continues today as we understand more of the technology left behind.



Apollo Moon Hoax

moon hoax

The 60's. A very turbulent time in our history. President Kennedy was assassinated. His brother Bobby killed while campaigning for the presidency. Martin Luther King shot to death at a rally. The height of the Vietnam war, Woodstock. The Cuban Missile Crisis. Peace, Love, and rock and roll. The Cold War. And a race to land a man on the moon between the Soviets and the United States. A race fueled by a pledge from JFK to land a man on the moon by the turn of the decade. In July of 1969, the United States had won the space race and Neil Armstrong took that one long leap for mankind.

Or did he?......Was the moon landing and Apollo program a mass Government conspiracy to fool the American public and the world to prove that American technology and know how was second to none?

The Grassy Knoll Institute thinks not....Sure we all saw the FOX special on TV and were led to believe that the entire moon landing was done on a giant set created with the lavishness of Hollywood. The set was supposedly located somewhere in Nevada and the astronauts were shuttled in and out on a daily basis while they practiced their lines and routines. So, here we are, all the hoopla of the media talking of the Apollo launch and that Americans will be the first to reach the moon, and not one photo was taken of the astronauts on the shuttle bus going to and fro to the moon set? Not once has anyone of the thousands of people involved produced hard evidence of the hoax? Not one of the hundreds of officials has come clean and announced it was a hoax? Never once were any photos of the studio stage ever published. Why? Because there are none.
moom hoax 2

Moving on to the photos on the moon. The conspiracy theorists say they were doctored. This Photo shows the flag in the foreground, an astronaut saluting in the back, and the LEM lander. But where are the stars? There are no stars in the sky. Why? Well, any photographer will tell you that pointing the lens towards the sun blocks out the back ground and any stars would be to dim to show up against the suns contrast.

moon 03

This Photo begs the question, what are those two bright light blobs on the left? Are they spotlights to illuminate the landscape to get better pictures? Again, any photographer will tell you that all photos are never perfect and that at times, imperfections occur. Sometimes the film gets over exposed, and splotches appear on the film. Take a look at your own family album and I'm sure you will find several over exposed photos.

moon 4

This Photo shows that the photographer was above their target. Was he on a platform high above to get a good shot? Of course not. The moons surface is not flat. There are hills and peaks and crevices on the moon. You can see that the subject astronaut is standing in a depression and that the astronaut taking the photo was simply standing on a higher surface plane.

Let us also realize that these men were astronauts, not photographers, and also had a very cumbersome space suit to deal with when snapping pictures. Not every photo will come out perfect. Some should be out of focus, overexposed, and cropped badly.

In closing, not a single shred of hard evidence has ever been disclosed. Ever. Not one interview or press announcement by NASA or the Government.

The Grassy Knoll Institute believes that Neil Armstrong really did fly to the moon in the Apollo space rocket and that he did take that historic step on the moon in 1969.