Halloween is the season of outlandish costumes but sometimes, after close observation, you just have to say, WTF?
Photo #1: Don’t know if both bleach blonde women have really bad Halloween costumes or really bad botox injections. Either way, WTF?
Photo #2: Back in the 1960’s when I went to Catholic grade school, the nuns only carried rulers, chalk board erasers, and yard sticks to inflict pain on the students. But chainsaws, WTF? Of course, I would probably have learned to play the flute-o-phone instead of fooling around.
Photo #3: A typical girl outside jumping rope. Upon further inspection, click the pgoto and take a good look at her mouth. Reminds me of Monty Python, "With big nasty pointy teeth!" Hey, WTF, is that the Big Ben tower in the background?
Happy Halloween