

Lost Update - Thunder Only Happens When It Is Raining

Lost Update - Season Six - 04/06/2010

Now here I go again, I see, the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and...
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness...
Like a heartbeat drives you mad...
In the stillness of remembering
What you had
And what you lost...
What you had...
Ooh, what you lost

Tonight we finally got to see Desmond's sideways flash. He meets up with Charles Widmore, his both and business partner, Charlie, who he is keeping safe until a concert is performed, Claire, at the airport, Jack, in the hospital, Hurley, at the airport, Faraday, Eloise, and Penny. Desmond has a perfect job, power, money, influence, and the respect of Charles Widmore. So much so that he shares a drink of 60 year of MacCutcheon scotch. The trouble is, none of its real. And just like Desmond, I've been going round and round with my theory for six years.

Just what is the Grassy Knoll Institutes Lost theory….I’ve been waiting six years to tell you…..
Although it appears the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 are on a tropical island, they are being deceived. There is no island. The survivors are in a virtual reality laboratory. All the castaways are interconnected to one another sharing each others thoughts, memories, and feelings. While in this virtual reality laboratory, a battery of physical and mental experiments are performed on them. And who is running these experiments? As Juliet stated, the Aliens of course.

In Desmond's sideways flash, he had a fantastic life. He was rich, respected, traveled the world, all the perks of wealth, with no emotional ties. He was Widmore's right hand man, his go to man, and even shared that elusive scotch.

However, Desmond has been thrust into yet another psychological experiment. This time around, he has been given everything in life. Except the one thing he truly wanted. Penny's love. Desmond's constant. Without Penny, Desmond was a ship without an anchor, listing off the shore, waiting to dock. When he meets Penny in this new scenario, he is truly happy.

Stay with me, for just a little bit longer. I stated several years ago that Desmond became aware of the time loop he was in. Of all the different scenario's he was placed in. Saving Charlies life countless times, pushing the button, being with Penny, and waking up and doing it all over again. No matter how he tried to change the course of events, it always ended the same way. Desmond knew this after saving charlie from death countless times. What happens, happened.

The question is why is Desmond and all the other castaways being put through these scenario's? I told you before. The one's doing the experiments and resting liken us to cattle, primates, less evolved. It's aliens manipulating them in a vast virtual reality laboratory. The best way to harvest accurate test results is to have the subjects unaware of outside influence.

I'll add one more bit of information before we get to the tidbits of tonight's episode. When Desmond was talking to Daniel, (Faraday - Widmore) Daniel told him that he had a dream, and while dreaming, he wrote a scientific equation in his notebook. Desmond asked him what it meant but Daniel had no idea. He took it to a friend on campus and was told it was formula's of quantum mechanics so advanced, a person would have to have studied for years just to begin to understand it.

Again, and I'll only state this 6 more times this year, it's alien technology that Daniel was somehow able to extract during one of his many virtual reality scenario's. It's part of how they are all controlled, how they can experience time travel while not really going anywhere. How the castaways are cast into multiple scenario's. How the castaways can have varying personalities. How the castaways choose good over evil, or evil over good. Even life and death itself. Over and over. Until they are finished with them. Until the island is finished with them. Until the aliens have collected enough data and are satisfied with said results.

Tidbits From Tonight's Episode:

* Desmond to Charlie: There's always a choice.

* Daniel is Widmore's son.

* Eloise tells Desmond to just stop looking. Perhaps that is how Desmond will end his loop. By simply stopping.

* Daniel tells Desmond, what if we had some other life and we're not supposed to be living this one.

* Daniel believes he may have already detonated the nuclear bomb.

* No smoke monster tonight.

* Desmond and Charlie drowning, Charlies shows his hand to Desmond with Not Penny's Boat written on it. Just like in past scenario.

* Drive Shaft song. You All Everybody is playing on radio.

*Widmore chances Desmond's life with risky experiment. Desmond survives.

* Sayid kills Widmore's men, tells Zoe to run and tells Desmond that they are very bad men. Desmond seems to know, and goes along with Sayid.

* Penny, while in the stadium, if you look closely, has a wardrobe malfunction and a nipple slip occurs as she is running down the stadium stairs. (No, not really. Just hoping it was so)

* Charlie, right before he died on the plane, saw true love, a beautiful blond woman, could be Claire. That's my guess.

* Jumping ahead, in Jack's upcoming sideway flash, his wife is Juliet, and she is secretly seeing Sawyer. Just throwing it out there, just guessing. Fodder for next week.

* Desmond wants Oceanic Flight 815's manifest.

Until Next Week, Get Lost.



  1. Right On Dez4/06/2010 7:51 PM

    Was waiting for this episode for a liong time, desmond is the key to the entire island and mystery, he controls everything but he deson't know it, yes, he has been in a time loop but he doesn't realize that he controls the other people as well. When desmond wakes up, all things shift, when desmond stops, everyone will wake up.

  2. Lost Forever4/06/2010 7:56 PM

    Begrudgingly, I have to give you credit with sticking to your theory all this time. It really is a hard one to disporve. In late may, we will know the truth. This season does hit home the tests the losties are put through. Each one given multiple challenges, a choice to go either way, good or bad. A lot have chosen bad. Never thought Sayid would turn. Maybe he's just playing, waiting for the right chance.

  3. Red Tipped For Fun4/06/2010 8:15 PM

    Same as last week. More questions but no answers. theres only 5 weeks left and the writers have their heads up their ass. Grassy knoll you maybe right by default, the writers wont have time to create a proper ending and just toss out aliens and say, there, tada.

  4. I thought it was an excellent episode. Showing Desmond as a successful businessman, drinking the expensive scotch that Widmore said he would never waste on him. Could the electomagnetic test Widmore put Desmond through be the cause of Desmonds many alternate realities. 5 more than the finale to go. Can't wait for Tuesday already.

  5. I hate this show.. I am never watching it again...

  6. Desmond did become the first to understand what was happening on the island. He realized that no matter how hard he tried to save Charlie, he always died. Now he understands the time loop he is in, and by the way he acted with Widmore and Sayid at the end of the program, believed he can now manipulate coming events. We shall see.

  7. Thank you Lost Forever.
    My theory is hard to disprove. That's why I picked it. :)
    But everyone castaways, not just Desmond, have been subjected to a battery of tests countless times. Each time the results are tabulated and if they are not want is wanted, they begin again.

  8. Tada!
    Perhaps not right by default, but correct using logic. And I'm sticking with that.

  9. Exactly, just another experiment on Desmond to see how love, or the lack thereof, influences human personality and decision making.

  10. Great find Max, very good read. However, this is FOX news we're talking about here. The Grassy Knoll Institute is more reliable.

  11. Don't worry, you already know the ending since you read my blog.

  12. Fox keeps saying he's never watching it again and he keeps coming back to read your blog and I am sure watching the show.

    Fox, you are going to watch all the episodes and read this blog, so stop the complaining and just enjoy the end.

  13. but I want to complain. I am still convinced all the losties are dead or dying. Someone like Sayid knows their is no redemption for him so he is just happy being evil.

    I also think Lost is all about Polygamy. I have to go to work, but I will explain later...

    Another part of me thinks Scientologist are behind this show, and they are poking fun at everyone else's religious beliefs....

  14. Fox wrote...
    "I also think Lost is all about Polygamy."

    I think you have Big Love and Lost confused.

  15. I think that Kate is going to die. Sawyer too. If Sawyer doesn't get Juliet back he might die.
    Do you think Jacob answers to sombody??

  16. If time travel into the past is possible we would already know about it because time would cease to exist linearly as we know it now, and mearly become a destination as in space. with the invention of the plane, the world became smaller because we could travel relitively easily in a short amount of time. If time travel were possible everyone at some point would know about it and be able to do it, just as we do today with planes. Think Time ports, or time stations. it may cost an arm and a leg but it would happen. which means that today we would have these same ports so we could travel to the future or past. unless it were only possible to do it once the port was built, which means we couldnt' be reached, but in the future it is possible to time travel back, but only to the point of the first port. Did that make any sence to anyone other than myself?

    oh and by the way great episode. Des will now search out the rest of the castaways and make them aware, once all are aware, they will break the cycle. You can't really experiment on someone if they know they are a subject, the data won't be pure.

  17. Yes Jacob answers to someone, as does MIB. Someone had to make the rules MIB is trying to break. (I'll say it for LOTGK, they answer to the aliens.) Sawyer won't die, he'll be the next MiB. Kate will die, Sawyer will blame Jack (the new Jacob). Hurly will somehow kill MIB, and die shortly after.

    I'm still waiting for Libby, Eco, Ana Lucia to pop up in LA.

  18. Joker, there is one problem in time travel to the past. What happens if I were to travel to the past, and while there, murder my grandfather before my father was conceived. Thus, erasing my existence. Hence, if I were never born, then how could I have traveled back in time to murder my grandfather.

    I believe that one day time travel will be possible, but only to the future. I will quote a line from Lost to sum up time travel to the past.
    Whatever happened, happened.

  19. Hell, a hell of a lot of people are going to die. Remember at the end of season five with Jacob and MIB talking, it was alluded to believe that every previous test group died leaving a blank canvas to begin again.

  20. I will be sad when LOST ends because I think it's the best thing to ever be on TV, but I will also miss these posts and they accompanying comments too. They never fail to make me giggle and I can't believe how many people are getting behind your theory. Dude, you need to start a cult, repeat shit over and over and people will buy it eventually ;)

    There were a lot of revelations this week. Yes Des is very important to the endgame but I don't think he is the only one who travels between the realities... maybe he's just the "Neo" of the show, he has the power to bend the reality.

    Nothing makes me happier than to have Desmond back. You know how you (we?) feel about Juliet's rack? That is how I feel about Desmond's accent. rowr

  21. Everyone has a boss. Everyone answers to someone.
    As for Libby, your wait is over, she appears next week. Ana also appears in upcoming episodes,

    I believe Juliet is Jacks wife in the sideway flash, and is the mother of young David.

    I believe everyone is eliminated. Notice I didn't say die, just eliminated. As in deleted, or reset, as in a video game, a virtual reality video game.

  22. Very true Ben. I will also miss the show, it is written on the same scale as the Twilight zone was, and that is high praise indeed. I will also miss the interaction between the viewers here with their wide range of emotion and theories. When I wrote the very first Lost Update, it was on the network. I had to post my email address to elicit comments. I managed about 3 comments per update. Moving it all over to Wordpress was one of my more smarter moves. And I don't have many. (Patty said I had one, marrying her)

    And yes, a few people are finally beginning to see the light and logic of my theory. And just as is happening on Lost, my fate will be split into two alternate realities. At 11pm May 23rd, people will either flock to my site in disbelief that I was correct all along and they will feel proud as well knowing the secret long before the millions of other people. The second alternate reality at the stroke of 11pm will have people flocking to my site to post "SUCKER" and "YOU ARE WRONG" comments with plenty of HA HA HA'S and ROTFLMAO.

    Concerning Desmond, since you are a reader of this blog, you already knew several years ago that Desmond was a critical part of the Lost secret. He was the first to understand what was happening and now I believe he has some sort of control on the outcome.

    I will bring up the first chance meeting between Desmond and Jack at the stadium way back in season one. Desmond upon leaving, told Jack, "See you in another life brotha!" At that point, the writers revealed to us what was happening. A continuous time loop of all the castaways. Giving them all a choice, in fact, as many choices as needed to secure a favorable outcome. Positive data, results.

    And I do have a cult, I am the curator of the Grassy Knoll Institute. All people are welcome to join. Except for the fucking French.

  23. Addendum: When the Lost series finale airs, it will be a relief to divulge some of the Grassy Knoll Institute secrets revealed to us over the past six years. I think Ben and several other readers, Gumby, Max, Val, who was privvy to some of these secrets, know what I'm referring to. It's almost as if I'm operating from a script.....
    Good night everyone.

  24. Hey LOTGK

    When and where did Juliet say it was the "Aliens". Ive searched for it and i cant find it anywhere and i dont ever remember her saying that. Can you post a link or a video or something of the scene where she says that.

  25. are you saying you have insider knowledge, that you are a writer for the show? If so, why would ABC allow you to expose the theory.

  26. Van Demon, the episode I refer to is the season three finale. If you have it on DVD, watch it, its a great shout out. Here are the links to my two updates concerning the runway for the aliens.

  27. Vance, no, I am not in any way associated with ABC or the Lost production.
    However, it would be a perfect ploy for ABC to put out the correct theory on the show. If you remember, they created many websites on Hanso, Dharman, and characters that were on the show. All to fool us. Why not add the correct answer.

  28. Champion effort on the reply mate, shame the video got taken down. Hmmm... Could it be possible they were building a runway for the ajira flight lockes corpse was on. because as they were coming in to land/crash horribly into the island, you can see there is a runway there for them to land on. Also Juliet was still working for ben at the time and remember, ben always lies and besides why would she tell the "prisoners" anything about what was going on there they had no reason to know.

  29. Yes, I saw the video was taken down. Oh well. Anyway, sawyer, while talking to Juliet after breaking rocks in the hot sun asked her, "Why are we breaking up these rocks into smaller rocks." Juliet replied, "We're building a runway." Sawyer looked surprised and or disgusted and asked, "A runway, a runway for what?" Juliet stopped, smirked a tad, and then in a tongue in cheek reply said, "For the aliens!"

    And yes, the runway is for the Ajira flight 360 that landed on Hydra island. But at the end of season three, no one knew the wiser.

  30. One thing of note, that may or may not have HUGE significance, and I have not heard much talk about. When Demond was cycling through the 2 time lines, he actually "passes out" in front of Penny when he jumps back to the island timeline. This has to mean something, if not everything.

    Any thoughts?

  31. Good call Darren. As stated before, Desmond is in a time loop, and his path is constantly reset. Perhaps his loss of consciousness is the cause of his reset.

  32. I was wondering if you think Shannon or Boone might make anymore appearances. Not that either are to vital to the show being killed off so early. But Sayid's role seems pretty important right now and he and Shannon had a special love and bond.

  33. Yes, they both will make an appearance. Trust me.

  34. I predict Fox watching the show tomorrow. He cant stop now. He's come to far. He;; go crazy if he doesn't.

  35. Yea, agreed, I don't think he can not watch the final episodes and not find out exactly what is happening. Fox, are you reading?

  36. yes.. I'm a lost addict.. I need help..

  37. Don't worry, it'll all be over in a few weeks. Hang in there till then.


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